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Pediatric Orthopaedic Clinic At The Childerns

Hospital of Western Ontario

Submitted to:

Mr. Rabindra Silwal

Submitted By:

Abhilasha Thapa

Ajita Giri

Ashim Amatya

Ashmita KC

Avinash Hada

16th January, 2016

Ace Institute of Management

5. What recommendations would you make and why?

Change Hours of Operation

One of the biggest complaints by parents is that they are losing money by
foregoing work to take their children to the hospital. By changing the hours
of operation to later in the day where the average parent is finished with
work, it would help eliminate the economic cost of coming to the doctor. It
may also help improve waiting times since the hospital may not be as busy
later in the day.

Consider Additional Equipment Purchases

Although there is a high upfront cost to additional equipment, it should still

be considered because of the improvement it will have in patient satisfaction
and reducing lead times. The clinic must weigh the value of improved
satisfaction with the economic costs of purchasing the additional equipment.

Distant Patients

Patients traveling from far away should be allowed to get x-rays done
somewhere closer to them to reduce the amount of time they have to wait
when they do get to the clinic. Similarly, once the initial diagnosis and tests
are conducted, the clinic should recommend other clinics or physicians to
conduct follow-up appointments. This would reduce the number of patients
the surgeon would see and thus he will not be over utilized.

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