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Sa A Pair work Look at these photos. Which people do you think are meeting for the first time: Natalie Ted Alex Lisa NX | think Ted and Natalie are meeting for the first time, B Pair work Can you guess the order of the conversations? Number the sentences from 1 to 5. ® O Natalie: Hi, Ted. My name's O Mark: Nice to meet you, Kate. Natalie. O Mark: No, we don‘t. My name's O Alex: It’s nice to meet you, Mark. too. @ Mark: Hi, Lisa. How are you? @ Ted: Hello. My name is Ted. O Ted: Natalie, this is my friend Alex. O Natalie: Nice to meet you, Alex. O Kate: Hi. I’m Katherine, but everyone calls me Kate. O Lisa: Not bad. Do you two kni each other? » € Listen (} You will now hear the conversations in part B. Were your answers co} © Group work Work in groups of three. Practice the conversations in part B. Use your real names. Hello. My name is Junko. Hi, Junko. My name's... 7 activity (n) /k'tiviti/ hoat dong conversation (n) /,konva'sei/n/ hi thoai : TT A Pair work Look at these questions. Add them to the chart below. ‘What are you studying? What's your address? ‘What do you do? Where are you from? How many children are in your family? What's your favorite kind of music? hometown home iy What's your hometown? | Where do you live? How many brothers and sisters do you have? Where are you from? _) | ( 5) ( ) school job _. interests ‘What's your major? Where do you work? What kind of music do you like? )}( ) ( ) B Listen (} A radio DJ is interviewing a fashion designer. Check (W) the questions you hear. 31 1. D What's your hometown? @ Where are you from? 2. (] Where do you live? © What's your address? 3. O How many brothers and sisters do you have? (0 How many children are in your family? 4. 0 What was your major? O What did you study? | 5. O Where do you work! © What do you do? 6. What kind of music What's your favorit € Pair work Interview your partner using some ci the questions on this page. Take notes. I'd like to ask you a few questions. First, where are you from? D Join another pair Now tell your group members about your partner. This is Martin Lee. He has two brothers and one sister. His major is... hometown (n) ‘7houm,taun/ thanh phé noi major(n) /meidsa/ mén hoc chinh minh sinh ra ee Oe (/teefndizaina/ nha thiét ke partner (n) /pa:tna/ ban hgc thoi trang Wet setere 92 BEES Et Numbers and letters Then discuss the questions below. A Pair work Look at the pictu: How many people are in the picture? © How many men are there? How many women are there? There are about © How many children are there? B Pair work Practice saying the numbers below. Wh? you think of? price telephone number address € Pair work Ask your partner for this information. Make a list. home address beeper number telephone number _ birth date \ f ) What's your home address? My home address is... credit card (n) /kreditka:d/ thé tin dung zipcode(n) /zip'coud/ ma buu dién passport (n) = /'0'SP2:¥ 6 chiéu CSOT ea Maa | A Pair work Look at tthe keyboard, and read the numbers and letters out loud. Streetname Flanagan | Man's first name City name | Man's last name Zip code Activity 3 A Pair work Complete the chart. Be creative! Cat's name Aas in apple as in S_as in B as in as in T asin C asin Las in Uas in Dasin Mas in V as in E asin Nas in [W as in F asin Oas in X as in Gasin P asin Y as in Has in as in as in 1 as in Ras in ‘Ask your classmates to spell their names. Make ¢ list. How do you spell your first name? It’s V as in "violin," |-C-T-O-R. 7 B Communication task B9Q Work with a partner. One of you should look at Task 1 on page 74, and the other at Task 15 on page 81. You're going to do a puzzle. Keyboard (n) /‘Ki:62:¢/ ban phim speli(n) /spey d4nh van EE MS Activity 1 A Pair work Look at these photos. Describe each person using the words the box or your own words. Dy Png oy Cor Ca Cry Cr thin eyebrows Pr Precuro Pe Lrg Pri Isabel Brian has short hair and dark eye: B Pair work Put the words in the correct column. Then answer the questions below. elderly medium height overweight tall good-looking middle-aged pretty thin handsome muscular short young Height Build ‘Appearance @ Which wo ~~ positive? Which are negative? @ Which wo” “nerally describes only men? only women? Which we mn describe the people in part A? € Group. Discuss these questions. Susan is my best friend, © Who is ~: friend? Describe him or her. She's tall and pretty. © How do y »!©eléribe yourself? 8 96 7 muscular (fh =» /‘maskjule vam va to describe (v) /ais'kraib/ miéu td security gua ©" /stkjvaretiiga:d] ngudi bio vé 6 ED Rio A Listen (} Patricia is at a company picnic. She's describing four people to her husband, Write the numbers in the circles. 3 1. Helen, Patricia’s boss 3. Danny, a secur 2. Sylvia, Patricia's best friend 4. Ben, Helen’s assistant } ni € Communication task BE@ Work with a partner. One of you should look at Task 2 on page 74, and the other at Task 16 on page 81, You're going to see photos of the same people in part B 20 years later. D Group work Now try to match the photos of the teenagers in part B to their photos in Tasks 2 and 16. What is different about them? What is the same? : (I think thie is ... because he itae brown hair. 7 teenager(n) /ti:neidse/ tuéi thanh thiu nién assistant (n) /a'sistont/ tt ly <<) TT UM 7 B Pair work Match the words on the left with their opposites on the right ae ¢ + baa) — (EM HONEST, HARDWORKING, AND TAUCATIVE a VERY NEAT. | ALSO THINK C a Bh gale), nM FRIENDLY AND re nervous : _etquiet *S. unfriendly B Pair work Which people do these words descri under each picture. adventurous careless creative 4._Looy 5. oe s 6. Cc Join another Pair Compare your answers. Then discuss these questions. Which words in parts A and B describe your personality? © What other words describe you? ° Which words describe your parents? your best friend? (adj) /to:ketiv/ néinhigu _—stubbom (adj) /‘stabon/ bung binh /'mesi/ —_\udm thuom EE A cee 7 . Hs tolsds: A Pair work Read this astrology chart. Circle the words that you don't know, and ask your partner to explain them. Use a dictionary to look up the words that neither of you knows. Then answer the questions below. (Star sign Birthday Characteristics ) Aries The Ram ‘March 21-April 19 adventurous, nervous Taurus The Bull April 20-May 20 honest, stubborn Gemini _The Twins May 21-June 21 creative, funny Cancer The Crab June 22-July 22 kind, lazy Leo The Lion July 23-August 23 helpful, funny Virgo The Virgin August 24-September 22 _ hardworking, neat Libra The Balance September 23-October 23 _ talkative, friendly ‘Scorpio The Scorpion October 24-November 21 funny, quiet Sagittarius The Archer November 22-December 21 honest, adventurous Capricorn The Goat December 22-January 19 hardworking, neat ‘Aquarius The Water Carrier January 20-February 18 _ friendly, stubborn Pisces The Fish February 19-March 20 creative, careless © When is your birthday? What is your star sign? © Do the characteristics for your star sign describe you? Why or why not? My birthday is April 15. 'm an Aries, but I don't think I'm nervous. . B Pair work Complete the chart. Then discuss your choices. Which star signs do you think... ? Tike to work long hours don’t talk very much make other people laugh can’t keep a secret like to try new things have a lot of friends Capricorns like to work long hours. They/re hardworking. 2 Ei A Work alone: Try this personality test. Take out a full-size piece of paper. ‘Take about two minutes, and draw a picture of a dog. B Communication task B§@ Work with a partner. One of you should Jook at Task 3 on page 75, and the other at Task 17 on page 82. You're going to find out more about each other's personalities. secret (adj) /si:krity bimat characteristic(n) /keeriktoristiky dc diém pas vou BE Different kinds of people Unit I) POA OLY interests’ 3A WTF | Activity 1 | A Pair work Discuss these questions © What do you like to do in your free time © What do your friends like to do? : © What does your family like to d Yin my free t mputer and play vid B Listen () Four people arc talking about what they lik { a. fishing b. cooking ¢. painting d. photography § € Listen again () Complete the chart. 3K | Where do they do their hobby? When do they do their hobby? Lucia outdoors D Group work Which hobbies in part B do you enjoy? Which would you like to try? hobby (n) /'habif sOthich amazing (adj) /a'’meizin/ ngac nhién washing machine (n)/‘wafiqma'si:n/ may git 0 i Ci 3K SELESTUOY Readllisten () First read the conversations, and try to guess the missing . Then listen and check your answers, 1 2 3 INancy: What do you like to doin | Amanda: | want to try skydiving, | Mitsuko: Do you like to your [free] time? but I'm chess? Hom: [like to relax and Jack: Why? Gary: _No, not really. But | CF music. | Amanda: Well, I'm scared of checkers. INancy: What kind of music do you heights, Mitsuko: How about like? Jack: You should try another Tom: | like rock ‘n’ roll er ae cards? INancy: Oh, who's your about waterskiing? It's | Gary: | mind it, band? not dangerous, and it’s a but its not my favorite Tom: | like the Beatles. lot of thing to do. s Work alone Complete the chart below. Check (Y) your answers, ss playing board games doing yoga : TEE as en collecting coins surfing the Internet collecting comic books making pottery 1 do this now. Someone | know does this. want to try this someday. | Pair work Share your answers to part B. ‘Some of my hobbies are drawing and doing yoga. Class activity Discuss these questions. Which hobby is the most popular in the class? the least popular? Who has the most unusual hobby in the class? The most popular hobby in our class is surfing the Internet. . (8) /'skaiddaivin/ mon thé thao water skiing (n) /wo:ta,ski:in/ mon ‘kiéu nhdy dd. nude CO | lug van A Listen () You will hear a description of Zorb, a new sport from Ne Zealand. Number the pictures in order from 1 to 6. B Listen (} Danny and Hee-Young have just tried Zorb. Write down one word to describe how each person feels, How do they feel? Danny Hee-Young € Group work Discuss these questions. ¢ Do you want to try Zorb? Why or why not? © Imagine you just tried Zorb. How do you feel? © What new sports are popular in your country? I want to try Zorb because it looks like fun. . i i = B Pair work Tum to page 88 to check your answers. Then discuss these questions. table tennis rugby pool bowling soccer tennis © Which of the sports in part A do you play? Which do you want to try? © Which are not popular in your country? ‘© What is the most popular sport in your country? Nipiay baseball and tennis, but not rugty. ) (— twant to try table tennis 7 € Pair work Check (/) the boxes that are true. Then compare your answers with a partner. You can do it alone. baseball You have to be ona team. Its expensive to do. bicycling golf hiking ice-skating tennis D Join another pair Discuss these questions. Which sports do you like to play? How often do you play them? @ Which sports do you like to watch? © Who are some of the best athletes in your country? sports teams? Nike to play soccer. | play several times a week. bowling (n) /oulin/ mén béng gd pool (n) mén b6n da soccer (n) — /‘soka/ /puiy mén bi-a ice-skating (n) /:3/¢'skeitin/ mOn truot patanh CI Se ACU TTTa CO Cor PUTT LELLTLAE ry ti A Pair work k at thes at foggy t | What's the weather like today © What was it like yesterday? @ What will it be like six months from now B Pair work Look at the pictures. Describe the we in each place Sydney, Australia ~Aoeay (edi). /m/ cb wtongmh symbol (a) ~/smoey bide climate (n) /‘k/aimity hi hau = AA Pair work Which city do you think each person is going to visit? | Sylvie (September) B Listen (} You will now hear about the people’s trips. Complete the chart. | Were your guesses correct? 3% Where did they go? What was the weather like? San Francisco Group work Choose a place in the world that you want to visit. Say when you want to go and what you want to do there. I want to go to Australia in December because | want to go to the beach. D Communication task [M@ Work with a partner. One of you should look at Task 4 on page 75, and the other at Task 18 on page 82. You're going to give a weather report. SELF-STUDY sce page 95 | Weather arWeather and climate JUnit 4 BEd xa wh ft hey @ woom . Lorad;ov i iad Cimede [Sep Kido. Aqhww o itty, ver work The United States has some extreme weather. Try to match each place to its location on the map. Write the numbers in the circles. 1. the hottest place 3. the driest place 5. the wettest place 2. the coldest place 4. the snowiest place 6, the windiest place Prospect Creek Mt. Washington, Tamarack, CA Death Valley, CA’ @ HAWall % Kukui Bagdad, CA B Listen ( Two people are discussing weather in the United StatesPListen and check your answers to part A. A Listen §} You will hear an expert giving advice about what to do during a tornado. Check (7) his advice. 1. If you are at home, . . . Cleave the house immediately. go to the basement or to a closet. 2. If you are at an office, . . . Dili down on the floor and cover your head. (1 go to the middle of the building, 3. If you are outdoors, . . . D lie down and cover your head. (find a strong tree and hold on to it. 4, If you are in a car,... D uy to drive away quickly. Dl leave the car and get under a brid B Pair work Compare your answers. Then discuss these questions. What kinds of storms do you have in your country? ¢ How should people prepare for them? What should people do during those storms? To for a snowstorm, you should have enough food and wate pre tomado (n) /t:‘neidou/ bao tép, degree Fahronheit /d'gri: faeranhait/ d0Fa-ren-het (4 Ie xody degree Celsius (n) /a/gn:'selsios/ BOC 16 ee a rae Lad aa cH you Coo obouwh weather? 1.When is smog the worst? a. on hot, sunny summer days b. on warm, cloudy spring days ¢. on clear, cold winter days 4. What is the same thing as a hurricane? a. atyphoon b. atornado ¢. asnowstorm 2. About how many times does lightning strike the United States 5. Which continent has never every year? had a typhoon or tornado? a. 4,000 a. Europe b, 400,000 b. Antarctica c. 40,000,000 ©. Africa 3.Which country overall has the 6.Where is the safest place to be most extreme weather on Earth? during a thunderstorm? a. Russia a. ina forest b, Canada b. ona golf course ¢. the United States c. ina swimming pool B Pair work Turn to page 88 to check your answers, € Join another pair Discuss these questions. . ie eee se tre ee weather in pte Satay the wore? © What's your favorite kind of weather? Why? ‘© What do you like to do when it rains? ‘© What is the worst storm you remember? best weather is in the south. usually warm sunny. = ear Varikan/ bio nhé (cp 8) typhoon(n) /ta/'fu:n/ bo to, bao dn continent (n) /‘kontinant/ ye dja, chu lye u 1. Here are 6 scrambled words. Unscramble the letters to make words from Lesson 1A. Pureseal toafiver getmine orjam iamfly sadreds a we. 5. ee ue 2. Here are 6 more scrambled words. Unscramble the letters to make words from Lesson 1B. carddirect Credit popstars P a treelt ? zcopied z eC-4 bakerydo ‘ xX—EX*=—NasEeeeeeeO trend (n) /trend/ khuynh hung cruise ship (n) /kru-z/ip/ du thuyén EEEEOCEC 3 Pam Brin ul EY A Pair work Look at these movie posters. Then discuss the questions below. eee eis ec ae CLARK GABLE \IMEN LESLIE HONARD OLY Ni t J 4 TVILLAND * Have you scen any of the movies above? Which ones? © How does each movie look? Describe each one using these words or your own clever frightening heartwarming sad thrilling | exciting funny romantic silly violent “Scream” looks frightenit don't want to see it. poster(n) /‘pousta/ Apphichquingcéo _violent (adj). /‘vala/ent/ bao lye 32 B Listen (} Four people are discussing their favorite movies. Check () the words they use to describe them. 34¢ 1. Gone with the Wind |[_]boring [[] exciting (_} heartwarming romantic funny (C] violent clever frightening Olexciting [sad clever thrilling 4. 2001: A Space Odyssey |[_] violent [[] exciting thrilling romantic What movie have you seen most recently? What's your favorite movie? _Foreign gue, B Join another pair Ask about movies your classmates have seen recently. ea find out about their favorite movies. What \( hat comady have you seen recenty? ) have you seen recently? Well, ( we use saw... 7 saw. lc Group work What movies are currently playing? Look in a local eats if possible. Decide on one you all want to see. “Dream Date” Is ‘eerie | tonight. It doesn't sound very faa ep eater ‘eerie | faa ep eater Dg SeLE-STUDY sr pp 99 E33 B Pair work Where would you find these articles? Match the article titles to the magazines in part A. aed D aticjowe es DO YOUR OWN @the Hottest New Pain DEVELOPING | ies] © sailing around the world — C Join another pair Turn to page 88 to check your answers. Then discuss these questions. ; @ What magazines do you like to read? What kinds of articles do you enjoy? @ What is the most popular magazine among your friends or coworkers? ? © Are there any popular magazines in your country written in English? \ ike to read fashion magazines. | enjoy articles about... D Communication task BH@ Work with a partner. One of you should look at Task 7 on page 77, and the other at Task 21 on page 84. You're going to talk about favorite types of magazines. ot EE cc ; work Look at this map of a bookstore, Then read the titles of the books. In which section would you find each one? Build Your Dream House The Big Book of Volcanoes fourteent4i-Century England AN ATLAS OF THE WorLD. The Future of Soccer Get Self-Confidence Now! [ ‘The Complete Book of Vitamins © The Midnight Murders Timmy and the Friendly Monster B Pair work Tur to page 89 to check your answers. Then discuss these questions. © Which section of the bookstore do you usually go to first? What kinds of books do you like to read? Nu usually go to the sports section. | ike to read biographies of famous athletes, A Listen (} Megan and Louis are talking about their reading habits. As you llisten, complete the first two columns of the chart. You When do you like to read? B Work 2lone What are your reading habits? Complete the third column of he chart above. Pair work Discuss these questions. What was your favorite story as a 2 © What is the best book you’ve ever read? My favorite story was “Charlotte's Web.” murder(n) /‘ma:da/ vy 4n mang spider (n) /‘spaida/ con nhén “Monster (n) /‘monste/ quéi vat CC M8 1 4, Loy ¢ 6. Use the clues to complete the puzzle with words from Unit £ 7 Across 2 : Ele 1. the opposite of “save” a mo 2 2. These will keep your hands warm. a 13. 3. You can buy designer clothes here. a 15. 4. Some airport shops are .... -free. 4 5. Rent things. Don't .... things. De 6. a... roses 5 2 DSH EE, ete. 6 3 8.-A cheap place to buy clothes is a .... store. 7 10 9. A woman may wear this. ” 3 a1 10. Wear this over your shirt to keep warm. x 2 11. You keep money in this. ue n4 12. This makes you smell nice. yi Down K 13. If your rooms needs painting, it’s cheapest to 1 ; on : hh 1, Here are 6 scrambled words. 2. Here are 6 more scrambled words. yy Unscramble the letters to make Unscramble the letters to make words from Lesson 6A. words from Lesson 6B. aprizepet Morncoca Mo rocca wm tribet Macenix. Meas Oo gavebeer Tahi Theres ] pasteight Bramall B= "Oe setsred 6. Konear K ‘i Seekeachce Co CO—— Sashpin om al 3. Now use the letters in the circles above to complete the sentence. “I don’t like _ __ food.” opposite (adj) /ypazity trai nghia cheapest (adj) /t/i;pit/ ré designer clothes (n) /grzainakloudz/ quan 40 may sin 1. This is cheaper than staying at a hotel. 4, Staying in a .... hotel is expensive. 5. If you want to relax, stay at a quiet .... . 6. I youlove ....., you'll enjoy bird-watching. 7. Lenjoy .... activities. 8. 9. We were able to .... many interesting places. 12. Go to .... places to learn about the past. 13. I like to go on vacation with friends or .... . 15. This boat is similar to a canoe. Down 2. Climbing in the..... is fun. 3. It’s interesting to attend a .... in another country, 10. Did you enjoy your .... ? 11. “.... "tours don’t damage the environment, 12. Have you ever stayed in a fivestar ... ? 14. I always .... lots of photos on vacation. 1 There are 20 words from Unit 8 dihte weed vearch pussie. How———{H—1-S--T-O—-R-4.-G A-L-¥-V-D-D Sea N an abone~ HOR R CR FUNNY Tt JD ve something to do wit SOTES. DRAMAN IMA T b.O.Nel FRIGHTENUNGLCE er ri¢gyTvVAacrece. 1GABLNTRTRPNMC L.Suv} EG AU V 1A Visdpebol tA-6, BONS OE Ot y DOR] G PR Joe we LL eae 6 Cit NCE? FCT POW CKTKGGXINCTGNG CLEVER IMGZGIOG ROMANTICXNGAOP HEARTWARMINGCN expensive (adj) /ixs‘pensiv/ dat titn vacation (n) /va‘kei/n/ ky nghi to relax (v) /riteeks/ . nghingoi Ts EE” eat properly reduce stress Ye important to eat properly. If you don't have a healthy diet, you } B Pair work How can you make your life healthier? Complete these sentences. ‘Then compare with a partner. Exercise for minutes a day hours a day. less so there is more time Don’t work more than hours a Ea A Pair work Look at these photos. Which habits are important for a healthy life? Why? to exercise and more and more | really should exercise for 30 minutes a day. How about you? I shouldn't work more than 35 hours a week. week, Don’t worry about to reduce stress. regularly (adv) /regjular/ du din properly (adv) —/propali/ hap ly Health and fitness. 38 ie to reduce (v) /n'dju:s/ lam gigm A Pair work eves Se, and Maria wrote letters to a fitness expert. Match the 3 Maria I'm 60 years old and want to start exercising. 2 __ Peter | want to lose weight. My problem is that | always eat between meals. | can't control myself... I haven't exercised in 20 years, and I'm afraid. . . a. It’s OK to snack, if you choose your snacks carefully. 'b. Don’t be afraid to take the day off. It won’t kill you! c. Try walking for fitness, but take it slow at first. B Pair work What other advice can you give the people who wrote the ietters? Paula should take an aerobics class right away. ec Listen {) Now you will hear the fitness expert. Check ((/) the additional advice he gives. ere C0 Plan to leave work early sometimes. ( Take a vacation soon. | Peter | 1 Eat fruit, such as apples and oranges. O Don't eat sugary fruit, such as apples and oranges. O Swim regularly. D Don't take the subway or bus. Work alone Take this quiz. Check (p/) all the statements that are true. How long can you expect to live? | | 1.0 tam mate. 4. C1 Hike fried foods. | | CG tam female. Iie salty foods. j 2.0 tam married. CD I like sugary foods. j | OD tamsingle. 5. Ct walk to schoolwork. : ‘ i DD Itake a bustrain to _ | 3.0 texercise three times a week. is schoolwork. Dl exercise once a week. rane : CO I don't exercise at all. Pair work Compare your answers. Who do you think will live longer? Why? Join another pair Turn to page 89 to score the quiz. Who has the best score? lose weight (n) /1u:z ‘weit/ gidm cin day off(n) /e/'of/ ngay nghi snack (n) Jsnek/ phn An nhe She has insomnia. He's sleepwalking. She's having a nightmare B Work alone What do you know about sleep and dreams? Check (V) True or False, Tue Fase What is your “Sleep IQ”? 1. Babies dream less than adults. 2. Some people don’t dream at all. 3. Women sleep more than men. 4. It's dangerous to wake up a sleepwalker. 5. A sound sleeper rarely moves during the night. 6. The best cure for insomnia is to take short naps during the day. 7, You can play tapes and learn a foreign language while you sleep oooo0o00 oo000000 € Pair work Discuss your answers with a partner. Try to agree on the answers, Babies dream more than adults. But how do you They're always sleeping. know they dream? . D Listen () You will hear an expert discussing the Sleep 1Q quiz in ; part B. Were your answers correct? 3g { insomnia(n) —_/in'somnia/ ching mat ng nightmare (n) /naitmea/ dc mong sleepwalking (n) /sii:p'wo:kin/ mong du : 0 i CX afc seurstny spall A Pair work Check () the things you sometimes dream about. Then tell your partner about your dreams. your family 1D your childhood (CD someone chasing you 1 your friends O falling D flying OO speaking a foreign language || C) the future | sometimes dream about birds. Really? What kind of birds? B Join another pair What is the strangest dream you've ever had? Tell your group about it. co ry A Pair work ‘Take this quiz together. . exercise regularly go to bed late . go to bed early |. go to bed after esting wake up in the middle of the night . sleep in a cool room need an alarm clock to wake up sleep on a hard bed - | J L 70. get up late 71. get up early 72. sleep for less than eight hours 1 2 3 4 5. read before going to sleep 6 7. 8. n B Join another pair Turn to page 89 to calculate your scores. Then discuss these questions. ‘¢ Do you think you're more of an “early bird” or a “night owl”? ¢ How do you feel when you oversleep? © Do you usually remember your dreams? © Do you dream in black and white or in color? Tm more of a “night owl.” | hate going to bed early. childhood (n) /t/aildhud/ thoi tho du animal (n) /‘enima// d6ng vat tochase(v) /t/eis/ rugt dudi 4 41 Do you have a good memory? Turn to Task 8 on page 77, and follow the directions exactly. B Listen (} Maric, George, and Kylie are discussing what they do to remember things. Check (7) the techniques they use. ‘To remember phone numbers, O [immediately write the numbers down. OI break the numbers down into parts. 1 I:say the numbers out loud several times. (I think of the buttons on a phone and make a pattern. ‘To remember people’s names, OI think of something special about them. O Ler to remember the first letter of their names. (1 I think of the place where we first met. 1 Isay their names out loud when I first meet them. ‘To remember new words, OI write the words over and over. O) Iread the example sentence in a dictionary. 1 I write a sentence using the new words. 1 I say the words out loud several times, € Pair work Discuss these questions. © How do you remember numbers, names, and new words? © What are you good at remembering? * Have you ever had an embarrassing moment when you forgot someone's name, a phone number, or a word? Tell your partner about it. When | meet people, | always say their names out loud. Eas A Pair work How many objects from ‘Task 8 on Page 77 can you still remember? Makealit B Join another pair Compare your lists. Then look at the picture from Task 8 again. ® Who remembered the most objects? Which objects did you forget? © Did you write down any objects this time that were not in the picture? | remembered most of the objects. | forgot to write down the... immediately (adv) /’mi:ajoty — ngay lap tac first letter (n) /fo:st ‘Yeta/ chit c4i dau Several times (adv) /sevrartaimz/ vai fan 2 DO Soo 3 Ve A Listen (} Some people are recalling their childhood memories, Check (¥/) the sense they use to recall the memo) Osmell Oltouch Osight Orsound Qsmell Cltouch Qsight Osound O) smell O touch B Pair work Compare your answers. Do you have any similar memories? When | was young, | often had to take medicine. | remember |... € Join another pair Look at these childhood memories. Choose two and discuss what you remember about that time. the time you learned to ride a bicycle a time you got a special present atime you had fun with your best friend —_a time you cried really hard a time you went to the mountains or ocean your first day of school think Iwas six when | learned to ride a bicycle. smell(n) /sme/ __khifu gic sight (n) Jsait/ thi gide touch (n) fintyy _—xtic gid sound (n) (saund/ thinh giée 10B PEN cay advice. i A Pair work Look at these people. Have you ever been insimilar situations? What did you dg? Chae, 31'$ HOT TOO Matt Leslie Iwent to Faris, but Idon't speak French. 1... B Pair work Read the advice below. What advice can you give to the people in part A? Accept the situation... . Don’t be afraid. ‘Tell someone how you feel. Ask for help. Relax and enjoy your life. Tell the truth. Be patient. Set a goal for yourself, Watch others and learn. | think Ying should be patient I don't really agree. and accept the situation. I think she should... € Join another pair Compare ‘your answers, Did you give the same advice? toaccept(v) /sk'septy chip nhan to be afraid of st Petred/ jo so dibu gi Patient (adj): /peirny - ki@n nhin “ 2 Seo D Pair work Look at these problems. What advice can you give? Use the advice in part B, or think of your own. "My grades aren't very good, but I want to go to a good college.” "I'm worried I'm going to fail my exam." 5 "My pare: ly parents make me so angry sometimes." "I don't think my English is improving." | E Join another pair Compare your answers. Did you give the same advice? Activity 2 A Pair work What advice can you give someone who wants to be a better -. - ? son or daughter friend employee To be a better friend, you should try to listen more. B Listen () You will now hear some advice on how to be a better son or daughter, friend, and employee. Check (¥V) the advice the speaker mentions. * ADVICE Son or TD Compliment your parents. Cook your parents a nice meal. daughter | () Remember your parents’ birthdays. _O) Be a good listener. le. (Tell your friends your problems. D Look cheerful. CO Byy little gifts for your friends. Ask your friends questions. Employee | () Smile and be polite. (Learn from your mistakes. 1D Ask for help when you need it. Ci Arrive at work as early as possible. © Group work What is the best advice you've ever received from these people? Write the advice in the chart. Then share your answers with your group. My mother once told me, “Don't worry about litte things” to fail (¥) fei trot (thi) compliment (n) romplimant/ Wikhen ng Hit wf ngudi A Pair work Look at these places to visit in New York City. Have you ever visited similar places? B Pair work Which of these places are the people in part C going to? Write your guess under each picture below. Metropolitan Opera Museum of Modern Art Yankee Stadium Coney Island € Listen {} Which of these questions does each person use to ask directions? Write the question you hear. Did you guess the places correctly? Where is... ? Can you tell me where . . . is? Do you know where . . . is? Gan you tell me how to get to... ? Question Question museum (n) = /mju:'ziam/ _nha bao ting stadium (n) /steidiam/ san v: an dong federal bank (n) /tedaral beenk/ ngin hang lign bang drug store (n) /drgst2:/ cita hang due 6 DE Ca Cee A Pair work Look at this map, Put the directions below in the correct order. i Ay ey Y From City Park to the From Federal Bank to the Grom the drugstore to police station bus station Tiny's Gym _1_ Walk down Third Avenue. |] __ Walk until you see First ___ Walk down First Avenue. —— Turn right at Green Street. Avenue. _—— Turn left again at Green —— Turn right again. _— You'll see it on your left. Street. ___ Walk to Second Avenue. __ Turn right at First and _L. Go along Park Street to __ Go for two blocks. Main. se Se i ___ It will be on your left. __ Take another right. _— It will be on your left. ' ___ Go up to Park Street. —— Walk along Green Street. _1_ Go along Main Street. — Turn left. B Listen (You will now hear the directions. Check your answers. (€ Pair work Look at the map again. Ask for and give directions to these places. from the post office to Sophie's Restaurant from the flower shop to the video store from the Grand Hotel to the supermarket from the department store to City Park Excuse me. How do | get to Sophie's Restaurant? D Communication task BE@ Work with a partner. One of you should look at Task 9 ‘on page 78, and the other at Task 14 on page 80. You're going to give more directions. Te *” Vetere CTO MLC A Pair work Match the cities and the signs. 3 : B Pair work ‘Turn to page 89 to check your answers. Then discuss these questions. @ Which city would you @ What would you like to do th € Listen () Amelia, Ro the cities where they live. Check () [i The beaches are beautiful Oll's a good place to learn how to dance. CO Many people come for Carnival O The nightlife is excellent © Sydney has some interesting art muse (The people are very fri Dit has the largest harbor in the world ndly CO The transportation system is very easy to use (1) Taronga Zoo is a great place to sce koala bears. Singapore has some excellent places to shop. 0 Public transportation is fast and inexpensive. O The city is very clean. O There is a great mix of people Oil's a good place for inexpensive Asian food nightlife (n)’ /naitiaity thi vui v8 dém —trasportation (n) /,traenspo:'tel/n/ phutong ten excellent (adj) /exsa/ant/ tuyét voi van thi 48 EI foo >ik SELF-STUDY sce page 2 "2 A Pair work Look at this map. Match the symbols and the places below. Then turn to page 90 to check your answers. 1. hospital _b. 5. park ___ 9. ferry 2. restaurant 6. concert hall ____ 10. visitor information center 3. post office 7. bus stop ___ 11. museum, 4. subway station 8. library 12. theater B Work alone Draw a simple map of your neighborhood. Include only the main streets. Use symbols whenever possible. ¢ Pair work Show your map to your partner. Take turns asking for and giving directions. Can you tell me how to get to...? Sure. Walk along... A A Pair work Imagine that a friend from abroad is coming to visit you. Make suggestions about places to go. Plan a day to include: a great place for shopping a nice place for lunch a historic temple or church a pleasant park a famous place everyone should see an interesting museum The open-air market Is great for shopping. Let's go there at the end of the day. B Join another pair Take turns explaining your plans for the day. eee ‘subway station (n) /sabwerstei/n/ ga xe dign ngim infomation (u) /,infe’mei/n/ thong tin historic (adj) /his‘triky ni ting (c6 tinh cht lich st) ES A Pair work How do you celebrate in your country? Check (s/) the statements that are true for you, Then compare with a partner. O We celebrate the birthday of my country. [ We do things to protect our world. O We give thanks for a good harvest O We celebrate education and learning O We visit our ancestors’ graves. 1 There is a special day to celebrate work, O We celebrate a religious figure. CO We honor the leader of our country B Listen {) Four people are describing their favorite special days or holidays Write the day or holiday under the correct picture. 31 © Group work Discuss these questions. * Does your country have any similar holidays? What are they? e What is your favorite national holiday? Why? tocelebrate (v) /‘selibreity laml& ky nigém to Protect (v) /pre'tekt/ bio vé 50 REE Ca 3S SELF-STUDY sec page

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