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12th Grade U.S.


Instructor Information:
Instructor: Austen Farley
Email: ajfarley@asu.edu
Telephone: (714) 833-2049
Office hours: Lunch or by appointment

Course Information:
U.S. Government will be going over how our system of government was formed and
what makes it unique compared to many of the other systems of government around the
world. We will go over the three branches and explore more in depth of the inner work-
ings of our government. We will learn about different laws that have set precedences to
the requirements to become a U.S. senator.

Class Rules:
-Come into class before the bell rings and sit in your assigned seat
-Always come to class prepared with the necessary materials needed
-Always follow the instructions the teacher has established for the students
-Participate responsibly in all activities and discussions
-No electronic devices unless said otherwise by the teacher for specific lessons or

Student Rules:
During the first week of school the students will be able to collaborate and create five
rules for their classroom that will be hung up for everybody to see and to be implement-
ed throughout the year.

Students who choose to violate these rules will receive one of the following conse-
-Warning/reminder (may include confiscation of item for rule 5)
-Detention after class
-After school/lunch detention with a parent/guardian conference
-Behavior contract

Required Materials:
-Different colored pens
-1 Folder
Homework Policy:
-Homework must be turned in at the beginning of class the day that it is due for full
-Late assignments are accepted, minus five points for being late.
-No late assignments are accepted after the finish of the unit or during the last week of
the semester.
-Turn in all assignments due during your absence on the day you return to class.
-Make up any tests missed outside of class time within one school day of your return.
-Make up any in-class assignment within 3 days of your return.

Participation Points:
Each day students will be able to earn two points a day, if students act out in class or
disrupt the class in any way, the teacher may use her discretion on wether the students
will lose points or not.

Tardy Policy:
Students that arrive to class after the bell rings will lose one point from their participation
points for that day.

Bathroom Policy:
Students will be given five bathroom passes which they can use when they need to use
the restroom, get a drink of water, go to their locker, etc. Once a student has used all
their passes, they are not allowed to be excused from class. If a student doesn't use all
their passes by the end of the semester, they may turn them in for extra credit, each
pass would be worth two points and added to their lowest test grade.

Extra Credit:
There will only two extra credit opportunities for the semester, they will both be worth
ten points. The teacher will announce when there is an extra credit opportunity as the
semester progresses.

A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F: <59
*Grades will be rounded to the nearest hundredth at the end of the semester
Ex: 79.5% will be rounded up to an 80%

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