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Steppingstone 1: Setting Out on the Curriculum Path

Is as Neutral Curriculum Possible?

- You must avoid indoctrination.
- Students must draw their own conclusion from their own exploration and
Number of curriculum players at different level:
* Government Department of Education: the formal or prescribed curriculum.
* Textbook publisher: the inherent or default when teachers allow texts to determine
their curriculum.
* Professional association: the professionally recommended curriculum.
* School systems and schools: the intended curriculum
* Teacher: the implemented curriculum.
* Students: the experienced or attained curriculum.
Interpretation of the idea as a teacher:
* Teacher as a Guide
* Teaching for commitment in Christian Schools
- Christian teachers need to remember three key points as they formulate
their classroom curriculum:
> They confidently initiate their students into their cultural and
Christian heritage.
> They encourage their students to grow in normal rational
> They teach with commitment since they want to teach for
* Teaching for Commitment in Public Schools
What is Curriculum?
- Curriculum is what is taught, particularly the subject matter contained in a
schools course of study.
- Curriculum is an organized set of documented, formal educational plans
intended to attain preconceived goals.
- Curriculum is a dynamic, ever-changing series of planned learning
- Curriculum is everything learners experience in school.
Aims of the Curriculum
- To unfold the basis, framework, and implications of a Christian vision of life.
- To learn about Gods world and how humans responded to Gods mandate to take
care of the earth.
- To develop and apply the concepts, abilities and creative gifts that enables
students to contribute positively to Gods kingdom.
- To discern and confront idols of our time such us materialism, hedonism, and
other isms in which faith is placed in something other than God.
- To become committed to Christ and to a Christian way of life, able and willing to
serve God and neighbor.
The unit consist of four main Parts:
* The beginning of the Kingdom of God
* The Kingdom that Grows Early in Europe
* The Kingdom of God Middle Ages
* The Kingdoms in Conflict

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