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Herb, Flower, Fruit, & Tree


astral projection horehound mugwort rose

mugwort iris nutmeg sunflower
lemon orris walnut
banishing mint patchouli
basil healing
periwinkle peach
boneset amaranth
rue rose
buckthorn anemone
sage rosemary
clover angelica root
sunflower sandalwood
copal apple
walnut star anise
devil's bit ash
dragon's blood cleansing balm of gilead
frankincense copal bay
garlic frankincense calamus
mugwort hawthorn enchantment carnation
myrrh willow cedarwood
consecration chamomile
dragon exorcism cinnamon
s blood clove coconut
frankincense dragon’s blood elder
witch grass
mugwort frankincense eucalyptus
myrrh juniper fennel
balancing myrrh fig
rose pine ginseng
dragon’s blood
rosemary hemp
divination sandalwood henna
almond hopps
binding anise juniper
dragon’s blood ash lavender
bay laurel lemon
business lime
bistort lemonbalm
almond olive
broom lime
benzoin skullcap
camphor myrrh
cherry fertility narcissus
changes chicory birch nettle
dragon’s blood cinnamon bistort oak
cinquefoil cucumber onion
clairvoyance eyebright fig
almond peppermint
goldenrod hawthorn pine
bay gum mastic mandrake red geranium
cinnamon hazel mistletoe
mugwort rose
hibiscus myrtle rosemary
patchouli juniper oak rue
clarity lemon olive sage
bay lilac patchouli sandalwood
black tea lime pine spearmint
eyebright maple pomegranate thistle
marigold poppy
thyme tormentil mental powers neutrality
vervain vanilla balm of gilead lemon
violet vertivert benzoin lime
walnut vervain caraway
new beginnings
willow violet clove
yerba santa willow hazel
witch grass honeysuckle past-life workings
immortality yarrow lavender cypress
sage periwinkle
luck peace
inspiration rosemary
allspice basil
frankincense rue
bamboo catnip
longevity chamomile money chamomile
cedar fern allspice cumin
oak heather almond frankincense
job's tears apple gardenia
love moss basil hawthorn
apple nutmeg benzoin high john
apricot pine bergamont lavender
aster star anise bryony marjoram
caraway vetivert cedar morning glory
cedar chamomile myrrh
chamomile lust cinnamon olive
cherry cat tail cinquefoil rose
clove cinnamon
clove rosemary
coriander clove clover st. john's wort
cumin galangal dill valerian
dragon’s blood ginger
elder violet
frankincense ginseng fern witch grass
hawthorn grains of paradise high john the conq.
hemp nettle physical energy
jasmine patchouli allspice
juniper tuberose blessed thistle
lavender vanilla fig
lemon verbena violet oak
lovage witch grass palm
mandrake yerba mate rowan
maple olive
marriage prophetic dreams
marjoram patchouli
hawthorn chamomile
meadowsweet pine
hazel mugwort
myrtle sage
orange sassafras protection
orris vervain arabic gum
peach meditation vertivert angelica
pine gota kola wheat ash
rose myrrh aspen
rosemary balm of gilead
bay laurel bay laurel heliotrope
birch benzoin lotus
black pepper birch myrrh
boneset broom sage
broom cedar sandalwood
cedar chamomile wisteria
cinnamon clove
clove coconut
copal copal
cyclamen dragon’s blood
cypress elder
dill fennel
dragon’s blood frankincense
elder hyssop
elm lavender
fennel lemon
lemon grass
fern lemon verbena
frankincense lovage
hawthorn myrrh
hazel orange
heather passion flower
hyssop peppermint
juniper pine wisdom
linden rosemary almond
mistletoe rue frankincense
mugwort saffron mulberry
mullein sandalwood rosemary
myrrh solomon’s seal sage
olive thyme
patchouli valerian youth
peony vervain apple
rosemary rosemary
sage remembrance
sandalwood rosemary
st. john’s wort
snapdragon sexual potency
tarragon dragon’s blood
vervain spirituality
walnut african violet
willow cassia
purification cedar
anise cinnamon
basil copal
African Violet spirituality
Almond business, clairvoyance, divination, money, wisdom
Allspice luck, money, physical energy
Amaranth healing
Anemone healing
Angelica Root wards off evil, healing, protection, visions
Anise divination, purification
Apple healing, love, money, youth
Apricot love
Arabic Gum protection of the home, purification
Ash divination, healing, protection
Aspen protection
Aster love
Balm of Gilead healing, mental powers, protection
Bamboo luck
Basil banishing, money, peace, purification
Bay clairvoyance, clarity, healing, protection, purification
Bay Laurel divination, protection, purification
Benzoin business, mental powers, money, purification
Bergamont money
Birch fertility, new beginnings, protection, purification
Bistort divination, fertility, visions
Black Pepper protection
Black Tea clarity
Blessed Thistle physical energy, strength
Boneset banishing, protection
Broom divination, protection, purification
Bryony money
Buckthorn banishing
Calamus healing
Camphor divination
Caraway love, mental powers
Carnation healing
Cassia spirituality
Catnip peace
Cattail lust
Cedar to speed healing, longevity, money, protection, purification, spirituality
Chamomile healing, love, luck, money, peace, prophetic dreams, purification
Cherry divination, love
Chicory divination
Cinnamon business, clairvoyance, divination, healing, strengthen love, lust, money, protection,
spirituality, visions
Cinquefoil divination, money
Clove exorcism, love, lust, mental powers, money, protection, purification
Clover banishing, money
Coconut faithfulness, healing, purification
Coltsfoot visions
Copal banishing, cleansing, protection, purification, spirituality, to purify quartz crystals and other
stones before use in magick
Coriander love
Crocus visions
Cucumber fertility
Cumin love, peace
Cyclamen protection
Cypress past-life workings, protection
Devil’s Shoestring to find employment
Dill money, protection
Dragon’s Blood banishing, binding, changes, consecration, courage, exorcism, love, protection, purification
sexual potency
Elder healing, money, purification
Elm protection
Eucalyptus healing
Eyebright clarity, divination, visions
Fennel healing, protection, purification
Fern luck, money, protection
Fig physical energy, fertility, healing
Frankincense banishing, cleansing, consecration, divination, exorcism, inspiration, love, peace, protection,
purification, spirituality, wisdom
Galangal to promote lust in others
Gardenia peace
Garlic banishing
Ginger lust
Ginseng healing, lust
Goldenrod divination
Gota Kola meditation
Grains of Paradise lust
Gum Mastic divination
Hawthorn cleansing, fertility, love, marriage, peace, protection
Hazel divination, marriage, mental powers, protection, reconciliation
Heather luck, protection
Heliotrope spirituality
Hemlock not recommended for use
Hemp healing, love
Henna healing
Hibiscus divination
High John the Con. money, peace
Honeysuckle mental powers, money
Hopps healing
Horehound clarity
Hyssop money, protection, purification
Iris clarity
Jasmine love, money, visions
Job’s Tears luck
Juniper divination, exorcism, healing, love, protection
Kava-Kava visions
Lavender healing, love, mental powers, peace, purification
Lemon clarity, divination, faithfulness, healing, neutrality, purification
Lemon Verbana love, purification
Lemonbalm healing
Lemongrass visions
Lilac divination
Lime clarity, divination, faithfulness, healing, neutrality, purification
Linden protection
Lotus spirituality
Lovage love, purification
Mandrake fertility, love
Maple divination, love
Marigold divination, visions
Marjoram love, peace
Meadowsweet love
Mint clarity
Mistletoe fertility, protection
Moonwort money
Morning Glory peace
Moss luck, money
Mugwort anti-theft, astral projection, banishing, clairvoyance, consecration, divination, prophetic
dreams, protection, visions. Essential oil of mugwort creates a delicious warming effect upon
the skin, passes rapidly into the bloodstream, and from there has a mild psychotropic effect.
If you take a little milk thistle tincture for your liver, you can process the stuff without ill effect.
The physical sensations of lovemaking are wildly enhanced, and the dreams you'll have
afterward are vivid, prophetic, and memorable. But for heaven's sake: only one drop per
Mulberry divination, wisdom
Mullein Leaf This herb is said to be one of the most potent herbs for protection against evil. A traditional
substitute for Graveyard’s Dust.
Myrrh banishing, consecration, exorcism, healing, meditation, peace, protection, purification,
Myrtle fertility, love
Narcissus healing
Nettle banishing, healing, lust, to remove a curse
Nutmeg divination, luck
Oak fertility, healing, longevity, money, physical strength
Olive faithfulness, fertility, marriage, money, peace, protection
Onion healing
Orange love, marriage, purification
Orris divination, love
Palm physical strength
Passion Flower purification
Patchouli banishing, clairvoyance, divination, fertility, lust, money, protection
Peach divination, love
Pennyroyal to keep from getting pregnant
Peony protection
Peppermint healing, money, purification
Periwinkle clarity, mental powers
Pine exorcism, fertility, healing, luck, money, purification
Pomegranate fertility
Poppy fertility
Rose balance, banishing, beauty, divination, fertility, healing, love, peace
Rosemary divination, exorcism, healing, love, mental powers, peace, protection, purification,
remembrance, to induce sleep, strength, wisdom, restore or maintain youth
Rowan physical strength, protection, visions
Rue clarity, healing, mental powers, protection, purification
Saffron purification
Sage clarity, healing, immortality, money, protection, spirituality, wisdom
St. John’s Wort peace, protection
Sandalwood divination, exorcism, healing, protection, purification, spirituality
Sassafras money
Skullcap to keep a man faithful
Snapdragon protection
Solomon’s Seal purification
Spearmint healing, money
Star Anise divination, luck
Sunflower clarity, fertility
Tarragon protection
Thistle healing
Thyme divination, healing, purification
Tormentil love
Tuberose lust
Uva Ursa psychic powers
Valerian peace, purification
Vanilla love, lust
Vertivert love, luck, money
Vervain healing, love, money, protection, purification
Violet healing, love, lust, peace
Walnut clarity, fertility, healing, protection
Wheat money
Willow enchantment, healing, love, protection
Wisteria spirituality
Witch Grass banishing, love, lust, peace
Wormwood divination, visions
Yarrow banishing, divination, love, visions
Yerba Mate lust
Yerba Santa healing
Yew not recommended for use

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