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(Tomada de la pagina el Templo de el Rey)

1942 - 1960 Nace una leyenda

De verdadero nombre Ronald James Padovana, nació el 10 de Julio de
1942 en Portsmouth, New Hampshire (EEUU) aunque pronto se
trasladaría junto a sus padres, inmigrantes italianos, al condado de
Cortland, New York a una comunidad italiana de clase media.

En su niñez, Ronnie se mostraba interesado

por el deporte. Realmente su ilusión era jugar al béisbol, pero su padre
vio que ese no sería el mejor futuro para su hijo y cuando éste cumplió los
cinco años le regaló una trompeta. Dio estuvo practicando con la
trompeta durante cuatro horas diarias hasta que cumplió los diecisiete.
Este fue el único instrumento que Ronnie realmente llegó a estudiar y a
punto estuvo de convertirse en un gran trompetista llegando incluso a
tocar en la Cortland High Jazz Band y lograr una beca para la academia
de música de Julliard.

Pero este no era el camino que Ronnie pretendía seguir y abandono

ambos. En la adolescencia, y en medio de una espectacular tendencia en
expansión como era el Rock, Dio pensó que había cometido un error al
dedicar todos esos años a la trompeta. Pero, más adelante, el tiempo le
haría cambiar de parecer. En aquellos momentos él se interesaba por
instrumentos como la guitarra, los teclados o el bajo. Y fue éste último el
que le acompañaría durante largos años hasta los tiempos, en aquel
entonces lejanos, de Elf.

En los años de escuela, Ronnie formó su primera banda; "The Vegas

Kings", concretamente a principios del año 1957 junto a Nick Pantas a la
guitarra y Tom Rogers a la batería. Él mismo se ocuparía ya del bajo y las
voces pero sin dejar de lado la trompeta. A finales de año se incorpora
Jack Musci al saxofón y pasan a llamarse "Ronnie & the Rumblers".

Comenzaron a actuar los fines de semana en discotecas locales

obteniendo una buena acogida. Rápidamente estaban tocando en fiestas
universitarias, auditorios, bailes... hasta que se dio la oportunidad de salir
de la ciudad, pero se vieron obligados por el promotor a cambiar de
nuevo el nombre al grupo. Así, "Ronnie & the Redcaps" sería el apelativo
definitivo durante unos años.

Estamos ya bien avanzados en 1958 y la

entrada de Billy De Wolf a la voz deja a Ronnie ocuparse plenamente del
bajo y la trompeta. Gracias a un contacto del hermano de Nick, acceden a
grabar un single en un estudio independiente de la ciudad. Serían dos
temas; "Lover", interpretada por Billy De Wolf y "Conquest" en la cara B,
tema instrumental firmado por Ronnie y Pantas, en la cual podemos
escuchar a Dio tocando la trompeta.

Al poco tiempo de grabar el single, Billy De Wolf abandona el grupo

inmerso en turbios asuntos que le conducen a prisión. También, aunque
por motivos diferentes y ya en 1960, Jack Musci dejará a sus amigos para
no desatender sus estudios. Según ciertas fuentes fue ese el año en que
Dio consigue su graduación en la Courtland High.
1960 - 1968 Años de Rock & Roll
Nick, Ronnie y Tom se plantean una nueva estructura para el grupo. Con
la incorporación de Dick Bottoff como segunda guitarra, "Ronnie & the
Redcaps" se lanzan a la grabación de su segundo sencillo. Es este el
momento en que Ronnie toma una decisión que le acompañará durante
toda su carrera y como no, toda su vida. Sacado de un libro de gangsters
tomaría para sí el nombre del lider mafioso; "Dio", sin saber hasta
tiempos de "Black Sabbath" que en italiano significaba "Dios" (tengamos
en cuenta que en inglés "Dios" se traduce como "God" y no hay una
asociación aparente entre ambos términos). "- Ciertamente no tomé ese
nombre siendo consciente de ello. ¡No tengo tanto ego!" declaraba Ronnie
años después en una entrevista.

Volviendo a la grabación del nuevo single de los

"Redcaps" y bajo el seudónimo de Ronnie Dio, se graban los temas "An
Angel is Missing" y " What'd I Say". Tras la edición de éste, una vez más
cambiarían de nombre por "Ronnie & the Prophets". A partir de aquí
llegarían los frutos a todo el esfuerzo de sus primeras andadas. Entre
1961 y 1967 se sucederían la grabación de varios singles, combinando
versiones con algún que otro tema propio, e incluso editaron un L.P. en
vivo titulado "Dio at Domino's" el 24 de Febrero de 1963. El Domino's es
un restaurante situado en Main Street, Courtland y a día de hoy hay un
cartel a la entrada con la inscripción: "We Rock" en homenaje a su carrera.
Durante ese periodo la formación de componentes se vio
alterada por la marcha en 1965 de Tom Rogers, sustituido por Gary
Driscoll, y en 1966 David Feinstein ocuparía el lugar a la guitarra de Dick
Bottoff. De estos años nos quedan grandes canciones, que aunque nada
tienen que ver con lo que sería Dio en un futuro, sí tienen un encanto
propio si tenemos en cuenta los años de que hablamos. Escuchar
canciones como "Walking Alone", "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow",
"Where You Gonna Run To Girl", "Smiling By Day" o "The Way Of Love"
cantadas por Ronnie es algo que a cualquier amante de la carrera de Dio
no puede dejar indiferente.

La fiebre Beatle hacía furor en todo el mundo y la música empezaba a

mover masas hasta entonces impensables. Ronnie, impresionado ante la
magnitud de esto y sintiéndose atraído por las nuevas corrientes
musicales no dudó en dar un giro de 180º en una dirección con más y
mejores expectativas de futuro. Dio quería componer y tocar sus propios
temas, así que en el otoño de 1967 "Ronnie & the Prophets" dice adiós al
Rhythm & Blues.

1968 - 1972 La influencia Beatle

Dio toma las riendas del nuevo proyecto llamado "The Electric Elves"
(Los elfos eléctricos) nombre por cierto muy acertado si tenemos en
cuenta que Ronnie era el más alto de todos. También en aquel momento
se incorpora Doug Thaler a los teclados. La onda que pretenden seguir es
la marcada por la nueva oleada de grupos de Pop-Rock que sacuden las
radios de todo el mundo y esto se deja ver en su primer y único single.
Los temas son "Hey Look Me Over" en la cara "A" y "It Pays To
Advertise" en la "B". El cambio es más que considerable y no cabe duda
de que se vayan aproximando a un sonido cada vez más personal.

Pero la fatalidad llegará el día 12 de Febrero de 1968 cuando, volviendo

de una gira en Connecticut, sufren un accidente en carretera contra un
conductor borracho. Nick Pantas, que conducía la furgoneta, falleció en
aquel trágico accidente. Ronnie, quien viajaba como copiloto, tuvo una
fortísima brecha en la cabeza y necesito de intervención quirúrgica.
Feinstein sufrió heridas leves y Doug Thaler quedo postrado en una
camilla durante el resto del año.

A raíz del accidente, el grupo daría otro cambio. Mickey Lee Soule se
hizo cargo de los teclados y Doug Thaler pasó a tocar la guitarra rítmica.
Recortaron el nombre a "The Elves" y para ese mismo año habrían
grabado un single "Walking in Different Circles"/"She's Not the Same".
En verano de 1969 volverían a grabar otro sencillo, "Amber
Velvet"/"West Virginia".

Está formación permanecería hasta 1972, año en que nace "Elf".

1972 - 1975 Elf

A principios de 1972 Doug Thaler abandona el grupo y Ronnie, Soule,
Driscoll y Feinstein se quedan como cuarteto. Es en este preciso momento
que la suerte les sonreiría como nunca antes. Un encuentro casual con Ian
Paice y Roger Glover de Deep Purple acabaría siendo la oportunidad de
su vida cuando éstos se mostraron interesados en producirles un disco y
ofrecerles ser teloneros de Deep Purple en las próximas giras. Así por
tanto, la grabación del primer LP, titulado simplemente "Elf", se llevó a
cabo en ese mismo año bajo el sello Purple Records.

Tras esto es Feinstein quien decide abandonar el grupo y Dio por su

parte se despoja definitivamente del bajo. Steve Edwards y Craig Gruber
respectivamente ocuparan las plazas vacantes. Este cambio no haría sino
afianzar más la estructura de la banda y gracias a ello y las sucesivas
giras como teloneros de Deep Purple les iba proporcionando mucha más

En 1974 y también con la producción de Glover, la banda entra de nuevo

al estudio para grabar "Carolina County Ball" aunque en EEUU fue
editado bajo el nombre de "L.A. 59" con una portada diferente a la edición

Fueron años intensos para el grupo. Por un lado se sucedían las giras con
Deep Purple. Dio y Mickey Lee Soule fueron invitados por Roger Glover
a participar en su proyecto en solitario "Butterfly Ball" al lado de gente de
la talla de Glenn Hughes, David Coverdale, Eddie Hardin o John Lawton.
Y por otro lado empezaron a surgir las primeras tomas de contacto entre
Dio y Ritchie Blackmore preliminares a lo que luego sería Rainbow. De
esos días surgió un single grabado por Elf y Blackmore conteniendo
"Black Sheep of the Family" y "16th Century Greensleeves" aunque no se
sabe a ciencia cierta si llego a ser editado.

Los acontecimientos se iban sucediendo rápidamente. A principios de

1975 Elf vuelve al estudio para grabar su tercer y último álbum: "Trying
to Burn the Sun". Una vez más producido por Glover y en el cual también
aparece Mark Nauseef como percusionista. Pero el disco no fue más que
un precipitado, aunque no por ello menos meritorio trabajo, punto y final
a Elf. Antes de que el disco estuviese en las tiendas, Elf ya se había
disuelto para unirse al proyecto en solitario del ex-Deep Purple Ritchie

1975 - 1978 Alcanzando el arco iris

Ritchie Blackmore tenía el punto de mira fijado sobre Ronnie James Dio.
Él era el candidato perfecto para dar voz a un proyecto que venía
tramando hacía tiempo. Pero cuando Ritchie le hizo la propuesta a Dio,
éste se mostró de acuerdo con una sola condición. Que el resto de
componentes de Elf fuesen invitados al nuevo grupo. Ronnie llevaba
demasiados años luchando junto a ellos y no era su intención dejarles
tirados a la primera de cambio.

Dicho y hecho, Mickey Lee Soule, Craig Gruber y Gary Driscoll se

subieron también al tren. Únicamente

Steve Edwards se quedó sin invitación a la fiesta por motivos evidentes y
Mark Nauseef simplemente no quiso embarcarse en el proyecto.
El primer álbum fue editado bajo el nombre de "Ritchie Blackmore´s
Rainbow", en la primavera del 75. En él se incluyeron los temas
anteriormente grabados como single, estando todavía Ritchie en Deep
Purple, "Black Sheep of the Family" y "Sixteenth Century Greensleeves"
junto a varias piezas ya clásicas como "Man On the Silver Mountain",
"Catch the Rainbow" o "Temple of the King".
La acogida por parte del público y prensa fue más bien fría tachándoles
de ser un flojo calco de Deep Purple. Esto no debió de gustar a Blackmore
y pronto empezó a hacer cambios en la formación. El primero en irse fue
Gruber, poco después de la edición del disco. Y el resto no tardaron en
ser despedidos sin tan siquiera haber actuado en directo. Así, Blackmore
se había quedado con la pieza que le interesaba para su ajedrez
particular; Dio.
Llegaba el momento de reclutar a nuevos miembros. Cozy Powell fue el
primero en llegar, le siguieron el bajista Jimmy Bain, con quien Dio
forjaría una gran amistad y Tony Carey a los teclados.

Con Rainbow otra vez reconstruido hicieron una gira no muy extensa
por Estados Unidos antes de encerrarse de nuevo en el estudio para dar a
luz lo que para muchos sería la obra maestra del grupo. Rainbow "Rising"
se grabó entre Febrero y Mayo de 1976 con la producción de Martin Birch
quien ya había participado en el anterior álbum.

Rising es una pieza clave dentro del Hard Rock de la época. Líricas de
carácter épico, riffs y melodías densas, una de las más impresionantes
portadas y una de las mejores formaciones que se puedan recordar. Ahí
quedan temas de la talla de "A Light in the Black", "Tarot Woman",
"Starstruck" o la sublime "Stargazer". La gira mundial que precedió a la
salida del disco al mercado, desde Junio hasta finales de año, fue
arrolladora. Estados Unidos, Japón, Australia y varios países europeos
fueron testigos de ello. De aquí saldrían los álbumes "On Stage" editado
en 1977 y "Live in Germany" que no vio la luz hasta 1990 (También
titulado "Live in Europe" en la edición americana de 1996) y varias
decenas de grabaciones piratas. Tras la gira, Jimmy Bain es expulsado del
grupo y sustituido por el ex-Uriah Heep Mark Clark. Durante ese periodo
la banda entra de nuevo al estudio para grabar el que sería su tercer
trabajo. Pero las grabaciones se suspenden hasta el otoño tras varios
problemas internos que desencadenan en la sustitución de Mark Clark y
Tony Carey por Bob Daisley y David Stone respectivamente.
Con esta nueva alineación, Rainbow ofrece una gira por Europa para
promocionar "On Stage".
Durante el tour, concretamente el día 20 de octubre, en el Olympiahalle
de Munich (Alemania) la televisión germana graba en video el evento
pero este nunca se llegó a publicar de manera oficial.
Finalizada esta gira en febrero de 1978, el grupo retoma la grabación de
su tercer disco titulado "Long Live Rock and Roll" una vez más
producido por Martin Birch. Ahí nos quedan temas clásicos como pueden
ser "Gates of Babylon", "Kill the King", "Rainbow Eyes" o el tema
homónimo del disco.

La nueva gira no se hace esperar. "Long Live" sale a las tiendas en abril y
para mayo ya están de nuevo en ruta por Estados Unidos. Mas la
actividad del grupo era inversamente proporcional a los intereses de
Ritchie Blackmore quien pretendía encaminar el sonido de Rainbow hacia
otra onda más comercial y posiblemente más jugosa económicamente.
Una vez acabada la gira en noviembre del 78 las opciones eran pocas; o el
resto seguían el camino que Blackmore les indicaba o ellos mismos se
podían largar por el que ellos quisieran. Tan sólo Cozy Powell continuó
durante otra grabación más. Ronnie, Daisley y Stone fueron sustituidos
por Graham Bonnet, Roger Glover y Don Airey respectivamente. El
sonido más clásico de Rainbow tenía por entonces los días contados.

1978 - 1982 Un viaje del cielo al infierno

Tras la salida de Rainbow, Dio pensó en formar su propia banda. Pero
eso sería por poco tiempo ya que una llamada telefónica de Tony Iommi,
guitarrista de Black Sabbath, le haría considerar la oferta de unirse al
mítico grupo. Dio se trasladó junto con su esposa Wendy, desde Nueva
York hasta Los Angeles en su propio coche a lo largo de miles de Km.
Black Sabbath por aquel entonces pasaba por un mal periodo. Los
excesos con el alcohol y las drogas hacían mella en la banda. Las críticas
hacia sus últimos discos tampoco eran del todo buenas, y las actuaciones
en directo apenas lograban salvar al grupo de una caída en picado.
Consciente de ello, Tony Iommi optó por prescindir definitivamente de
Ozzy Osbourne después de una década como vocalista de Black Sabbath.
Aunque a decir verdad, no se sabe ciertamente si fue despedido o si
simplemente fue Ozzy quién se marchó por si mismo.

Sea como sea, Dio, Tony Iommi, Gezer Butler y Bill Ward sabían que era
una tarea difícil sacar a la banda del agujero en que estaba metida. Pero la
fusión Sabbath/Dio fue fulminante. Contra todo pronostico, la edición
del disco "Heaven & Hell" fue un mazazo que hizo tambalear a todos
aquellos escépticos que daban al grupo por muerto. "Heaven & Hell" no
sólo devolvió a Black Sabbath a lo más alto sino que se convirtió en uno
de los mejores discos, ya no solamente del grupo, si no de la historia del
Hard Rock y el Heavy Metal.

Uno de los factores clave para ello fue el ponerse en manos del productor
Martin Birch, probablemente el más respetado productor dentro del
Heavy Metal, con quién Ronnie ya había trabajado durante sus años en
Rainbow, consiguiendo un sonido extremadamente potente y compacto.

No obstante no todo fue fácil. En un principio, Geezer y Ward se oponían

a la marcha de Ozzy y por ello Geezer Butler también se fue durante un
corto periodo. En ese lapso de tiempo uno de los sustitutos fue Craig
Gruber, me supongo que a sugerencia de Dio y también Geoff Nicholls
quien luego pasaría a ser el teclista semi-oficial de la banda por mucho
tiempo. Finalmente Butler regresó al grupo para grabar el álbum y
comenzar la gira de presentación de "Heaven & Hell" por el otoño de
Debido a problemas con el alcohol es ahora Bill Ward quien tiene que
abandonar en plena gira. Para sustituirle fichan a Vinny Appice, hermano
de Carmine Appice, proveniente de Axis y Derringer entre otros. La gira
continuó su rumbo y una vez más volvieron al estudio para grabar el
siguiente LP titulado "Mob Rules". El resultado fue un disco más oscuro y
denso que sufriría el estar siempre a la sombra de su predecesor. La
producción corrió una vez más a cargo de Martin Birch y se editó en
Noviembre de 1981.

Tras la gira de Mob Rules comenzaron a surgir serios problemas y

diversas acusaciones que acabarían por romper las relaciones entre
Iommi/Buttler y Dio /Appice. Los motivos son siempre dispares y casi
siempre poco fiables, por lo que me limitaré a decir que antes de la
edición de "Live Evil", el doble directo grabado durante la gira
Americana, Ronnie James Dio y Vinny Appice habían cogido las maletas
para embarcarse en un proyecto en solitario dejando atrás una de las
etapas más trascendentes en la historia de Black Sabbath. .

1982 - 1990 DIO

Antes de cortar las relaciones con Black Sabbath, Dio ya había empezado
a componer bastante material junto a Vinny Appice para retomar su
anterior idea de formar su propia banda. Para ocupar el puesto de bajista,
Dio recordó a su ex-compañero en Rainbow y amigo, Jimmy Bain, en
aquel momento en "Wild Horses", y este accedió gustosamente a unirse al
nuevo proyecto.
A su vez Bain le habló acerca de un joven guitarrista Inglés que le había
sorprendido por su gran técnica a las seis cuerdas. Su nombre era Vivian
Campbell y pertenecía a un grupo llamado "Sweet Savage" con quienes
había grabado tan solamente un single unos años atrás. Cuando Ronnie
escuchó su forma de tocar no dudo un momento en invitarle a formar
parte de la banda.
Otro de los candidatos para el puesto era el guitarrista de origen japonés,
Jake E. Lee quién en aquel entonces tocaba con una banda de Los Angeles
llamada Rough Cutt y quién años más tarde sería conocido por su trabajo
en la banda de Ozzy Osbourne.

Con el grupo al completo y ya entrado el año 1983, viajaron nuevamente

a Los Angeles para grabar su álbum debut producido por el propio
Ronnie. También por ese entonces él se dedicaba a producir a través de la
agencia de su mujer Wendy, Niji Productions, a nuevos grupos como
Hellion o los mencionados Rough Cutt quienes telonearían a Dio durante
sus primeras giras.
Volviendo a la grabación de "Holy Diver", el resultado fue probablemente
el disco más alabado de su carrera en solitario. Las ventas de "Holy
Diver" alcanzaron disco de platino en Norte América aunque también
sufrió una fuerte acometida por parte de ciertos sectores debido a la
polémica portada, pero Dio siempre sostuvo que ésta simbolizaba a un
En este plástico quedaron inmortalizados temas como "Stand Up and
Shout", "Rainbow in the Dark", "Don't Talk to Strangers" o la propia
"Holy Diver".

La gira comenzó el 23 de Julio de 1983 en California. Jimmy Bain y el

propio Dio habían grabado los teclados para Holy Diver pero necesitaban
un teclista para las actuaciones en directo. Claude Schnell (también ex-
Rough Cutt) fue el elegido, aunque no figuró como integrante de la
banda hasta la edición de "The Last in Line". Schnell actuó detrás del
escenario hasta el tour de Sacred Heart.

Tras la gira, el grupo regresó a los estudios de grabación para preparar

su segundo álbum "The Last in Line", lanzado en Julio de 1984.
Al margen de gustos personales u otras opiniones, la entrada de Claude
Schnell y quizás un mayor presupuesto hicieron de "The Last in Line" un
disco más elaborado desde un punto de vista técnico. El sonido general
del álbum superó a su predecesor y se convirtió en un clásico de la época
a la altura de "Holy Diver". También aquí lograrían el disco de platino en
Estados Unidos.

Nuevamente de gira hasta finales de Enero de 1985 y vuelta al estudio. El

tercer trabajo de la banda resultó ser menos fresco que los dos anteriores,
los motivos son tan dispares como imprecisos, pero lo cierto es que el
clima entre Vivian Campbell y Ronnie James Dio era un tanto tenso
debido a posibles diferencias musicales.
Todo esto hizo mella en las composiciones de "Sacred Heart" (1985) que a
pesar de contener canciones ya clásicas de la talla de "Hungry for
Heaven", "Rock and Roll Children" o "Sacred Heart" no llegaban al nivel
ofrecido con anterioridad. Tampoco la producción estuvo muy acertada y
el sonido general quedó bastante empobrecido.
A pesar de que la gira fue bien, en la que se ofrecía un impresionante
espectáculo visual con el famoso dragón "Denzil" y demás pirotecnia, las
tensiones acumuladas terminaron con la marcha de Vivian Campbell en
Marzo de 1986 poco antes de comenzar la gira europea.
Pero antes de que eso ocurriera, se llevaría a cabo el proyecto benéfico
"Hear 'n Aid" ideado en su concepción por Jimmy Bain, Vivian Campbell
y Ronnie James Dio como la alternativa 'dura' musicalmente hablando al
"We Are the World" de USA for Africa, y que logró reunir a un elenco de
músicos de la talla de Rob Halford, Geoff Tate, Kevin Dubrow, Yngwie
Malmsteen, Don Dokken, Eddie Ojeda o los guitarristas de Iron Maiden,
Adrian Smith y Dave Murray entre muchos otros. El resultado, un LP con
material inédito de varios grupos y el tema "Stars" como pieza estrella.

El nuevo guitarrista de Dio sería el joven Craig Goldy quien hubiera

militado anteriormente en Rough Cutt y Giuffria.
Dio planeaba editar un doble álbum en directo extraído de esta gira pero
tras diversos problemas con la discográfica, todo quedó en un mini-
álbum sin excesiva trascendencia titulado "Intermission". Quizás lo más
destacable de él sea un nuevo tema grabado en estudio llamado "Time to
Burn" con Goldy en la guitarra. El resto de la grabación pertenece a la
gira americana aún con Vivian Campbell como guitarrista.

Durante los primeros meses de 1987, Dio estuvo componiendo material

para lo que sería el cuarto disco del grupo en estudio. "Dream Evil" salió
al mercado en Mayo de ese mismo año y, a pesar de recuperar la magia
de los dos primeros, las críticas de los medios especializados no fueron
para nada buenas. Muchas tacharon a "Dream Evil" de mantener los
mismos clichés que en discos anteriores. Pero lo cierto es que ahí quedan
temas imponentes como "Night People", "Naked in the Rain", "I Could
Have Been a Dreamer" o la épica "All the Fools Sailed Away".

Al igual que pasó con Vivian Campbell en su momento, los problemas

empezaron a surgir de nuevo, esta vez entre Ronnie y Craig. Y la banda
se encontró nuevamente sin guitarrista.
Dio recibió del orden de las 5000 cintas magnéticas enviadas desde todo
el mundo de posibles aspirantes al puesto. Y, para asombro de muchos,
un muchacho de tan solo 19 años llamado Rowan Robertson fue el
A Jimmy Bain, Claude Schnell y algo más tarde a Vinny Appice no debió
de parecerles bien el cambió que Ronnie pretendía dar al grupo y todos
ellos abandonaron la nave.
Lejos de decir adiós a su carrera como DIO, Ronnie y Rowan siguieron
reclutando sangre joven para la nueva formación. Al final Simon Wright
(ex-AC/DC) a la batería, Jens Johansson (ex-Yngwie Malmsteen) a los
teclados y un desconocido bajista llamado Teddy Cook, vinieron a
presenciar la nueva, y no muy larga, etapa de Dio.
1990 - 2000 Los años oscuros de Dio.
A principios de 1990, la nueva formación viajó a los estudios Granny's
House para registrar el nuevo disco. Hasta ese momento todos los discos
de Dio habían sido producidos por el propio Ronnie, pero en está ocasión
Tony Platt co-produciría junto a Dio el nuevo trabajo.
A pesar del nuevo espíritu de la banda, y el sonido más modernizado de
"Lock Up the Wolves", la caída cada vez más pronunciada de la banda
parecía no tener solución.

Pero durante la gira por Estados Unidos, llamada "Throw 'em to the
Wolves Tour", habría de suceder algo especialmente significativo en
aquel momento. Geezer Butler tuvo conocimiento de que Dio actuaría en
Mineapolis el 28 de Agosto de 1990 así que se puso en contacto con él
diciéndole que iría a ver el concierto y que después tal vez se podrían
tomar una cerveza juntos. Dio aceptó la propuesta con la condición de
que Geezer subiese a tocar un tema con la banda. Efectivamente, y ante el
asombro de los allí presentes, Geezer Butler salió acompañando al grupo
al final de la actuación en la canción "Neon Knights". Las conjeturas de
una posible reunión empezaban a ser evidentes. En la charla que Butler y
Dio mantuvieron después del concierto hablaron desde la perspectiva
que ofrece el paso del tiempo y pensaron que podría ser un buen
momento para reunir a la clásica formación. Tony Iommi estuvo
totalmente de acuerdo desde un principio, así que sólo quedaba
pendiente el puesto de batería.
Dado que Cozy Powell era el batería de Black Sabbath en aquel momento,
al principio estuvo involucrado en el proyecto y efectivamente existen
varias grabaciones no oficiales de su aportación a lo que sería
"Dehumanizer". Pero debido a un lamentable accidente mientras montaba
a caballo, no fue él sino Vinny Appice quien grabase el disco e hiciese la

Desde un primer momento y tanto por parte del management de Black

Sabbath como de Niji Productions, quedó claro que esto sólo sería una
reunión para un LP y una gira mundial. Tras eso, las cosas volverían a ser
como lo eran hasta entonces. Y aunque al final así sucedió, quizás las
cosas hubieran podido ser diferentes.
El caso es que "Dehumanizer" salió a la calle con mucha expectación por
parte de seguidores y críticos, y si bien el álbum no llegaba a la altura de
los clásicos "Heaven & Hell" y "Mob Rules", sin duda era un gran trabajo.
Lamentablemente la prensa de la época no valoró este disco en su justa
medida basándose principalmente en comparaciones un tanto odiosas.
La gira mundial tuvo lugar entre Junio y Noviembre de 1992 pero la
sombra de la disputa, al igual que ocurriera diez años atrás, apareció a
tan sólo dos fechas del final de la gira. Las dos últimas actuaciones
estaban fechadas para los días catorce y quince de Noviembre en Costa
Mesa, California. En esos dos días el cabeza de cartel iba a ser ni más ni
menos que Ozzy Osbourne y Dio, temiéndose una posible treta por parte
de Iommi y Butler de reunir a la formación original, decidió no ofrecer
esas actuaciones.
La banda contó con un cantante de lujo para suplir la ausencia de Dio y
ese fue Rob Halford. Efectivamente, como Dio había supuesto, la banda
original se reunió para un set final de cuatro temas dejando las puertas
abiertas para la tan esperada reunión.

Como una rueda que gira eternamente, Ronnie y Vinny (quien sí realizó
aquellos últimos conciertos) se vieron en una situación similar a la vivida
en 1982. En un intento de recuperar los buenos años de Dio como banda,
llamaron a Jimmy Bain para el puesto de bajista aunque apenas estuvo
unos meses en el grupo. Después Ronnie preguntó a su amigo el ex-
Dokken Jeff Pilson si estaba interesado en formar con Dio y éste accedió
gustosamente. Pilson también grabó los teclados del nuevo álbum
aunque para la gira entraría a formar parte el ex-Warrant Scott Warren
quien actualmente continúa en el seno del grupo.
Pero sin duda alguna, la piedra angular de una banda de Rock es el
guitarrista y en este caso fue probablemente el miembro más "apedreado"
de Dio. Tracy Grijalva había formado en 1990 junto a Vinny Appice y
Jimmy Bain en una banda llamada WWIII por tanto fue invitado a hacer
una prueba. El estilo de Tracy difería mucho del sonido más conservador
de los anteriores guitarristas, inclinándose más por un estilo industrial en
el sentido musical de la palabra. Aunque Tracy gustaba mucho de utilizar
sonidos novedosos con muchos efectos, en realidad se puede decir que
pertenecía a la escuela de Tony Iommi y no hay más que escuchar el
resultado en el álbum que Dio estaba gestando. "Strange Highways" tomó
deliberadamente el relevo de lo que había sido "Dehumanizer"
conservando un abierto paralelismo, tanto en las líricas como en las
estructuras y sonido, con el plástico de Black Sabbath.
Por primera vez Ronnie se desentendió de las labores de producción
dejándolo todo (o gran parte) en manos del productor Mike Fraser quién
también trabajó más o menos por aquellos años en el proyecto
Coverdale/Page. Sinceramente la producción de "Strange Highways" fue
impecable y goza de un estupendo sonido y de una gran calidad en
muchos aspectos. No obstante este nuevo sonido más crudo que nunca de
Dio, le llevó a lo que fueron los años más oscuros en la carrera de Ronnie
James. Las actuaciones en directo no acababan de convencer a un amplio
sector del público que no dudaba en abuchear a Tracy G. por su forma de
entender y ejecutar los clásicos. Aunque con todo, la gira se alargó
durante todo un año con un lapso entre Enero de 1994 y Mayo de ese

mismo año.

Finalizada la gira en Octubre, Jeff Pilson abandona para unirse de nuevo

a Dokken no sin antes ofrecerse para la grabación del próximo disco. Y es
en ese preciso momento en el que Dio empieza a preparar nuevo
material. Se suceden cantidad de rumores en torno a un posible proyecto
junto a Steve Vai, cambios de formación, etc, etc. pero todo se queda en lo
que era; rumores. Lo que si fue cierto fue la entrada por un corto tiempo
del bajista Jerry Best quién permaneció en la banda durante la
preparación del nuevo LP y actuó en unas pocas fechas a finales de 1995
en Brasil.

Ya en 1996 Jeff Pilson regresa exclusivamente para grabar el nuevo disco

titulado "Angry Machines" y esta vez sí estuvo producido por el propio
Ronnie. "Angry Machines" seguía la pauta marcada por su precursor pero
las críticas fueron aún peores y el publico cada vez se iba distanciando
más y más.
En 1996 saltó la noticia a la calle de una inminente reunión de Dio y
Ritchie Blackmore para resucitar Rainbow, pero aunque más tarde fue
confirmado que efectivamente los rumores estaban bien fundados, un
cambió repentino de parecer de Blackmore llevó al traste lo que podía
haber sido un acontecimiento único.

Entre aproximadamente Noviembre de 1996 y Noviembre de 1999 la

banda se mantiene casi sin descanso en ruta presentando "Angry
Machines" primero e "Inferno: The Last in Live" después, un doble directo
grabado durante dicha gira.
Estos tres años fueron un tanto confusos en cuanto a cambios de
formación. Larry Dennisson sustituyó a Jeff Pilson al bajo durante
prácticamente todo ese espacio de tiempo y es él quien aparece en los
créditos de "Inferno". Bob Daisley, Jimmy Bain y Chuck Garric fueron
otros bajistas que pasaron por Dio en ese tiempo.
Tampoco Vinny Appice tocó en todas las fechas debido a una neumonía y
fue sustituido por James Kottak en algunas fechas en Estados Unidos,
hasta que finalmente en Mayo de 1997 Appice abandona definitivamente
DIO hasta la fecha para volver junto a Black Sabbath. Simon Wright se
volvió a sentar tras los timbales como lo hubiera hecho algunos años
Pero de todos estos cambios, idas y venidas, quizás el más significativo
fuese el regreso de Craig Goldy. Fue aproximadamente en Junio de 1999,
Ronnie se planteó la idea de tener dos guitarristas ya que se encontraba
en una difícil situación. Por un lado su corazón y su gran estima por
Tracy G. le impedía despedirle directamente, y por otro no podía sostener
durante más tiempo los ruegos de los fans de un cambio drástico en ese
respecto. Así es que Dio llamó a Craig Goldy para retomar ese sonido
clásico y a la vez mantener a Grijalva dentro. Pero ante la propuesta,
Tracy decidió irse por su propia cuenta argumentando no poder tocar
junto a otro guitarrista sin referirse a Craig Goldy en particular.
Con todo esto nos encontramos a las puertas del nuevo milenio con una
formación destinada a retomar el sonido más clásico de Dio.
Goldy, Bain, Wright, Warren y Ronnie.

2000 - 2005 Una vuelta al pasado.

Antes de centrarnos en la trayectoria del grupo a partir de este punto,
habría que hacer una mención especial a un acontecimiento concreto en
torno a estos años que tuvo gran relevancia, hablamos de la gira realizada
por Deep Purple conmemorando el treinta aniversario del album
"Concerto for Group and Orchestra". El punto de partida fueron los días
25 y 26 de Septiembre de 1999 cuando la banda actuó en el Royal Albert
Hall de Londres acompañada por la Orquesta Sinfónica de Londres y
varios invitados relacionados con la familia Purple, entre ellos Ronnie
James dio. Este acto quedó plasmado tanto en CD como en DVD.
Posteriormente la gira se ampliaría por todo el mundo durante varios
años en fechas concretas.

Bien, centrémonos nuevamente en Dio. Con el regreso de Craig Goldy y

Jimmy Bain, y bajo el influjo de un nuevo resurgir del Heavy Metal en
todo el mundo, Dio se estaba preparando para retomar el camino que
muchos consideraban ya perdido. La edición de Magica en la primavera
de 2000 supuso algo más que un soplo de aire fresco, en realidad estamos
hablando de una de las obras más complejas y elaboradas de Dio. Magica
fue la primera parte de una obra conceptual basada en un relato
fantástico escrito por el propio Ronnie. Y al margen de la estructura
compleja en si, estamos ante un trabajo musicalmente muy elaborado y
con un sonido que retornaba en cierta medida a los años 80. Tanto críticos
como fans no dudaron en considerar el regreso de Craig Goldy como una
de las mejores bazas jugadas por Dio en muchos años.

Pero despues de la gira y cuando ya todo estaba preparado para entrar a

grabar su siguiente álbum en 2002, Goldy anuncia de nuevo su partida de
la banda alegando otra vez diferencias musicales.
Doug Aldrich (ex-Lion, House of Lords) entro para grabar el nuevo disco
titulado "Killing the Dragon" que no hacía sino consolidar el sonido más
fresco de Dio en muchos años con temas rápidos como "Better in the
Dark", "Along Comes a Spider" o la pegadiza "Push". De la gira mundial
realizada por el grupo se editó lo que sería el primer DVD oficial de Dio.
"Evil or Divine" lanzado en 2003 mostraba a una banda llena de fuerza y
todos pudimos comprobar como Ronnie a pesar de los años, era capaz de
ofrecer espectáculos de gran calidad y soltura.

Finalizada la gira en Diciembre de

2002, Aldrich expuso a Ronnie su intención de realizar la gira de los
reformados Whitesnake de David Coverdale y tal vez un disco. Dio no
puso ninguna pega al respecto pero al acercarse el verano y con él la
segunda vuelta de la gira, todo apuntaba a que Aldrich no tenía intención
de regresar a Dio. Con esto, el grupo estaba de nuevo sin guitarrista.
Warren De Martini (Ex-Ratt) fue uno de los candidatos para suplir la
ausencia de Aldrich, pero fue nuevamente Craig Goldy quien volvería
una vez más al seno de la formación.

En el año 2004 el grupo empieza a trabajar en nuevos temas para un

nuevo álbum que en un principio se rumoreaba que fuera la esperada
continuación de la trilogía "Magica". Pero "Master of the Moon" resultó
ser un trabajo totalmente independiente. Si bien en este compacto los
temas no gozan del sonido directo de su predecesor, si es cierto que Dio
recuperó ese halo un tanto oscuro que le carazterizó en muchas de sus
obras. Un disco para descubrir poco a poco.
A destacar el hecho de que las líneas de bajo fueron grabadas por Jeff
Pilson despues de que Ronnie despidiese a Jimmy Bain por quién sabe ya
que vez. No obstante Pilson unicamente hizo el trabajo de estudio. Para la
posterior gira, Dio fichó a uno de los bajistas clásicos en la esfera del
Heavy Metal; Mr. Rudy Sarzo (Ex- Quiet Riot, Ozzy Osbourne,
Whitesnake) quién hasta fecha de hoy sigue formando parte del grupo.
Muchos son los proyectos que Ronnie James Dio tiene en mente y
muchas las sorpresas que este hombre puede darnos a todos los que
amamos su trabajo y su persona, así que aquí pongo un punto y seguido
a esta biografía que espero se alargue muchas más páginas en un futuro.

Etapa final

Ronnie James Dio, aun siendo ya sexagenario, continuó grabando discos, realizando
giras y conciertos. Volvió a reunirse con los antiguos miembros de Black Sabbath en
Heaven and Hell y realizaron una gira mundial para el 2007-2009 donde pasaron por
Europa, Asia, EE. UU., México y Sudamérica.

En abril de 2009 salió a la venta el nuevo disco de la formación de Heaven and Hell
llamado The Devil You Know, este CD contó con diez canciones nuevas y fue motivo
de una gira mundial. El primer single de dicho album fue la gran canción "Bible Black".

Cáncer y muerte
El 25 de noviembre de 2009, Wendy Dio, esposa y manager, anunció que habían
diagnosticado a Ronnie cáncer de estómago:
"Ronnie ha sido diagnosticado con las primeras etapas de cáncer de estómago. Estamos
comenzando inmediatamente el tratamiento en la Clínica Mayo. Después de que mate a
este dragón (en alusión a la canción del artista), Ronnie estará de regreso en el
escenario, donde él pertenece, haciendo lo que más le gusta: actuar para sus fans. Larga
vida al Rock and roll, larga vida a Ronnie James Dio. Gracias a todos los amigos y fans
de todo el mundo que han enviado buenos deseos. Esto realmente le ha ayudado a
mantener su espíritu para arriba".

El 14 de marzo de 2010, Wendy publicó una actualización en línea de su condición:

"Ha sido séptima quimioterapia de Ronnie, otro TAC y otra endoscopia, y los resultados
son buenos, el tumor principal se ha reducido considerablemente, y nuestras visitas a
Houston (clínica de cáncer en Texas) son ahora cada tres semanas en vez de cada dos

El 4 de mayo de 2010, los demás integrantes de Heaven & Hell anunciaron que estaban
cancelando todas las fechas de conciertos programados para el verano como
consecuencia de la mala salud de Dio.

El 14 de mayo Dio fue hospitalizado debido a que el dolor le resultaba insoportable. Al

día siguiente, según escribió el bajista Geezer Butler en su página oficial, no había duda
de que el final era inminente. Había entre 25 y 30 de los amigos más cercanos de Dio
esperando fuera de su habitación para darle su último adiós. Por la tarde llegó un
capellán, y todos se reunieron alrededor de la cama de Dio para orar. Más tarde esa
noche casi todos se fueron, dejándo a Wendy privacidad para decirle su último adiós.

La muerte de Dio se produjo el 16 de mayo de 2010 a las 7:45 am (CDT), según fuentes

Wendy dejó un mensaje en el sitio oficial de Dio:

Hoy mi corazón está roto. Ronnie falleció el 16 de mayo a las 7:45 AM. Muchos
amigos y familiares pudieron darle su adiós en privado antes de que nos abandonara
pacíficamente. Ronnie sabía lo mucho que todos le queríamos, por ello valoramos el
amor y apoyo que nos habéis dado. Por favor dádnos unos días para asimilar esta
terrible pérdida. Sabéis que él os quería a todos y que su música vivirá siempre.
- Wendy Dio.

Al día siguiente Tony Iommi, el guitarrista y compañero de Dio en Heaven and Hell,
escribió en su página oficial:
"El hombre con la voz mágica es una estrella entre las estrellas, un verdadero
profesional. Te extrañaré muchísimo mi querido amigo. DEP."
- Tony.

Su muerte cayó como un balde de agua fría en el mundo del heavy metal, tanto que los
días siguientes a la muerte de Dio se desató en Internet una avalancha de mensajes de
condolencias de los fans a través de las redes sociales. Por su parte, muchos artistas de
la escena metalera mundial se pronunciaron lamentando la muerte de Dio. Lars Ulrich,
batería de Metallica, le escribió una carta en la que confesaba cuán importante y
decisiva resultó en su carrera musical la influencia de Dio: "Ronnie, tu voz me impactó
y me dió fuerzas, tu música me inspiró y me influenció, y tu amabilidad me tocó y me
conmovió. Gracias".

Iron Maiden se pronunció escribiendo en su web oficial: "El mundo ha perdido a un

talento irremplazable y, en primer lugar y más importante, a uno de los mejores seres
humanos que tu desearías conocer".

Tambien Ritchie Blackmore, Kiss, Slash, Scorpions, Anthrax, Simone Simmons,

Sebastian Bach, Brian May .
Lock Up the Wolves
Año de edición: 1990
Discográfica: Vertigo/Reprise
Grabado en: Granny's House (Reno, Nevada)
Ingeniero: Tony Platt
Producción: Tony Platt & Ronnie James Dio
Ilustración: Wil Rees

Ronnie James Dio - Voz
Teddy Cook - Bajo
Simon Wright - Batería
Rowan Robertson - Guitarras
Jens Johansson - Teclados

Wild One
Born on the Sun
Hey Angel
Between Tow Hearts
Night Music
Lock Up the Wolves
Evil on Queen Street
Walk on Water
Why Are They Watching Me
My Eyes
Sacred Heart
Año de edición: 1985
Discográfica: Warner/Vertigo
Ingeniero: Angelo Arcuri
Producción: Ronnie James Dio
Ilustrador: Robert Florczak

Ronnie James Dio - Voz
Jimmy Bain - Bajo
Vinny Appice - Batería
Vivian Campbell - Guitarras
Claude Schnell - Teclados

The King of RnR
Sacred Heart
Another Lie
RnR Children
Hungry for Heaven
Like the Beat of a Heart
Just Another Day
Fallen Angels
Shoot Shoot
Strange Highways
Año de edición: 1993
Discográfica: Vertigo/Reprise
Grabado en: Rumbo Recorders (Los Angeles, California)
Ingeniero: Mike Fraser
Producción: Mike Fraser
Ilustración: Wil Rees

Ronnie James Dio - Voz
Jeff Pilson - Bajo, teclados
Vinny Appice - Batería
Tracy Grijalva - Guitarras

Jesus, Mary and the Holy Ghost
Strange Highways
Hollywood Black
One Foot in the Grave
Give Her the Gun
Blood from a Stone
Here's to You
Bring Down the Rain
Master of the Moon
Año de edición: 2004
Discográfica: Spitfire
Grabado en: Total Access (Redondo Beach, California)
Ingeniero: Wynn Davis
Producción: Ronnie James Dio
Ilustración: Marc Sasso

Ronnie James Dio - Voz
Jeff Pilson - Bajo
Simon Wright - Batería
Craig Goldy - Guitarras
Scott Warren - Teclados

One More for the Road
Master of the Moon
The End of the World
The man Who Would Be King
The Eyes
Living the Lie
I Am
Death by Love
In Dreams
The Prisoner of Paradise (Bonus Track Ed. Japonesa)
Año de edición: 1986
Discográfica: Warner/Vertigo
Grabado en vivo: Mobile Recording, "Le Mobile"
Durante 1985 en The Sports Arena (San Diego, California)
Excepto "Time to Burn" grabada en The Record Plant (Los Angeles,
Ingeniero: Angelo Arcuri y Guy Chabernau
Producción: Ronnie James Dio

Ronnie James Dio - Voz
Jimmy Bain - Bajo
Vinny Appice - Batería
Vivian Campbell - Guitarras
Claude Schnell - Teclados
Craig Goldy - Guitarras en Time to Burn

The King of R'n'R
Rainbow in the Dark
Sacred Heart
Time to Burn (Grabada en estudio)
R'n'R Children
Long Live R'n'R
The Man on the Silver Mountain
We Rock
Año de edición: 2000
Discográfica: Spitfire
Grabado en: Total Access (Redondo Beach, California)
Ingeniero: Wynn Davis
Producción: Ronnie James Dio

Ronnie James Dio - Voz, teclados
Jimmy Bain - Bajo
Simon Wright - Batería
Craig Goldy - Guitarras, teclados

Magica Theme (Instrumental)
Lord of the Last Day
Fever Dreams
Turn to Stone
Feed My Head
As Long As It's Not About Love
Losing My Insanity
Annica (Instrumental - Bonus Track Ed. Japonesa)
Magica - Reprise
Lord Of The Last Day - Reprise
Magica Story
Killing the Dragon
Año de edición: 2002
Discográfica: Spitfire
Grabado en: Total Access (Redondo Beach, California)
Ingeniero: Wynn Davis
Producción: Ronnie James Dio
Ilustración: Marc Sasso

Ronnie James Dio - Voz
Jimmy Bain - Bajo
Simon Wright - Batería
Doug Aldrich - Guitarras
Scott Warren - Teclados

Killing the Dragon
Along Comes a Spider
Better in the Dark
Rock and Roll
Throw Away Children
Before the Fall
Cold Feet
Evil or Divine
Año de edición: 2005
Discográfica: Spitfire
Grabado en vivo: Roseland Theater, Nueva York. El viernes 13 de
Diciembre de 2002
Ingeniero: Wynn Davis
Producción: Ronnie James Dio

Ronnie James Dio - Voz
Jimmy Bain - Bajo
Simon Wright - Batería
Doug Aldrich - Guitarras
Scott Warren - Teclados

Canciones: Killing the Dragon

Egypt/Children of the Sea

Stand Up and Shout
Rock and Roll
Don't Talk to Strangers
The Man on the Silver Mountain
Guitar Solo
Fever Dreams
Holy Diver
Heaven and Hell
The Last in Line
Rainbow in the Dark
We Rock
Entrevista a Tracy Grijalva por el Templo del Rey. Octubre de 2007

Han pasado alrededor de ocho años desde que Tracy Grijalva dijera adios a
Dio. Durante todo este tiempo él ha estado trabajando duro e incesantemente.
Con motivo de la publicación de su último álbum "Latin Heart", tuvimos la
ocasión y el honor de preguntarle acerca de su presente y de su pasado.
Desde aquí le enviamos nuestro más sincero agradecimiento y apoyo.

MH: Cómo estás, Tracy?

TG: Hola Mario, gracias por la entrevista. Estoy muy bien...
MH: Tracy G Group, Driven, Epic, Goaded, colaboraciones aquí y allá. Veo que
has estado muy ocupado últimamente...
TG: Intento mantenerme lo más ocupado que puedo... hago música
prácticamente las veinticuatro horas, los siete días de la semana.
MH: Hablemos acerca de tu nuevo álbum "Latin Heart" (corazón Latino). El
concepto y la idea en general es completamente diferente a lo que suelen ser tus
trabajos, no es cierto?
TG: Sí, mayormente hago Hard Rock o Metal...
MH: Qué te movió a hacer este tipo de música?
TG: A mi amigo Ruben (Marron) le gustaba otro de mis Cd's que publiqué hace
unos años llamado "Katt Gutt"... entonces él me habló acerca de la posibilidad
de hacer otro. Mi padre adora la música latina y yo soy medio latino, mi
apellido es Grijalva, así que pensé que podría titularlo así. Me encanta la
guitarra acústica española así que escribí y grabé este Cd para todo un tipo de
oyentes diferente.
MH: También tengo entendido que estás dando los últimos retoques al nuevo
disco de Goaded. He estado escuchando "As you Bleed" en Myspace y es
fantástica! Qué puedes contarnos acerca de esto?
TG: Sí... estuve trabajando en estas canciones y las de Grijalva (Latin Heart) al
mismo tiempo... pero son ambos muy diferentes. Como ya he dicho, me gustan
muchos estilos musicales. Goaded es mi concepto de Heavy. Creo que he
encontrado un cantante - Jason Witte - que puede darle a mi música lo que
necesita. Creo que es algo comparable en cierta manera a Metallica-Pantera-
Godsmarck... aunque Goaded suena a Goaded.
MH: Haréis alguna gira para promocionarlo?
TG: Seguro, espero que pronto.
MH: En Goaded también participan Jason Witte (voz), Ray Luzier (Batería) y
Larry 'Bones' Dennison (Bajo). Larry fue miembro de Dio también, desde
entonces hasta ahora habéis estado trabajando mano a mano. Conocías a Larry
antes de que entrase en la banda?
TG: No conocía a Larry hasta que no ingresó en Dio... hemos estado trabajando
juntos desde entonces. Congeniamos muy bien y compartimos el mismo amor
por la música. Larry es un gran bajista, puede tocar cualquier cosa al bajo.
Cualquier estilo también. Larry y Ray son ambos unos fantásticos músicos y la
voz de Jason encaja a la perfección, él es como cuatro vocalistas en uno. Me
siento muy dichoso de trabajar con todos ellos.
MH: Seis años, tres discos, varias giras mundiales. Me gustaría preguntarte un
poco más acerca de tus días en Dio. Cómo te sentiste trabajando junto a Ronnie?
TG: Genial, fue maravilloso escribir, grabar y girar con un cantante como Dio.
Absolutamente profesional y un fantástico cantante de Rock.
MH: "Strange Highways" es uno de mis discos favoritos de siempre. Cómo fue
el proceso de composición de los temas?
TG: Vinny (Appice), Jeff (Pilson) y yo simplemente nos poníamos a improvisar
y cuando Ronnie escuchaba algo que le gustaba, empezábamos a trabajar en
ello. Al estilo de la vieja escuela, muy natural.
MH: Piensas que "Angry Machines" fue infravalorado?
TG: No es tan bueno como "Strange Highways" pero tiene cosas muy buenas.
Fue quizás demasiado forzado, pero mucha gente lo odia. Yo no pienso que sea
tan malo, mucha gente odia mi manera de tocar, pero a mi me gusta así. No
pretendo que a todo el mundo le guste cuanto hago. Eso para mi supone un
riesgo, ya hay demasiados que van a lo seguro, que tiene eso de divertido?
Tienes que mandar al cuerno a algunos de vez en cuando, eso hace la vida un
poco más divertida para mi.
MH: A algunos fans no les gustaba la forma en que tocabas el viejo material en
vivo. Cual fue la razón por la que los tocabas a tu manera?
TG: Porque yo soy yo mismo, no soy ningún otro. No puedo y no quiero tocar
simplemente como cualquier otro. Mi jefe me dijo que lo hiciera a mi manera, y
eso es lo que hice... y cuando él quiso que yo fuese alguien diferente, fue
cuando terminé con Dio.
MH: Tocas alguna de tus viejas canciones de Dio en directo?
TG: No.
MH: Recuerdas alguna anécdota que te haya dejado un grato recuerdo?
TG: Tocando en Sudamérica con Dio, fue fantástico... era un gran estadio...
20.000 personas. Realmente genial.
MH: En el hipotético caso, retornarías a Dio?
TG: Seguro.
MH: Atrás, en 1990, grabaste un disco excepcional con WWIII. Por qué no
seguisteis trabajando?
TG: Entre en una gran confrontación con el cantante y dejó de ser divertido.
MH: Viendo tus guitarras personalizadas estuve a punto de denunciarte al
"Instituto de Protección de Guitarras"!... era sólo una broma. Puedes contarnos
algo acerca de tus guitarras y de tu equipo?
TG: Ya hay suficientes guitarras bonitas por ahí. Creo que se necesita que haya
más guitarras de aspecto jodido, así la gente tal vez presten atención al sonido
de ellas. Eso es lo importante para mi y no tanto como luzcan. Todo mi equipo
es de época, viejo. No tengo nada nuevo, mi equipo está perfecto gracias a
practicar y hacer que la guitarra hable por ti.
MH: Tienes un estilo muy particular de tocar. Cual es tu secreto?
TG: Gracias. No hay secreto, simplemente ser uno mismo y no preocuparse de
lo que la gente diga o piense. Tocar desde el alma. Si a ellos les gusta bien, y si
no pues también.
MH: Tu tienes tu propio estudio llamado "G-Factory Studios". Que tipo de
equipo usas allí?
TG: Tengo un Roland 2480. Va perfectamente para mi. Puedo grabar mi propio
trabajo y el de un montón de otras bandas locales.
MH: Cuales son los planes para el futuro?
TG: Simplemente distribuir el nuevo Cd de Grijalva, y ahora el de Goaded. Está
casi acabado. También hacer un montón de conciertos.
MH: Muchas gracias por compartir tu tiempo conmigo, Tracy. Te deseo una
gran carrera y mucha suerte.
TG: Gracias Mario, tus preguntas fueron estupendas.
- Gracias especiales a Ruben Marron por su amabilidad -
Rowan Robertson

Instrumento: Guitarra
Nacido: 22/11/1971
Ciudad: Bedford (Inglaterra)
Web Oficial: www.rowanrobertson.co.uk

Discografía destacada
1990 - Lock Up the Wolves
1998 - Visual Audio Sensory Theater
2000 - Music For People
Logan/Robertson (Violet's Denise)
2003 - Revisited
AM Radio
2003 - Radioactive
Happy Birthday
2005 - Gold Records (EP)
Dio: Strange Highways LIRYCS

1. Jesus Mary & The Holy Ghost

Prime time
Nursery rhyme
Did you see the teacher
Black and white
What she's gonna to do

They say eye for eye, tooth for tooth

But don't hurt your brother
Cross-road, overload

Oh, I, I testify
They just showed me Mary
She was stoned, stoned, danger zone
There was nothing in her eyes

And then there, there in the air

Nailed to the cross was Jesus
Cross-road, overload

Now I lay me down to sleep

Pray my soul to keep away
From the holy spirit, holy ghost
They're hiding in the dark

Oh, nightmare, electric chair

You might not get to heaven
Bad boys, shout for joy
Watch him to cry

Prime time
Nursery rhyme
Love just needs religion
Cross-road, overload

2. Firehead

Who's that angry man I see

Is he coming closer
Well I'll just make believe
That I've never been afraid

Crackle, Crackle,
You're all dead
Feel the heat from firehead

From spooky stories that he's read

They put pictures on his body
Living out a fantasy
To be the last one left alive, hah!

Crackle, Crackle,
You're all dead
Feel the heat from firehead

He's lost the instruction

No control
Suicide fever, he won't be much older
I know, won't go, away

What's that smoke that I can see

Rising from the ashes
Well, it seems that there will always be
Someone just like you

Crackle, Crackle,
And you're all dead
Feel the heat from firehead, firehead, firehead!

3. Strange Highways

It's a crazy world we live in

And I'm leaving it today
For another institution
We crazy people play
Every time I climb the mountain
And it turned into a hill
I promised me that I'd move on
And I will.

I, I, good for nothing

Going nowhere, so they say
Hey, someone give me blessings
For they say that I have sinned
That is when I crawl inside myself
And ride into the wind
On Strange Highways
On Strange Highways

Hey you! I want your number

Don't even wonder
We do things our way here
These are forbidden
We got no answers
Believe us anyway

So here is my confession:
It's the only broken rule

Sometimes I crawl inside of me

Where I can't be the fool
On Strange Highways
On Strange Highways

You can see the other side

And you shall come over
You can't leave the other side
If you say I will

Everytime I climb the mountain

And it turned into a hill
Well, I promised me
I'd disappear
And now I know I will

So, someone give me blessings

For the times you say I've sinned
So I can crawl inside myself
And ride into the wind
On Strange Highways
On Strange Highways

They're forbidden
Hey you, what's your number
Oh, we've got no answers
Don't you even wonder

Oh, Strange Highways


4. Hollywood Black

Came to the sunset scene

To find out who's inside of me
Some lies I've never seen
But this one lies on the silver screen
In between real and dream
Like a scream

Hollywood black
I'm caught in the middle
Hollywood black

Same story, different eyes

Here's where the hero never, never dies
Can't you tell
That all the wishes you've made
Have filled up the well

Hollywood black
Caught in the middle
Hollywood black
Oh, Hollywood black
Right in the middle
Too late to little

Back to the street again

Or was that yesterday
Another yesterday's gone, gone

Back in the jungle

Running with the animals
Howling at the sign of the spotlight

Those dreams are made of glass

You throw just one stone
And then there goes your last window
Can't you tell
That every wish that you made
Filled up the well

Hollywood black
Caught in the middle
Hollywood black

Hollywood black
Right in the middle
Ah, Hollywood black
Hollywood black
Caught in the middle
Too late to little
And only the fools come back
'Cause Hollywood is black

5. Evilution

Good night, we're closing again

Come back, we're open tomorrow
We've finished today
I'm just staying away
We know what's good for the brain

Oh, plastic dreams and fast machines

Pushing it to the limit
Girls and boys who think that noise
Is music in the air
Twist that dial and stay awhile
Here's your invitation
Dirty rags and body bags

Hello, we're open once more

Come in, you need no appointment
We're thinking in time
That you'll move down the line
And represent the business in hell
Well, well

Tell her hope is gone but you carry on

We can set the soul free
All is lost so what's it costs
To listen anyway
The world upstairs where no-one cares
Is just about to crumble
See it through we'll burn for you
Evilution company

Oh, neon names play neon games

Showing it to the public
I hate you and you hate me
And everybody smiles
So money talks and no-one walks
But everybody's crawling
Golden rags and body bags

Hello, good night, it's me

I'm open again
Come back, come in, good bye
We're closed

6. Pain

Give me a choice between pleasure and pain

I choose pain

Another day without a heartbeat

How can your heart beat
If they've taken it away
For the first time, just don't think about it
Take the water and wash your face with pain

You can take away the power

Your finest hour
It's when you laugh in their faces
For the first time just forget about it
Take a hammer and pound yourself with pain


Bury my bones on the moon

If they never should find me it would be too soon
Give me a choice between power and pain
I choose pain

Oh, bury my bones on moon

If they never should find me it would be too soon
For the first time just forget about
Take the water and wash your face with pain
Oh just forget about pain
Forget about the pain
Pain, pain, pain, pain, pain!

7. One foot in the grave

Here we go again, must be delirious

Can't close my eyes
Sleep is just a drug, this must be serious
This must be serious
Does this go on and on forever

Sometimes in the dark I feel invincible

I wonder why
I hear voices out of shadows
And shadows never lie

Helter skelter
Now give me shelter
Use the children like toys
Eat your lover
Then find an another
There be good little boys
Boys will be boys

I got two hands to hold you

Two arms around you
The master and the slave
Two eyes to watch you
Two hands to help you
Put one foot in the grave

Here we go again, must be delirious

Can't close my eyes, no
Sleep is just a drug, this must be serious
This must be serious

Helter skelter
Now, give me shelter
My brain is twisting again
I could be dreaming this
No, I'm screaming this
No more, no

I got two hands to hold you

Two arms around you
The master and the slave
Two eyes to watch you
Two hands to help you
Put one foot in the grave

8. Give Her The Gun

She heard this song before

Daddy's at the door
Just to say I love you

Please, please, don't let him in

Is it all beginning again tonight?
Somebody make it right!

I say: Give her the gun!

Look at him run away
Give her the gun
Before the next one comes along
And doesn't pay

He, dragged into the cold

Momma sold her soul
For one more ride to heaven

Please, someone let him in

Is it all beginning again tonight
Can anyone make it right?

I say: Give him the gun!

Look at her run away
Oh, give him the gun
Before the next one comes along
And doesn't pay

Simply unforgivable, destruction of the heart

Does anybody tell
Make yourself invisible
Be blinded by the light
We're hiding away, what would they say

She played this song before

Daddy's at the door
Just to say hello, ahh

Now, in a different world

Is it all beginning again tonight
Oh, I got to make it right
I say: give her the gun
Look at him run away
Oh, give her the gun
Before the next one comes along

Give her the gun

Look at him falling down
Oh, give her the gun
Before the next one comes along

'Cause it goes round and round and round...

9. Blood from a stone

Oh, you've been surprised again

Pulled like a leaf to the waterfall
Everybody's just pretending
I thought that you'd learn by now

Ooh, think about it one more time

What have you got when the god is gone
Clouds don't have a silver lining
And all you ever get is rain

'Cause you can't get blood from a stone

You can't open the door if there's nobody home
They've taken it all so just leave me alone
You can't get blood from a stone

It isn't once upon a time

When nobody falls and the hero flies
That victims got to fit the crime
And nobody goes down with you
You, you!

'Cause you can't get blood from a stone

You can't open the door if there's nobody home
They've taken it all so just leave me alone
You can't get blood from a stone
No, no

'Cause you can't get blood from a stone

You can't open the door if there's nobody home
They've taken it all so just leave me alone
No, you can't get blood from a stone

No blood from a stone

Go on and leave me alone
And I know it's a shock
To learn that you can't
You can't, you can't get blood from a rock

10. Here's to you

Here's to you!

Here's to you! Here's to me!

Masters of the universe
The curse of destiny

All for one, it's one for all

Now you can pull the trigger
As we're knocking down on the wall
When you finally shoot too high
The lie will always bring it down

You resurrection angels,

Look what we found
That the wheel goes around
So here's to you!

Come on, raise the dead

Heads will roll
Cancel the infection
We can purify the soul

Do the crime
Then write the law
There's no wrong you can change it where
A change you've never saw

Hey, you desperation angels

Here we found
That they all fell down
Here's to me! Here's to you!
Here's to you! Here's to me!
Here's to reason!
Here's to me! Here's to you!
Raise the dead! Here's to freedom!

11. Bring Down The Rain

Did you ever believe in your dreams before

Were you always afraid of the dark
Is the edge of the world always in your head
Does the gun point straight at your heart

It used to come just when you sleep

But now, it's only a shout away

You always seem to find the sun

But this time, the sun is a fire
Bring down the rain
This house is burning again
Put out the flame
Bring down the rain

You were told that the storm would just roll on by

That the thunder was made in your mind
And the heat in the night was to keep you warm
And the truth could be told by a lier now

You always seem to find the light

But this time, the light is a fire
Bring down the rain
This house is burning again
Put down the flame
Bring down the rain

Shake up, break up, everybody make up

Everything's always the same
Trapped down, trapped down, everybody back down
Bring down the rain

You always seem to find the light

But this time, the light is a fire
Bring down the rain
This house is burning again
Don't play the game
Bring down the rain
Put out the flame
Bring down the rain

It's the shake up, break up, everybody make up

Well, it's always the same
Trapped down, cracked down, everybody back down
Won't you bring down all the rain
Dio: Dream Evil LIRICS

1. Night People

Do you like the dark

Do you like the way it moves
Do you come alive when neon
Kills the sun

Are you hypnotized

Part of the illusion
Oh, see how they run

It's the mystery

Poetry and passion
Innocence and fashion
Evolution ways

Night people

Are you satisfied

With the lessons that you're learning
Is the fire really burning
Do you know
Hey dream child
Promises are spoken
And promises are broken
Electric eyes that never let you
See them in the day

Night people
Night people

Do you like the dark

Do you like the way it moves
Do you come alive when neon
Kills the sunshine

Are you hypnotized

Innocence and fashion
Promises and passion
Revolution ways
And everybody stays

Night people
Night people, yeah!

Do you like the dark

Do you like the way it moves
Are you hypnotized
Hey dream child
You got electric eyes
Hey dream child!

2. Dream Evil
All's well at the midnight hour
You're ready to fly
Don't think about the darkness
Or the rumbling in the sky

Somewhere on the morning road

Just waiting for you
Somethings that just could never be
Are calling up a spell so you can see, yeah!

Dream evil
The dark that you find in the back of your mind
Dream evil - Dream evil

Don't go to the edge of rainbows

Don't close your eyes
Like things that can't be real
The truth is really lies

Don't wish on a rising star you should

Open up the door
Where things that just should never be
Are calling up a spell so you can see, yeah!

Dream evil
The dark that you find
Can come out of your mind
Dream evil
Take you away

Oh no it's the midnight hour

Don't leave me alone

Those things that just should never be

Are calling up a spell so you can see

Dream evil
Dream evil
Dream evil
Dream evil
Dream evil

Oh no it's the midnight hour

Don't open the door
Don't go to the edge of rainbows
Don't sleep any more
You'll dream evil
You'll dream evil
You'll dream evil
Dream evil

3. Sunset Superman

The night has a thousand eyes

But he moves in only places
Where the eyes can never be

The night tells a thousand lies

And when you wake up in the morning
Were you dreaming
Tryin to hide your burnin' heart
Before somebody cuts it all away

Sunset superman
Sunset superman
Sunset superman

Somebody start the game

And the dark will just get louder
As it shouts away the light

A shadow without a name

But when he wakes up in the morning
He just won't know
Was he a hero
Trying to hide his burning heart
Before somebody cuts it all away

Sunset superman
Sunset superman
Sunset superman
Anybody can
Sunset superman

The night has a thousand eyes

But he moves in only places
Where the eyes can never be

The night tells a thousand lies

And when you wake up in the morning
Were you dreaming
Tryin to hide your broken heart
Before somebody cuts it all away

Sunset superman
Sunset superman
Sunset superman

Sunset superman
Sunset superman
Superman --- ooh

Sunset superman
Sunset superman
Sunset superman --- ooh

Anybody can
Anybody can

Sunset superman --- ooh

Sunset superman
4. All The Fools Sailed Away

There's perfect harmony

In the rising and the falling of the sea
And as we sail along
I never fail to be astounded by
The things we'll do for promises
And a song

We are the innocent

We are the damned
We were caught in the middle of the madness
Hunted by the lion and the lamb
Ooh - Ooh

We bring you fantasy

We bring you pain
It's your one great chance for a miracle
Or we will disappear
Never to be seen again

And all the fools sailed away

All the fools sailed away
Sailed away

We bring you beautiful

We teach you sin
We can give you a piece of the universe
Or we will disappear
Never to return again

And all the fools sailed away

All the fools sailed away
All the fools sailed away
They sailed away
Sailed away

And as we drift along

I never fail to be astounded
By the things we'll do for promises
And a song

We are the innocent

We cut we bleed
We're your one great chance for a miracle
And a miracle is something you need

They'll take your diamonds

And then give you steel
You'll be caught in the middle of the madness
Just lost like them
And part of all the pain that they feel, yeah

And all the fools sailed away

All the fools sailed away
All the fools sailed away
Leaving nothing, nothing more to say
All the fools sailed away

They say you're beautiful

And they'll always let you in
But doors are never open
To the child without a trace of sin

Sail away

5. Naked In The Rain

Two faces
On fire
No traces
Something has swallowed the night
You know that nothing can make it all right

Like candy
Too much and sugar can turn to sand
You scream but nobody touches your hand

Are we just shouting at the pain

Or do we see just what we are

We're naked in the rain

Naked in the rain

Two children
Guns loaded
Take aim and blow all the dreams away
Too late for anything better to say

Are we just crazy with the pain
Or do we see just what we are

We are naked in the rain

Naked in the rain

Two faces
No fire
No traces, fever has turned to snow
Hearts break to show you the way as you go, ooh

Are we just running from the pain

Or do we see just what we are
We're naked in the rain
Naked in the rain
Naked in the rain
Naked in the rain

Two children
On fire
Burns higher
Guns loaded
Blow all the dreams away
Naked in the rain
Naked in the rain
Frighten by the pain
Naked in the rain

6. Overlove

Seems like heard this song

At least a thousand times before
He just wanted her but she wants more
So build a wall
Keep it all to herself, ooh

Always never seemed to be too much

Reaching out became a spider's touch
Wrapped in chains
Sad remains
Another victim of


He was just the devil in a thin disguise

Jealousy behind the greenest eyes
Turn the page
Close the cage
On another victim of

Overlove, yeah

Mamma never left her baby all alone

Baby never knew when she was grown
Now mamma's gone
And come the dawn
You got another victim of

Overlove, love, love, love, love

7. I Could Have Been A Dreamer

Running with the wolf pack

Feel like I'm never coming back
And everytime there's sunshine
I'm blind, yeah

I am everybody
And everyone that I know is me
Everyone that I know won't see

I could have been a dreamer

I could have been a shooting star
I could have been a dreamer, yeah

I'm another number

And you know the numbers must agree
But everytime the wind blows
I can't fly - why?

We take away tomorrow

And never see the end of today
Lock it up and send it away - forever

I could have been a dreamer

I could have been a shooting star
I could have been a dreamer
Cause dreams are what we are
I could have been a dreamer

Running with the wolf pack

Feel like I'm never coming back
But maybe that was sunshine
That I saw

I've heard about a rainbow

I've heard it makes you crazy
I think I'm goin' crazy
Crazy cause I see

I could have been a dreamer

I could have been a shooting star
I could have been a dreamer
Cause dreams are what we are

I could have been a dreamer

I could have been the one to fly
I always could have been a dreamer
Cause dreamers never die, no!

I could have been a dreamer

I could have been a dreamer
I could have been a dreamer
I could have been a dreamer
8. Faces In The Window

Give me - shelter - shelter

I can face the day
Then I'll just fade away
Give me shelter
Give me shelter

Sleep comes - slowly

The fire starts to die
You open up your eyes

Faces in the window

Noises in the night
Faces in the window
Hiding from the light
Faces in the window

We are - evil
And we are all divine
Creations of the mind
We are pleasure

I see - clearly
Who's behind the wall
Yes, I can see us all

We're faces in the window

Noises in the night
Faces in the window
Hiding from the light
Faces in the window

Give me shelter - shelter - shelter

Give me shelter - shelter - shelter

Faces in the window

Noices in the night
Faces in the window
Hiding from the light

Faces in the window

Faces in the window
Faces in the window
Faces in the window

When the fire starts to die

And you open up your eyes
There they are in the window
Faces in the window

We are evil and divine

Just creations of the mind
And faces in the window
Faces in the window

Faces in the window

Faces in the window
Faces in the window
Faces in the window

9. When A Woman Cries

Rain falls
Thunder cracks the air
Lightning from the sky
Stars move
They're shakin' all the earth
Show you what you're worth
Here it comes

When a woman cries

Burning through your brain
Turn to face the train
Oh oh

Hey it's magic

Said the mother to the child
It's stronger than a smile
Let it go

When a woman cries

When a woman cries, ah
When a woman cries
When a woman cries, ah

Just when you think it's pretend

Here it comes over and over again
And if we should live forever
Maybe we'll still just never know

Oh, rain falls

Thunder cracks the air
Lightning from the sky

Stars move
Shakin' all the earth
Show you what you're worth
Here it comes

When a woman cries

Fire - magic
Shakin' all the earth
When a woman cries

Oh, stars move

Thunder cracks the air
Lightning from the sky
When a woman cries
When a woman cries, ah
When a woman cries, yeah
When a woman cries, ooh
Dio: Angry Machines LIRICS

Dio: Angry Machines LIRICS

1. Institutional Man

Inside the walls I've made

To keep out all who reach for me
I might have lost my way
And I can't come out again

Don't come around here anymore

You may infect yourself
Don't ever cross this line
You could see monsters in your mind
There just like me

Have I erased all sense of touch

I don't feel anything
Sometimes they say I need
Sometimes I think I need
Sometimes I know I need
New parts for my brain

Most dreams, they're black and white

But I must color mine
Each day's another end
Less night of screaming
Shouting at the outside
Someone let me in
Set me free now no-one can
Faces at the window
Stop the water, bags of sand
Institutional man

Sometimes they say I need

Sometimes I think I need
Sometimes I know I need
New parts for my brain

Set me free now no-one can

Faces at the window
Lock the cages, tie my hands
Institutional, institutional man

2. Don't Tell The Kids

Please, please, make love freeze

And break apart in the middle (of it)???
Then they could see the hate
When they separate
And taste the salt of their tears

No, no, it's all about experience

Control, you might as well be wood, no good

Why why, your questions die

In a shout and no attention
You might have said
That they both were dead
So put the puzzle away

But no, it's all about experience

Control, they're gonna give you none, no fun

Don't tell the kids, they'll never understand it

Don't tell the kids, don't waste your time, no

Get back, it's a heart attack

And the planet needs a doctor
We can tell it looks like hell
But they make us close our eyes

No, it's all about experience

And control, you might as well be stone, alone

Don't tell the kids, they'll never understand it

Don't tell the kids, don't waste your time, yeah

Don't tell the kids, they'll never get the picture

Don't tell the kids, you waste your time, yeah

Don't tell the kids, they just don't understand it

Don't tell the kids, don't waste your time, time

Talk to the animals

Anyone who'll answer
Any fool will do
Just don't tell the kids

3. Black

Identify the real world

Investigate the real world
Intensify inspection
There for all to see

Here's what lies do

All things turn to
Black, black
Yeah, no

Now desensitize your heartbeat

Regulate the heartbeat
Sterilize all emotion
Justify your needs

Here's what love does

Dies and fades to
Black, black
There are no champions
Who saves the lonely ones
In the corner

Black, yeah

You must identify

You and the real world
Interrogate the new real world
Then generate intention
Information, please

Here's what i know

Soon we'll all go
We must fade to

4. Hunter Of The Heart

Hey liar, tell me your intentions are good

Knowing it could be a lie
I see how you rise
To question the eyes of anyone who promises pain

Contagious, something like a virus of love

Making the pleasure seem real

Another killing by the villain

Another body on the ground
Here comes the master of destruction again
I knew you from the start
Hunter of the heart

Cat crazy, never the predictable one

Asleep in the sun now the strike
Possession today, then send it away
After all the joys in the taking

Another beating by the villain

Another angel fallen down
Here comes the master of destruction again
Perfect for the part
Hunter of the heart

Another burning by the devil

And another diamond turned to glass
Here comes the master of destruction again
I knew you from the start
Hunter of the heart
Hunter of the heart

5. Stay Out Of My Mind

All you see down there

Could be yours for the taking
All your heart's desired
Would be yours but you don't want it
You don't want it
You keep telling me

Stay out of my mind

Stay out of my soul
I can't get you out of my life
So stay out of my mind
Stay out of my mind, yeah

What do you want from life

What do you keep living for
Is it worth the price
It'll cost you nothing
But you won't take it
You won't take it
You keep telling me

Stay out of my mind

Stay out of my soul
I can't get you out of my life
So stay out of my mind
Stay out of my mind
Stay out of my mind
Stay out of my soul
I can't get you out of my life
So stay out of my mind
Stay out of my mind

6. Big Sister

Who controls your mind

There have been changes

No more giving it all for free
There will be changes
Now woman is all you need

Here is a number
You've been given an another name
We will be watching
One might fall but you'll all be blamed
Shame, shame

Here's big sister

We're big sister
Hear big sister
There's big sister
Dancing on your grave

Who controls your mind

Who's in charge of hearts
Who controls you time
We're in charge of you

There have been changes

Even mother's a soldier now
There have been changes
You can touch 'cause you don't know how

Here's big sister

We're big sister
Hear big sister
There's big sister
Dancing on your grave

Pretty faces, young and clean

Watching you from magazines
All they want is something more
Kill the king and then we'll crown the whore

Here's big sister

We're big sister
Hear big sister
There's big sister

Who controls your mind

In charge of hearts
Controls your time
In charge of you

Here's big sister

We're big sister

7. Double Monday

When you're alone and the sun's gone down

One more time
Must you prentend that some light still shines
Sounds like double Monday

Each time you think that you've just begun

It's the end
Oh, someone you love wants to just be friends
Sounds like double Monday

Feels like snakes and spiders

Crawling up your body
Every someday double Monday
Like a fly against the wall
Just when you think you've seen it all you
You lose your special place to hide
So get ready for the ride, ride, ride

Every someday double Monday

8. Golden Rules

Hush now children - lullaby

Steal what you can't borrow
Oh how brave you are
And your world has
Come so far

Are you saved

Have you been told
Right is the enemy
Too bad, too late

Write this down

(I) don't believe in sanity ???
Or reading the instructions
Throw 'em all away, hey

Golden rules, Sunday school


Wheels go round
Angry machines, designing your destiny
Digital dreams, with no heart, no soul

Golden rules, Sunday school

You're all crazy now

Here's the situation

The rest are gettin' pretty
You're melting in the city
Father says to mother
Yeah, if you really wanna trash it
Go ahead and smash it

Are you saved

Now when you go to sleep tonight
One way or another
If you don't die before you wake
Do it unto others

Golden rules, made more fools

Sunday school, you're all crazy

Hush now children

Don't you cry
We've just killed tomorrow
How sad you are
That your world has gone too far

9. Dying In America

Once upon a high

The streets were gold and blue was
In the sky riders gone
Never could belong
Maybe you still can dream
Sleep through screams
While we're dying in America

Once upon a child

The carnival would stop and stay a-
While you were gone
Everything went wrong
Too soon, cartoon
Dying in America
Dying in America

In places where aces outnumber the queens

Jack is afraid of tomorrow
Colors are changing to red, white and green
As we all fall down

Once upon a hate

They told us they could fix it if we'd
Wait for awhile
Killing you with smiles
Maybe you still can dream
Sleep through screams
While we're dying in America
Dying in America

Sex, sex, sex

Even bigger, even better
Don't lose out, be a winner
Save more, save time and save now
One hundred thirty per cent American people
Would like to be like everyone else

11. God Hates Heavy Metal, Japanese CD only

One more nightmare

No place like home
You see a picture of angels
I see a nail in the wall

Make him over

No time to lose

And if you've heard this one before

Don't stop me
Don't stop me

We learn slowly
Evil's in the holy
God hates heavy metal
So I know he must hate me

Must be my name
Why are you running to nowhere
Why do you listen to noise

So if you've heard this all before

Please stop me
Please stop me

Live don't preach it

If you can't don't teach it
God loves heavy metal
So I know he must want me

We learn slowly
Mind control is holy
Stir don't shake it
Move too fast you'll break it up
God is heavy metal
So I know he must need me

11. This Is Your Life

Who cares what came before

We were only starlight
One day, then nevermore
Because we're whispers in the wind

Once upon a time

The world was never blind
Like we are

Right now it seems

You're only dreams and shadows
If wishes could be eagles how you'd fly

This is your life

This is your time
What if the flame won't last forever
This is your here
This is your now
Let it be magical

Who cares what came before

We're only starlight

Once upon the time

All the world was blind
Like we are

This is your life

This is your time
Look at your world
This is your life

, the front page http://wwDio: Magica

1. Discovery

We have examined the manuscript. The information is complete, but

does not conform to logical patterns. Flesh cannot be mutated into stone
and remorphed back to the body once again. Continue the investigation
with special attention given to one word. Magica!

2. Magica Theme

Please continue

3. Lord Of The Last Day

I love the night

So many shadows
Unholy light
Putting out the spark
Leave 'em in the dark - forever

I can wait for you

Your end is my life
All lies are true
Secrets of the heart
And you can take them all - To heaven

I don't feel pain or sorrow

The child's a man tomorrow
Crossing the line - Then he's mine

Don't care which god you follow

Whose promises you swallow
Time and again
We must meet at the end

It's all right

When the music is over
Come on and dance
For the lord of the last day

I love the night

So many shadows
Unholy light
Secrets of the heart
Leave 'em in the dark


4. Fever Dreams

Lately when my demons drag the night across my eyes

I just can't seem to fight it anymore
Yield unto temptation and be ruler of the world
But it seems that I have heard that song before

And the voices begin to sing - Come home

I have seen some evil as I've walked upon the earth

But this is way beyond what eyes can see
Wicked is as wicked does and if I lose control
Is this the way that hell is gonna be
Have I fallen too far to rise
Been burning too long in the fire
Then it all falls down - Tearing the night away

It must be - Fever dreams

Fever dreams
Fever dreams

Now before my demons roll the night across my eyes

I tremble as I wait perhaps to sin
Yield unto temptation and be ruler of the world
And all I do is let the beast come in

Have I fallen too far to rise

I've been standing too long in the fire
Let it all fall down
Tearing the night away

It must be - Fever dreams

From the outside - Fever dreams
Oh, fever dreams
Fever dreams

Fever dreams
Fever dreams
Fever dreams
Fever dreams
Fever dreams
Fever dreams

5. Turn To Stone

Welcome to sun down, welcome to the dark

Could it be that evil has heroes

Bring everybody down - Celebration

Passing of the light
Giving up your spirit to the night
You'll turn to stone - Turn to stone
Just for ever
You'll turn to stone - Turn to stone

Here comes a fire

We'll burn it to the ground
Inside the page lies the power

We've turned it all around - Celebration

Words have control
To take away your heart and then your soul

You'll turn to stone - Turn to stone

Just for ever
You'll turn to stone - Turn to stone

Oh pray for a miracle

But the wishes in the well have all gone dry
There's no way for a miracle
It's not the way you live, it's how you'll die

Welcome to sun down - Welcome to the dark

Could it be that the evil has heroes

We've turned it all around - Celebration

Words have control
To take away your heart and then your soul

You'll turn to stone - Turn to stone

Just for ever
You'll turn to stone
You'll turn to stone - Turn to stone

Concerning the inhabitants of Otherworld. There are many similarities to

be found, parallel to our own society. The individual must be absorbed.
The collective must be as one. Feed my head!

6. Feed My Head

Hiding in a corner
Waiting for the storm
Maybe they'll forget about me
Avoid connection
Still they say you always surrender

All the smiling faces

Promising the sun
Another way of breaking you down

All is lost
Hope is dead
Feed my mind
Fill my head

Hope is gone
The spell's been said
Fill my mind
Feed my head

Waiting for my number
To climb upon the cross
Maybe they'll forget about me
Must avoid detection
But they say you'll still go down

Safe in dreams
Away from where they are
Let me be nowhere
Just another star

Safe in night
The shadows cloak their eyes
Take me to nowhere
Where everybody flies

All is lost
Hope is dead
Feed my mind
Fill my head

Hope is gone
The spell's been said
Fill my mind
Feed my head
All is lost
Hope is dead
Feed my mind
Fill my head

Hope is gone
The spell's been said
Fill my mind
Feed my head

All is lost
Hope is dead
Feed my mind
Fill my head

Hope is gone
The spell's been said
Fill my mind
Feed my head

All is lost
Hope is dead
Feed my mind
Fill my head

7. Eriel

Now that my dreams have gone dead

I see them burning in the fire
Just like the words that I've said
Ashes turned to ashes once again

Look for a sign in the air

A light that dances in the sky
Maybe you'll see it somewhere
Oh, shining like a diamond
Promising that hope will never die

I might know the answer

Well, it's back there in my brain
Someday soon I'll be rising again
Higher than the sun

I have been father and son

I cry for children of the night
Just because tears have begun
Beware of quiet voices
Thunder comes from silence - I am light

Oh, look for a sign, is it me

No don't believe with only eyes
Speak to the blind 'cause they see
Truth is just a circle
Spinning round until it meets the lies
Then dies

8. Challis

I am a rock
And you are glass
Never broken - never last
And if you're in my way I'll knock you down

If it's a joke
I'll never laugh
Here's exactly how I see you in the light

You're like a tear in the ocean

Dust in the wind
Like a stone in the water
I'm gonna sleep with the devil's daughter

I am your shock
I am your shame
Another face without a name
And if you think I'm angry just come over

I need to tell
Just who you are
My description of the world I've seen so far

You're like a tear in the ocean

Dust in the wind
Like a stone in the water
I might marry the devil's daughter

I am a rock
And you are glass
If it's a joke
Nobody laugh
And even - When you know you're guilty still you're right

You're like a tear in the ocean

Dust in the wind
Like a stone in the water

Like a spark in the fire

Dust in the sand
Like a stone in the water
I'm gonna run with the devil's daughter
Run, run, run, run, run away!

Require, explanation. What is love? Who is love? When is love? Where is

love? Why is love?

9. As Long As It's Not About Love

From the first time we touched with our eyes

Only magic could take away my heart
I am always afraid for my heart
So lay beside me now and tell me lies - sweet lies
As long as it's not about love

Shall we sail off the edge of the world

Fall forever and never look behind
But I must keep my heart from my mind
Lay beside me now and tell me lies
As long as it's not about love

Oh the last time we touched with our eyes

And the magic was stronger than the heart
Oh, I can't run away with my heart
So, lay beside me now and tell me lies
As long as it's not about love

Shall we sail off the edge of the world

Fall forever
Take my heart away but no
You can't say words about love

If the magic comes between us

And we never meet again
Take a part of me away
'Cause maybe it's all above love
Love, ooh

10. Losing My Insanity

Someone said
You'll light up the universe
It's there in your head then
Crazy comes to call

Break me down
I'm only an everyone
Running from free
Running from me

And though it's not of my choosing

I'm losing my insanity

Someone said
Forever was yesterday
So open your head when
Crazy comes around

Break me down
I'm only an innocent
Howl at the moon
Knowing that soon

And though it's always confusing

I'm losing my insanity

Round and round

Like the wheels in my mind
Round and round and down and down and down
And down and down

Someone said
Believe in your otherside
It's there in your head and
Waiting for a ride

Break me down
Ah once I was everything
Breaking the law
Quick on the draw

And though it's not of my choosing

I'm losing my insanity

11. Annica (Japanese release only)


12. Otherworld

Turn round slowly

Tell us what you see
Oh no - The fly got the spider
And now he's chasing me

Change comes slowly

But this is what you'll be
Somehow it snows in the summer
And the sun is freezing me, oh

Pain comes easy

If pleasure will let go
Oh oh - I still remember
And this is how I know
Rain falls slowly
Here it cuts you down
Oh no - We're all one another
Oh no - I'm caught in an otherworld

Rainbows and blue skies

Are black and white
Killed in their sleep by the queen
We have forsaken
Beginnings and taken the end - Amen

We've been forsaken

Beginnings and given the end - Amen

Time moves slowly

But here it never ends
Oh oh - We're all one another
Oh no - I'm caught in an otherworld

13. Magica - Reprise

And the games still go on

With a warning to the bishop from the pawn
No one sees an angel till it smashes to the ground
And then you run somewhere
And leave it lying there

Then on we sail
Never thinking that the wind could ever fail
No one gets to heaven till they've lived awhile in hell
And even then it's rare
That you'll be going there

Now we understand. All traces of Magica must be eliminated. Infection.

Infection. Delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete delete delete
14. Lord Of The Last Day - Reprise

I love the night

So many shadows
Unholy night
Secrets of the heart
Leave 'em in the dark

1. Killing The Dragon

Silence - we hunt for the queen

Sign of the cross
And pray in-between

Look by the light of the day

She's hiding till dark
Waiting to play hey-hey

Something's taken a child

And it all must end
Time to be killing the dragon again

Silence - we'll hunt for the lord

He takes crimson and gold
Gave ice to the cold

Oh to be never afraid
Of wolves at the door
Howling for more

More's been empty for years

And it all must end
Time to be killing the dragon again

Kneel and behold your new king

Digital dreams
And wonderful things to tease you
Small gods with electrical hearts
And it all will end
Time to be killing the dragon

2. Along Comes A Spider

Remember when you only needed no one

Every day's tomorrow
And it's all right
No confessions - not for you
Forget the things you've done
It's what you'll do

The first time you're suspicious

What's that gliding down
Along comes a spider

Suddenly the world has no more changes

You've run with an evil woman
So it's all right
No more strangers' candy lies
The light is so much better for your eyes

Now I'm not superstitious

But every time you've tried
Along comes a spider

Don't ask why - it's the long way around

Just go wild

Why do we believe in conversation

We never seem to listen
We only hear
Now you don't need permission
But don't get caught next time
Along comes a spider
A spider
A spider
Inside her

3. Scream

You've made it through another day

Driving past the backroads of your mind
You could have turned the other way
And break down on the sanity you've found inside you

Someone said that you are fantasy

But in the darkness
Behind your smile
You scream
Scream for the crazy ones
Scream at the things you've done
Scream at the rising sun

We bless the beautiful

Let us forgive you for your sins
These must be holy ones
How could we believe they'd let us in

Oh, once I heard that they were fantasy

But in the darkness
Behind their smiles
They scream
Scream of a broken heart
Scream as they come apart
Scream cause they never started

No pain
No sympathy
You've always been so steady at the wheel

Some friend reality

You break down on the highway
About to see it my way

Scream at the crazy ones

Scream cause they all have sons
Scream as they point the gun at you

Scream at the bleeding heart

Scream cause the end won't start
Scream as you come apart again
Again, again, again...

4. Better In The Dark

I'm all right - I'm crossing over

I just shot the sun
One more night - black as heaven
So no-one saw the gun

Running with monsters in shadows

And monsters always know
It's better in the dark
Oh, she's all right - tall and handsome
If the lights are down
Gone by dawn - takes no chances
Might come back around

Clutching to monsters in shadows

And monsters always know
It's better in the dark

I'm all right - I'm crossing over

I can disappear - gone

Clutching to monsters in shadows

And monsters always know
It's better in the dark
Better in the dark
I just shot the sun

5. Rock And Roll

If they take away your song

You can finally hear the voices
Of the ones that don't belong

In the face of the rising wind

We all sing Gloria
Is there flame without fire
Most unlikely

If you're there when the walls come down

We all sing - warrior
Is there sight without sound
Most unlikely

But we got rock and roll

Rock and roll
Take me anywhere
Rock and roll
Rock and roll
Is there someone there
Rock and roll

On the edge of the last goodbye

We all sing - warrior
Ah the brave never die
Most unlikely

Hey, send your heroes of to war

But whisper in their ear
Never cross the song police
They can tell you what you're gonna hear - again

For the sake of the left behind

We all sing Gloria
Soon forgotten by time
So unlikely

Cause we got rock and roll

Rock and roll
Take you anywhere

Rock and roll

Rock and roll
Someone's always there
Rock and roll

Bring me anywhere
Rock and roll
Rock and roll
Someone's always there
Rock and roll
Rock and roll me, ah

Rock and roll

Rock and roll
Rock and roll
Rock and roll
6. Push

You've ridden on a carousel

So you know the feeling
As the ring slips through your fingers

Sometimes you justify it

But there's the sword
And you're bleeding once again

Before you're in a corner

Can't crawl away
Here's a way to save you

You gotta push

Get out of my way and push
You can turn the wheel
One more push

You're master of the broken heart

And so you know the feeling
As your soul starts going under
Sometimes you rectify it
Then out of the blue
The hammer falls again

Before you're in the water

Can't sail away
Here's a way to save you

You gotta push

Break the body down
Oh push
Out of my way I'll push
You better push

You gotta push

Hands against the wall
And push
Out of my way we'll push
You can turn the wheel
Go on and push

7. Guilty

He'd never tell her lies

And she believed in magic
But when the magic died
She could see that all along he's just been

Guilty - a liar, liar

Guilty - burn in fire

It's time to say goodbye

Don't tell another story
Another alibi
Now you see that all along he's just been

Guilty - a liar, liar

Guilty - you burn in fire
Guilty - the great pretender
You're guilty - just surrender cause you're guilty

Broken promise
But please forgive again
One more time for me
It's the very last time - you'll see

Guilty - liar, liar

You'll burn in fire
Guilty - liar, liar

Guilty - the great pretender

Guilty - just surrender, you're guilty
Guilty, guilty, guilty
A liar, liar
Guilty - you'll burn in fire
Oh guilty, you'll burn in fire
Surrender - guilty
So guilty

8. Throw Away Children

Oh-oh, the sun's gone down

Her day begins
And the rhythm of the darkness
Wakes the dead
Don't answer eyes that smile
Don't let them in
They see the lonely child
She feels their sin
But it's getting so much colder
And she's afraid

Never going back to where the pain was

She'd rather face the pain that's here and now

Someone's thrown away their children

You can see them running from your smile
Sing for the runaway children
The throw-away child

I'll make you safe and warm

Words she needs to hear
What they really mean is no more little girl

Don't see her anymore

They disappear

Yesterday they said that she was dying

And just today I heard that she was dead

Someone's thrown away their children

You can see them running from your smile
Sing for the runaway children
The throw-away child

Someone's thrown away their children

You can hear them only if you try
Sing for the runaway children

Someone's thrown away their children

You can see them running from your smile
Sing for the runaway children
The throw-away child
9. Before The Fall

Someone had a dream

Never been to London
Never in a limousine

Something made him go

Could it be the voices
Coming from the radio

But somewhere down the line

The happiness you'll find
Will crash into a wall
Just before the fall

Someone joined the band

But he never heard the music
Couldn't really understand
No, no no

Don't know what they mean

Where's my picture
Shining from a magazine

But somewhere down the line

He'll quickly glance behind
Then smash into a wall
Before the fall

Someone ran so fast

When he saw the future
He was sure that it was just the past
Someone had a dream
Only this one ended lost
Inside the old machine

And somewhere down the line

They'll say that his is mine
And all that's left is time
Time to fall and stumble, ah

10. Cold Feet

Tired of living in the black and white?

Where fools can tell you that you're never right
I know a place where the film's in color
Just step inside of yourself
Here's a place in the front row
So on with the show

The same old shadow on the run

That's no shadow, it's your shadow's son

I know a place where the pools got water

And you don't need to know how to swim
Here's the key to the back door
Do you want more
Do you need more?

Same old rhythm to the same old rhyme

The same old clock - same old time

There's a place where the grass is greener

And you can shake, rattle and roll
Here's the key to the front door
Do you want more
Will you need more?

Tired of living in the black and white

Where no-one's wrong and you're never right
Same old steps to the same old dance
Just one more reason - one more chance
Dio: Lock Up The Wolves LIRICS

1. Wild One

You say you've never seen the light before

Does anyone believe you
Don't let them hear you say anymore
Nothing's really safe around here

We are an imitation of the crown

We never turn the pages
They cannot let your spirit touch the ground
And nothing's gonna change around here, no

Crack in the ceiling

Hole in the wall
They bend you over
But you won't crawl away

You've got two in the bushes

One in the hand
They'd make you over
But they can't understand you
You're always gonna be the wild one
Pretend that all you really feel is pain
Just hide behind some sorrow
How sad
But you'd do it all again
(I guess that) Nobody changes 'round here

Cat in the cradle

Man in the moon
They'd make you over
But it's too soon to know, no

Smoke in the kitchen

Fire in the hall
The train is coming
And you can hear it calling
You're always gonna be the wild one

Crack in the ceiling

Hole in the wall
They bend you over
But you won't crawl away

You've got two in the bushes

One in the hand
They'd make you over
But they can't understand you
You're always gonna be the Wild One

2. Born On The Sun

There's a crack in the rainbow

There's a hole in the sky
You believed in something
Now it's just a lie, yeah

No jokes from the jester

Not a laugh from the clown
And your world is upside down, yeah
You can hide in a circle
It's a way to survive
Be another number
At least you'd be alive

Or you can ride with the gypsy

He can take you to hell
And the answers screaming
In a voice you know so well

You - you're made of fire
Never higher
You were made to run

You - you're burning higher

You've got the fire
You were born on the sun

So take a walk with a wild one

It's the way that I've found
You can turn it upside down


3. Hey Angel

How do you feel right now

How does it feel to be alone
How do you feel right now
Tell me

Hey angel - what's your situation
Hey angel - oh, oh

Where would you be right now

Waiting to taste your next tomorrow
Where would you be right now
Tell me

Was the pain too strong to take it anymore

So you turned off all the lights and shut the door

Hey angel - what's your destination
Hey angel
Hey angel - we got a complication
Hey angel - oh, oh - you're my angel, my angel

How do you feel right now

How does it feel to be alone, oh
How do you feel right now
How do you feel right now

Oh angel - you're my angel, oh my angel, ...

4. Between Two Hearts

She never breaks into the conversation

He seems to be the reason why she lives
She tries to be the perfect kind of stranger
But we always seem to love the most
The ones who never give, yeah

It's between two hearts
A personal situation
Between two hearts
The kind of love with a reputation

We never have to ask her why she's crying

The smile she had's been kicked into a frown
But still it makes her day to be his pleasure
Should we open up her eyes
Can we ever break the spell
No one can tell

It's between two hearts
A personal combination
Between too hearts
The kind of love with a bad reputation

Put on your party faces and come along

Join in the big parade
Here comes the camera
Do you look as good as your sister
Smile at the animals
They should be the ones in the cages
Turn the pages

Another way to spend a rainy Sunday

Waiting for a call that never comes
The mystery is how she makes her choices
But don't we always choose
The ones who hide the sun

It's between two hearts
Love and desperation
Between two hearts
The kind of love
The kind of love

Between two hearts

A personal situation
Between two hearts
The kind of love with a reputation

5. Night Music

Looking on the ( ? ) side

You're waiting for your life to walk away
Writings on a wall
You just dream forever, forever

Face it - it's another day

And it's gonna be the same tomorrow
The sun is gonna go away
So let it shine on - shine on, yeah, yeah

When you move to the rhythm of shadows

You can hide from the heat of the sun
'Cos If you dance to the beat of the darkness
You burn before the fire's begun

Then comes the night

You come alive

With night music
It keeps spinning around my head
Night music
It's all the things that you never said
And anywhere you are
There's night music

So open up your arms

Let the night time in
Say the word and it begins

In the night you're the song and the singer

You can choose what the band's gonna play
Write the words under cover of moonlight, oh
Make some magic with the things that you say
Together we can kill the day

Night music
You're singer and I'm the song
Night music
Where's the place we can belong

Here comes the night

You will survive
Dancing in the moonlight
Makes you feel alive

Open your arms

Let it begin
Just open up the magic
Let the night time in

6. Lock Up The Wolves

In the houses of the holy

To the middle of the mystic sea
At the cradle of the world

There's a black cat screaming

And it's not even midnight, no
At the cradle of the world

They're screaming for sanctuary
They're screaming at you
Lock up the wolves
Lock up the wolves, yeah, yeah, yeah

Now there's a cloud over heaven

And a pain out of paradise
In your corner of the world

Turn your back on the children

Does it feel like it's colder
In your corner of the world

They're screaming for sanctuary
They're screaming at you
Lock up the wolves
Lock up the wolves, ...

Don't you let'em get away

Lock up the wolves before you play
Or it's over
Lock up the wolves
Don't you let'em get away
Don't you let'em get away

There's no back door to heaven

Just a front door to hell, oh
In this corner of the world

Now if you turn your back on the children

Don't you feel it getting colder
In your corner of the world

They're screaming for sanctuary
They're screaming at you
Lock up the wolves
Lock up the wolves, ...

7. Evil On Queen Street

Spent the night on the road

And never saw the miles go
Running away
I've got to get free from myself

How stories were made to be told

And here's the one that I know
I can't hide it anymore

There's evil on Queen Street

I saw the house in the dark

It seemed to say "come touch me
I've got a heart
Open the door to my soul"

Climb to the top of my stairs

And look into my windows
I can be your wishing well
There's no evil on Queen Street
Let me in
I can warm in the heat of your fire
It's no permanent sin to be bad
If you're sorry

Let me go - you're a promise that comes from a liar

I don't know - if I ever can wash all the evil away, hey

Struck a match at the dark

It screamed no, no I love you
Together we're strong
You always believed what I'd say, hey

But now the heat of a flame

Starts me to remember
There's no evil - no more evil
No evil on Queen Street

Just smoke in the air

No evil anywhere
No evil on Queen Street

8. Walk On Water

He's just an ordinary man

Never gonna live forever
So he takes it where he can

Too many nights without a day

For the sake of being clever
He almost lost his way
He always thought that he could fly
Till he was shot down from the sky
You can't walk on water - don't try
You can't walk on water - my my my

They say there's ice inside his veins

He's the man of a thousand faces
Silver spoons and golden chains
He thought his heart was made of steel
But it never started pounding
Till they strapped him to the wheel

He always thought that he could fly

Till he was shot down from the sky
No matter what you try
You can't walk on water - my my
Can't walk on water - don't let me try

Somebody said we'll make him strong

He can give us all the answers
Tell us right and show us wrong

If you believe it, it's no lie

And there is an end to summer
'Cause the winter makes it die

We never looked above his head

And so he missed the things that they said, yeah
He always thought that he could fly
Until they shot him from the sky

No matter how you try
You can't walk on water
Can't burn the sun
You can't walk on water
Not anyone

You can't, you can't, you can't

You can't, you can't, walk on water

9. Twisted

It's just a matter of time

He was the victim and he never saw the crime
He had invisible eyes
He told you truth but you were sure of it, lies
'Cause he was twisted (you could see it)
He was twisted, all right

He was the fortunate one

He could have pulled the trigger
But he couldn't get the gun
They told him that he was blind
He didn't understand
'Cause he could see them inside

They were twisted, oh
So Twisted
You could feel it they were
Twisted up inside

Look inside any window

Come on and see the show
It's the same generation
They set you free
But they just won't let you go - no

It was a matter of time

They told me I was guilty
So I thought I did the crime
I never learned how to cry
And when I told the truth
They were sure it was a lie
Sure that I would cry
Sure of it
Sure of it 'cause I'm so

She's twisted up inside

They're twisted
We're twisted
And when you're twisted
There's just no place to hide away
10. Why Are They Watching Me

He was ready to rock and roll

So ready to lose control
But when a hungry heart
Gets a taste of freedom - you better look out

He was ready to push and shove

Ready to fight for love
But I've seen it before
And it can make you crazy
The eyes are what you see

Why are they watching me

She was ready to black and white

The colors were just too bright
She loved to fly
But she hated falling

She was caught in the in-between

Her dirty would not come clean
She ran for light
But she just got darkness

Just when you think you're free

The eyes are what you see

Why are they watching me
Why do they do the things they do
Why are they watching me
Watching you

If only the eyes could see

Then you'd know your destiny
The mind is an enemy
And you just need a friend
Are you ready for rock and roll
Ready to take control
If you see the eyes
Will it make you crazy - crazy


11. My Eyes

My eyes can see inside tomorrow

My eyes can get next to you
Time flies on wings that just get stronger
My eyes are true

My eyes could see the body shakin'

My eyes were clear and bright
Goodbyes are easy to remember
You can see the hurt still there in my eyes

I've fallen off the edge of the world

I've fallen from the top of the mountain
Just to rise again

I've seen it from heaven and hell

I've seen it from the eyes of a stargazer

I want to be invisible
Just get me out of here
Could the dreamer be turning to stone, oh

Rock and roll eyes
The color of rainbows - believer of lies
Rock and roll eyes, yeah

Don't want to see the end of it all

Just get me outta here
Just get me outta here
Just get me outta here

Rock and roll eyes
The keeper of rainbows
Collector of lies
Rock and roll eyes
My eyes

Rock and roll eyes

Tell rock and roll lies
And rock and roll lies
Never end

Rock and roll friends

With rock and roll trends
And rock and roll ends
With my eyes
Dio: Master Of The Moon LIRICS

1. One More For The Road

Never been here before

But I'm coming back tomorrow
For the real pain
A cold rain again

Nice day for a crucifixion

Heard a new prediction
That we can all be saved
So I'll have
One more for the road
Oh, play it again
One more for the road

Never heard this before

That a child can tell who's evil
But it's a good thing
If we sing along

Cold day
We can make a fire
Burn another liar
Can witches ever die?
Hey let's burn
One more for the road
Oh gimme the same again
One more for the road

Well I've never been here before

And the room is really empty
But there's a big line waiting for the show

Nice day for an execution

Another wrong conclusion
But someone's got to pay
So let's burn
One more for the road
Oh play it again
One more for the road

There's a child who just sees evil

And a man who just loves pain
But I've heard that we can't save them
So gimme the same again

There's a cross that you can't carry

Cause it's heavier than hell
And if you should meet your maker
Just pray that he won't yell
One more for the road
One more for the road
Play it again
One more for the road

2. Master Of The Moon

And then you dream

Of a world with only windows
Inside you
You can hide you
You know

And then the night

You're just another empty shadow
No questions, no answers
No one to scream at you

Turn around and when you face the sun

We can make you be like everyone you know
Hey you, you're just master of the moon

And then the eyes

If you look at them they'll blind you
Who are you, what are you?
Why do you scream at me?

Turn around and when you face the sun

We can make you be like everyone you know
Hey you, master of the moon

We can shake you make you over

We just need some time to
Shed some light upon your darkness
We need your mind

And then you dream again

In a world that only you know
Inside you
You can hide you
No one to scream at you

Turn around and when you face the sun

We can make you be like everyone you know
I'll turn away and never face the sun
You'll never make me be like you
I'm master of the moon

3. The End Of The World

If I could sleep at night then somehow I'd see
Why everything's wrong
Or maybe it's just me

Does anybody know this place that I'm in

Why I might be alone

Imagination is a terrible thing

What if I'm wrong?
But here's what I've been thinking
It must the end of the world

Whatever happened to the rock 'n' roll song

Breaking your brain
Making you stronger

They say you never hear the bullet that kills

And I don't hear a sound

It's not about a change or revolution

What's gone today is still called substitution

Don't get emotional but we're out of time

The melody's gone
And fools have got the sunshine

If I'm mistaken and I see you again

Don't leave me alone
Maybe tomorrow could be the end of the world

Don't make wishes

Don't waste time
Call the ones you hate
You'd say I'm sorry but they'll have to wait
For the end of the world
Bye bye bye bye bye bye
4. Shivers

Fingers scratching blackboards

Make cowards of the brave
A natural reaction
From the cradle to the grave

Rats and bats and spiders

And little things that crawl
Never make me tremble
I'm not bothered, not at all

Then I saw you

Something new inside of me
What's this shaking
You made me shiver, shiver

Cemetery midnights, walking on the dead

Never seemed to matter
It's all inside your head

Names are only letters

Mentioned on the stone
And if you're going somewhere
You're going in alone

Then I saw you

Something new inside of me
Felt this shaking
You gave me shivers
Magic charms and voodoo
And all those other spells
Never made impressions
And I never slept so well
If I had a nightmare
I'm sure that I would know
I really don't remember
But I'm sure it isn't so

Then I saw you

Something new inside of me
What's this shaking?

Turn out the lights, it won't matter

A bucket of blood and I'm fine
A black cat's only a color
But you can do it every time

5. The Man Who Would Be King

Bless me father, I must go away

To save us from the ones who don't believe
Confess me father I have sin
But maybe the angels really sing
For the man who would be king

We laugh at your religion, you people of the sand

We have no superstition, you can read it in our hands

Forgive me father for the change we bring

But it is all for the man who would be king

Don't leave a body standing, not the holy, not the small
Deliver us from the evil
If it yours we want it all

Lately father I've been wondering

Is the devil just the man who would be king?
How can right be ever wrong?
We are glory, we are stronger than you
We never got an answer
It's just too late to ask
The bloody flag was waving
Our hearts just ran too fast

Curse me father for the chains we bring

And don't believe the man who would be king

We never got an answer, the question slipped my mind

I've been so busy killing, I haven't found the time

6. The Eyes

Oh no, they're at it again, looking inside my secrets

Coming through the cracks before I mend the wall
Get out 'cause you're breaking the law
How did you ever find me?
Places I can hide can't get much smaller

I have invisible dreams where no one can touch me

Maybe I'll find a way to disappear
No one moves and no one dies
Just the eyes

I've run as fast as I can

Thinking that they'll never catch me
What a waste of breath, a waste of time

Feel like digging a hole, going in even deeper

Maybe they just can't see what just can't shine
I'll be lost so no goodbyes
If no one moves then nothing dies
Just the eyes

Oh no, they've done it again

Sending out the detectives
Searching for signs of life and that means me
In my invisible dreams when no one is watching
I'd make the whole world blind and I'd be free

I'll be lost so no replies

If no one looks then no one dies
Just the eyes
Those eyes

Magic numbers, even sacrifice, I can't find a way

'Cause nothing stops the eyes

Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh

Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh
Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh
Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh
Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh
Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh
Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh - Oh oh ooh

7. Living The Lie

When a million miles from nowhere

Is still too close to home
You're with a hundred thousand people
And you still feel all alone
She was never in the circle, or the round would be a square
And the more she seemed to want it, oh the less they seemed to care

Sold out and no admission

Too late to buy
It's never who, it's only why
She's living the lie, living the lie

When you're on your way to somewhere

But the elevator falls
Do you look for the stairs to heaven
Or wander through the halls

He was only dedicated to the ones who make the law

But they burned with too much fire
And his heart was made of straw

No ticket, no admission, too late to buy

It's always he and he knows why
He's living the lie, living the lie
How bad do you want it, how far will you go?

If you're looking at tomorrow

To forget about today
Then the past will be your future
And it's there you'll always stay
What about the pictures that smile from magazines
The ultimate temptation, all our kings and our queens

Such heat and too much pressure, not worth the try
No more for them, now it's I
And no more living the lie, living the lie
Oh why, live the lie

8. I Am

I think I'm through with just pretending

Knocking at the door that I've been through before
Congratulations, at last you've seen my light
Now it's you against the night
I think I'm never coming after, after all
Now I've become the cat who always lets you know that
I am, I am, stronger than the wind
I am, I am sin
I am, I am, stronger without you
I am

For all the words come unspoken

Silence isn't gold, or the story's never told
Investigation, at last I've found my light
And we shine
So now I'm like the cat who always tells you this, that
I am, I am, stronger than the wind
I am, I am sin
I am, I am, better without you
I am

I think I'm way outside illusion

Breaking down the door that locked me in before
Congratulations, now that you've seen my light
After all
And when I become the cat, I'll always let you know that

I am, I am, stronger than the wind

I am, I am sin
I am, I am, I am, stronger without you
I am

I am, oh I am, I am
I am everyone
I am, I am, better without you
I am

I am, I am, stronger than before

I am, I am more
I am, I am, I am, ready to go on
I am
9. Death By Love

One night when the stars were right for the gypsy queen
And she found she could drag you down
To a place that's in-between it all
She's a madman with a delicate hand and evil eyes
And I've heard she'll only say a word
And that's enough to satisfy

Don't ask why, don't even think about it

Brave men die but what a way to go
She's not above
Death by love

One spell from the wishing well

And you're never more
A bad start for the sacred heart
'Cause the end has come before the beginning

Knee deep in the darkest sleep But the eyes see all
So high you could break the sky And never feel the fall to come
Strong men die but what a way to go
She's not above
Death by love

Don't ask why

Don't even think about it
Brave men die but what a way to go
You've got symptoms of
Death by love
She's not above
Death by love

Don't ask why

Don't even guess about it
All men die but this is death by love

10. In Dreams

Help me
Save me
I've just crossed the line where reason might betray me

Wake me
Oh shake me
Send a message to my brain before they take me
How can I get through to you that wishes just come true
In dreams

Oh don't go
No don't dare
'Cause the journey drives you mad before you get there
Help me
Oh save me
I'll be glad to give you back the hand you gave me

How I can get through to you that wishes do come true

In dreams
In your dreams

If I'm a river then you're the sea

Somewhere you'll find me
Alone swimming here in the ecstasy
If I'm silence you must be scream
But I don't hear you
I'm in a place that I've just never seen before

No, don't go
You'll never save me
I've just slapped away that helping hand you gave me
Don't wake me
No, don't you shake me
Here's a message from my brain, you'll never take me

How can I get through to you that wishes do come true

In dreams
In my dreams

11. The Prisoner Of Paradise

Bring me down
Drag me away from heaven
But look out!
Angels guard the door

We all choose pain if pleasure is ordinary

Then we beg for more and more and more
Oh lock me up in an institution and throw away the key
Then I'm free
The prisoner of paradise

Take me down, I've gone too high, so hurry!

How this can be real?
I paid for the ride
And got wishes for eternity
And here's one more - I wish that you would steal them.

Tie me down and don't believe me

If I say I'm free, it's still me
The prisoner of paradise

Bring me down
If I could start all over, would I do the same?
Oh I'd try for a while, then hunger for the recipe.
And all I'd hear is "Isn't it a shame?"

Oh wrap me up in some chains and you can push me out to sea

Cover me up with the ocean, then I'm free
The prisoner of paradise

Dio: Holy Diver LIRICS

1. Stand Up And Shout

It's the same old song

You've gotta be somewhere at sometime
They never let you fly

It's like broken glass

You get cut before you see it
So open up your eyes

You've got desire

So let it out
You've got the fire
Stand up and shout-shout

You've got wings of steel

But they never really move you
You only seem to crawl

You've been nailed to the wheel

But never really turning
You know you've got to want it all
You've got desire
So let it out
You've got the fire
Stand up and shout

You are the strongest chain

And not just some reflection
So never hide again

You are the driver

You own the road
You are the fire go on explode

You've got desire

So let it out
You've got the power
Stand up and shout

2. Holy Diver

Holy Diver
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Oh what's becoming of me

Ride the tiger

You can see his stripes but you know he's clean
Oh don't you see what I mean

Gotta get away

Holy Diver

Shiny diamonds
Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue
Something is coming for you
Race for the morning
You can hide in the sun 'till you see the light
Oh we will pray it's all right

Gotta get away-get away

Between the velvet lies

There's a truth that's hard as steel
The vision never dies
Life's a never ending wheel

Holy Diver
You're the star of the masquerade
No need to look so afraid

Jump on the tiger

You can feel his heart but you know he's mean
Some light can never be seen

Repeat verse 1

3. Gypsy

She was straight from Hell

But you never could tell
Cause you were blinded by her light
She could crack your brain
With magic pain
And turn a paler shade of white

(Well) I was on the free

Just me and me
And just about to sail

When I heard the voice

Said you got a choice
The hammer or the nail

You'll be ridin'
You'll be ridin' on the gypsy

Well I rolled the bones

To see who'd own
My mind and what's within

And it's a given rule

That we're all fools
And need to have a little sin

So I'm ridin'
I've been ridin' on the gypsy
On the gypsy queen

She was straight from Hell

But you never could tell
Cause you were blinded by the light

So she cracked my brain

With magic pain
And turned my left around to right, right

So I'm ridin'
Yes I'm ridin'
I'm still ridin' on the gypsy
On the gypsy queen

4. Caught In The Middle

Looking inside of yourself

You might see someone you don't know
Maybe it's just what you need
Letting the river in you flow
You can sail away to the sun
And let it burn you while you can
Or walk a long bloody road
Like the hero who never ran

You'll feel it
You'll feel it
You'll feel the rush of it all

Flying away int the clouds

You know you're loosing your control
Finding you way in the dark
Like some poor forgotten soul

You'll feel it
You'll see it
You'll feel the rush of the city lights
You'll feel it
I see it in your eyes, you're

Caught in the middle

Just like the way you've always been
Caught in the middle
Helpless again

Looking inside of yourself

You might see someone you don't know
Maybe it's just what you need
Letting the river I know that's in you flow

You'll feel it
You'll see it
You'll feel the rush of thunder
You'll feel it
I see it in your eyes, you're

Caught in the middle

Just like the way you've always been
Caught in the middle
Helpless again
5. Don't Talk To Strangers

Don't talk to strangers


Don't talk to strangers

'Cause they're only there to do you harm
Don't write in starlight
'Cause the words may come out real

Don't hide in doorways

You may find the key that opens up your soul
Don't go to heaven
'Cause it's really only hell

Don't smell the flowers

They're an evil drug to make you lose your mind
Don't dream of women
'Cause they only bring you down

Hey you, you know me, you've touched me, I'm real
I'm forever the one that lets you look and see and
Feel me
I'm danger - I'm the stranger

And I, I'm darkness, I'm anger, I'm pain

I am master
The evil song you sing inside your brain
Drive you insane
Don't talk

Don't let them inside your mind, yeah

Run away, run away, go!

No - no
Don't let them in your mind
Protect your soul

Don't dance in darkness

You may stumble and you're sure to fall
Don't write in starlight
'Cause the words may come out real

Don't talk to strangers [Don't talk to strangers]

'Cause they're only there to make you sad
Don't dream of women
'Cause they'll only bring you down

Run, run, run, run away!

6. Straight Through The Heart

Hanging from the cobwebs in you mind

It looks like a long, long way to fall
No one ever told me life was kind
I guess I never heard it, never heard it all

Living in a world of make believe

I can hide behind what's real
But wearing your emotions on your sleeve
And they all know what you feel

And here it comes again

Straight through the heart
Straight through the heart

Oh, never tell a secret with your eyes

It's the eyes that let you down
Tell a little truth with many lies
It's the only way I've found
Oh here it comes again
Straight through the heart
Straight through the heart

Shout to the wind

How can you hurt me this way
Oh once it begins
It looks like it's coming to stay

Hanging from the cobwebs in your mind

It looks like a long, long way to fall
No one ever told me life was kind
I Guess I never heard it, never heard it all, no!

But here it comes again

Straight through the heart
Straight through the heart
Straight through the heart

Here it comes again

Straight through the heart
In the middle of the heart
Now don't stand still, they'll get you
Right through your heart

And here it comes, here it comes again

Straight through the heart

7. Invisible

If your circle stays unbroken

Then you're a lucky man
Cause it never, never, never has for me

In the palace of the virgin

Lies the chalice of the soul
And it's likely you might find the answer there

She had fourteen years of teenage tears

And never a helping hand
She had fourteen more of rain before
She saw the sight of land
She was a photograph just ripped in half
A smile inside a frown
And the the light, the answer right
Inside her coming down

I can go away
I can leave here
I can be invisible

He was just eighteen and in-between

A lady and a man
His daddie's girl in momma's world
And that was when he ran
You know the word confused has been abused
But that's just what he was
And then the spark inside the dark
The answer came because it said

You can go away

You can leave here
You can be invisible

Well I grew up quick and I felt the kick

Of life upon a stage
So I bought the book and took a fast look
At just the very last page
It was a single word that I'd just heard
From the two that came before
The only way to realle stay
Is to walk right out the door

You can go away

You can leave here
You can be invisible

You can go away

You can leave here
You can be invisible
You can go away
Lord you know it's right to leave here
So I just become invisible

8. Rainbow In The Dark

When there's lightning - it always bring me down

Cause it's free and I see that it's me
Who's lost and never found
I cry for magic - I feel it dancing in the light
But it was cold - I lost my hold
To the shadows of the night

There's no sign of the morning coming

You've been left on your own
Like a Rainbow in the Dark

Do your demons - do they ever let you go

When you've tried - do they hide -deep inside
Is it someone that you know
You're a picture - just an image caught in time
We're a lie - you and I
We're words without a rhyme

There's no sign of the morning coming

You've been left on your own
Like a Rainbow in the Dark

When there's lightning - it always brings me down

Cause it's free and I see that it's me
Who's lost and never found
Feel the magic -feel it dancing in the air
But it's fear - and you'll hear
It calling you beware

There's no sign of the morning coming

There's no sight of the day
You've been left on your own
Like a Rainbow in the Dark

9. Shame On The Night

Shame on the night

For places I've been
And what I've seen
For giving me the strangest dreams
But you never really know just what they mean
So oh shame on the night

Shame on you
You've stolen the day
Snatched it away
But I saw the sky
An I never want to die
Now you know the reason why
Oh shame on the night

You don't care what you've done

So I think I'd better run

Shame on the sun

For the light you sold
I've lost my hold
On the magic flame
But now I know your name
Oh lord just go the way you came again
Oh shame on the night

You don't care what you've done

So I know I'd better run

Repeat verse 1
You don't care what you've done
Here I go I've got to run
Dio: The Last In Line LIRICS

1. We Rock

You watch their faces

You'll see the traces
Of the things they want to be
But only we can see

They come for killing

They leave and still it seems
The cloud that's left behind
Oh, can penetrate your mind

But sail on, sing a song, carry on

Cause We Rock, We Rock, We Rock, We Rock

We pray to someone
But when it's said and done
It's really all the same
With just a different name

So many voices
All giving choices
If we listen they will say
Oh, we can find the way

But we'll sail on, sing a song, carry on

Cause We Rock, We Rock, We Rock, We Rock
We Rock, We Rock, We Rock, We Rock
We Rock!

We Rock
You watch their faces
You'll see the traces
Of the things they want to be
But only we can see

They come for killing

They leave and still it seems
The cloud that's left behind
Can penetrate your mind

Sail on, sing a song, carry on

Cause We Rock, We Rock, We Rock, We Rock
We Rock, We Rock, We Rock, We Rock

Ride out - stand and shout - carry on

Sail on - Sing your song - carry on

Cause We Rock, We Rock, see how We Rock

We Rock
That's rock
We Rock
We Rock

2. The Last In Line

We're a ship without a storm

The cold without the warm
Light inside the darkness that it needs, yeah

We're a laugh without a tear

The hope without the fear
We are coming - home

We're off to the witch

We may never never never come home
But the magic that we'll feel
Is worth a lifetime

We're all born upon the cross

The throw before the toss
You can release yourself
But the only way is down

We don't come alone

We are fire we are stone
We're the hand that writes
Then quickly moves away

We'll know for the first time
If we're evil or divine
We're the last in line
We're the last in line

Two eyes from the east

It's the angel or the beast
And the answer lies between
The good and bad

We search for the truth

We could die upon the tooth
But the thrill of just the chase
Is worth the pain

Repeat chorus

We're off to the witch

We may never never never come home
But the magic that we'll feel
Is worth a lifetime

We're all born upon the cross

The throw before the toss
You can release yourself
But the only way you go is down

Repeat chorus

3. Breathless
You said a single word
But no one really heard
Sometimes we scream alone

It's always worse at night

When darkness kills the light
We're in the danger zone

You wait with pounding heart

You know it's just the start

Cause you're Breathless, ready to burn

Breathless, willing to learn
Breathless, the circle still turns
You're Breathless

Living inside your mind

Who knows the things you'll find
There could be hell or rainbows

But it's a funny thing

The more you feel the sting
You're just a leaf that the wind blows

You've been this way before

One step and you're through the door

And you're Breathless, ready to burn

Breathless, the circle still turns
Breathless, willing to learn
You're Breathless

Repeat Verse 1

4. I Speed At Night

Dark touches send rushed through the brain

Black's whiter, burns brighter than the flame
No shadows, just whispers in the wind
No faces, just places to begin
I just come seeking pleasure, I hate the light

I speed at night, at night

My demons, they seem to disappear

No vision, I only see to hear
Protection, I never needed none
Direction, just nowhere near the sun
You've go some stairs to heaven, you may be right
I only know in my world, I hate the light

I speed at night

Repeat Verse 1

You've got some stair to heaven, you may be right

I only know in my world, I hate the light

I speed at night

5. One Night In The City

Johnny was a dark child

He was promised to us all
But rides in the night, can lift you out of sight
When they call

Sally was a princess

She was chosen for the crown
But chains can't stop the sound

Of one night in the city

One night looking pretty

The someone opened doorways

And Johnny slipped away
Running for the bright, where dark is always light
But there's no day
The princess saw the dark child
And the dark child said her name

Come steal away, we'll play the game

Do you watch, do you see, do you know the people in me

I'm the bite, I'm the bark, I'm the scream
Are you poor, are you sure, are you holy, are you pure
I can tell you tales you just might not believe

One night in the city, one night looking pretty

One night in the city, one night looking pretty

The children shared the wonder

Of the leather and the lace
But one child went away, and one child stayed to play

For one night in the city

6. Evil Eyes

Hide in the midnight

Turn out the lights, you'll see them anyway
Sail into never, they'll follow wherever you can go
And take you to the places you don't know

It's the call of the city

The way that black's pretty to the purest heart
It's places of pleasure
They promise you treasure if you fly
And then there goes the soul of you and I

Oh do you ever think about

The way I caught the rainbow
I'll be there where fire makes you dance
I'm gonna give you the look
That opens up the skies
I've got Evil Eyes...

Hide in the midnight

Turn out the light, they'll see you anyway
Sail into never, they'll follow wherever you can go

I've got Evil Eyes...

7. Mystery

Can you hear me

Can you see
There's a storm on the edge of the sky
Does it matter
It does to me, I can tell you why

When there's thunder, there should be rain

But it don't always follow the rule
And is the wise man always right? No he can play the fool

It's always a Mystery, not what it seems to be

It's always a Mystery, just like you and me

We are lightning
We are flame
And we burn at the touch of a spark
If there's fire, but no one sees
The there's only the dark

Just imagine, will you try

I can see that you've opened your mind
Silver linings can disappear, but they always shine

It's always a Mystery, not what it seems to be

It's always a Mystery, just like you and me

Chorus Out
8. Eat Your Heart Out

It's been a long hot road I've been upon

Through the desert of your soul
I've looked high and low for water
But it's not there

All the promises of springtime

Turned to lies, so cold
But I'm stronger than you know
And I've come to let you go

Go eat your heart out
You've been a bad, bad girl
You've been hungry all of your life
So eat it out

I've been a prisoner just locked away

Inside your velvet jail
But it don't matter at all
Some things can grow without the light

Spinning cages for her pleasure

Weaving chains to hold the prize
Magic moments with the jailer
All on fire, and then he dies

Repeat chorus

We speed across emotions

And then we lose our hold
We move on wings of passion
That we can't control

Repeat Verse 1
9. Egypt (The Chains Are On)

In the land of the lost horizon

Where the queen lies dark and cold
When the stars won't shine, then the story's told

When the world was milk and honey

And the magic was strong and true
Then the strange ones came and the people knew

That the chains are on

In the land of no tomorrow

Where you pray just to end each day
And your life just slowly melts away

Each day you hear the sand as it moves and whispers

Come and sail on my golden sea
Maybe one day you'll be just like me...and that's free

But still your chains are on

You've seen them walking on the water

You've seen flying through the sky
They were frightening in the darkness
They had rainbows in their eyes

When the world was milk and honey

And the magic was strong and true
The the strange ones came and the people knew

That the chains are on

Dio: Sacred Heart LIRICS

1. The King Of Rock And Roll

Hot nights - summer in the city

Just about to smoke and burn
Look out - He's evil but he's pretty
And oh he's gonna twist and turn

He's got the midnight madness

He's got control

He's the King of Rock and Roll

Bad blood - Everybody knows it

But everybody doesn't care
He's got the only way to show it
They want to see it everywhere
He's got to give you fever
He'll scratch your soul

He's the King of Rock and Roll

He's the King of Rock and Roll

Bad boy - Always on the cover

Gettin' the story told
Fast Fast - One way or another
Cause he'll never never never never never get old

He makes a special magic

And you've got control
You are the King of Rock and Roll
He's got the midnight madness
He's got a soul

Cause he's the King of Rock and Roll

The King of Rock and Roll
The King of Rock and Roll
The King of Rock and Roll
The King of Rock and Roll

2. Sacred Heart

The old ones speak of winter

The young ones praise the sun
And time just slips away

Running into nowhere

Turning like a wheel
And a year becomes a day

Whenever we dream
That's when we fly
So here is a dream
For just you and I

We'll fin the Sacred Heart

Somewhere bleeding in the night
Look for the light
And find the Sacred Heart

Here we see the wizard

Staring through the glass
And he's pointing right at you

You can see tomorrow

The answer and the lie
And the things you've got to do

Oh, sometimes you never fall

And ah - You're the lucky one
But oh - Sometimes you want it all
You've got to reach for the sun

And find the Sacred Heart

Somewhere bleeding in the night
Oh look to the light
You fight to kill the dragon
And bargain with the beast
And sail into a sight

You run along the rainbow

And never leave the ground
And still you don't know why

Whenever you dream

You're holding the key
It opens the door
To let you be free

And find the Sacred Heart

Somewhere bleeding in the night
Run for the light
And you'll find the Sacred Heart

A shout comes from the wizard

The sky begins to crack
And he's looking right at you - Quick
Run along the rainbow
Before it turns to black - Attack
3. Another Lie

She's a rumor in the night

It's crazy
You can see her but she isn't there

She's the stealer of the light

It's crazy
But you go anywhere

It was just a summer night

When a shiver cut across the air
Should you run and get away
To go where-where-where

She crouches the hunter

Ready to tell you

Another lie
Another lie

You could see the side of someday

Feel the power of the young and strong
You were learning how to fly someway
You were wrong-wrong-wrong

She jumped at the moment

A chance to tell you
Another lie

It was just a summer night

When a shiver cut across the air
Should you run and get away
To go where-where-where

She jumps at the moment

She crouches the hunter yeah
You look and you know she's telling you

Another lie
Another lie

Why it's crazy

When you feel you're getting stronger
Why it's crazy
All the lies are getting longer

Another lie
Another lie

4. Rock 'N' Roll Children

It was starting to rain

On the night that they first decided
It was blinding with snow
On the night that they ran away
They were found in the dark
But they never returned
Just like somebody slammed the door

She was meant to be wild

He was nearly a child
But they only could feel each other
They were paper and fire
Angel and liar
The devil of one another

Then they were thrown to the ground

Wiht a terrible sound
Just like somebody broke a heart

Rock 'N' Roll Children

Alone again
Rock 'N' Roll Children
Without a friend
But they got Rock 'N' Roll

It was starting to rain

On the night that they cried forever
it was blinding with snow
On the night that they screamed goodbye

They were lost in the dark

And they never returned
Just like somebody slammed the door

On Rock 'N' Roll Children

Alone again
Rock 'N' Roll Children
Without a friend

5. Hungry For Heaven

You're a dancer
But you're dancing on air
Just a matter of time till you fall

You're a dreamer
One night at the fair
But still you want it all
You're in danger
The last of a line
But the vision lasts forever

So just hold on
You can make it happen for you
Reach for the stars and you will fly

You're Hungry for Heaven

Hungry for Heaven
Hungry for Heaven
But you need a little hell

You're a runner
But you're chasing yourself
Feel the hot breath on your shoulder

You're emotion
Running cold running warm
The young just getting older

We are sunlight
We can sparkle and shine
And our dreams are what we're made of

So just hold on
You can make it happen for you
Reach for the stars and you will fly

You're Hungry for Heaven

Hungry for Heaven
Hungry for Heaven
But you need a little hell
6. Like The Beat Of A Heart

Tonight we run
We can hide in the dark
When the moon steals the light from the dying sun

Oh run
It's a better thing than we have ever done

There's a beast that lives inside you

And it's screaming to get out

Like the beat of a heart

Don't look behind

Cause a tear that never dies
Can only make you blind

You've got to try

Cause the future's never never gonna die

There's a beast that lives inside you

And it's screaming to get out
It's a storm that's never ending
It's a truth without a doubt

Tonight we run
We can hide in the dark
Till the moon steals the light from the sun

There's a beast that lives inside you

And it's screaming let me out
It's a storm that's never ending
It's a truth without a doubt
Love can be a whisper
But pain will always
Shout to you

Like the beat of a heart

Like the beat of a heart
Like the beat of a heart
Like the beat of a heart

7. Just Another Day

You never sing for pleasure

You only make the sounds
You never feel the magic
Cause you think the world is round

You never dance in moonlight

You run but you never move
You don't believe in someday
And the truth is what you prove
But it's alright

Just another day

Too many chains around you

You laugh but you never smile
You don't belong in Heaven
But you're here all the while

And it's alright

All right

Just another day

Another day

Another Day to let you down

Another way that they have found

Another Day
Another way

You never sing for pleasure

You only make the sounds
You never feel the magic
You think the world is spinning round
for you

But it's alright

All right
Well it's alright

Just Another Day

8. Fallen Angels

Screaming out alone in the night

Just a time and place
But it's real all right

We are diamonds that shine without fire

We're climbing the stairs
Goind down and never higher

Fallen Angels
Going down

Something came to me in a dream

The crack of a gun and a bloody scream
The I could see the faces and why
I was holding the gun
And the world began to die
It's a criminal world
And we all get to play
You're a criminal
Sins of the children
Never get washed away

We're Fallen Angels

Goin' down
Fallen Angels
Come gather round

Screaming out alone in the night

Just a time and place
But it's real all right

We are diamonds that shine without fire

We are climbing the stairs
Going down and never higher

We're Fallen Angels

Fallen Angels
Fallen Angels

9. Shoot Shoot

You know the feeling

All alone you back to the wall
And all the doorways
Are starting to close in front of you

No confusion
Oh no - it came in a spell
Found it in a wishing well
It's a matter of mind
You know you can be free forever
So the next time someone
Points a gun at you

Say Shoot Shoot

I don't care
Shoot Shoot

Hey someone
If your chains are heavy for you
Hey someone
Let it rain
While I show you the way
This could be your lucky day

It's a matter of mind

You know you can be free forever
So the next time someone
Points a gun at you say

Shoot Shoot
I don't care
Shoot Shoot
Shoot Shoot
Shoot Shoot

It's a matter of mind

You know you can be free forever
So the next time someone
Points a gun at you sa
Shoot Shoot
I don't care
Shoot Shoot
Shoot Shoot
Shoot Shoot
Dio: Time To Burn

Someone told me I would never be free

The way you are is way you'll always be
But it's all wrong
There's Time To Burn

Hurt is on the pleasure wheel

But you can't hurt if you can't feel
And you can feel - you've got something to learn
You've got Time To Burn

You were lost inside a pounding heart

Waiting for the game to start
But you won't play - you've so much to learn
Like you never say never
We'll live forever
And you've got Time To Burn

When the wolf is loose in the city

The the city will fight to survive
You can hide in the streets of the city
But no one will care
No one will know you're alive
There's Time To Burn

Someone told me I would never be free

The way you are is way you'll always be
But it's all wrong
Just never say never
We're gonna live forever
Cause you've got Time To Burn
Time To Burn
Rainbow: Rising LIRICS

1. Tarot Woman

I don't wanna go
Something tells me no, no, no, no
But traces in the sand
The lines that set my hand
Say go, go, go

Beware of a place
A smile of a bright shining face

I'll never return, how do you know?

Tarot woman
I don't know
I don't know

She can take you there

The entrance to the fair
Mine, mine, mine

Ride the carousel

And cast a magic spell
You can fly, fly

Beware of a place
A smile of a brigh shining face

I'll never return, how do you know?

Tarot woman, well I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know

Something in the air

Tells me to beware, no, no, no
Her love is like a knife
She'll carve away your life
So go, go, go

Beware of a place
A smile of a bright shining face

I'll never return, how do you know?

Tarot woman, I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
Hey, I don't know
2. Run With The Wolf

In the light of the day

You can hear the old ones say
Was the sound last night the wind?
Can you feel the change begin?

By the fall of the snow

A single soul will go
The footsteps on the white
There's an unholy light

There's a hole in the sky

Something evil's passing by
What's to come - when the siren calls you go
To run with the wolf

When the world makes a turn

The eyes of one will learn
That a sound just like the wind
Only makes the change begin

By the end of the rain

The feelings passed again
From things that snap and bite
An unholy light
There's a hole in the sky
Something evil's passing by
What's to come - when the siren calls you go
To run with the wolf

There's a break in the ground

Like the swirling water's angry as they pull you down

When the siren calls you go, yeah

To run with the wolf
Run with the wolf

There's a hole in the sky

Something evil is passing by
What's to come - when the siren calls you go, yeah
To run with the wolf
Run with the wolf

Like a beast in a field

He knows his fate is sealed
He runs with the wolf, oh oooh

Run with the wolf

See the break, you know it's the same(?)

Now he goes
To run, run, run
Run, run, run, run

Run with the wolf

Run with the wolf
Run with the wolf
Run with the wolf
Run, run, run
Now we go run, run, run, run
Run with the wolf
All right
Run with the wolf
Run with the wolf
3. Starstruck

If I'm high on a hill

She'd still been looking down at me
What does she see that brings her closer every day to my heart
If I'm away from home
And think I'm all alone
She's there, somewhere
I look around to see
And looking back at me
She's there, beware!

Creeping like a hungry cat

Seen it before
I know it can mean that

The lady starstruck, she's nothing but bad luck

The lady starstruck, running after me
The lady starstruck, she's nothing but bad luck, yeah

I could fly to the moon

But she'd soon find a way to be there
I never knew for a while that a smile made 'em really care

She wants a souvenir

To everyone it's clear
She's hooked - with one look
She wants a photograph
And everybody laughs but not me 'cause I see

She's creeping like a hungry cat

I've seen it before
I know I can mean that

The lady starstruck, she's nothing but bad luck

The lady starstruck, running after me
The lady starstruck, she's nothing but bad luck, oh oh o-o-oh
Oh my
The lady starstruck, she's nothing but bad luck
The lady starstruck, running after me, yeah
The lady starstruck, she's nothing but bad luck, yeah

It used to be a game
Now I can't repeat my name at all
She seems to believe that
I never can refuse a call

She wants a souvenir

To everyone it's clear
She's hooked! With one look!
She wants a photograph
And everybody laughs, hah!
But not me 'cause I see

She's creeping like a hungry cat

I've seen it before
I know it can mean that

The lady starstruck, she's nothing but bad luck

The lady starstruck, running after me
The lady starstruck, she's nothing but bad luck, bad luck
The lady starstruck, she's nothing but bad luck

The lady starstruck running after me

The lady starstruck, she's nothing but bad luck
Bad luck, bad luck, bad luck
And back of a tree, looking back at me
Climbing up my stair
I've just got to beware
Lady starstruck, yes, she's bad luck, bad luck
4. Do You Close Your Eyes

Oh na na na na
Mystery to me is something I can't see
But I see you very well
You're slinky, cool, nobody's fool
But there's something inside I can tell

I know a poor man, a rich man

I know I can talk to a king
But nobody here is gonna tell me
I can't find out one thing

I see a glow around you

Open your arms 'cause I'm walking to you, coming straight or through
Maybe I'm wrong but I know it won't take long to see
Do you close your eyes
Do you close your eyes
Do you close your eyes when you making love, yeah, yeah
Making sweet love to me, yeah

The logical trend has said I'll know in the end

The things that make you smile
So right from the start, I take an aim at your heart
and know that all the while
I know a rich man, a poor man
I know I can talk to a king, yeah
So nobody here is gonna make me believe
I can't find out one thing

I see a glow around you

Open your arms 'cause I'm coming, running, straight on through
I could be wrong but I know it won't take long to see
Do you close your eyes
Do you close your eyes
Do you close your eyes when you making love, yeah

Do you close your eyes

Do you close your eyes, I've gotta know
Do you close your eyes when you making love
5. Stargazer

High noon, oh I'd sell my soul for water

Nine years worth of breakin' my back
There's no sun in the shadow of the wizard
See how he glides, why he's lighter than air?
Oh I see his face!

Where is your star?

Is it far, is it far, is it far?
When do we leave?
I believe, yes, I believe

In the heat and the rain

With whips and chains
To see him fly
So many die
We build a tower of stone
With our flesh and bone
Just to see him fly
But don't know why
Now where do we go?

Hot wind, moving fast across the desert

We feel that our time has arrived
The world spins, while we put his dream together
A tower of stone to take him straight to the sky
Oh I see his face!

Where is your star?

Is it far, is it far, is it far?
When do we leave?
Hey, I believe, I believe

In the heat and the rain

With whips and chains
Just to see him fly
Too many die
We build a tower of stone
With our flesh and bone
To see him fly
But we don't know why
Ooh, now where do we go

All eyes see the figure of the wizard

As he climbs to the top of the world
No sound, as he falls instead of rising
Time standing still, then there's blood on the sand
Oh I see his face!

Where was your star?

Was it far, was it far
When did we leave?
We believed, we believed, we believed

In heat and rain

With the whips and chains
To see him fly
So many died
We built a tower of stone
With our flesh and bone
To see him fly

But why
In all the rain
With all the chains
Did so many die
Just to see him fly

Look at my flesh and bone

Now, look, look, look, look,
Look at his tower of stone
I see a rainbow rising
Look there, on the horizon
And I'm coming home, I'm coming home, I'm coming home

Time is standing still

He gave back my will
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Going home
I'm going home

My eyes are bleeding

And my heart is leaving here
But it's not home
But it's not home

Take me back
He gave me back my will
Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Going home
I'm going home

My eyes are bleeding

And my heart is leaving here
But it's not home
But it's not home

Take me back, take me back

Back to my home ooh, ooh, ooh

6. Light In The Black

Can't forget his face

What a lonely place
Has he really let us go?

All the time that's lost

What's the final cost
Will I really get away?

All my life it seems

Just a crazy dream
Reaching for somebody's star

Can't believe it all

Did he really fall
What to do now I don't know

Something's called me back

There's a light in the black
Am I ready to go?
I'm coming home

Breathed the air before

Heard the thunder roar
Never knew it was for me

Always looking down

Lost and never found
Eyes that look but not to see

All my life it seems

Just a crazy dream
Reaching for somebody's star

Like an open door

That you've passed before
But you've never had the key

Something's calling me back

There's a light in the black
Am I ready to go?

I'm coming home, I'm coming home, yeah

I'm going back to my home

I'm going home, home, home

Going home, home, home
I'm coming back

Don't forget his face

What a lonely place
Did he really let us go

All the time that's lost

What's the final cost
Will I really get away?

All my life it seems

Just a crazy dream
Reaching for somebody's star
Can't believe it all
Did he really fall
What to do now, well I don't know

Something's calling me back

Like a light in the black
Yes, I m ready to go
I'm coming home, home, yeah

I've got my way back home

To the sky
There in the sky
I see your star
Rainbow: Long Live Rock 'N' Roll LIRICS

1. Long Live Rock 'N' Roll

All right
Rock and roll, yeah

At the end of a dream

If you know where I mean
When the mist just starts to clear

In a similar way
At the end of today
I can feel the sound of writing on the wall
It cries for you
It's the least that you can do

Like a spiral on the wind

I can hear it screamin' in my mind

Long live rock and roll

Long live rock 'n' roll
Long live rock and roll
Let it live

In a different time
When the words didn't rhyme
You could never quite be sure
Then on with the change
It was simple but strange
And you knew the feeling seemed to say it all
It cries for you
It's the least that you can do
Like a spiral on the wind
I can hear it screamin' in my mind

Long live rock and roll

Long live rock 'n' roll
Long live rock and roll
I'm losing control

Long live rock and roll

Long live rock 'n' roll, yeah
Long live rock and roll
Look you

If you suddenly see

What has happened to me
You should spread the word around

And tell everyone here

That it is perfectly clear
They can sail above it all on what they've found
It cries for you
It's the best that you can do
Like a sound that's everywhere
I can hear it screaming through the air

Long live rock and roll

Long live rock 'n' roll
Long live rock and roll
Let it live, let it live, let it live

Long live rock and roll

Long live rock 'n' roll, yeah
Long live rock and roll

Banners held high with a curse and cry and it's

Long live rock and roll
Long live rock 'n' roll
Long live rock and roll
You feel it around, spread it around, make you what just should

Long live rock and roll

Long live rock 'n' roll
Long live rock and roll
Live, live, live, live

Long live rock and roll

Long live rock 'n' roll
Long live rock and roll
Let it live, let it live, let it live, let it live

Long live rock and roll

Long live rock 'n' roll
Long live rock and roll

2. Lady Of The Lake

There's a magical sound slidin' over the ground

Makin' it shiver and shake
And a permanent cry fallin' out of the sky
Slippery and sly like a snake

With a delicate move kind of shifty and smooth

A shadow has covered the light
Then a beam in the shade from a silvery blade
Has shattered the edge of the night

I know she waits below

Only to rise on command
When she comes for me
She's got my life in her hands

When a movement behind hit the side of my mind

I trembled and shook it away
Then another assault and I started to faulter
Fibres of steel turned to clay

With a bubbly turn now the water should churn

And push it way from the core
And a lady in white will bring sun to the night
Brighter than ever before

I know she waits below

Only to rise on command
When she comes for me
She's got my life in her hands
Lady of the lake

There's a magical sound slidin' over the ground

Makin' it shiver and shake
And a permanent cry fallin' out of the sky
Slippery and sly like a snake

With a delicate move kind of shifty and smooth

A shadow has covered the light
Then a beam in the shade from a slivery blade
Has shattered the edge of the night

Straight down I'm swirling around

Blinded and bruised by the strain
There must be some way to see
Diamonds out of the rain

I know she waits below

Only to rise on command
When she comes for me
She's got my life in her hands
Lady of the lake

3. L.A. Connection

Oh, carry home my broken bones and lay me down to rest

Forty days of cries and moans I guess
I've failed to pass the test
I've been sent away not a thing to say
I'm banished from the fold
I'm a fallen angel who's lost his wings and left out in the cold

Ooooh L.A. connection

Oh L.A. connection
L.A. connection, yeah
Operator place a call keep secret but it through
Investigator knows it all he's at the window I wonder who
I've got to cut the line and let me drift find a haven in the storm
I got no time I need a lift to where it's sweet and close and warm

I say
Ooooh L.A. connection
Oh L.A. connection
L.A. connection

Hey, carry home my broken bones and lay me down to rest

Forty days of cries and moans well I've just failed the test
Feel I'm balanced on the brim should I lean another way
Like a flame that's going on the dim needs blessing from the day, oh

Ooooh L.A. connection, L.A. connection

Oh take me away I got nothing to say
It's got to be an L.A. connection, oh
Ooooh L.A. connection, L.A. connection

Ooooh, L.A., L.A., L.A., L.A., L.A. connection

Connection, oh

Ooooh L.A. connection, L.A. connection

Oh L.A., oh, L.A. connection
L.A., L.A. inspection
Ooooh L.A. connection, L.A. connection

Oh I'm down, oh I'm down

I can't take a rejection
L.A., need an L.A. connection
L.A., yeah, oh L.A. connection
L.A. connection
I'm flying away
Take me back home, I gotta get home to L.A.
L.A., L.A. connection, L.A.
Oh, L.A. connection, L.A. connection
Ooooh, ooooh, L.A. connection, L.A.
4. Gates Of Babylon

Look away from the sea

I can take you anywhere
Spend a vision with me
A chase with the wind

Move closer to me
I can make you anyone
I think you're ready to see
The gates of Babylon

The power of what has been before

Rises to trap you within
A magic carpet ride a genie maybe more
A city of heavenly sin
Sleep with the devil and then you must pay
Sleep with the devil and the devil will take you away
Oh gates of Babylon

You can see but you're blind

Someone turned the sun around
But you can see in your mind
The gates of Babylon

You're riding the endless caravan

Bonded and sold as a slave
A sabre dance removing all the veils
Getting as good as you gave
Sleep with the devil and then you must pay
Sleep with the devil and the devil will take you away

Look away from the sea

I can take you anywhere
Spend a vision with me
A chase with the wind
Move closer to me
I can make you anyone
I think you're ready to see
The gates of Babylon

The power of what has been before

Rises to trap you within
A magic carpet ride a genie maybe more
A city of heavenly sin
Sleep with the devil and then you must pay
Sleep with the devil and the devil will take you away
Black gates of Babylon

The devil is me
And I'm holding the key
To the gates of sweet hell

5. Kill The King

Danger, danger the Queen's about to kill

There's a stranger, stranger and life about to spill
Oh no move me out of harm
I need a spell and a charm
Fly like the wind
I'm no pawn, so be gone, speed on and on
Kill the king
Tear him down

Kill the king, yeah

Strike him down

Power, power it happens every day

Power, devour all along the way
Oh no, move me out of harm
I need a spell and a charm
And fly like the wind
I'm no pawn, so be gone, speed on and on
Kill the king

Treason, treason, the spectre looms again

Treason, reason, the realm is safe and then
Oh no, move away from harm
I need a spell and a charm
Fly like the rainbow
I'm no pawn, so be gone, speed on and on

Kill the king

Tear him down
Kill the king, yeah
Got to take his crown

Kill the king

He'll rule no more
Strike him dead
The people roar

Kill the king, yeah

Take his head
Down, down, down, down
Oh, kill
Oh, kill
Oh, oh

6. The Shed (Subtle)

I'm like a freight train

Feelin' no pain
I never turn back one track
Better step aside

Like a shotgun
I'm really someone
You'll feel my heatwave
Won't save anyone near to me

I'm steel
So come and try to bend me if you can, hah
I don't feel
Before you know it it's over
Get out of my way
I'm street walking, street walking
Night stalking, I'm street walking

No reputation
You better quick run
Cause I got no time I'll climb
All over you

You need a strong hand

To be a mean man
You've got to think fast
I'll last longer than you could know

I'm steel
So won't you come and try to bend me if you can
I don't feel
Before you know it it's over
Out of my way
I'm street walking

Hey, I'm a wild cat

Don't need to prove that
I'm always howlin' prowlin'
Stalkin' my prey

It could be your night

To feel the dog bite
And hear the slashing, crashin'
Tearin' inside of you

I'm steel
So come and try to break me if you can, no way
Like a wheel
About to roll you over
Get out of my way
I'm street walkin', street walkin'
No talkin', street walking
Night stalking, street walking
No talkin', I'm street walkin', yeah
Street walkin', street walkin'
Night stalking, street walking

7. Sensitive To Light

I was feelin' rather good

Should've touched some wood
Here she comes again
Reachin' out to bend my ear

She's worth another look

All the time it took
Pleasin' to the eye
How can I just disappear, oh
It ain't clear, no
She's a bright and shining star
But I just must be sensitive to light
Oh I just might, yeah

I could have let her in

Give her just a spin
Let her think it's love
Better rise above it all

She's knockin' at the door

Seems to want some more
Never gets the clue
What am I to do she'll fall
And she might call, oh no
She's a bright and shining star
But I just must be sensitive to light
Oh, I just know

She could do me well

I can always tell
She's ready for the kill
But I think that I will go, no

Sure I'm gonna see

Something just for me
Till it comes along
When it's feelin' wrong I'll know
Gotta take it slow, yeah

She's a bright and shining star

But I just must be sensitive to light
Oh, I might, yeah

She's a bright and blazing star

But I just must be sensitive to light, yeah
Sensitive to light, Ooooh

8. Rainbow Eyes

She's been gone since yesterday

Oh I didn't care
Never cared for yesterdays
Fancies in the air

No sighs or mysteries
She lay golden in the sun
No broken harmonies
But I've lost my way
She had rainbow eyes
Rainbow eyes
Rainbow eyes

Love should be a simple blend

A whispering on the shore
No clever words you can't defend
They lead to never more

No sighs or mysteries
She lay golden in the sun
No broken harmonies
But I've lost my way
She had rainbow eyes
Rainbow eyes
Rainbow eyes

Summer nights are colder now

They've taken down the fair
All the lights have died somehow
Or were they ever there

No sighs or mysteries
She lay golden in the sun
No broken harmonies
But I've lost my way
She had rainbow eyes

Oooh, ooh
Black Sabbath: Heaven And Hell LIRICS

1. Neon Knights

Oh no, here it comes again

Can't remember when we came so close to love before
Hold on, good things never last
Nothing's in the past, it always seems to come again
Again and again
Again and again and again, oh

Cry out to legions of the brave

Time again to save us from the jackals of the street
Ride out, protectors of the realm
Captain's at the helm, sail across the sea of life

Circles and rings, dragons and kings

Weaving a charm and a spell
Blessed by the night, holy and bright
Called by the toll of the bell

Bloodied angels fast descending

Moving on a never-bending light
Phantom figures free forever
Out of shadows, shining ever-bright

Neon Knights
Neon Knights
All right
Cry out to legions of the brave
Time again to save us from the jackals of the street
Ride out, protectors of the realm
Captain's at the helm, sail across the sea of lights
Again and again
Again and again and again

Neon Knights
Neon Knights
Neon Knights
All right

2. Children Of the Sea

In the misty morning, on the edge of time

We've lost the rising sun, a final sign
As the misty morning rolls away to die
Reaching for the stars, we blind the sky
Oh hmm

We sailed across the air before we learned to fly

We thought that it could never end
We'd glide above the ground before we learned to run, run
Now it seems our world has come undone

Oh they say that it's over

And it just has to be
Ooh they say that it's over
We're lost children of the sea
Uh oh
We made the mountains shake with laughter as we played
Hiding in our corner of the world
Then we did the demon dance and rushed to nevermore
Threw away the key and locked the door

Oh they say that it's over, yeah

And it just has to be
Yes they say that it's over
We're lost children of the sea

In the misty morning, on the edge of time

We've lost the rising sun, a final sign
As the misty morning rolls away to die
Reaching for the stars, we blind the sky

Oh they say that it's over

And it just has to be
Oh they say that it's over
Poor lost children of the sea, yeah

Look out, the sky is falling down

Look out, the world is spinning round and round and round
Look out, the sun is going black, black
Look out, it's never never never coming back, look out

3. Lady Evil

There's a place just south of Witches' Valley

Where they say the wind won't blow
And they only speak in whispers of her name
There's a lady they say who feeds the darkness
It eats right from her hand
With a crying shout she'll search you out
And freeze you where you stand

Lady evil, evil

She's a magical, mystical woman
Lady evil, evil in my mind
She's the queen of the night
All right

In a place just south of Witches' Valley

Where they say the rain won't fall
Thunder cracks the sky, it makes you bleed, yeah
There's a lady they say who needs the darkness
She can't face the light
With an awful shout, she'll find you out
And have you for the night

Lady evil, evil

She's a magical, mystical woman
Lady evil, evil on my mind
She's the queen of the night

So if you ever get to Witches' Valley

Don't dream or close your eyes
And never trust your shadow in the dark
'Cause there's a lady I know who takes your vision
And turns it all around
The things you see are what should be lost and never found

Lady evil, evil

She's a magical, mystical woman
Lady evil, evil on my mind
She's the queen of the night

Gonna you do right

She's the queen of sin
Look out, she will pull you in
Lady wonder
4. Heaven and Hell

Sing me a song, you're a singer

Do me a wrong, you're a bringer of evil
The devil is never a maker
The less that you give, you're a taker
So it's on and on and on, it's heaven and hell
Oh well

The lover of life's not a sinner

The ending is just a beginner
The closer you get to the meaning
The sooner you'll know that you're dreaming
So it's on and on and on, oh it's on and on and on
It goes on and on and on, Heaven and Hell
I can tell
Fool, fool

Oh uh
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Well if it seems to be real, it's illusion

For every moment of truth, there's confusion in life
Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer
And it's on and on, on and on and on and on and on and on and on

They say that life's a carousel

Spinning fast, you've got to ride it well
The world is full of kings and queens
Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams
It's heaven and hell, oh well
And they'll tell you black is really white
The moon is just the sun at night
And when you walk in golden halls
You get to keep the gold that falls
It's heaven and hell, oh no

Fool, fool
You've got to bleed for the dancer
Fool, fool
Look for the answer
Fool, fool, fool

5. Wishing Well

Throw me a penny and I'll make you a dream

You find that life's not always what it seems, no no
Then think of a rainbow and I'll make it come real
Roll me, I'm a never ending wheel

I'll give you a star

So you know just where you are
Don't you know that I might be
Your wishing well
Your wishing well

Look in the water, tell me what do you see

Reflections of the love you give to me
Love isn't money, it's not something you buy
So let me fill myself with tears you cried, and why?

Time is a never ending journey

Love is a never ending smile
Give me a sign to build a dream on
Dream on

Dream on, dream on, dream on, dream on

Yeah, throw me a penny and I'll make you a dream

You find that life's not always what it seems, no no
Love isn't money, it's not something you buy
Let me fill myself with tears you cried

I'll give you a star

So you know just where you are
Someday, some way, you'll feel the things I say
Dream for a while
Of the things that make you smile
'Cause you know
Don't you know
Oh, you know
That I'm your wishing well
Your wishing well
Your wishing well
I wish you well
I'm your wishing well

6. Die Young

Gather the wind, though the wind won't help you fly at all
Your back's to the wall
Chain the sun, and it tears away to face you as you run,
You run, you run
Behind the smile, there's danger and a promise to be told:
You'll never get old - ha!
Life's fantasy - to be locked away and still to think you're free
You're free, we're free

So live for today

Tomorrow never comes

Die young, die young

Can't you see the writing in the air
Die young, I'm gonna die young
Someone stopped the fall


Gather the wind, though the wind won't help you fly at all
Your back's to the wall
Then chain the sun, and it tears away to face you as you run,
You run, you run

So live for today

Tomorrow never comes

Die young, young

Die young, die young
Die young, die young, young
Die young, die young, die young,
Die young, die young, die young, die young
Die young
7. Walk Away

Oh hey

Lord she's handsome as she flows across the floor

Nothing I've seen in my life has ever pleased me more
She's got the look of freedom, and it makes you think she's wild
But I can see right through it all, it's the way to hide a child

Oh, walk away

She's looking to love you
There's nothing to say
Just turn your head and walk away
Walk away, walk on
Oh, ooh
Oh, ooh

She moves in sunlight, never seen the night at all

Like a star in the midnight sky, burns before it falls
I've never been lonely, and I can't imagine why
Maybe she could be the one to tell me, I guess it's do or die

Can't see her fire

But I can feel her heat, all right
It's rising higher
I'm walking the wire


Walk on by
Walk away
She's looking to love you
There's nothing to say
Just turn your head and walk away
Oh, ooh
Oh, walk on by, walk away
Oh, ooh
Walk on, walk on, walk on
Walk away
Oh, ooh
Oh, ooh

Oh, ooh
Oh, ooh
You'll feel her fire, she'll lift you higher
But don't be fooled, just turn your head and walk away
Oh, ooh

8. Lonely is the Word

It's a long way to nowhere

And I'm leaving very soon
On the way we pass so close
To the back side of the moon
Hey join the traveler if you got nowhere to go
Hang your head and take my hand
It's the only road I know

Lonely is the word
yeah, yeah, yeah

I've been higher than stardust

I've been seen upon the sun

I used to count in millions then
But now I only count in one
Come on, join the traveler
If you got nowhere to go
Hang your head and take my hand
It's the only road I know

Yeah, lonely is the word

Got to be the saddest song I ever heard

Yeah, lonely is the name

Maybe life's a losing game
Rainbow: Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow LIRICS

1. Man On The Silver Mountain

I'm a wheel, I'm a wheel

I can roll, I can feel
And you can't stop me turning

Cause I'm the sun, I'm the sun

I can move, I can run
But you'll never stop me burning

Come down with fire

Lift my spirit higher
Someone's screaming my name
Come and make me holy again

I'm the man on the silver mountain

I'm the man on the silver mountain

I'm the day, I'm the day

I can show you the way
And look, I'm right beside you

I'm the night, I'm the night

I'm the dark and the light
With eyes that see inside you

Come down with fire

Lift my spirit higher
Someone's screaming my name
Come and make me holy again

I'm the man on the silver mountain

I'm the man on the silver mountain

Come down with fire

And lift my spirit higher
Someone's screaming my name
Come and make me holy again

Well, I can help you, you know I can

I'm the man on the silver mountain

I'm the man on the silver mountain

Just look at me and listen

I'm the man, the man, give you my hand
I'm the man on the silver mountain

Come down with fire

And lift your spirit higher
I'm the man on the mountain
The man on the silver mountain
I'm the night, the light
The black and the white
The man on the silver mountain

2. Self Portrait

Paint me your picture and hang it on the wall

Color it darkly, the lines must start to crawl

Down, down, down

Spin me around and around
Draw me away to the night from the day
Leave not a trace to be found
Down, down

Nothing is real but the way that I feel

And I feel like going down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down, down

Paint me a picture of eyes that never see

With flashes of lightning that burn for only me

Hey hey hey

There's only the devil to pay
I'm ready to go
Pull me down from below
Give me a place I can lay

Hey hey
Nothing is real but the way that I feel
I feel like going down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down

Hey hey
Nothing is real but the way that I feel
And I feel like going down
Down, down

Nothing is real but the way that I feel

And I feel like going down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down
3. Black Sheep Of The Family

I've got nothing in my head

Got a floor for a bed
The future's at the bottom of a tea cup

I got a half a pair of shoes

And no time to lose
I'm wondering when I'm going to wise up

So, fortune shine your light on me and my clothes

Cause we need some security
You get a little bad luck
And it grows and it grows
I'm the black sheep of the family

I've got half a pound of rice

A beard full of lice
A mission called retrogression

I've got pocket full of dust

And eating is a must
You want to make a good impression

So, fortune shine your light on me and my dog

Cause we need some security
While all the folks are living high up the hill
I'm the black sheep of the family

Don't talk to me about society

You got to pay the rules
Or pay the penalty
Because there's nothing to choose
Between a handful of blues
Double indemnity

The hour was wrong

And my shadow's getting long
My real life's a song, don't need much
But I've got an ache in my head
I wanna go to bed
Tomorrow I don't have to wake up, no

So wisdom shine your light on me and my knees

Cause it's true what they say about familiarity
There's nothing good this way
And it's true they say
I'm the black sheep of the family

Oh, my wisdom shine your light on me and my knees

It's true what they say about familiarity
There's nothing good this way
And it's true they say
I'm the black sheep of the family
Yeah, yeah

I'm the black sheep of the family

Just me and my dog, yeah, yeah
I'm the black sheep of the family
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm the black sheep of the family
You've got me on my knees
I'm the black sheep of the family
Yeah, yeah, yeah
4. Catch The Rainbow

When evening falls

She'll run to me
Like whispered dreams
Your eyes can't see

Soft and warm

She'll touch my face
A bed of straw
Against the lace

We believed we'd catch the rainbow

Ride the wind to the sun
Sail away on ships of wonder

But life's not a wheel

With chains made of steel
So bless me

Come the dawn

Come the dawn
Come the dawn
Come the dawn

We believed we'd catch the rainbow

Ride the wind to the sun
And sail away on ships of wonder

But life's not a wheel

With chains made of steel
So bless me, oh bless me, bless me
Come the dawn
Come the dawn
Come the dawn
Come the dawn

5. Snake Charmer

Old hollow eyes

Got no ties
Walking by the light of the moon

Hey shiny boots

With strings and flutes
Rising like a crazy balloon

Close your door

He's on the loose
Umm, here he comes
No hope for you, ooh
Snake charmer, we'll haunt you

So, hey mystery man

What's your plan
I've got to tell the world
To beware you don't care

He'll hypnotize you

And tell you lies
He's hiding at the top of the stairs

Close your door

He's on the move
I see him coming out
There's no hope for you, ooh
Snake charmer
Snake charmer
Get out!

Hey fancy face

Got no place
Living from a hole in the ground

Old sparkle eyes

He never cries
One step ahead of the hounds

Close your door

He's on his way
He's coming out of the shadows now, now
No hope for you, ooh
Snake charmer
Snake charmer, now listen to me yeah

Hey hollow eyes

Got no ties
Oh shiny boots
Play your strings and flutes

Mystery man what's your plan

Fancy face, got no place
Snake charmer
He'll harm yer

Oh sparkle eyes
Got no ties
Oh shiny boots
Close your door
He's on the loose
Snake charmer
My mystery man what's your plan
I've got to tell the world to beware
You don't care
6. The Temple Of The King

One day in the year of the fox

Came a time remembered well
When the strong young man of the rising sun
Heard the tolling of the great black bell

One day in the year of the fox

When the bell began to ring
Meant the time had cometh
For one to go
To the temple of the king

There in the middle of the circle he stands

Searching, seeking
With just one touch of his trembling hand
The answer will be found

Daylight waits while the old man sings

Heaven help me
And then like the rush of a thousand wings
It shines upon the one
And the day had just begun

One day in the year of the fox

Came a time remembered well
When the strong young man of the rising sun
Heard the tolling of the great black bell

One day in the year of the fox

When the bell began to sing
It meant the time had cometh
For one to go
To the temple of the king

There in the middle of the people

He stands
Seeing, feeling
With just a wave of a strong right hand
He's gone
To the temple of the king

Far from the circle at the edge of the world

He's hoping, wondering
Thinking back from the stories he's heard
Of what he's going to see

There in middle of the circle it lies

Heaven help me
Then all could see by the shine in his eyes
The answer had been found

Back with the people in the circle

He stands
Giving, feeling
With just one touch of a strong right hand
They know
Of the temple and the king

7. If You Don't Like Rock 'N' Roll

You'd never know there was some music playin'

Until you talked your way inside the door

And then a sound like rollin' thunder

Begins to push you right thru the floor
And there's a great white sign
With big black letters
That just about explains it all

If you don't like rock 'n' roll

Well, if you don't like rock 'n' roll
If you don't like rock 'n' roll
Then it's too late now
Well it's too late now

Hey hey
Of course there was the usual lady
And she was dressed the way the stories tell

So bein' cool I made a move to grab her

But you could see she read story well

And then she whipped out a card

With big black letters

That just about explained it all

Well if you don't like rock 'n' roll
If you don't like rock 'n' roll
Well if you don't like rock 'n' roll
Then you're too late now
Then you're too late now

Well, if you don't like rock 'n' roll

Well, if you don't like rock 'n' roll, yeah
If you don't like rock 'n' roll
Well it's too late nown
You're too late now

If you don't like rock 'n' roll

If you don't like my rock 'n' roll
Then you're too late now
Then you're too late now
Then you're too late, too late now
8. Sixteenth Century Greensleeves

It's only been an hour

Since he locked her in the tower
The time has come
He must be undone
By the morning

Many times before

The tyrant's opened up the door
Then someone cries
Still we close our eyes
Not again

Meet me when the sun is in the western skies

The fighting must begin before another someone dies
Cross bows in the fire light
Green sleeves waving
Madmen raving
Through the shattered night
Yeah yeah yeah

Flames are getting higher

Make it leap unto the spire
Draw bridge down
Cut it to the ground
We shall dance around the fire

No more night
We have seen the light
Let it shine on bright
Hang him higher, higher
Draw bridge down
Cut it to the ground
We shall dance all around the fire, around the fire

No more night
we've seen the light
let it shine on bright

Hang him higher, higher

Put the man on the fire

Draw bridge down

Cut it to the ground
We gotta dance around the fire, the fire, the fire

9. Still I'm Sad

(Instrumental, some live versions contain also the vocals)

Black Sabbath: Mob Rules LIRICS

1. Turn Up the Night

A rumble of thunder, I'm suddenly under your spell

No rhyme or reason, or time of the season, but oh well
The darkened deliver, I shake and I shiver down your soul
You know what to cover, I think for another it's a story told
So get a good hold, yeah

Virgin of voodoo, you thought that you knew who you are
A simple equation, that's the relation, but that's gone too far
A time of suspicion, a special condition that we all know
So let it all go, yeah

Turn up the night

Turn up the night
Turn up the night, it feels so right

Nighttime sorrow, taken like a pain

Black will not become a white, it's all the same
Evil lurks in twilight, dances in the dark
Makes you need the movement, like a fire needs a spark to burn

A rumble of thunder, I'm suddenly under your spell

No rhyme or reason, or time of the season, but oh well
The darkened deliver, I shake and I shiver down your soul
So get a good hold, yeah

Turn up the night

Turn up the night
Turn up the night, it feels so right
Gotta turn up the night
Turn up the night
Turn up the night, it feels so right
Turn up the night
Turn up the night
Turn up the night
Turn up the night
If it feels right
Turn off the light
If it feels right
Shut up the light
Turn up the night

2. Voodoo

Say you don't love me, you'll burn

You can refuse, but you'll lose, it's by me
Say you don't want me, you'll learn
Nothing you do will be renew, 'cause I'm through, ooh

Call me a liar, you knew

You were a fool, but that's cool, it's all right
Call me the devil, it's true
Some can't accept but I crept inside you

So if a stranger calls you

Don't let him whisper his name
Cause it's voodoo, oh

Fade into shadow, you'll burn

Your fortune is free, I can see it's no good
Never look back, never turn
It's a question of time 'till your mine and you learn

So if a stranger sees you

Don't look in his eyes
'Cause he's voodoo, oh

Say you don't love me, you'll burn

You can refuse, but you'll lose, it's by me
Say you don't want me, you'll learn
Nothing you do will be renew, 'cause I'm through


Bring me your children, they'll burn
Never look back, never turn
Cry me a river, you'll learn

3. Sign of the Southern Cross

If there isn't light when no one sees

Then how can I know what you might believe
A story told that can't be real
Somehow must reflect the truth we feel, yeah

Fade away, fade away

Vanish into small
Fade away, fade away
Break the crystal ball

It's the sign

Feels like the time

On a small world, west of wonder

Somewhere, nowhere all
There's a rainbow that will shimmer
When the summer falls

If an echo doesn't answer

When it hears a certain song
Then the beast is free to wander
But never is seen around

And it's the sign of the southern cross

It's the sign of the southern cross
All right
Sail away
To the sign

From the book the word is spoken

Whispers from forgotten psalms
Gather all around the young ones
They will make us strong
Reach above your dreams of pleasure
Given life to those who died
Look beyond your own horizons
Sail the ship of signs

And it's the sign of the southern cross

It's the sign of the southern cross
Fade away, fade away
Break the crystal ball
Fade away, fade away
I can't accept it anymore

On a real world, west of wonder
Somewhere, nowhere all
There's a rainbow, see it shimmer
When the summer falls
From the book the word is spoken
Whispers from forgotten psalms
Gather all around the young ones
They will make us strong

It's the sign of the southern cross

It's the sign of the southern cross

Don't live for pleasure

Make life your treasure
Fade away

Eight miles high, about to fall

And no one there to catch you
Look for the sign, the time
The sign of the southern cross, yeah

4. E5-150


5. Mob Rules

Oh come on
Close the city and tell the people that something's coming to call
Death and darkness are rushing forward to take a bite from the wall, oh

You've nothing to say

They're breaking away
If you listen to fools
The mob rules
The mob rules

Kill the spirit and you'll be blinded, the end is always the same
Play with fire, you burn your fingers and lose your hold of the flame, oh
It's over, it's done
The ending began
If you listen to fools
The mob rules

You've nothing to say

Oh, they're breaking away
If you listen to fools

Break the circle and stop the movement, the wheel is thrown to the
Just remember it might start rolling and take you right back around

You're all fools, fools, fools, fools

The mob rules

6. Country Girl

Fell in love with a country girl, morning sunshine

She was up from a nether world, just to bust another soul
Her eyes were an endless flame, holy lightning
Desire with a special name, made to snatch your soul away, yeah

Ooh, yeah

We sailed away on a crimson tide, gone forever

Left my heart on the other side, all to break it into bits
Her smile was a winter song, a sabbath ending
Don't sleep or you'll find me gone, just an image in the air

Oh yeah
In dreams I think of you
I don't know what to do with myself
Time has let me down
She brings broken dreams, fallen stars
The endless search for where you are
Sail on, sail on, sail on, sail on

I fell in love with a country girl, morning sunshine

She was up from a nether world, just to bust another soul
Her eyes were an endless flame, unholy lady
Desire with a special name, made to snatch your soul away, oh

Don't sail away on a crimson tide

Don't leave your heart on the other side
Her eyes are an endless flame
Oh, desire with a special name
Don't ever fall in love
Don't give your heart away
No never, never fall in love with a country girl

7. Slipping Away

Slipping away, just a heartbeat from disaster
Nothing could make me stay, close your eyes and I'll be gone
Turn the page, yeah, time to start another story
Slipping away, slipping away, time to move along

No reason to stay
Oh, when I'm slipping away
Take a look at yourself, you've been running in a circle
Round and round you go, you're a start without an end
Start a new life, yeah, from the city of the gypsies
Breaking away, slipping away, right behind the clown

Slipping away
Slipping away
Nobody to pay
Look out, 'cause I'm slipping away

Rockin' the glass, I won't leave you my reflection

A future without a past, no more road to take me back
Come if you will, yeah, just don't question my direction
Breaking away, slipping away, we can find the sun

Slipping away
Slipping away
Got nobody to pay
So, and you're slippin' away

No more running in a circle

It's time to move along
Round, round, round we go
A start without an end
So I'm slipping away
Slipping away

8. Falling off the Edge of the World

I think about closing the door

And lately I think of it more
I'm living well out of my time
I feel like I'm losing my mind

I should be at the table round

A servant of the crown
The keeper of the sign
To sparkle and to shine

Never, no never again

Listen to me and believe what I say if you can
Never, this is the end
You know I've seen the faces of doom and I'm only a man
Help me, tell me I'm sane
I feel a change in the earth, in the wind and the rain
Save me, oh take me away
You know I've seen some creatures from hell and I've heard what they

I've got to be strong

Oh, I'm falling off the edge of the world
Think you're safe, but you're wrong
We are falling off the edge of the world

Look out, there's danger

Nowhere to run
It seems like desperate measures but sometimes it's gotta be done
Over, it's over at last
And a message's inside as we build a new life from the past

We're falling off the edge of the world

Yes, the edge of the world
It's the end of the world
8. Over and Over

Sometimes I feel like I'm dying at dawn

And sometimes I'm warm as fire
But lately I feel like I'm just gonna rain
And it goes over, and over, and over again, yeah, yeah

Too many flames, with too much to burn

And life's only made of paper
Oh, how I need to be free of this pain
But it goes over, and over, and over, and over again

Oh, sometimes I cry for the lost and alone

And for their dreams that will all be ashes
But lately I feel like I'm just gonna rain
And it goes over, and over, and over, and over again

Over, and over, and over again

Over, and over again
Over, and over, and over again
Over, and over again
Over, and over, and over again
Over, and over again
Over, and over, and over again
Over, and over again
Over, and over, and over again













DIO JAPAN 8—10—85








Este documento pretende ser una manera de decirle gracias a una persona que
a muchos de nosotros nos dio una ilusion, ya que cada que escuchabamos su
linda voz nos hacia soñar, ahora que el pequeño mago está en el cielo creo que
los angeles se deben de sentir afortunados, y para nosotros nos queda su
hermoso recuerdo y todas las paginas gloriosas que escribió en vida.

Esa fue tu vida

Ese fue tu tiempo

y que importa si la llama no dura por siempre

Al final siendo una persona divina, te veremos cada que veamos el arcoiris en el

Dios te bendiga amo de la luna

Ronnie james dio

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