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1 ({TT TEU | Oey | (Re Papelad S- ja nerf INTHE SUPREME COURT ORYICTORIA / fife AT MELBOURNE IN THE MATTER of an application by Kevin Kelly for an order undér rule 27.06(3) of the Supreme Court (General Civil Procedure) Rules 2005 WHEREIN: Kevin Kelly Plaintiff JUDGE: ‘The Honourable Justice J Forrest DATE MADE: I January 2015 | HOW OBTAINED: In chambers OTHER MATTERS: A. The Plaintiff sought to file the following: 1, Summons dated 14 January 2015; 2, an Affidavit in Support sworn 14 January 2015 (the Plaintiff's documents). B. The Prothonotary refused to seal the Plaintiff's documents pursuant to 27.06(1) of the Supreme Court (General Civil Procedure) Rules Rules) on the basis that if sealed, the proceeding so commenced would be imegular or an abuse of process. C. The putative Plaintiff sought a direction from the Court to order the Prothonotary to seal the Plaintiff's documents pursuant to r 27.06(3) of the Rales, Sy D. _Itis apparent that if the Plaintiff's documents were sealed the proceeding so commenced would be irregular or an abuse of process. ORDER 1, The Court declines to direct the Prothonotary to seal or accept the Plaintiff's documents for filing. DATE AUTHENTICATED: 14 January 2015 VICTORIAN CIVIL AND ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL HUMAN RIGHTS DIVISION HUMAN RIGHTS LIST VCAT Reference: H274/2014 APPLICANT: Kevin Kelly FIRST RESPONDE! Altorney-General for the State of Victoria SECOND RESPONDENT: State of Victoria (Department of Justice) WHERE HELD: In Chambers BEFORE: Deputy President G. Nihill DATE OF ORDER: 24 April 2015 ORDER ‘The Tribunal records that: 1. The following order was made on 30 March 2015: Having regard to order made on 11 December 2015 and 17 February 2015 and correspondence from both parties the Tribunal orders that: Unless the Applicant files particulars of his claim on or before 17 April 2015 then on that date the application will be struck out without hearing. 2. On 17 April 2015 the Applicant filed a document entitled ‘continuing particulars of all matters before the court of crimes being committed’, 3. Neither this document nor any other material filed by the Applicant discloses particulars of any claim in respect of which the Tribunal has jurisdiction. ‘The Tribunal therefore orders that: Under 875 of the Victorian Ci vil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 the proceeding is. struck out on the basis that it is misconceived. VICTORIAN CIVIL AND ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL HUMAN RIGHTS DIVISION HUMAN RIGHTS LIST VCAT Reference: H274/2014 APPLICANT: Kevin Kelly FIRST RESPONDE! Altorney-General for the State of Victoria SECOND RESPONDENT: State of Victoria (Department of Justice) WHERE HELD: In Chambers BEFORE: Deputy President G. Nihill DATE OF ORDER: 24 April 2015 ORDER ‘The Tribunal records that: 1. The following order was made on 30 March 2015: Having regard to order made on 11 December 2015 and 17 February 2015 and correspondence from both parties the Tribunal orders that: Unless the Applicant files particulars of his claim on or before 17 April 2015 then on that date the application will be struck out without hearing. 2. On 17 April 2015 the Applicant filed a document entitled ‘continuing particulars of all matters before the court of crimes being committed’, 3. Neither this document nor any other material filed by the Applicant discloses particulars of any claim in respect of which the Tribunal has jurisdiction. ‘The Tribunal therefore orders that: Under 875 of the Victorian Ci vil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 the proceeding is. struck out on the basis that it is misconceived.

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