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The great fish n moved sile crescent ta silently throug ent tail. The mouth was open ay ee steno : night water, propelled by little other motion: an occ: rete ee h to admit a rush of water over the gills. There was ae eee ot ‘asional correction of the ering ofthe pecorl fre ae ran apparel smless couse by the slight raising changed direction by raising one wing and lowering the other. The eyes were sig extraordinary to eee 8S in the black and the other senses transmitted nothing movement dictated bene Primitive brain. ‘The ish might have been eslep save forthe Pee aries c '¥ Countless millions of years and of instinctive continuity: lacking the common to other fish and the fluttering flaps to push oxygen-bearing water through the gill gills, it survived o aia urvived only by moving. Once stopped, it would sink to the bottom and die ee ren gel Sn dark as the water, for there was no moon. All that separated ee ncadine ne fetch of beach—so white that it shone. From a house behind s spoched dunes, ight est yellow glimmer on the dunes. porch ie ont door to the house opened anda man and woman stepped out ont the wooden ae. ea e moment staring at the sea, embraced quickly, then scampered down the the |. The woman looked at him and smiled, “Now, how about that swim?” “You go ahead. I'li wait for you here.” The woman walked to where the gentle surf washed over her ankles. The water was colder than the night air. for it was only mid-June. ‘The woman called back, “Sure you don’t want to come?” But there was no answer from the man. few steps, tl at th ‘At first her strides were long and ve She faltered, regained her footing, and ‘high way stood, nd continued walking until the water covered her shoulders. ‘There she began to swim- head-above-water e ‘A hundred yards off shore, sensed a change in the sea’s It did not see the woman, nor yet did it smell her. Running within the length of its body were a series of thin Canals, filled with mucus and dotted with nerve endings, and these nerves detected vibration and signaled the brain. The fish tured towards shore, The fish closed on the woman and hurtled past, a dozen feet to the side and six feet below the surface. The woman felt only a wave of pressure that lifted her up in the water and eased her down again. fish began to swim close to the surface. Its dorsal fin broke water, and its tail, thrashing back and forth, cut the glassy surface of the water with a hiss. A series of tremors shook its body. For the first time the wor though she did not know why. guessed that she was fifty yards from shore. ‘She could see the white foam on the shore where the waves broke on the beach. see the light in the house, and for one comforting moment she thought she cone of the windows. nly Peter Benchley, 9's, Magli sete daaal ist page numbers by your examples. ae en UXa ee en ee «Xamptes for each type. L 2 | lowing | . os oie F Scegurty dsemec | p) | eee 5 | > Proce a f g * the an as Fo os / s iy Se ee € he . . A Stet | Ms me | 4 4 ac | 5 | | Be. Share ‘ : | ake | # Bion a a Cok dangerous actions, pacing, and | foreshadowing, Don't forget your key! Annotate in A Go od Man Is Hard To Find | margins Y 1y Flannery O°Connor he | seizing at every chanc ‘She wanted to yisitsome of heriG6Rineetionsin cust Tenines6 and she was Sasha at every chance to change Bailey's mind Daileyewasthe.son,sheolived:withihEEORIZOR. He was siting an the alclat the table, beet over she orange sports section CF HS TOUMMT. "NOW [ook here, Balley,” she said, ses ther rattling the newspaper at his bald head. “Here here, read this," Fead this," and she stood with one hand on her th ‘ this fellow tet call ncett pumgpay toe genase “on Ihiklren in any direction with a criminal like ‘couldn't just you Tywouldn't take my answer to my conseience it | did ind faced the children’s mother, a a green head-kerchi Bailey didn't look up from his reading so she wheeled around then a as tie 18 the baby hi bund with, slacks, whose face a hose face was as broad and innocent as a cabbage and W ‘on the top like rabbit's ears. She was sitting on the sofa, feedin ‘ontall ought to take them s east Tennessee the old lady said. "Y nt parts of the world and be broad, They never have been to see diffe old boy, John Wesley, a stocky child wit “the litle gir, June Star, were reading the The children’ i children's mother didn't seem to hear her but the eight-ye “If you don't want to go to Floridagwhy donteha Stay at home? He and She wouldn't stay at home to be queen for a day,” June Star said without raising her yellow hea ‘a UA Ae TH UNE TE MART emURIN VOU he grandmother asked "I'd smack his face," John Wesley said. : «June Star said. "Afraid she'd miss something. She has t0 £9 everywhere she wouldn't stay at home for a million bucks, we go." "All right, Miss," the grandmother said. 'Jastire- member that the next time you want me to curl your hair!" June Star said her hair was naturally eurly — She had her big black valise that looked like | ‘a basket with Pitty Sing, the cat, in it, She + too much and she was afraid at | “The next morning the grandmother was the first one in the car, ready \ the head of a hippopotamus in one comer, and underneath it she was hiding Tant intend for the eat to be left alone in the house for three days because he w jould miss he he might brush against one of her gas bumers and accidentally asphy site himself. Her son, Bailey, didn’t like to arrive a motel with a cat. Star on either side of her. Bailey and the children's wt 35890. The zen when they jey and June at eight forty-five with the mileage on the car a of the back seat with John Wesk interesting to say how many miles they had be front and they left Atlanta because she thought it would b inutes to reach the outskirts of the city She sat in the middle mother and the baby sat in grandmother wrote this down got back. It took them twenty.m! “The old lady settled herself comfortably, removing her w! shelf in front of the back window. The chi iren's mother still had on slacks and still had her head tied up in @ green kerchief, but the grandmother had on @ navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of white violets on the brim and a navy tue dress with a small white dot inthe print, Her collars and cuffs were wl Je spray of cloth violets containing a sachet neckline she had pinned a purp She said she though it was going io ba god dy TOF avg ether fo hot woo cold and she cautioned Bailey that hour and thatthe patrolmen hid themselves behind billboards and small clumps o ety the speed limit was fifty-five miles an trsccrand sped out after you before you had a chance 10 slow down, She pointed out interesting details of the seen hite cotton gloves and putting them up with her purse on the te (1D examples for each type. 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