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Italian study finds Alzheimer's origins

Un estudio italiano publicado en Nature Communications informa que los

orgenes de la enfermedad de Alzheimer no se encuentran en el rea del
cerebro asociada con la memoria, sino que estn vinculados a la muerte de
neuronas en un rea relacionada con trastornos del estado de nimo. Los
hallazgos podran revolucionar el enfoque que los investigadores adoptan
tratando de encontrar tratamientos para la enfermedad neurodegenerativa
generalizada. El nuevo estudio muestra que la depresin conduce a la
enfermedad de Alzheimer y no viceversa como se pensaba hasta ahora.
Alzheimer golpea a cerca de medio milln de personas en Italia y 47
millones en todo el mundo. La investigacin, coordinada por Marcello
D'Amelio, profesor asociado de fisiologa humana y neurofisiologa en la
Universidad de Campus Bio-Mdico de Roma, arroja nueva luz sobre esta
patologa. Hasta ahora se pensaba, de hecho, que la enfermedad se deba a
una degeneracin de las clulas del hipocampo, el rea cerebral de la que
dependen los mecanismos de memoria. El estudio, realizado en
colaboracin con la Fondazione IRCCS Santa Lucia y el Consejo Nacional de
Investigacin (CNR) de Roma, se centra en el rea tegmental ventral, donde
se produce la dopamina, un neurotransmisor ligado a los trastornos del
estado de nimo.
En un efecto domin, la muerte de las neuronas que producen dopamina
provoca la no llegada de esta sustancia en el hipocampo, provocando la
ruptura que genera prdida de memoria.
La hiptesis fue confirmada en el laboratorio, administrando dos tipos de
terapias a modelos animales dirigidos a restaurar los niveles de dopamina.
Se observ as que, de esta manera, se restaur la memoria, as como la
"El rea tegmental ventral", dice D'Amelio, "tambin libera dopamina en
el rea que controla la gratificacin, por lo tanto, con la degeneracin de las
neuronas dopaminrgicas, tambin aumenta el riesgo de falta de iniciativa".
Eso explica por qu la enfermedad de Alzheimer se acompaa de una cada
en el inters por las actividades diarias, lo que lleva a la depresin.
Pero, subrayan los investigadores, los cambios de estado de nimo
asociados con el Alzheimer no son una consecuencia de su manifestacin,
sino una "campana de alarma" en el inicio de la patologa depresiva.
"La prdida de memoria y la depresin son dos caras de la misma
moneda", dice D'Amelio.
El rea tegmental ventral (VTA) (tegmentum es latn para cubrir), tambin
conocido como el tegmentum ventral, es el origen de los cuerpos celulares
dopaminrgicos del sistema dopamnico mesocorticolmbico y est
ampliamente implicado en el circuito de recompensa de frmacos y
naturales del cerebro. Es importante en la cognicin, la motivacin, el
orgasmo, la adiccin a las drogas, las emociones intensas relacionadas con
el amor, y varios trastornos psiquitricosANSA) - Rome, April 3 - An Italian
study published in Nature Communications reports that the origins of
Alzheimer's disease are not to be found in the area of the brain associated
with memory, but are linked to the death of neurons in an area linked to
mood disorders. The findings could revolutionize the approach researchers
take in trying to find treatments for the widespread neurodegenerative
disease. The new study shows that depression leads to Alzheimer's and not
vice versa as hitherto thought.
Alzheimer's hits about half a million people in Italy and 47 million
worldwide. The research, coordinated by Marcello D'Amelio, associate
professor of human physiology and neurophysiology at Rome's Bio-Medical
Campus University, sheds new light on this pathology. Hitherto it was
thought, in fact, that the disease was due to a degeneration of the cells in
the hippocampus, the brain area on which memory mechanisms depend.
The study, conducted in collaboration with the Fondazione IRCCS Santa
Lucia and the National Research Council (CNR) in Rome, focuses on the
ventral tegmental area, where dopamine is produced, a neurotransmitter
linked to mood disorders.
In a domino effect, the death of neurons which produce dopamine causes
the non-arrival of this substance in the hippocampus, causing the
breakdown that generates memory loss.
The hypothesis was confirmed in the lab, administering two types of
therapies to animal models aimed at restoring dopamine levels.
It was thus observed that, in this way, memory was restored, as well as
"The ventral tegmental area," says D'Amelio, "also releases dopamine in
the area that controls gratification. Therefore, with the degeneration of
dopaminergic neurons, also the risk of lack of initiative increases." That
explains why Alzheimer's is accompanied by a drop in interest for daily
activities, leading to depression.
But, the researchers stress, the noted mood changes associated with
Alzheimer's are not a consequence of its manifestation but an "alarm bell"
on the start of the depressive pathology.
"Loss of memory and depression are two sides of the same coin," says
The ventral tegmental area (VTA) (tegmentum is Latin for covering), also
known as the ventral tegmentum, isthe origin of the dopaminergic cell
bodies of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system and is widely implicated
in the drug and natural reward circuitry of the brain. It is important in
cognition, motivation, orgasm, drug addiction, intense emotions relating to
love, and several psychiatric disorders

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