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Cardiology is the branch of medical science dealing with heart and heart- related

diseases. Heart is a complex organ, can be subjected to multiple diseases and

may lead to systemic manifestations in other organ systems of the body. Being

one of the most vital organ, if affected with acute conditions, it may lead to

fatalities. Cardiac diseases are related specifically to the heart, whereas,

cardiovascular diseases include involvement of blood vessels too. The heart and

the blood vessels together form the cardiovascular system, and the disease of

this particular system is referred to as cardiovascular disease.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system can affect anyone irrespective of

their age. Septal defects of the new born are commonly heard heart

complications in the Paediatric cardiology department. On the other hand, the

spectrum of cardiovascular diseases among the adults is too wide, it

encompasses hypertension, heart attack, cholesterol deposition in the walls of

blood vessels, etc.

Considering the complexity of the diseases, a wide range of cardiac health

check packages and diagnostic tests are made available for an easy and prompt

diagnosis. Test like ECG, Stress Echo, Angiography, Cardiac markers are used to

diagnose the heart diseases and their subsequent complications.

With advent of modern technology and developments in medical sciences,

the need of an open heart surgery has reduced substantially. A cardiac patient

with blockage of heart vessels can opt for angioplasty which is a minimally

invasive procedure and can be conducted within few minutes without requiring

long hospital stay. The patient may need a pacemaker, a by- pass grafting or

even a heart transplant depending on the disease condition.

2. Oncology

Oncology is a branch of medicine which deals with cancer. Cancer is a condition

characterised by uncontrolled growth of cells. People often use the terms

tumour and cancer interchangeably. However, there is a vast difference

between the two. A tumour is a growth of cells which is always restricted to its

original site, on the other hand, cancer is a condition which has the tendency to

spread to other organs of the body. It is important to have a clear understanding

of the two terms for a correct diagnosis. Every cancer is a tumour, but every

tumour is not a cancer.

Cancer can develop in any part of the body and may affect any age group.

Some of the commonly found cancers are blood cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical

cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, rectal cancer, colon cancer, and so on. The

spread of cancer from one part of the body to another occurs when the cancer

progresses to an advanced stage. Contrary to the age old beliefs, cancer is

curable nowadays. The advancements in the field of medicine have made the

disease a curable one.

One of the most important factor in the development of cancer is genetic

predisposition. Therefore, an early diagnosis and screening of the disease

condition can help in reducing the chances of the disease and combat the impact

of the disease at an early stage. Advent of radiotherapy and chemotherapy have

made the treatment of some of the most dangerous forms of cancer possible. A

multidisciplinary approach may be required at times to treat the disease

The outcome of the disease largely depends on the stage at which it was

diagnosed. An early diagnosis and timely treatment can improve the overall

Quality of Life (QoL) significantly.

3. Spinal Diseases

Spinal diseases comprises of a spectrum of diseases affecting the spine or the

backbone. The backbone is made up of many small bones called as vertebra

which are joined together. The vertebra extends from the nape of the neck up to

the lower back. Due to high mobility in the neck region, the vertebra of the neck,

also known as cervical vertebra is highly prone to diseases. Undue strain on the

vertebra may lead to degenerative changes in the bone subsequently resulting in

decreased disc space and loss of mobility.

Increasing age, prolonged screen time and repetitive and excessive strain

on the backbone can be a major reason for development of spinal diseases. The

spine encloses the spinal cord which is an integral part of the nervous system.

The nerves emerge out from the space between two vertebrae. Loss of disc

space leads to increased pressure on the nerve roots. As each nerve supplies a

different part of the body, the pain arising as a result of spinal diseases may be

felt in distant parts of body which are apparently not related to the spine. For

example, a patient having spinal disease may not have any discomfort in the

back, but may have pain the legs. This is also known as referred pain. This

phenomenon of pain radiation may lead to a difficult diagnosis and can mimic

other diseases.
Scoliosis is a rare condition of the spine which is characterized by curving

of the spine towards one side of the body. Spinal tumour is yet another

commonly found disease of the spine. Spinal injuries are quite common and may

occur as a result of a violent fall or an accident. Spondylitis is an inflammatory

condition of the spine and can lead to excruciating pain in the back.

Depending on the disease condition, a patient may require disc

replacement surgery, open lumbar microscopic discectomy and vertebroplasty.

4. Dermatology

Dermatology is the study of skin diseases and their treatment. This branch

includes both surgical and medicinal aspects of care. Dermatology includes

diseases of skin, scalp, nails and hair. The desire to look good is inherent in every

individual. It is this desire that has given rise to this branch of medicine. When

one looks beautiful, he feels good about himself, he develops a sense of


The influence of harsh medicines, environmental pollution and

genetic factors combined together had led to the development of multiple

diseases associated with skin and hair. Warts, scars, pigmentation, vitiligo etc.

are some of the commonly found clinical conditions nowadays. The choice of

treatment is based on the condition and the part of the body affected.

With increasing importance of aesthetics in various professional fields, the

need of treatments which gives person the desired look has increased manifold.

Unwanted hair removal, rhinoplasty, breast reduction, breast augmentation,

liposuction, botox fillers and so on, are gaining popularity among the masses at a

rapid pace.

Use of botox, wrinkle fillers and certain anti-ageing treatments are known

to reduce the effects of ageing process on the skin. Increasing BMI and growing

waist size is another matter of concern among the people nowadays. Liposuction

and cool sculpting can not only reduce the fat deposits beneath the skin, but can

also help in treating a person who is suffering with low self-esteem due to his

morbid obesity.

A pleasant appearance not only boosts the self-confidence of the person,

but also leads to an overall development in the personality.

5. Obs Gyn

Owing to the complex anatomy of the female body, women are susceptible to

many diseases which are specific to them. As a girl approaches puberty, her

predisposition towards gynaecological diseases increase up to several times.

A female undergoes through a series of physiological changes from the pre

conception to post pregnancy phase. The transition from being a girl to a

woman and then to a mother and ultimately an elderly lady is undoubtedly


PCOS, uterine fibroid, leucorrhoea are some of the common conditions that

females in the reproductive age suffer with. Hormonal diseases like

Hypothyroidism also affects the menstrual cycle up to a great extent and can
affect reproduction. Breast cancer and cervical cancer are two most

commonly found cancers in women which require medical intervention.

Similarly, talking about obstetrics, many conditions like pregnancy induced

hypertension, gestational diabetes mellitus, diseases of the new born, and

post- partum depression are some of the medical conditions requiring medical


Minimal access laparoscopy has proved to be a boon for many such cases

which earlier required surgical intervention. It not only decreases the length

of stay at the hospital, but also reduces the chances of bleeding and post-

surgical infections.

Infertility is yet another complication that is prevalent nowadays. The

causes can be higher age of marriage, sedentary lifestyle and stress. IVF

treatments have made the dreams of all such childless couples come true.

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