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Perbedaaan E Bussines & E Commerce

E Maerketing Today (Growth Hacking)

Seven Step Marketing Plan

Level of Commitment to E business

6 main type of digital marketing


1 E Commerce .adalah
The use of information technology

to create, communicate, and deliver value to customers.

for managing customer relationships to benefit the organization.

The result of information technology applied to traditional marketing.

E-business is the continuous optimization of a firms business activities through digital

E-commerce is the subset of e-business focused on transactions.

2. E-Marketing Today
Power shift from sellers to buyers
Marketing fragmentation: mass market to one customer

Death of distance
Time compression

Knowledge/database management is key

Marketing and technology: an interdisciplinary focus

Intellectual capital is important resource

Growth Hack
Growth Hacking adalah teknik marketing yang dikembangkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan
startup bidang teknologi dengan berbasis kreativitas, kemampuan berpikir analitis dan metrik-
metrik sosial untuk menjual produk dan mendapatkan pemberitaan / publikasi (Holiday, Ryan
(17 Desember 2012), Fast Company).

Fokus untuk Memahami Segmen Pasar

Menemukan Strategi Pemasaran yang Paling Tepat, Efektif, dan Efisien
Integrasi Antara Pengembang Produk, dan Pemasar
Penggunaan Dana Seminimal Mungkin
Mempertahankan Konsumen

3. Seven Step Marketing Plan

A. Situation analysis

Environmental factors
1. Legal factors
2. Technological factors
3. Market-related factors
SWOT analysis
4. Strengths
5. Weaknesses
6. Opportunities
7. Threats

B. E-Marketing strategic planning

Market and product strategies, called Tier 1 tasks or strategies, are outcomes of strategic
a. Segmentation
b. Targeting
c. Differentiation
d. Positioning
Marketers conduct analyses to determine strategies.
e. Market opportunity analysis
f. Demand analysis
g. Segment analysis
h. Supply analysis

C. Plan objectives
Objectives are typically related to task, measurable quantity and timeframe.
Most e-marketing plans seek to:
Increase market share
Increase sales revenue
Reduce costs
Achieve branding goals
Improve databases
Achieve customer relationship management goals
Improve supply chain management
D. E-Marketing strategy
Marketers craft strategies for the 4 Ps and relationship management to achieve
plan objectives.
i. Product strategies
ii. Pricing strategies
iii. Distribution strategies
iv. Marketing communication strategies
v. Relationship management strategies
These are referred to as Tier 2 tasks or strategies.

CRM/PRM Segmentation




E. Implementation plan
Tactics are used to achieve plan objectives
Marketing mix (4 Ps) tactics
Relationship management tactics
Marketing organization tactics
Information-gathering tactics
F. Budget
The plan must identify the expected return from marketing investments.
Revenue forecast
Intangible benefits, such as brand equity
Cost savings
E-Marketing costs

Site design


Other site development expenses

Marketing communication

G. Evaluation plan
Marketing plan success depends on continuous evaluation.

E-marketers must have tracking systems in place to measure results.

Use the Balanced Scorecard for e-business

Todays firms are ROI driven.

4. 6 main type of digital marketing

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