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Exam 1 Major Concept Study Guide

Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9
Chapter 1: Psychology and the Challenges of Life
Psychology: Definition, major sub-fields
Scientific method: Data, replication, research question, hypothesis, operational
definition, theory
Types of research: Descriptive (case study, naturalistic observation, surveys),
correlational (positive, negative, zero, correlation does not equal causation, third
variable problem), experiment (independent variable, dependent variable,
experimental group, control group, random assignment), quasi-experiment

Chapter 2: Personality
Definition of personality
Psychodynamic approach: Structure of personality (id, ego, superego),
psychodynamics, defense mechanisms, psychosexual stages of development
(time, erogenous zone, primary task), fixation
Sociocultural approach: Individualism vs. collectivism
Trait approach: Continuum, Eysenck, five-factor model (openness,
conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism), factor analysis,
person-situation problem

Chapter 3: Stress
Definition of stress
Measuring stress: Self-report, heart rate, blood pressure, galvanic skin response,
Sources of stress: Daily hassles, life changes, frustration, conflict (approach-
approach, avoidance-avoidance, approach-avoidance, multiple approach-
avoidance), environmental factors
Psychological moderators: Self-efficacy expectations, predictability, optimism,
social support, control
Coping with stress: Defensive coping (withdrawal, denial, substance use,
aggression), active coping (manage your stress levels, be aware of your body,
exercise, meditate)

Chapter 4: Psychological Factors and Health

Health psychology, physical effects of stress (general adaptation syndrome, effects
on the immune system), emotional effects of stress (increased negative emotions,
maladaptive behaviors), cognitive effects of stress (memory difficulty, repetitive
Multifactorial model, psychological factors in headaches, psychological factors in
coronary heart disease

Chapter 5: Developing Healthier Behaviors

Exam 1 Major Concept Study Guide
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9
Nutrition: Effects of poor nutrition, ingredients of healthy diet (proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals), obesity (BMI, causes), eating disorders
(anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, causes)
Sleep: Effects of sleep deprivation, stages, functions, insomnia
Substance abuse: Abuse vs. dependence, types of substances

Chapter 8: Psychological Disorders

Psychopathology, criteria for abnormal behavior, prevalence, comorbidity, DSM-V,
general criteria
Anxiety-related disorders: Anxiety (subjective, physical, behavioral), specific
phobia, social anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder, generalized anxiety
disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, acute
stress disorder, causal factors
Mood disorders: Major depression, bipolar disorder, causal factors
Schizophrenic spectrum disorder: Symptoms, causal factors
Somatic symptom and related disorders: Conversion disorder, somatic symptom
disorder, causal factors

Chapter 9: Therapies: Ways of Helping

Clinical psychologists vs. psychiatrists
Psychodynamic therapy: Problem, goal, techniques (psychoanalysis, free
association, dream interpretation, projective tests)
Behavior therapy: Problem, goal, techniques (flooding, gradual exposure,
systematic desensitization, aversion therapy)
Cognitive therapy: Problem, goal, technique (cognitive restructuring)
Biomedical therapy: Problem, goal, techniques (electroconvulsive therapy,
Evaluation of treatment

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