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17 March 2010 14:30
added hw deletion functionality;
improved logic to display/hide links on single hw view;
modified validation msg for existing email address;
set up emails to be sent when credits are updated monthly;
fixed problem of modal dialog for removing attachments;
added lines on signup form explaining free credits;
improved logic and logging for updating credits monthly;

17 March 2010 14:30
updated footer text

17 March 2010 18:25
made minor changes to faq;
added users listing for admin

17 March 2010 18:32
made minor changes to users listing

17 March 2010 19:24
updated credits auto-update logic to start from tomorrow
18 March 2010 12:06
attempting to work out the ie overlay dialog box problem

18 March 2010 12:15
modified footer;
re-added google analytics code

18 March 2010 12:26
removed cancel icon from reset password form and put simple styled link instead

18 March 2010 12:29, 12:32 12:47
attempting to fix ie styling issues for pwd reset form

18 March 2010 12:56
ie styling issues for pwd reset form is fixed;
attempting to fix excess button padding in ie

18 March 2010 13:55
added more information to the users listing for admin

18 March 2010 14:28
attempting to make school autocomplete more intuitive

18 March 2010 14:45
made school and subject auto-complete more intuitive;
improved school address line

18 March 2010 14:59
removed extra spacing around title image;
tweaked bits of wording for hw calendar

18 March 2010 15:07
switched the close icon

18 March 2010 15:15
added the demo video link

18 March 2010 15:17
added a 'back to home page' link to the video

18 March 2010 18:30
added the youtube logo and link to demo video on core home page;
tweaked side panel for hw form;

18 March 2010 18:44
made minor change to demo video link on core home page

18 March 2010 18:59
tweaked styling for core home page

22 March 2010 11:45
developed mechanism to mark users as suspicious and add them to blacklist;
restructured home page and added landing pages for different user types

22 March 2010 12:14
redirected sign up to teachers page instead of core home page;
tweaked intro section for ie width issues

22 March 2010 12:14, 12:19, 12:22
tweaked intro section styling for ie alignment issues

22 March 2010 12:35, 12:40, 12:46, 12:48
attempting to fix school user guide steps alignment with image in ie

22 March 2010 15:00
updated logic to provide 25 default free credits and 15+10 on invitation

22 March 2010 15:18
attempting to sort out glitch with suspicious user check on staging

22 March 2010 15:32
fixed glitch with suspicious user check on staging;
improved credit allocation logic for new users

22 March 2010 15:37
improved credit allocation logic for new users
22 March 2010 16:32
strengthened logic for detecting suspicious/blacklisted users

22 March 2010 16:36
minor tweak to logic for detecting suspicious/blacklisted users in pwd reset con

22 March 2010 17:02
tweaked logic to allow window title to be different from page heading

22 March 2010 17:48
renamed share button file

22 March 2010 17:55
modified footer text

25 March 2010 18:24
added visual cue to prevent users from looking up other schools when logged in;
added small section to display search criteria; swapped subject and class in sea
rch bar; tweaked admin user listing; set up morning email hw reminders; re-style
d login link; fixed route for admin schools listing; added terms of service, hou
se rules, and privacy policy; modified example page

25 March 2010 19:00
testing morning reminder emails;
testing nudge and weekly summary emails;
testing weekly summary emails;
done testing emails and setting up their correct scheduling

31 March 2010 17:45
revamped auto-complete for school and subject search with xapian;
tweaked hw posting logic to fix dates glitch and added year-group selection indi
restructured invitations module;
created a school search section;
fixed glitch for login with wrong email address;
reinforced credits count on activation;
added agreement checkbox to signup form;
modified signup completion to show message in text instead of flash;
added 'due today' message to deadline boxes;
modified hover message for home icon;
tweaked signup link on example page;
fixed weekly summary email logic and updated email scheduling;

1 April 2010 16:25
tweaked session info on search page;
tweaked agreement checkbox styling for user form;

1 April 2010 18:54, 20:25
tweaked school search section

2 April 2010 11:03
tweaked school search section - 1.5 seconds setting

2 April 2010 00:22
revamped header and landing pages

5 April 2010 12:01
signup form:
> attempting to fix agreement checkbox styling;
> added terms of service link

5 April 2010 13:29
attempting to fix:
> dropdown extra spacing problem;
> image positioning on landing pages;
> missing png transparency;

5 April 2010 14:06
minor tweaks for:
> dropdown extra spacing problem;
> image positioning on landing pages;
> missing png transparency;

5 April 2010 14:55
minor tweaks for:
> dropdown extra spacing problem;
> general positioning on landing pages;
> missing png transparency;

5 April 2010 15:11
styling tweaks for general positioning on landing pages;

5 April 2010 15:17, 15:19, 15:23, 15:33, 15:40
styling tweaks for positioning on teachers page

5 April 2010 16:05, 16:10, 16:27, 16:41
possible fix for ie6 png issue

5 April 2010 17:02
re-doing dropdown menu

5 April 2010 17:43, 18:38, 18:52, 19:03, 19:06, 19:08, 19:12, 19:17, 19:21, 1
9:23, 19:29, 19:36,
19:38, 19:50, 19:56, 20:
14, 20:30, 20:37, 20:47, 20:55
styling tweaks for dropdown menu

5 April 2010 21:01, 21:07, 21:12, 21:17, 21:21, 21:30, 21:34
styling tweaks for dropdown menu overlap problem

5 April 2010 21:49, 21:53
6 April 10:49
styling tweak for core home page missing hover effect in ie

6 April 11:48
replaced png images with gif versions

9 April 18:16
expanded scope of application to include homework types of class tests and exams
revised homework calendar to reflect new homework types;
improved logic for handling unauthorised access to certain pages/actions and rec
ords not found;
updated school landing page with resources;

9 April 20:47
switched exam form start time plugin with own code

9 April 20:58
tweaked exam calendar view

9 April 21:05, 21:09, 21:11
tweaked calendar view legend; attempting fix for hw year group indicator

9 April 21:13
tweaked dropdown element hiding logic; still attempting fix for hw year group in

11 April 11:53
added exam boards link;
fixed calendar date boundaries issue for sunday;
added 2 more nudge emails;
added calendar links on certain emails;
added junk mail screenshot on signup complete;
modified 'share this page' section;
added google translate code;
still attempting to fix png issue

11 April 12:30
added a transparent.gif file to fix png issue

11 April 12:34
attempting to fix transparent.gif file path in css file

11 April 13:01
placed video in lightbox for links from teachers' and help centre pages;
attempting to fix ie6 logo hover problem

11 April 13:47, 14:06, 14:17, 14:24, 14:26, 14:31, 14:35, 14:53, 15:15, 15:19, 1
5:22, 15:24, 15:27
attempting to remove hover on credits text

11 April 15:32, 15:36, 16:01
attempting fix for hw year group indicator

11 April 15:32, 15:36, 16:36
hw year group indicator fixed!
added hw tips page

11 April 17:02
added a 'help and support' link to footer for logged-in users
11 April 17:30
improved calendar search bar logic

11 April 17:39
removed test code from calendar view

12 April 14:23
applied new look-and-feel to admin interface;
revamped weekly summary email logic;
modified morning reminder email logic to include class tests;

12 April 14:32
very slight tweak to weekly summary email content;

12 April 14:55
tweaked settings for testing weekly summary email

12 April 15:20
weekly summary email works;
tweaked settings for testing the 3 nudge emails;

12 April 15:51
nudge emails work;
small jquery tweak for hw datepicker;

12 April 15:59
applied hw year group indicator fix to class tests

12 April 16:04, 16:16
minor tweak to class tests year group indicator

12 April 16:22, 16:25
added right margin for typical submit button

12 April 16:22, 16:35
handled height problem for calendar exam/hw toggle bar

12 April 16:22, 17:26
ensured print view is clear of image etc. elements;
fixed header for non-logged-in calendar view;

13 April 16:32
tweaked design for example page;
added a bulb icon for hw tips link;
spaced out buttons on lightbox;
tweaked hover msg for logo;
switched teacher img on core home page;
added new exam type;
directed cancel link on forgot pwd page to login page;
added blurb about exam posting on teachers page;
re-styled search bar reset link;
styled footer links;
tweaked styling for school search bar;
tweaked styling for calendar boxes;
tweaked styling and labels for ct and exam notes and example tips;
added google translate clause to terms of service;
updated faq with info on browser support;
attempting to fix css issues for printing in ie6
tweaked design for example page; added a bulb icon for hw tips link; spaced out
buttons on lightbox; tweaked hover msg for logo; switched teacher img on core ho
me page; added new exam type; directed cancel link on forgot pwd page to login p
age; added blurb about exam posting on teachers page; re-styled search bar reset
link; styled footer links; tweaked styling for school search bar; tweaked styli
ng for calendar boxes; tweaked styling and labels for ct and exam notes and exam
ple tips; added google translate clause to terms of service; updated faq with in
fo on browser support; attempting to fix css issues for printing in ie6
13 April 18:35
removed testing code from single exam view;
added tips for filling up exam form;
added a logout page;
modified content of about us page;
modified text of exam calendar link on single exam page;

13 April 19:13
added a fix for logout error;
attempting to fix ie6 print problem;

13 April 19:21
added new school

13 April 19:33, 19:38, 19:49, 19:51, 19:58
ie6 print fix

14 April 13:58
updated faq with hw/ct/exam edit/delete rules;
updated embed code for main demo video;
added a page for help videos;
added exam info strip on parents and students pages;

14 April 14:16
added photography as new subject

14 April 14:36
tweaked help videos page links

14 April 14:49
corrected small mistake in faq

18 April 13:23
removed edit/delete restrictions on exams;
added a page for favourite links;
added links to blog and other fav links in footer

19 April 18:35
attempting to fix glitch with non-logged-in calendar view

24 April 13:04
made exam duration field optional;
tweaked exam duration list;
added new subjects and exam types

17 May 12:22
removed uk-based validations for post code, contact details;
updated fav links page with actual urls and added a new link;

17 May 17:23
created admin interfaces to add regions, areas, and schools;
tweaked main admin view;
21 May 16:20
revamped admin interface to provide add, edit facilities for regions, areas, sch
ools, school categories, subjects, exam types, exam boards;
created a set of admin reports;
provided admin interface to view activities of individual users (invitations, po
sts) and option to delete malicious posts;
21 May 16:31
added an exception handler for school search

21 May 17:25
tweaked bits of admin reports;
tweaked exception handler for school search

25 May 14:05
optimised admin reports using counter cache fields

25 May 14:15
attempting to manually update counter cache fields

25 May 14:25
attempting to manually update counter cache fields

31 May 12:20
added new fields to homework model, tweaked teachers' signup section
- modified homework model to include a hw type, a video resource, and topic tags
- updated hw calendar view to identify hw with videos
- provided admin options for updating user credits and existing hw with data for
new fields
- tweaked teachers' signup section

31 May 13:15
switched the hw with video icon

3 June 14:15
added key stage to hw, created searchable hw directory
- enabled incremental autocomplete for hw topic tags
- created a searchable homework directory
- added key stage field to hw and made provisions to update hw without key stage
- reorganised nav menu for admin interface

3 June 17:45
tweaked search mechanism and look-and-feel for hw directory

8 June 13:45
implemented hw reuse mechanism, made hw directory generally accessible, etc.
- implemented hw reuse mechanism
- added hw directory tab; made hw directory accessible to demo school and added
blurb for other schools
- added logic to display different links for admin and other users; styled norma
l user links
- modified admin's subjects listing to include subject-wise hw count
- improved video resource display on single hw view
- added an email to announce video resource feature
-- removed unnecessary migration
-- modified demo school id on staging
-- updated dispatch time for video resource email
-- removed login reqd restriction for hw directory
-- made a minor tweak to hw dir tab

8 June 13:45
scheduled video resource email, tweaked styling on hw directory

9 June 14:46
re-scheduled video resource email

11 June 11:35
gave admin interface to mark repeat hw as original; set up plans, features, etc.
- un-scheduled one-off video resource email (already sent out)
- gave admin an interface to mark not-original questions as original
- ensured display of selected year group on edit and reuse
- ensured that all questions reused by demo school users are always marked as or
- laid foundation for setting up plans and features
- minor styling tweak to hw listing on the form
- optimised non-original hw report

19 June 15:40
developed pre- and post-trial structure for hw directory along with an invoicing
- removed logic to decrement homework credits
- created an account setting section
- set up plans and pricing, picking plan, setting up billing, editing settings
- tweaked parents and students page with 'clear' link for search textbox, minor
tweaks to school search page
- edit profile - redirect to school page before TD

22 June 15:45
tweaked content for invoice info, added welcome and plain-text invoice emails, a
dded pagination for hw_listing, etc.
- displayed credit count for users on basic plan
- tweaked info displayed on users' details page
- tweaked content of invoice info section on invoice form
- enabled welcome email to be sent to all users
- added a plain text version of the invoice email
- attempted to fix width of plan boxes in ie6
- modified hw logic to hide hw types and tags fields from non-admin users
- added pagination for hw listing on hw form
- ensured that 'back to calendar' link on single hw view retains filters
- added starsky helper link for non-logged-in visitors

22 June 17:35
created a new report to show latest hw; removed scheduled email for hw dir annou

28 June 11:00
modified logic for editing of billing, provided option to return to freemium pla
n, etc.
- modified logic for editing of billing
- provided option to return to freemium plan
- tweaked single hw print view
- fixed schools list to reflect only activated users
- fixed hw dir listing to only show hw type if present
- fixed small glitch in user's personal settings view

15 July 17:20
developed hw submission and assessment module with facilities for students to si
gn up / log in, etc.
- developed hw submission module with facilities for students to sign up / log i
- tweaked hw calendar to show exams link only if there are exams coming up

tweaked janrain widget

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