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Support by: Dr. Alva Vsquez Writting by: Alexis Rivas

In Biology, the term symbiosis refers to the type of association between two
individuals. In Management Sciences it will defined Organizational Symbiosis
as the interpersonal-labor relationship between working groups of an organization,
which work as a team and have a mutual dependence, in order to achieve
objectives and impel the organization to fulfill its mission and organizational
vision. Alexis Rivas (2017).

In enterprises there are organizational charts or chain of command, which are

responsible for meeting multiple objectives according to their responsibilities and
duties; The mission and vision of the company allow all workers to know the way
to move to reach the goals. It is vitally important to understand how the different
working groups interact with each other, to see how personal and group
relationships are defined; Which motivate to continue to effectively carry out each
of the processes of the company effective and efficient.

Understanding that personal relationships from an individual perspective allow

an analysis to understand the environment or climate of an organization, there are
also several factors which are part of the puzzle and are mentioned below:
Respect, motivation and teamwork. Respect is a value that every company must
preserve in its organization as an invaluable treasure which allows to maintain a
harmony between the different areas of work; Considering that each worker is
aware of his chain of command and therefore understands what it represents.
There is a The fine line that can instantly cause respect to be defined in another
way (Fear), when a worker fears to the supervisor begins a sequence of events
that slow down the productive process and breaks with group harmony and

effective work; To infuse with fear to the employees it does not exercise
leadership, but fear or submission; There are organizations within their conceptual
maps that inverse the word leadership by fear, and both are intertwined by the
word BOSS, this comes from the French (Chef) that comes from the Latin (Caput)
that means to the head or the command.

There are also companies that use the term Subordination which refers to the
dependency relationship that exists between one element and another. In the case
of interpersonal relationships would be the subjection to command, domination or
order imposed by an individual, therefore, in these cases there will be a
relationship of power and a domination that could be symbolic or formal.
Motivation "it is the will to exercise a persistent level and high effort towards the
achievement of organizational goals, conditioned by the ability to meet an
individual need" S. P. Robins. Every organization must keep motivated its workers
always with the idea of pursuing a common goal and above all the satisfaction of
the needs by the fulfillment of the proposed objectives, the opposite of motivation
is the demotivation that results in unproductivity, Inefficiency and apathy.

Organizational psychology is defined by Zepeda (1999) as the branch of

psychology that is dedicated to the study of individual psychological phenomena
within organizations through the forms that organizational processes exert their
impact on people, This allows to understand a little bit the concept of
organizational climate that are the perceptions that the individual has of the
structures and processes that occur in a labor area. It refers to the work
environment of the organization. This environment has a direct influence on the
individual behavior and all members. In conclusion, it is necessary to understand
that the organizational structures are based on adopting policies directed to the
behaviors of the individuals to integrate them into groups of works, waiting for
them the joint commitment in the obtaining of benefits and objectives that will be
for the whole organization, And therefore the individual plans will also be to
guarantee (management success).

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