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Student Name: Vanessa Uy Date: March 10, 2017 Age Group: Senior Preschool

It has been an ongoing task within the classroom to place an
Purpose: importance on exposing and allowing the children to become
Reason for developing accustomed to literacy within the classroom. My educator has
learning experience. This been helping the children individually extend their literacy by
could be in response to an enhancing their current literacy abilities and supporting those
observation, discussion with who have not quite familiarized themselves with literacy. Most
the site supervisor, Ontario of the children are able to recognize certain letters, usually the
Curriculum Objective, etc. ones in relation to their own names, however, my educator is
- striving to allow the children to grow comfortable recognizing
words and letters and slowly integrating tracing and writing to
the children who have yet to master the skill.
Learning Experience
What are you planning in Learning Experience: Gross Motor Lettering
response to your purpose? Objectives:
- Label your experience (e.g. 1. Children will enhance the skill (3.11) Letter Recognition
Painting with cars). as the children identify the various letters that
- What are your 3 objectives correspond with their names on the carpet written in
for this experience? (i.e.
tape (ELECT, p. 44).
What interests are you
2. Children will begin to acknowledge the skill (3.7)
extending? What
strengths and Enjoying Literacy as the children incorporate gross
opportunities for growth motor with literacy and take pleasure in recognizing
are you letters in the alphabet (ELECT, p. 43).
enhancing/supporting?) 3. Children will enhance the skill (5.1) Increasing Levels
of Activity, Endurance, and Variation in Types of
Describe the experience: Activity and Skills as the children are involved in
- Who will be involved in the creating the letters on the carpet and freely running or
experience? balancing on the letters to increase their ability to
- Where will the experience control their movements (ELECT, p. 52).
take place? (e.g. Indoors
or outdoors? In the
dramatic centre, the - Green Painters Tape
creative table, etc). - Large Open Space
1. Children noticed a roll of green painters tape in the
backpack and asked to use it to mark the start and finish
lines as they were conducting races
2. Using this opportunity, I made a letter as a starting line
and another letter on the opposite end as the finish.
3. The children were interested in the letters, as I used the
letters A and V in my name.
4. The children asked if I could make their letters on the
carpet where they wanted to place it but I gave them the
tape to create the letters themselves
5. The children began making their own letters
corresponding to their names and started making lines
and other shapes on the carpet with the tape
- List the materials and 6. The children would walk/balance on the lines of the
resources you will use letters and run to the next letter and repeat the cycle
- Describe the
until they were done all the letters designated around the
implementation of the
experience, with a step by large space.
step description 2 Teaching Strategies:
- List and describe 2 teaching 1. Challenges: It is important to use this strategy,
strategies. How will you especially during this experience because it allows the
use them? Why have you children to problem solve independently and it allows
chosen these strategies? you to observe the steps it takes them to get to their
desired creation. By challenging the children, it allows
them to learn the concept of failing and trying different
ways in order to succeed and then eventually feeling a
sense of accomplishment when they are finished.
2. Scaffolding: Even though it is important for an educator
to facilitate challenges for the child to initiate
independence and problem solving, it is also important
to assist the child if needed. If a child is having
difficulties ripping the tape without the use of scissors
or cannot create the letter without a visual representation
for them to copy, it is our responsibility to provide the
assistance and slowly take it away so that they are able
to do it on their own.
- What went well? Provide This was a really fun activity to implement because it was a
examples for how you gross motor activity that incorporated literacy. What worked:
know it went well. - The children were able to recognize the letters on the
- What didnt go well?
ground and they also asked which letters were to be put
Provide examples for
on the ground
- The children actually created their own letters using the
how you know it didnt - Started making shapes and other lines with the tape.
go well. - Children followed the lines and ran, balanced and
- What did you learn? walked.
- What might you do
What didnt work:
differently next time you
implement this same - There wasnt enough tape, because we didnt expect
experience and why? them to use so much of the tape.
- Did you have to make any - The clean-up was a little hard considering there was a
adaptations or lot of tape.
modifications? If so, I learned that you can make an activity out of anything and as
what were they? simple as something like tape and running. The children loved
- What type of experience being able to race using the letters and also using them to
might you plan to extend
balance. They also liked the fact that they could create their
on this one?
own finish and start lines using shapes, letters and other lines. I
learned that children have the biggest imaginations when it
comes to creating their own activities.
Field Supervisor Feedback:


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