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User Test Plan

Our plan for usability testing is to test the effectiveness and usefulness of the website, its
content and the navigation of Second Chance Wildlife Rescue Association. The usability
test will allow us to test and see the how the finalized version of the website would
resonate with the audience in order to make changes before presenting the project to the

Our overall goal is to make sure that the information can be easily found and
comprehended by the appropriate audience on the website. From our personas we have
found that there are several reasons that our audience will seek out on the website:
Call the hotline if in need
Find further assistance
Understand who Second Chance Wildlife are and how they are different
Sign-up to volunteer
Learn about the outreach programs
Find out about the upcoming events

Schedule & Location
We plan to meet in room 254 on Monday April 3rd to conduct usability testing for our

Usability test session
We will have two members conduct the usability test in order to ensure that there are
sufficient notes taken during the tests in order to allow for our group to understand
what improvements need to be made. The usability tests will involve 2 40-60 minute
sessions in order to provide enough test for our users to find relevant information and
answer questions regarding the site.

What we will use to conduct
We will have users conduct the tests with the device that they are most comfortable
using in their day to day lives. This will ensure for a variety of different devices to give
our group feedback on what is working for one view, but is limiting for another.

Participants & Scenarios
We have separated out each type of participant that is relevant to our test, based on
tasks they would most likely complete on the Second Chance Wildlife website. These
participants will be made through connections of individuals in the group.

Someone who has found an injured animal
Students that have cared for animals.
Community members that have an interest in wildlife.

1. Starting at the home page, be able to answer the following questions:
What is the organizations mission?
What animals does the organization not accept?
When will you be called back when using the helpline?
If you found an animal what do you do?
Can you find information regarding the helpline?

Someone looking to donate

Community member who have a deep seated love of wildlife.
People who have donated to the organization or similar wildlife organizations.

Starting at the home page, be able to answer the following questions:
How do you donate to the organization?
What kinds of payment does the organization accept?
Are there other ways of donating?
Can you support individual projects?
How does your donation help local wildlife?

Someone interested in volunteering
Biology, zoology, environmental science students.
People who have volunteered for similar organizations in the past.

Starting at the home page, be able to answer the following questions:
Where would you go to find information about how to become a rehabber?
How do you sign up?
Where would you go to find information about how volunteers are
What is the difference between a general rehabber and a trained rehabber?
If you are younger than 18 where would you go to find information about
volunteering events?
After training what kind of volunteer would you become?
How long is the training?

Someone interested in wildlife education
Students and community members that like animals and want to learn the
procedures for caring for wildlife.

Starting at the home page, be able to answer the following questions:
Where would you go to learn about wildlife training?
What age do you have to be to sign up for training to become an active
wildlife rehabber?
Where does the organization send wildlife educators?
Where would you go if you want to support Second Chance Wildlife in
training more volunteers?
What are ambassador animals?
Where would you go to seek more information about signing up?
Where would you go to learn about volunteering at upcoming events?
How long is a training session?
Where would you go if you want to contact the organization with questions
regarding signup?

How we will test

Before we start the testing we will ask questions of the participants to better understand
their background with their familiarity with the organizations/similar organizations and
how they surf the web.

Age (circle one): 0-18 19-25 26-40 41-60 61-80 80+

One a scale from 1-5, with 1 being Not at All and 5 being Very, how comfortable are
you with using technology (circle one)?
How many hours each day do you spend online (circle one)? 0-2 3-5 6-10 10+
Where do you most commonly browse the web (circle
one)? Home Work School Other
What device do you use most often to browse the web?
Do you have any previous experience with the Second Chance Wildlife Rescue
Association? (Y/N)
a. If yes, what do you know about them?

Do you have any previous experience with nonprofits, specifically with nonprofit
websites? (Y/N)
b. If yes, please explain.
c. What would you expect to find on a nonprofit website?

What do you know (or what can you assume) about good web design?

After the testing is finished we will conduct post test questions for the participants to see
how they felt when using the website:
This website was easy to use.
I would use this website often.
When using the website, I always know where I am in the page hierarchy.
It would be easy for most people to learn how to use this website.
I could find the information I needed quickly.
The look and feel of the home page makes me want to explore the website.
Content on this website would keep me coming back.
I appreciate the way this website is organized.

Test measurements
During the usability test we will also be making not of:
How long it takes for the participant to reach their desired page and what means
they took to access it?
How long the test took for the user to complete.
If there were any errors.
How many clicks it took for the participant to complete the set task.
Was there a successful completion of the desired task.

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