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Mrs. Lisa Mays Kindergarten Class

Northwest Elementary School
1202 W First Street.
Ankeny, Iowa

Presenter: Karlee Rainey

February 10th, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.

Program Length: approximately 30-40 minutes

Topic/Statement of purpose
Love Your Smile- A presentation on proper brushing and flossing technique to maintain good
oral health.

The audience is a kindergarten class of 25 mostly Caucasian male and female students all around
the age of 5-6. The teachers name is Lisa May. Mrs. Mays class is at Northwest Elementary
School located at 1202 W First Street in room 407. The students have a basic understanding of
dental health and read at a beginners level. During the observation, the teacher introduced me to
the class and told them what I am going to school to do. Every one of the students raised their
hand when asked if they had visited the dentist. They are all very friendly and interactive with
each other. Parking behind the building is easily accessible. To enter the building, a button is
pressed to be buzzed in to the main entrance. A drivers license is required to check in and a
stick-on badge is given to the visitor. The classroom has white boards with markers, a big rug
centered in front of the white board, ELMO, a projector, and desks are clustered in groups of 5-6.
The lesson will be presented in one session, with a different subsequent lesson in the spring. The
length of the presentation will be approximately 30- 40 minutes allowing 5 minutes for set up.


Goal 1: Students will be able to recall ways to keep your teeth happy and healthy.
Objective: At the beginning of the lesson, students will raise their hands and report five ways to
keep your teeth happy with 90% accuracy. (Cognitive)
Goal 2: Children will understand the amount of toothpaste used while brushing.
Objective: During the presentation, children will report with 95% accuracy that only a smear or
pea sized amount of toothpaste is needed while brushing. (Cognitive)
Goal 3: Children will know that we use the c-shape technique to floss.
Objective: During the presentation, children will demonstrate c-shaped flossing with yarn as
floss, playdough as plaque, and mega blocks as teeth with 80% accuracy. (Psychomotor)

Instructional Set
Hi class! Im excited to be back in your class room today! Who can raise their hand and tell me
what is in February? (Listen and respond to answers, and continue when someone answers
Valentines Day). Thats right! Valentines Day is in February! It is a day we celebrate love. Did
you know that February is also National Children's Dental Health Month? Im here today to talk
about how to love your smile and show you how to brush and floss your teeth! But first, lets talk
about some of the things we learned the last time I was here.

Lesson Body & Methods

1. Review
a. Ask class what they remember about what the dental team does during a visit to
the dentist. Accept answers and add on to their responses.
- Count teeth
- Show you how to brush and floss
- Take x-rays and look for cavities
- Clean and polish teeth
- Give you a new toothbrush

b. Put poster of a happy tooth on the white board. Ask children what makes our teeth
happy. Discuss their answers and write their right responses on foam hearts
with a permanent marker. Place the hearts on the white board with sticky tack
around the tooth poster.
- Brush at least 2x per day
- Floss
- Fluoride
- Sealants
- Choose healthy foods

c. Hold up poster of color-coded dentition and review each type of tooth and discuss
how many of each kind they have in a primary dentition. Discuss what each type
of tooth does and give an example.

- (8) Incisors: cutting

- (4) Canines: tearing
- (8)Molars:chewing/grinding

2. We take care of our teeth so we dont get cavities
a. Discuss how cavities are formed. We have little tiny germs in our mouths that we
cant see with our eyes. Those germs are called bacteria. The bacteria eat the
sugar and makes something called acid. The acid on our teeth is what makes holes
in our teeth. Another name for a hole in your tooth is a cavity.

3. Brushing
a. Hold up tooth named Sparkle and a toothbrush, and introduce Sparkle to the
class. Place toothbrush on Sparkles face and brush in circular motion. Ask the
children if they only wash their face when they take a bath. (Let them respond).
Explain that just like we wash our whole body and not just our faces, we need to
brush all the surfaces of our teeth. Take toothbrush and demonstrate washing
Sparkle on all surfaces.

b. It is recommended to brush for 2 minutes each time. Hold up a tooth sand timer
and turn it over to start time. Use Colgate tooth model to show the class the front
(facial), back (lingual), and chewing (occlusal) surfaces. Demonstrate brushing
using circular motions on all surfaces and tongue. Ask for two volunteers to come
up to the front and have them demonstrate brushing all surfaces to the class.

c. Hold up a toothbrush and toothpaste. Ask the class if they know how much
toothpaste is to be used while brushing. Accept various answers and teach them
that we only use a smear or pea-sized amount of toothpaste on the toothbrush.
Demonstrate putting a smear of toothpaste on the toothbrush and show the class.
d. Teach them to always spit out their toothpaste in the sink and to never swallow it!
Tell them toothpaste acts like soap for our teeth. Explain that we would never
swallow soap in our bath, so dont swallow your toothpaste or it could hurt their
tummy. Parents should always help with brushing up until age 8.

4. Flossing
a. Hold up a box of string floss. Pull out an 18-inch strand. Teach them the reason
we floss is to reach the plaque and germs that are between our teeth that our
toothbrush cant reach. If we dont floss, your gums can become swollen and red.
They may even hurt and bleed.

b. Demonstrate how to wrap floss around index fingers. Teach them to put pointer
fingers up and point your fingers towards the ceiling. Say pointer fingers up
and have them show their index fingers. Teach them how to pinch the floss
between their pointer finger and thumb.

c. Write the letter C on the board. Ask them what letter it is. (Class will respond in
unison). Explain that we make a C shape around each tooth when we floss.
Show them an exaggerated C using a pipe cleaner and demonstrate flossing in
an up and down motion with the Colgate tooth model.

d. Hold up a mega block and show the children that the pegs represent teeth. Put
pieces of playdough between the teeth and inform them that it represents
plaque. Hold a piece of yarn and demonstrate c-shaped flossing. Break children
into groups and let them practice c-shape flossing.

e. Show them a floss pick and let them know it is another way to floss and let them
know that their parents can help them.

5. Rinsing
a. Hold up a bottle of childrens mouth rinse. Teach them that mouth rinse can be
used after brushing to help reduce bacteria, and it prevents plaque from forming.

The mouth rinse also has fluoride that keeps our teeth strong and helps to protect
our teeth from cavities.
b. Teach them to use a small amount, swish in your mouth, and spit it out in the sink.
Have a volunteer come to the front and pretend demonstrate to the class.


Im so proud of you all! You remembered a lot about what the dental team does and know which
foods make your teeth happy. You also remembered that it is important to brush your teeth!
Today we talked about brushing and flossing.
- How many times do we brush our teeth in a day?
o Two
- What letter do we make with our string floss when we are flossing?
o c
- How much toothpaste do we put on our toothbrush?
o Pea size or a smear
- What do we do with our toothpaste thats in our mouths after we are done
o Spit it out, dont swallow
- What can the tiny germs in our mouth cause if we eat too much sugar and
dont brush our teeth after?
o Cavities
- How long should we brush our teeth?
o At least two minutes every time

Today I brought a tooth timer and a toothbrush for you all to take home with you! Thank you so
much for letting me come into your classroom to teach you how to Love Your Smile!

Objective 1: Ask students to recall ways to keep their teeth happy. The students were able to
recall ways to keep your teeth happy and healthy with at least 90% accuracy.
Objective 2: Ask children what amount of toothpaste should be used on their toothbrush.
Children reported that only a smear or pea sized amount of toothpaste is needed while brushing
with at least 95% accuracy.
Objective 3: Have children demonstrate c-shaped flossing with yarn as floss, playdough as
plaque, and mega blocks. The children demonstrated c-shaped flossing with at least 80%

Materials Needed for Evaluation Activities

1. Overview
a. Happy tooth picture
b. Foam hearts
c. Permanent marker
d. Sticky tack
e. Picture of primary dentition
2. Brushing
a. Childs toothbrush
b. Childs toothpaste
c. Colgate tooth model and toothbrush
d. Plastic tooth named Sparkle
3. Flossing
a. String floss
b. Yarn
c. Mega blocks
d. Playdough
e. Pipe cleaner


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