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Malabsorption travel hx, diarrhoea, Fe decrease, Folic acid deficiency, anaemia (IDA). Tx- tetra +
folic acid

Coeliac diarrhoea + wt loss or anaemia (iron/b12), villous atrophy, failure to thrive, smelly stool,
abd pain tx gluten free diet. Ix- duodenal biopsy (definitive) IgA antibody also Ix. Anti Endomysial

Gastric ulcer collection in Lesser Sac

Anal Fissure severe rectal pain on defecation, rectal exam impossible. Tx fluid intake, fiber diet,
LIDOCAINE ointment, chronic tx topical GTN

CF Sweat chloride test

Choledocoliathisis Right upper quadrant pain gall stones . OBSTRUCTIVE PICTURE = ALP raised

Sjogren autoimmune -> immune sys attack gland secreting fluids such as tears and saliva. s/s dry

Mikuliczs swelling of lacrimal and parotid glands.

Virchow node left supraclavicular LN is dx for gastric carcinoma.

Krukenberg stomach ca spread to ovaries

Loin to groin pain ureteric colic dx spiral non-contrast CT

Whipples disease PAS (periodic acid-schiff)

UC smoking protective but make CD worse

Perforated Diverticulum sudden onset, severe abd pain, rigidity, Left illac fossa pain and pyrexia.

Cryptosporidium persistent watery diarrhea in HIV cow -> water -> man

Exudate high protein >25 causes inflammation such infection/cancer (aggressive)

Transudate protein <25 indicate organ failure eg HF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, hepatic
venous occlusion (BUDD CHIARI)

Mallory Weiss tear Binge drinking, repeated vomiting and retching

Oesophageal Varices chronic liver disease > portal hypertension oesophageal varices
scenario tend to include spider naevi on chest and bleeding upper GI

Primary biliary cirrhosis young female + pruritis ix anti-mitochondrial antibodies present

Gall stones (Cholelithisis) 5 Fs US abdomen

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