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Number 319, pp 276-284

0 1995 Lippincott-Raven Publishers

Changes in Hip Muscles

After Above-Knee Amputation
Sonja M . H. J. Jaegers, MD, PhD*; J. Hans Arendzen, MD, PhD**;
and Henry J. de Jongh, PhD*

To learn about the changes appearing in hip serts into the tract, decreased. As a result, the
muscles after an above-knee amputation, 3-di- risk of appearance of a flexion contracture in-
mensional reconstructions of the hip and thigh creased because the strongest hip flexor (iliop-
region of 12 patients with above-knee amputa- soas muscle) was not involved in the amputa-
tions were made based on transverse magnetic tion. Abduction contracture could be avoided
resonance images. I n all patients, the amputa- only if the hip adductors were fixed accurately,
tions were done at least 2 years before the study especially at higher amputation levels.
and were necessitated by trauma or osteosar-
coma. The results show that, at higher amputa- After an above-knee amputation, the struc-
tion levels, the geometry of the once-biarticular
ture of the muscles around the hip joint at the
muscles was changed. The cleaved muscles
(40%-60%) and the intact muscles (0-3070) at amputated side can change.2 The higher the
the amputated side were atrophied. The amount level of amputation, the more muscles are in-
of atrophy of the intact muscles at the ampu- volved, and probably more changes will ap-
tated side was related to stump length. To avoid pear in the remaining muscles. The shorter
an abduction contracture in 8 patients with am- the amputated femur, the smaller the me-
putations, the iliotihial tract was not fixed. In 4 chanical load of the muscles at the ampu-
of these 8 patients, a flexion contracture was tated side. This causes the bones to become
visible. If the tract was not fixed, the hip exten- demineralized and the involved muscles to
sion torque of the gluteus maximus, which in- atrophy.z.8 Sevastikoglou et a18 studied the
changes in the skeleton of the stump, as
shown on radiographs, and compared the
corresponding bones of the leg that was not
From Departments ol *Anatomy and Embryology and amputated. They found that the bones of the
Rehabilitation, University of Groningen, Groningen,
The Netherlands.
amputation stump atrophied, which seemed
Funding of the magnetic resonance images was pro- to be permanent. Hubener et a12 studied the
vided by the Research Stimulation Fund of the Univer- amount of bone demineralization as shown
sity Hospital Groningen. on computed tomographs and found a 50%
Reprint requests to S. M. H. J. Jaegers, MD, Rehabilita- reduction in the density of the femur at the
tion Centre Beatrixoord, Dilgtweg 5 , 9751 ND Haren,
The Netherlands. lower level, 40% reductions of the femur at
Received: April 14, 1993 the level of the greater trochanter, and 10%
Revised: June 18, 1993; October 18, 1993; August 18, to 25% reduction in density of the hip bone
1994; and April I 1, 1995. at the level of the iliosacral joint. Muscular
Accepted: April 12, 1995. changes most clearly appeared in muscles

Number 319
October, 1995 Changes in Hip Muscles After Above-Knee Amputation 277

with hip flexion-extension function. Gottschalkl MATERIALS AND METHODS

described the importance of the adductor
magnus as a hip adductor and extensor, espe- Participants
cially the distal part of the muscle that inserts
at the medial condyle of the femur. He de- Twelve healthy men with a unilateral above
scribed a new technique to fix this part of the knee amputation were studied who satisfied the
following criteria: (1) amputation was done at
adductor magnus to obtain an optimal adduc-
least 2 years before this study; (2) amputation
tor and extensor torque, which obviates a was necessitated by trauma or osteosarcoma;
contracture. (3) the participants were optimally fitted with a
The function of the cleaved muscles is be- prosthesis; and (4) they showed no major gait
ing investigated: Should the iliotibial tract be deviation.
fixed to avoid an abduction contracture, and Table 1 lists the age, stump length, postampu-
what are the advantages of fixing the mus- tation time, amputation cause, and details of the
cles by myoplasty and myodesis? socket of the prosthesis. It was possible to obtain
The authors studied these questions using the operation reports of patients who had an am-
3-dimensional graphical reconstructions of putation. The research protocol was approved by
the bones and muscles of the hip and thigh of the ethics committee at the authors institution.
12 patients with above-knee amputations. Data Processing
They used 2-dimensional traced magnetic
resonance (MR) images. In a previous Transverse MR images were obtained from all
study,3 3 healthy persons were studied as a participants in the supine position from the iliac
crest to the caput of the fibula. A spin echo tech-
reference group.
nique was used on a Philips Gyroscan (Philips bv,
The authors wanted to learn about the struc-
Eindhoven, The Netherlands). The technique in-
ture of the hip muscles of patients with above- cluded repetition time, 1050 ms; and field of
knee amputations who wear prostheses, espe- view, 450 x 1.0 cm with a 256 x 256 matrix. The
cially with regard to the changes appearing in slice interval was 5 mm and the slice thickness
the geometry and volumes of the hip muscles was 0.5 mm at all levels. The MR images had to
after different amputation methods. be made in 2 or 3 series of 57 images each. This

TABLE 1. The Age, Stump Length, Postamputation Time, Amputation Cause, and
Details of the Socket of the Subjects
~~ ~

Stump Postamputation Amputation

Subject Age Length (cm) Time (years) Cause Socket
~ ~

21 55 36.3 35 Trauma Quadrilateral

22 49 34.1 3 Trauma Quadrilateral
23 56 41.8 3 Trauma NML
24 27 30.0 3 Trauma Quadrilateral
25 32 32.5 12 Osteosarcoma Quadrilateral
27 40 34.1 15 Trauma Quadrilateral
29 30 22.1 10 Osteosarcoma Quadrilateral
30 24 10.5 8 Osteosarcoma NML
31 20 11.1 7 Osteosarcoma Quadrilateral
32 28 25.9 7 Trauma Quadrilateral
33 46 16.5 2 Osteosarcoma Quadrilateral
35 51 27.5 8 Trauma Quadrilateral

Quadrilateral = quadrilateral socket with suction system and ischial seat, NML = semiflexible narrow medial lateral socket with
suction system The socket has no ischial seat
Clinical Orthopaedics
278 Jaegers et al and Related Research

sometimes caused a slight transverse shift be- The percentage of atrophy of the intact mus-
tween the successive image series in the 3-dimen- cles on the amputated side was determined by
sional reconstruction. comparing the volume of the muscle with the vol-
The program Obex (Cerebrum, Groningen, ume of the same muscle on the intact side. The
The Netherlands) was used in this study. Obex is percentage of atrophy of the muscles that had
an integrated 3-dimensional software package been partly amputated was calculated i n 2 differ-
that can produce 3-dimensional models from 2- ent ways:
dimensional data sets from MR scans. Obex was The percent difference was calculated for the
implemented on a Unix system, and the data of area of each transverse cross section 3 cm
each MR image were loaded into an Apollo above and below the thickest part of the mus-
DN3500 computer with a high definition, 20-inch cle belly of the amputated muscle and the in-
monitor. The contours of the bones and muscles tact muscle at the same level. From this the
of the hip and thigh region were traced inanually mean percent difference o f the cross-sec-
with the help of the computers mouse. The MR tional area of an amputated muscle versus
images were all traced by the same investigator the intact muscle, the percent atrophy, was
(S.J.). After sections had been entered into the determined; and
computer, the reconstructed limbs of each traced First the level of amputation of the femur was
participant could be displayed 3-dimensionally determined. Next the volumes of the muscles
and viewed from various angles. of the amputated and intact legs were calcu-
lated proximal to this amputation level. The
Calculation calculated volume of the muscles at the am-
putated side was compared with the calcu-
The area of every traced contour was calculated, lated volumes of the muscles at the intact
after which the volumes of the bones and muscles side. In this way the percentage of atrophy of
were determined. One-way analysis of variance the amputated muscles was determined.
was used for testing significant differences be-
tween the muscle volumes of the amputated and
intact sides (p = 0.01). The Pearson correlation
coefficient and regression analysis were used to
test correlation (p = 0.01) between the amount of In Figures 1 and 2, 3-dimensional reconstruc-
atrophy of the muscles and the stump length, and tions of the hip muscles of patients with
between the amount of cortical atrophy and the above-knee amputations with different stump
postamputation time and amputation cause. lengths are shown in ventral and dorsal views.

Fig 1A-B. Three-dimensional recon-

structions of an above-knee amputa-
tion with a short stump in a ventral (A)
and dorsal view (B). (1, iliacus; 2,
psoas major; 3, sartorius; 4, rectus
femoris; 5, vastus musculature; 6, ten-
sor fasciae latae; 7, gluteus medius; 8,
gluteus maximus; 9, biceps femoris;
10, semitendinosus; 11, semimem-
branosus; 12, pectineus; 13, adductor
longus; 14, adductor magnus; 15, gra-
cilis; *femur.)
Number 319
October, 1995 Chanaes in Hip Muscles After Above-Knee Amputation 279

Fig 2A-8. Three-dimensional recon-

structions of 2 above-knee, low level
amputations in dorsal view. In 1 pa-
tient (A) the iliotibial tract was fixed,
whereas in the other (B) the tract was
not fixed and the gluteus maximus
was retracted. (5, vastus musculature;
7, gluteus medius; 8, gluteus max-
imus;9, biceps fernoris; 10, semitendi-
nosus; 11, semimembranosus; 14,
adductor magnus; 15, gracilis; *femur.

TABLE 2. Means and Standard Deviations of the Volumes of the Bones and
Muscles of Normal Subjects and Patients With Above-Knee Amputations

Patients With Above-Knee Amputation

Volume (em3) Volume (em3) Volume (em3)

Normal Subjects Intact Side Amputated Side

Mean (SO) Mean (SO) Mean (SO)

0 s coxae 447.6 (53.26) 399.6 (87.23) 421 .O(86.62)
Femur 739 2 (60.13) 713.5 (92.67) 358.7 (99.50)
Gluteus rnaxirnus 967 9 (30 00) 1252 4 (283 8) 800 6 (279 95)
Gluteus rnedius 398 9 (60 46) 423 2 (93 2) 331 3 (125 13)
Gluteus rninirnus 120 2 (16 20) 183 5 (107 79) 132 9 (109 83)
Tensor fascia latae 87 0 (16 26) 102 5 (27 32) 65 8 (25 07)
lliopsoas 637 9 (54 93) 471 9 (59 14) 386 6 (62 72)
Sartorius 181 0 (15 65) 169 2 (64 47) 93 1 (46 42)
Rectus fernoris 309 3 (29 78) 288 7 (I18 33) 123 5 (63 82)
Vastus musculature 1872 3 (72 14) I459 6 (279 6) 429 6 (I09 04)
Sernirnembranosus 291 0 (26 17) 282 8 (58 25) 76 2 (61 81)
Sernitendinosus 197 1 (25 46) 204 5 (49 88) 59 4 (44 52)
Biceps fernoris 326 4 (42 15) 399 2 (146 14) 1 12 7 (78 45)
Pectineus 72 8 (12 32) 63 7 (14 59) 59 8 (17 74)
Adductor rninirnus 68 4 (22 78) 80 9 (28 81) 81 6 (28 44)
Adductor brevis 105 2 (5 28) 117 5 (28 96) 106 4 (37 97)
Adductor longus 189 3 (10 22) 168 3 (49 00) 148 6 (64 22)
Adductor rnagnus 514 7 (90 96) 792 2 (157 35) 365 6 (163 57)
Gracilis 1133(1603) 119 5 (25 80) 52 9 (20 60)

SD = standard deviation
Clinical Orthopaedics
280 Jaegers et al and Related Research

TABLE 3. The Atrophy (YO)of the Volumes and Areas of the Hip Muscles at the
Amputated Side in Comparison With the Intact Side

% Atrophy

Volume Area
Muscles Mean SD Mean SD

Gluteus maximus 36.5 10.8 34.8 15.7

Gluteus medius 27.3 9.1 23.3 11.5
Gluteus minimus 22.0 18.3 23.4 12.2
Tensor fascia latae 49.8 3.5 26.3 17.2
Psoas major 9.5 10.1 13.6 9.3
lliacus 12.0 7.9 17.1 8.1
lliopsoas 21.5 11.3 22.8 14.3
Rectus femoris 58.3 7.7 53.4 7.8
Sartorius 50.8 10.6 40.1 9.8
Biceps femoris 58.8 15.7 32.9 23.6
Semitendinosus 72.8 25.1 44.3 30.0
Semimembranosus 40.8 22.1 30.2 14.5
Pectineus 15.3 8.0
Adductor minimus 11.5 8.3
Adductor brevis 23.6 13.8
Adductor longus 18.0 13.6
Adductor magnus 40.3 20.9 27.5 15.6
Gracilis 54.8 12.7 24.6 29.0

SD = slandard deviation

In patients with a high level of amputation, Based on the MR images, it was evident that
the geometry of the once-biarticular muscles the thickness of the femur had decreased and
at the amputated side was changed. cortical atrophy had occurred. No correlation
Table 2 provides the mean volumes and was found between the amount of cortical at-
standard deviations of all the traced muscles rophy and the stump length, postamputation
and bones of the participants with no amputa- time, or cause of the amputation.
tions and of both legs of those with amputa-
tions. The once-biarticular muscles at the am- The Hip Flexors
putated side were more atrophied (40%-60%)
than the intact muscles at the amputated side The strongest hip flexor, the iliopsoas, was
(0-30%) (Table 3 ) . The amount of atrophy of intact in all of the persons studied. However,
the hip muscles increased with decreasing the muscle group had atrophied in different
stump length (Fig 3). amounts from 4% to 50%. The amount of at-
rophy of the iliopsoas increased with in-
The Skeleton creasing level of amputation (Pearson corre-
lation coefficient, 0.76; p = 0.01). The other
The volume of the hip bone decreased hip flexors (the rectus femoris and sartorius)
slightly (10%) in 1 participant. In 5 partici- are biarticular muscles and were cleaved in
pants there was a slight decrease in volume all persons with amputated limbs. At the am-
of the femur at the level of the trochanter putated side, the rectus was displaced later-
major (10%-20%). In 10 participants, the ally compared with the intact side (Fig 1A).
volume of the femoral marrow cavity in- In amputations leaving a short or medium
creased after the amputation (10%-40%). stump length, the sartorius was fixed ven-
Number 319
October, 1995 Changes in Hip Muscles After Above-Knee Amputation 281

75 75 Q

50 50

25 a
0 0
10.5 11.1 16.5 221 25.9 27.5 32.5 33.6 34.1 341 35.3 41.8 10.5 11.1 16.5 22.1 25.9 27.5 32.5 336 34.1 34.1 36.3 4L8
A s m LENGTH Icm) B s m LENGM Id

75 t
B* loo



10.5 11.1 16.5 22.1 25.9 27.5 32.5 33.6 34.1 34.1 36.3 41.8 -
10.5 11.1 16.5 22.1 25.9 27.5 32.5 33.6 34.1 34.1 36.3 41.8
C 5IUw LMGIH h 1

Fig 3A-D. The total volumes of t h e (A) hip flexors, (B) extensors, (C) abductors, and (D) adductors
of the amputated side in percentages of t h e corresponding muscle volumes of the intact side. (*flex-
ion contracture, 0 = abduction contracture, * = at least 1 hamstring muscles was not fixed, = the ili-
otibial tract was fixed, = t h e adductors were fixed.)

trally to the femur after the amputation, re- The higher the amputation level, the more
sulting in a vertical course (Fig 1A). As a re- the adductor muscles were amputated. The
sult, the sartorius was no longer functional in pectineus and adductor minimus and brevis
external rotation of the thigh. Both muscles were intact in all levels of amputation; they
were atrophied in all participants (58% and were atrophied only slightly (10%-15%).
35%, respectively) but showed no fatty de- The adductor longus and the part of the ad-
generation. ductor magnus that inserts at the shaft of the
The vastus musculature is part of the femur were intact only in low level amputa-
quadriceps femoris. It was no longer func- tions. The part of the adductor magnus that
tional relative to a joint and was extremely inserts at the medial condyle of the femur
atrophied in all participants. In the few in was cleaved at all levels of amputation. In 4
whom the vastus musculature had been used persons with amputations, with a short or
to suture the hamstrings, the sartorius, the medium stump length, the adductor longus
adductors (myoplasty), or all of these, the and magnus were fixed and all showed an
musculature showed less atrophy. abduction contracture (Fig 4B). If the adduc-
tor longus and magnus were well fixed, only
The Hip Adductors slight atrophy was found in these muscles
The amount of atrophy of the adductors de- and no abduction contracture was visible. In
pended on the level of amputation (Fig 3). most patients with an amputation, the once-
Clinical Orthopaedics
282 Jaegers et al and Related Research

Fig 4A-B. A flexion contracture (A)

and abduction contracture (B) ap-
peared in patients with amputated
limbs whose iliotibial tract (A) or ad-
ductor magnus and longus (B) were
not fixed.

biarticular adductor, the gracilis, was fixed generated into fat. In addition, the adductor
in a more dorsal position relative to the fe- magnus is a hip extensor because of its dorsal
mur compared with the intact side. In this position with respect to the hip joint. In 5 par-
position, the gracilis could barely function as ticipants the iliotibial tract and I or more of the
an internal rotator. In 2 persons with ampu- hamstring muscles were not reattached, and a
tated limbs, the gracilis was not fixed and flexion contracture was visible (Fig 4A).
showed fatty degeneration.
The Hip Abductors
The Hip Extensors The amount of atrophy of the hip abductors,
the gluteus medius and minimus, depended
The strongest hip extensor, the gluteus max- on the level of amputation (Pearson correla-
imus, was atrophied (36%) in all persons with tion coefficient, 0.82 and 0.72, respectively;
amputated limbs. The caudal part of the glu- p = 0.01). The higher the amputation level
teus maximus inserts into the iliotibial tract. the more the muscles were atrophied.
The tract was transected in patients with The once-biarticular hip abductor, the ten-
above-knee amputations, and in 8 patients the sor fasciae latae, atrophied severely (49%).
iliotibial tract was not fixed to avoid an ab- The tensor inserts into the iliotibial tract.
duction contracture. Figure 2B shows that the When the tract was not fixed, the tensor re-
gluteus maximus retracted in these patients. tracted and shifted to the lateral side. When
The caudal part of the gluteus maximus the iliotibial tract was fixed, no retraction of
shifted to a more medial position because of the tensor fasciae latae occurred.
its oblique course. and there was a large
amount of atrophy of the gluteus maximus. DISCUSSION
Figure 2A shows a fixed iliotibial tract with
no retraction of the gluteus maximus. The femur can change after an above-knee
The hamstrings are biarticular hip extensors amputation. In 10 patients with such an am-
and were cleaved in all amputations and se- putation, a slight cortical atrophy of the fe-
verely atrophied (40%-70%). In 5 patients the mur (10%--20%) appeared. Only 3 patients
semitendinosus were not fixed and they de- showed an atrophy of 40%, as reported in the
Number 319
October, 1995 Changes in Hip Muscles After Above-Knee Amputation 283

study of Hubener et a1.2 The structure of the tated muscles with respect to the hip joint
remaining thigh musculature changes consid- was clearly visible in the sartorius and influ-
erably after an above-knee amputation. The ences its function and external moment. The
cleaved and the intact muscles at the ampu- external moment of a muscle is the product
tated side atrophied (40%-60% and 0-30%, of the internal muscle force times its moment
respectively). When the cleaved muscles are arm. The moment arm of the muscle with re-
fixed accurately, they show no fatty degener- spect to the hip joint changes when the
ation and are still functional in human move- course of the muscle changes. The transected
ment. Muscles that are not fixed retract and muscles must be fixed in an optimal biome-
can no longer function; rather they degener- chanical position with respect to the hip joint
ate into fat. The amount of atrophy of the in- so the muscles can function adequately and
tact muscles (iliopsoas, gluteus medius, glu- avoid unnecessary loss of function and force.
teus minimus) increases substantially with Because of the small number of persons
increasing level of amputation, although who have an above-knee amputation, and the
these muscles have not been directly in- scarcity of available operation reports, no con-
volved in the amputation. The short stump clusion could be made about which technique
provides a short lever arm in the socket, of fixating the muscles, myodesis or my-
which makes it more difficult to transfer oplasty, gave a better result. This study shows
forces to and from the prosthesis. The rela- that the myodesis and the myoplasty can give
tionship between the stump length and the a good functional stump. Of paramount impor-
amount of atrophy of the hip joint stabilizing tance, however, is that the muscles must be
muscles can be due to the changed position of fixed. If the vastus musculature is used to su-
the femoral shaft. The muscles are shortened ture the antagonistic muscle groups (my-
if there is a flexion/abduction contracture. oplasty), the vasti become less atrophied.
The torque of the flexors decreases with pro- If the tensor fasciae latae and gluteus max-
gressive flexion, and the torque of the abduc- imus are not stretched to their original lengths
tors decreases with progressive abduction.4-7 before the iliotibial tract is fixed, or if the ili-
Figure 3 shows the crucial decrease in mus- otibial tract is not fixed at all, the muscles
cle volume in the proximal half of the femur. show retraction. This was seen in 8 patients
In this region the surgeon must be careful in (Fig 2B). Because of the length-force rela-
determining the level of amputation, must tionship, the muscle torque decreases when
keep the stump length as long as possible, and the muscle is retracted. Alarger amount of at-
must fix the remaining muscles accurately. In rophy of the tensor fasciae latae and gluteus
high and medium level amputations, the maximus was found in these patients.
course of the once-biarticular muscles is An unfixed iliotibial tract does not always
changed (Fig 1). Several factors change the obviate an abduction contracture, but it in-
geometry. In some persons with amputated creases the risk of a flexion contracture. If
limbs, the femur is in flexion, abduction, ex- the iliotibial tract is not fixed, the hip exten-
ternal rotation, or a combination of these com- sion torque decreases because the strongest
pared with the intact side. This has conse- hip extensor (gluteus maximus) inserts into
quences for the geometry of the muscles with the tract. In addition, the extension torque of
respect to the hip joint. This was accounted for the hamstring muscles decreases because
when interpreting the reconstructions. they are involved in the amputation. This re-
Some transected muscles were fixed in a sults in an imbalance between the hip exten-
more ventral, dorsal, medial, or lateral posi- sors and hip flexors, because the iliopsoas al-
tion relative to the femur compared with the ways remains intact after an above-knee
intact side; as a result, their course was amputation. Therefore a flexion contracture
changed. The changed course of the ampu- occurs. An abduction contracture can be
Clinical Orthopaedics
284 Jaegers et al and Related Research

avoided only if there is a balance in muscle this study, it cannot be determined which fix-
torque between the hip abductors and adduc- ation method, myodesis or myoplasty, af-
tors. The higher the amputation level, the fords a better result after the amputation.
more the adductor longus and magnus are However, the results do show that myodesis
amputated and their torque decreases. How- and myoplasty can give a good functional
ever, i n all levels of amputation the most im- stump if the muscles are accurately fixed.
portant abductors remain intact (gluteus
medius and minimus). To obtain a balance in Acknowledgments
muscle torque, the adductor longus and mag- T h e authors thank the members of the Department
nus, especially the part of the adductor mag- of Magnetic Resonance of the University Hospital
nus that inserts at the medial condyle of the Groningen, especially Dr. B. Mooyaart, for their
femur, must be fixed accurately. The results help and hospitality, and the study participants.
of this study show that if the cleaved adduc- They also thank R. Dantuma for technical and soft-
tors are not fixed, especially in high level ware support and Dr. F. A. Gottschalk of the South-
amputations, an abduction contracture oc- western Medical School and Dr. A. M . Jain of the
curs (Fig 4B). In an amputation with fixed Dundee Limb Fitting Centre for their comments.
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does not occur even with a fixed iliotibial References
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