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Descriere Produsele EKOPUR E 8900 sunt emailuri poliuretanice bicomponente, diluabile cu apa.
Description Rezistenta buna la medii alcaline si acide; rezistenta buna la produse petroliere (uleiuri
minerale, benzina, motorina, parafina, hidrocarburi, s.a.); rezistenta buna la umiditate ;
rezistenta foarte buna la ceata salina ; rezistenta buna la intemperii ; aderenta
excelenta ; caractersitci mecanice ridicate ; putere buna de acoperire.
EKOPUR E 8900 products are two- component water- based polyurethane enamels.
Good resistance to alkaline and acid medium; good resistance to petroleum products(mineral oil,
petrol, gas oil, paraffin, hydrocarbons, etc); good resistance to humidity; very good resistance to
salt spray; good resistance to weather conditions; excellent adherence; good mechanical
resistance; good hiding power.

Utilizare Produsele E 8900 sunt indicate ca strat final pentru finisari de vagoane, lucrari de
Recommended use vopsitorie CFR, masini agricole, etc.Sunt recomandate pentru protejarea suprafetelor
exploatate la exterior sau interior, conferindu-le acestora un aspect placut.Sunt utilizate
pentru acoperirea suprafetelor grunduite, precum si pentru intretinerea sau repararea
suprafetelor care au mai fost vopsite.
E 8900 products are recommended as final coat for finishing of wagons, railway painting works,
agricultural machines, etc.They are recommended for metallic surfaces protection, exploited
outdoors or indoors providing a pleasant aspect.They are used for coating of primed surfaces and
for maintaining or repairing previously painted surfaces.

Temperatura de lucru Temperatura maxima de lucru nu trebuie sa depaseasca 100C.

Service temperature Maximum service temperature should not exceed 100C (permanent service).

Sortimente RAL 7044, RAL 7035, RAL 7012, RAL 3020.

Assortments Alte culori conform cartelelor RAL sau KBER.
Other assortments in accordance with RAL or KBER colour cards.

Aspect Lucios visual
Finish Glossy
Luciu, 60 Min.70 SRENISO 2813:2003
Gloss, 60, %
Volum de solide 45% approx. -
Volume solids
Densitate 1.35 0.5kg/l approx. SREN ISO 2811-1:2002
Specific gravity (at 23 C)
Duritate Persoz, min. 100s SREN ISO 1522 : 2002
Persoz hardness, min.
Aderenta, grila de 1 mm 1 SREN ISO 2409 : 2003
Adherence to substrate,
1 mm grid
Uscare, aprox. (at 23 C, 50 5% umiditate rel.)
Dry -to-touch (Tip B) 2 hours
Dry- to-handle(TipD) 12 hours ASTMD 1640: 2003
Uscare fortata, 1 ora la 60C
Forced drying, 1hour at 60C Dry-to-handle(Tip D)
Fully cured (intarire completa) 7days
Valabilitate in ambalaj 6 luni de la data fabricatiei, in conditiile respectarii prevederilor de ambalare si
Shelf life depozitare. In functie de conditiile de depozitare, inaintea utilizarii se recomanda
amestecarea produsului.
6 months from the production date, with the observance of the storage and packing provisions.
Depending on the storage conditions, it is recommended to stir the product before use.

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Raport de amestecare Email E 8900: Intaritor I 890 100p : 22p masic
Mixing ratio Base E 8900: Curing agent I890 100p: 22p weight

Interval de utilizare 2hours SRENISO 9514: 2005

Pot life (at 23 C)
Metoda de aplicare pulverizare aer
Application method air spraying
Diluant utilizat / Dilutie apa rece(15-25C) curata
cold clean water (15-25C) /
8 -15%
Presiune 3 - 4atm
Diametru duza 1,8 - 2,2mm
Nozle orrifice
Grosime strat umed 90 m approx. SREN ISO 2808:2002
Typical wet film thickness

Grosime strat uscat 40m aprox. SREN ISO 2808:2002

Typical dry film thickness
Consum teoretic 120g/m approx. - 40 m
Theoretical spreading rate 2
11m /l approx. - 40 m
Consum practic Consumul practic este functie de conditiile de aplicare (geometria suprafetei, metoda de
Practical spreading rate aplicare, conditiile de mediu) si poate fi 1.2 - 1.5 x consumul teoretic.
Practical spreading rate depends on the application conditions (surface geometry, application
method, environmental conditions) and can be 1.2 - 1.5 x theoretical spreading rate.
Observatie Nu se recomanda amestecarea produsului seria E 8900 cu alte produse.
Remark (alte produse = intaritori, diluanti, agenti de curatare- altele decat cele recomandate de
Mixing E 8900 series products with other products is not recommended.
(other products = curing agents, thinners, cleaners - others than those recommended by producer)

PREGATIREA Gradul de pregatire a suportului este determinant in obtinerea performantelor sistemului

SUPRAFETEI de protectie. Suportul nu trebuie sa aiba defecte de suprafata (suprapuneri de material,
SURFACE fisuri, stropi de sudura, etc.).
PREPARATION Suprafete metalice noi: sablare la gradul Sa 2 in conformitate cu SRENISO 8501-
1:2002, pregatirea suprafetei realizandu-se in conformitate cu SREN ISO 8504-1:2003,
SREN ISO 8504-2:2003, SREN ISO 8504-3:2003.Se desprafuieste apoi suprafata cu aer
comprimat.Se aplica primul strat al sistemului de vopsire, grundul EKOPOX G 8800.
Suprafete vechi: indepartare vopsea veche, degresare cu detergent, indepartarea sarii
sau a altor contaminanti prin curatare cu apa (la presiune ridicata), sablare la minim Sa 2
sau curatare mecanica la gradul St 3 (periere energica in directii perpendiculare),
The degree of substrate preparation is decisive for the protective system performance.
The substrate should not present surface defects (material overlapping, cracks, welding drops, etc.).
New metallic surfaces: abrasive blasting Sa 2 in accordance with SRENISO 8501-1:2002 or 2 in
accordance with STAS 10166 / 1 -77, surface preparation is achieved in accordance with SREN ISO
8504-1:2003, SREN ISO 8504-2:2003, SREN ISO 8504-3:2003. Then the surface is dedusted with
compressed air. Then it is applied the first coat of the painting system, EKOPOX G 8800.

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Old metallic surfaces: removal of the old paint, degreasing with detergent, removal of salt or other
contaminants by high pressure fresh water cleaning, abrasive blasting minimum Sa 2 or mechanical
cleaning at St3 (strong brushing in perpendicular directions), dedusting. The surfaces polishing
should be avoided.

CONDITII DE Emailurile seria E 8900 se vor aplica pe suprafete curate si uscate, ce vor avea
APLICARE temperaturi peste temperatura punctului de roua pentru evitarea condensarii umiditatii pe
APPLICATION suport.Umiditatea relativa va fi de max. 70%.Aplicarea decurge in conditii optime daca se
CONDITIONS asigura o temperatura a mediului ambiant si a amestecului de 10-30C.
E 8900 series enamels should be applied only on dry and clean surfaces with temperatures above
the dew point temperature in order to avoid condensation. The relative humidity should be of max.
70%. Application is made under optimal conditions if is ensured a temperature of the ambient
environment and mixture of 10-30C.

CONDITII DE USCARE Emailul seria E 8900 poate fi uscat la aer sau fortat 1 ora la temperatura de 60C.In cazul
DRYING CONDITIONS uscarii fortate produsul aplicat la o grosime strat uscat de aprox.40m este zvantat in
prealabil la aer timp de 120 minute, apoi se usuca fortat 1 ora la temperatura de 60C.
Se va acorda o atentie deosebita grosimii de pelicula.Nu se recomanda o grosime mai
mare de 60m a stratului de email poliuretanic ce urmeaza sa fie uscat fortat 1 ora la
temperatura de 60C.
E 8900 series enamels can be subject to air -drying or forced drying for 1 hour at the temperature
of 60C.In case of forced drying, the product applied at a dry film thickness of approx. 40 m should
be previously air -cured for 120 minutes and subsequently forced dried for 1 hour at the
temperature of 60C. It is necessary a different attention for the thickness of the film. It is not
recommended a more thickness of 60m of the coat of enamel and then the film can be forced
dried for 1 hour at the 60C.

Observatie Emailurile seria E 8900 sunt destinate acoperirilor profesionale.

Remark E 8900 series enamels are destined to professional uses.

INSTRUCTIUNI DE Se conditioneaza componentii la temperatura de 10 -30C, se omogenizeaza bine si apoi

APLICARE se prepara amestecul: 100 parti (masic) email + 22 parti (masic) intaritor.Se adauga
APLICATION intaritorul in baza omogenizand manual sau daca se prepara o cantitate mai mare de
INSTRUCTIONS produs se foloseste un agitator mecanic cu o turatie foarte mica.Timpul de prereactie este
de 10 minute.Dupa prereactie si inainte de aplicare se dilueaza amestecul in proportiile
Observatii: Se va prepara numai cantitatea de amestec necesara aplicarii .In timpul
manipularii, dozarii, prepararii amestecului se va evita contacul intaritorului cu apa sau
alcooli .Ambalajele de intaritor nu vor fi lasate deschise in contact cu aerul. Daca nu se
prepara amestec astfel incat sa fie utilizata toata cantitatea de intaritor, ambalajul de
intaritor partial golit va fi inchis imediat.Se va tine cont de faptul ca intaritorul dintr-un
ambalaj partial golit are viabilitate foarte redusa.
Se utilizeaza sistemul de vopsire: 1strat grund EKOPOX G 8800(grosime strat uscat:
cca.100m).Dupa 12 ore in conditiile unei ventilatii suficiente se aplica 1 strat email
EKOPUR E 8900( grosime strat uscat: cca 40m).
In cazul uscarii fortate emailul aplicat cu o grosime a statului uscat de cca.40m este
zantat in prelabil la aer 2 ore, apoi se usuca fortat 1ora la 60C.

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The components should be conditioned at 10 -30C, thoroughly homogenized and then the mixture
should be prepared as follows: 100 parts (by weight) enamel +22 parts (by weight) curing agent.
Add the curing agent into the base, handbook homogenized or if should be prepared a more quantity
of the product, used a manual agitator with a very small rotation. The pre-reaction time is
10 minutes. After pre-reaction time and before application the mixture should be thinned in
recommended proportions.
Remark: Prepare only the mixture quantity necessary to one application.During the storage, dosing
or preparation oh the mixture it should be avoided the curing agent contact with water or alcohols.Do
not let open the curing agent packages in contact with air.In case that it is not prepared a mixture so
as to use the whole quantity of curing agent, the curing agent package partially emptied should be
closed immdediately.Take into account that the agent curing from a partially emptied package has a
very reduced stability.
It should be used the painting system : 1 coat EKOPOX G 8800 primer( dry film thickness: 100 m
approx).After 12 hours with a sufficient ventilation it should be applied 1coat EKOPUR E 8900
enamel( dry film thickness: 40 m approx).
In case of forced drying the enamel E 8900 applied at a dry film thickness of approx.40 m should
be previously air -cured for 120 minutes and subsequently forced dried for 1 hour at the
temperature of 60C.

AMBALARE Emailuri seria E 8900: PVC de 18l

PACKING Intaritor I 890 : PVC de 5l.
E 8900 series enamels: PVC buckets of 18l.
Curing agent I 890: PVC cans of 5l.

DEPOZITARE Se recomanda depozitarea produsului E 8900 la temperaturi cuprinse intre 5 -40C.

STORAGE It is recommended to store the product E 8900 at the temperatures of 5 - 40C.
Pentru intaritor I 890 vezi precizarile de la instrctiuni de aplicare( observatii) !
For the agent curing I 890 see the application instructions( remark) !

SECURITATEA MUNCII Fiind un produs diluabil cu apa, nu pune probleme deosebite de securitate a muncii.Se va
WORK SAFETY evita contactul cu pielea, ochii si mucoasele. In cazul contactului cu pielea, se spala cu
apa calda si sapun. In cazul contactului cu ochii, se spala din abundenta cu apa si apoi
se consulta un specialist.
The product is waterborne and does not raise special problems of work safety.Avoid contact with
skin, eyes and mucous membranes.In case of contact with skin wash with warm water and soap.In
case of contact with eyes wash with plenty of water and seek for medical advice.

NOTA Toate aceste date au caracter general privind performantele si utilizarea produsului, de
NOTE aceea recomandam testarea produsului in conditiile propriei tehnologii de aplicare a
Rugam consultati producatorul pentru lamuriri suplimentare.
All these data have a general character regarding the performance and use of the product; therefore
we recommend the testing of the product under conditions specific to the application technology of
the beneficiary.
Please contact the producer for further information.

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