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purpose: to prove the connection between media representation and mental health among

certain minority groups (in this case LGBT+ individuals) and search for a possible solution
thesis: LGBT+ media representation negatively affects the gay community in two distinct
manners: misrepresentation and underrepresentation. Misrepresentation contributes to and
reinforces a heteronormative society which feeds into internalized homophobia.
societal causes (communal)
heteronormative society
source 3: when a society or culture promotes same-sex relationships both
consciously and subconsciously in connection to the gender and sexuality binary;
promotes homophobia, homonegativism, heterosexism, and internalized
homophobia; statistically significant relationship between prejudice events and
social stigma and internalized homophobia
synthesis: the root of representation problems is heteronormative society that is
reinforced and defined through pop-culture as displayed by TV shows and movies.
this means LGBT+ individuals cant see evidence of their normality or function in
gender binary
source 5: bathroom iconography reinforcing the gender binary from young ages;
suggesting the gender binary is natural; normalizes gender binary
source 8: knowledge framework of sexuality consists of same-sex and opposite-sex
relationships in US cultural knowledge production; difficult to see/understand desire
for both, neither, or other genders
source 9: gender is taught and socially constructed; gender binary created b/c
femininity exists only in relation to masculinity which inherently puts men in a place
of power; gender performance is the idea that gender is constantly acted out and
reshaped based off of external encouragement, discouragement, and reinforcement
(regulated by gender policing)
synthesis: the gender binary promotes the erasure of many individuals within the
LGBT+ community specifically transgender people and gender nonconforming
people. this leads to a societal belief that certain LGBT+ members are inherently
wrong eventually resulting in a decreased media presence.
conversion therapy
source 7: anti-LGBT+ activists think people should be allowed to enter into
conversion therapy so they can live according to their religious beliefs but many
participants are minors forced into the program by parents; only six states are
currently taking steps to ban the harmful practice on anyone under 18 years of age;
APA condemned the treatment of homosexuality; potential risks of depression,
anxiety, and self-destructive behaviors by reinforcing a patients self-hatred
source 3: statistically significant relationship between prejudice events and social
stigma and internalized homophobia
synthesis: when efforts made to reverse an individuals sexuality are either
promoted or forced upon them, those people begin to perceive their innate sexual
orientation as something akin to mental illness. this is simply false and will only
result in an even worse self-perception. conversion therapy contributes to a
heteronormative and homophobic societal schema of the LGBT+ community.
minority stress
source 3: minority stress is a psychosocial stress derived from membership of a low
status minority group (100)
source 12: minority stress theory is a heightened vulnerability stems from
subjection to unique stressors caused by minority status (161)
synthesis: minority stress is a component of internalized homophobia and is just as
common, if not more so, among the LGBT+ community. its effects are additive to
the commonly adverse psychosocial effects associated with internalized
medias role
role models
source 10: people are more likely to have high self-esteem if they share many
character traits with their role models (331); exposing children to same-sex
storybook characters who were strong, positive role models enhanced childrens
positive self-concepts (331); LGBT+ participants complained of stereotyping and
negative portrayals in media and were made to feel less valuable or limit identity
expression (348); increased self-efficacy and self-confidence
source 14: increased visibility of LGB role models and access to LGB-affirming
media allow LGBT+ individuals to healthily develop in a many similar to
heterosexual youth (579)
synthesis: the connection between media representation and poor mental health
can be concretely explained by past psychological research conducted in regards to
role models. role models set children up for higher self-efficacy. also, the more
children have in common with their role models, the more beneficial. a lack of
positive LGBT+ role models in TV and film contributes to higher mental distress
among LGBT+ individuals.
source 4: 17.5% of major studio releases featured LGBT+ characters (77% of
characters were gay men, 23% lesbians, 9% bisexuals, 5% transgender people);
72.3% of LGBT+ characters were white; only 36% of the 17.5% of films with LGBT+
characters passed the test (6.3%) and this is the lowest percentage in the five years
the SRI has been conducted (Vito Russo test); LGBT+ characters tend to lack
substance and purpose (73% of LGBT+ characters had less than ten minutes of
screen time)
source 9: cross-dressing was most common (44.4%) but mainly in comedies rather
than in movies exploring identity; most humor in gender nonconforming characters
is at the expense of femininity (99)
source 13: on primetime scripted broadcast television 4.8% of repeating characters
were LGBT+ in the 2016-2017 season; 72% of cable TV LGBT+ characters were
white; TV representation remains incredibly far ahead of film
synthesis: a good deal of statistical evidence proves the underrepresentation of
LGBT+ individuals in all types of media. this was never going to be a hard thing to
prove, the difficulty will be in explaining why this is damaging to millions of people.
bisexual erasure
source 4: 17.5% of major studio releases featured LGBT+ characters (77% of
characters were gay men, 23% lesbians, 9% bisexuals, 5% transgender people)
source 7: bisexual people are more likely to binge drink, self-harm, and have
suicidal ideation than gay, lesbian, or heterosexual people; more than half of non-
heterosexual people are bisexual but only 28% of bisexuals said all important
people in their lives knew about their sexuality compared to 71% of lesbians and
77% of gay men
source 8: Time article about Obergefell used same-sex couples and lesbian and
gay frequently without once using bisexual or acknowledging that not everyone
in a same-sex pairing self-identifies as lesbian or gay which effectively frames
bisexuality outside of the social and political frame of thought (321); homosexuality
and heterosexuality can only exist in relation with one another as they serve as
interdependent opposites in which ones absence defines the other
source 13: almost half (49%) of LGBT+ primetime characters were gay men with
bisexual females coming in second at 23%
synthesis: a subheading of underrepresentation, bisexual erasure is an example of
inaccurate representation among LGBT+ characters. this also stems from societal
concepts, such as the gender binary. a majority of LGBT+ individuals self-identify as
bisexual, yet the vast majority of LGBT+ characters are gay men. this results in
stereotypes and general misunderstanding of what is in reality a very large
source 2: bisexual characters are typically depicted as being untrustworthy, lacking
morality, using sex for manipulative purposes, self-destructive, unable to form long-
lasting relationships; bisexuality is also used as a temporary plot-device that rarely
source 10: complaints of stereotyping and negative portrayals even in media
designed for an LGBT+ audience; negative portrayals create a lasting impression on
heterosexuals; isolated from gay identity due to stereotypical media portrayals
source 7: only 16% of people know someone who is transgender, meaning
stereotypical and/or defamatory media portrayals of transgender people is the only
image most people have
source 8: bisexuals stereotyped as confused and inauthentic: either a precursor to
settling on one sexual identity or oscillating between the two in a way that suggests
promiscuity, untrustworthiness, commitment issues, indecisiveness
synthesis: misrepresentation is more difficult to measure since its more qualitative
than underrepresentation. it can be quantified by measuring the depth and
importance of LGBT+ characters. the mass misrepresentation of LGBT+ characters
has its own problems, shaping and reshaping negative stereotypes about LGBT+
individuals. this then contributes to homophobia (both internal and external).
psychosocial effects
internalized homophobia
source 3: internalization aligns with Allports theory of traits due to victimization
(98); individuals direction of negative social attitudes (homophobia) towards the
self, leading to poor self-image and internal conflicts (98); measured by Martin and
Dean Test, NHAI, and the Ross and Rosser Scale; statistically significant relationship
between scaled internalized homophobia and demoralization, guilt, sex difficulties,
suicide ideation and/or behavior, and AIDs related traumatic stress response (101);
relationship between internalized homophobia and depression and alcohol
consumption; young lesbians and gay men are at a greater risk for attempted
suicide if they discover their sexuality in early adolescence, experience negative
coming out reactions, experience sexuality-orientated victimization, and used drugs
and alcohol (103)
source 11: LGBT+ youth experience violence/victimization/bullying at high levels
which leads to lower self-esteem and social/academic competencies; LGBT+ youth
have significantly lower average confidence
heterosexuals had higher competence, confidence, and connection than sexual-
minority youths (695); sexual-minority youths report worse mental health,
academic achievement, and adult support (691)
source 14: study conducted showed that significant differences between levels of
global and domain-specific distress and esteem exist among sexual identity statues
but not among sexual orientation differences
synthesis: internalized homophobia is the most prevalent effect of a
heteronormative society and poor media representation. it manifests itself in poor
mental health, high mental distress, and low self-esteem. this in turn causes lower
quality of life and maladaptive behaviors among LGBT+ individuals.
maladaptive behavior
source 3: self-injurious behaviors (substance abuse, eating disorders, self-mutilation,
suicidality) (103); young lesbians and gay men are at a greater risk for attempted
suicide if they discover their sexuality in early adolescence, experience negative
coming out reactions, experience sexuality-orientated victimization, and used drugs
and alcohol (103)
source 12: link between poor mental health (suicide ideation/behavior) and
stressors (violence, bullying, harassment) due to sexual-orientation
synthesis: maladaptive behaviors are a physical manifestation of internalized
homophobia. these are dangerous behaviors that are much more common among
LGBT+ individuals than the general population. this proves why we should bother
analyzing and fixing poor media representation and heteronormativity.
risk-taking behavior
source 12: LGBT+ individuals are 1.5x more likely to engage in physical risk
behavior and 1.2x more likely to engage in sexual risk behavior
synthesis: high-risk behaviors are also much more common in LGBT+ spheres. they
are another side-effect of media representation, heteronormativity, and internalized
homophobia. this is yet another reason why this issue needs to be resolved.
possible solutions
coping resources
source 3: best move is to come out but there are certain environments which
prohibit that, feeding internalized homophobia
source 11: reduce bullying in LGBT+ spheres and create a more supportive and
accepting school, home, and community environment
source 12: minority stressors and internalized homophobia alleviated by strong
support systems and connectedness to the LGBT+ community; coping resources
were significantly correlated with mental distress and well-being
source 14: environmental/societal factors such as familial support allow LGBT+
individuals to healthily develop in a many similar to heterosexual youth (579)
synthesis: certain coping mechanisms have been proven to help LGBT+ youth
experience less mental distress. teaching and encouraging people to participate in
these resources would eventually develop a more accepting and positive
environment for LGBT+ youth to grow up in.
nondiscrimination laws/hate crime prevention
source 7a: only 18 states protect employment, housing, and public
accommodations; 2 protect sexual orientation; 1 protects only employment and
housing; only 48% of the American LGBT+ population is protected; 86% of
transgender people reported facing either serious or catastrophic discrimination;
transgender people of color experience poverty, violence, and incarceration at
much higher rates than the rest of the transgender population; transgender people
and transgender people of color are disproportionately affected by hate violence,
face high levels of discrimination and poverty
source 7b: never allow for gay panic or transgender panic which blames the
victims sexual orientation or gender identity for the defendant's violent reaction;
2013 American bar association issued a statement urging judges to curtail the
availability and effectiveness of such defenses
source 3: statistically significant relationship between prejudice events and social
stigma and internalized homophobia; need more legislation protecting the LGBT+
community (especially LGBT+ youths) and addressing hate crimes
synthesis: legislation to protect the LGBT+ community is currently lacking.
promoting the protection of LGBT+ individuals on an administrative level would
encourage a culture and society that accepts the LGBT+ community more openly.
this in turn could lead to less mental distress and more media representation.
media accountability
source 4: tracking studio responsibility by quantifying LGBT+ representation in
movies and TV shows to counteract underrepresentation; popularize the Vito Russo
Test and other tests that measure the quality of LGBT+ characters to counteract
source 10: inspiring pride in self (many participants cited LGBT+ role models),
taking comfort, any marginalized characters; LGBT+ media presence normalizes
self-identity and public perception affects an individuals idea about how their
coming out will be taken
synthesis: by holding the media accountable for proper representation and
publishing the findings, the media (both TV and film) would have a higher incentive
for representing the LGBT+ community appropriately.

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