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Questions to think about from yesturday:

Draw out type A, type B, and type O blood cells

Draw what it means to be Rh+

Tell me which blood types can be mixed with type AB

Tell me which blood types can be mixed with type O

Can someone who is Rh- accept a + blood?

Someone who is A- is getting a blood transfusion. Doctors have AB- on hand. Will

this be a good blood match? Why or why not?

The Lymphatic System
Identify the following components of the lymphatic system, and describe
their general function: Skin, Macrophage, Helper T cell, B cell, Killer T
cell, Suppressor T cell, Memory T cell
Explain the process the body goes through to defend itself against
The Lymphatic System
Secondary circulatory system
Collect fluid called lymph
Interstitial fluid
Yellow or colourless
Similar to plasma
Helps maintain the balance of
fluids in the body
Also has a role in combating
The Defence System
The body is constantly in contact with
microscopic organisms
Some are not harmful to us, and others are
The harmful ones are called: Pathogens
Pathogen comes from two Greek words
that literally mean producer if suffering
The body has three different defence
Physical defense
Non-Specific defences
Specific defence
Physical Defense
First line of defence
Stomach acid
Keeps bacteria out
Largest barrier is the skin
Outer layer is dry
Skin oil contains bactericides
Perspiration forms an acidic layer
Non-Specific Defences
Also called, cell mediated immunity
Neutrophils and monocytes kill
bacteria using phagocytosis - they
ingest the bacteria
Macrophages also use phagocytosis
Found in the liver, spleen, brain and
Also includes natural killer cells, which
target body cells that have become
cancerous or infected by viruses
Specific Defences
Also called antibody-mediated
Antibodies are proteins recognize
foreign substances and act to destroy
Over time it can actually change
genetic make up, leading to a unique
immune system
Primary function of the lymphocytes
Specific Defences
Antigens are molecules that are
found on the surface of the cells and
on pathogens
Provide identification system
Antigen receptors on T and B cells
allow them to recognize foreign
Antibodies have the same shape as
the antigen
Specific Defences
There are two kinds of lymphocytes
B cells
Made in the bone marrow
T cells
Made in the thymus gland
Four kinds
Helper T cells
Killer T cells
Suppressor T cells
Memory T cells
Helper T cells: Recognizes the antigen, gives off chemical signals to stimulate
the macrophages, B cells and other T cells
Killer T cells: bind with infects cells and destroy them
Can be activated by helper T cells or directly from the presence of the pathogen

Suppressor T cells: slow and suppress the process of cellular immunity to

ensure that normal tissue does not get destroyed
Memory T cells: Remain in the bloodstream and act if the antigen is
encountered again.
Lets get this information down
1. Describe the difference between an antibody and an antigen
2. How do antibodies protect you against infection?
3. List and describe all the cells of the immune system
4. Draw or list what happens in an immune response, make a story out of it if you
5. Once youve done all that, draw the heart without your notes. Outline the flow
through it. Call me over when youre done so I can take a look at it.
Tuesday April 11: Disorders Research

What is it/how might it be diagnosed, how is it treated, and how does it affect
normal circulatory function

Once youve found those, your job is to research any circulatory,

lymphatic/immune disorder that interests you. Find out everything you can
about it. Become an expert. Tell me about it in a write up. Organize it however
you like. It should be no more than 2 pages.

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