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La semana del veintisiete de marzo (week of 3-27)

Plans may change a little day to day. If there is a major change or

an assignment change, I will post it on my website.



Remember to practice Spanish at home at least 15

minutes a night, whether or not you have homework.

This is a reminder that as stated in my syllabus, I do

not give credit for late work. Homework not turned in
at the beginning of class when it is due, will receive
49%. However, homework that was turned in on time
(and complete) may be redone for a better grade.
Tarea means homework. Examencito means

lunes (Monday)

Yo puedo escribir el nmero de mi libro

nuevo (es azl) cerca de mi nombre. Yo
puedo preguntar y responder a preguntas del
pasado y tomar notas usando decir en el
Qudate con la tarea.
Ask your neighbors in Spanish what they
did different days, they need to answer from
their sheet, and you should repeat, in
Spanish, Oh, you _______? whatever they
did conjugating in the t form. I will be
looking at your homework and listening for
Vamos a -preguntar y responder en
espaol con un vecino (10 minutos)
-conjugar decir en el pasado, see page 130
(5 minutos)
-Elegir al azar preguntas de que hiciste
-elegir al azar preguntas de quien usando
_____ dijo que ______
-usando me, te, le, nos, os, y les
Tarea: Decir half worksheet, write the correct
preterite form of decir for each, and then write
what it means in English. Free hwk pass if
you make a Quizlet on vocab 1 or 2 from p.
We are going to have a 40 point vocab test on
Thursday, April 20. Study all the vocabulary on
page 77. The first 38 points will be matching and
then youll have to write a sentence using words
from each section, conjugating your verb correctly.

martes (Tuesday)

Yo puedo usar pronumbres indirectos y tomar

If you were absent yesterday, make sure you
get a BLUE BOOK today and put your book #
by your name on the list.
Entrega la tarea.
Work with your neighbor to figure out what all
the words mean in the sentences on p 51 Act
6 (dont worry about the indirect objects yet,
make sure you know what the rest of the
sentence means)
Vamos a
-trabajar con un vecino de pgina 51
Actividad 6 (10 minutos)
-mirar el video de pronumbres indirectos y
tomar notas
-terminar p. 51 A 6 juntos (vamos a elegir al
-empezar la tarea
Tarea: Indirect object half worksheet, You will
need your blue book to look up new vocab.
You need to write the correct indirect object
and know what they mean. I will pick random
people to translate them tomorrow after you
hand in your homework.
Free hwk pass if you make a Quizlet on
vocab 1 or 2 from p. 77.
We are going to have a 40 point vocab test on
Thursday, April 20. Study all the vocabulary on
page 77. The first 38 points will be matching and
then youll have to write a sentence using words
from each section, conjugating your verb correctly.

mircoles (Wednesday)

Yo puedo escuchar y traducir pronumbres indirectos

en una cancion.
Entrega la tarea. (wkst see below)
Work with your neighbor to make sure you knew
what all the sentences meant, ask if youre not sure
as well pick random soon:
1.La profesora ________ lee un cuento a los nios.
2. El cartero ________ trae el correo a ti.
3.El comerciante __ puede ensear a Jos a
4.El periodista ____ cont la noticia a Olga y a m.
5. Las enfermeras ___ dan las medicinas a los
6. La programadora ___ puede prestar la
computadora a m.
7.El conductor siempre ___ dice buenos das a
la gente.
8.La secretaria del colegio __ ayuda a los
9. Le gusta contar____ chistes a m.
10. Prepra____ el desayuno a tu hermano.

Vamos a
-trabajar con un vecino de traducir (5
-elegir al azar para traducirlas
-escuchar una cancion para pronumbres
indirectos y otras palabras que sabes

-traducir las partes de la cancion con

ponumbres indirectos y directos
Tarea: half worksheet but youll need your
blue book. This is a double assignment since
we are missing class for our half day
We are going to have a 40 vocabulary test on
Thursday, April 20. Study all the vocabulary on
page 77. The first 38 points will be matching (25
vocab words/phrases, 13 infinitive verbs) and then
youll have to write a sentence using words from
each section, conjugating your verb correctly.

jueves (Thursday)
No hay clase de espaol. Es medioda. Thats why
you had a double assignment yesterday. Make sure
youre studying all the vocabulary from page 77 of the
blue book for your vocab test. Check if there are
Quizlets for the vocabulary .
viernes (Friday)
No hay clase de espaol.
Dont forget to practice your Spanish vocabulary.

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