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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Issue: The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience

Mapping the functional neuroanatomy of spatial

neglect and human parietal lobe functions: progress
and challenges
Patrik Vuilleumier
Laboratory for Behavioral Neurology and Imaging of Cognition, Department of Neuroscience, Medical School, and
Department of Neurology, University Hospital of Geneva, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Address for correspondence: Patrik Vuilleumier, LABNIC/NEUFO, University Medical Center, University of Geneva,
Michel-Servet 1, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland. patrik.vuilleumier@unige.ch

Spatial neglect is generally defined by various deficits in processing information from one (e.g., left) side of space
contralateral to focal (e.g., right) hemisphere damage. Although classically associated with parietal lobe functions,
there is now compelling evidence that neglect can follow lesions in many different cortical and subcortical sites,
suggesting a dysfunction in distributed brain networks. In addition, neglect is likely to result from a combination of
distinct deficits that co-occur due to concomitant damage affecting juxtaposed brain areas and their connections, but
the exact nature of core deficits and their neural substrates still remains unclear. The present review describes recent
progress in identifying functional components of the neglect syndrome and relating them to distinct subregions of
parietal cortex. A comprehensive understanding of spatial neglect will require a more precise definition of cognitive
processes implicated in different behavioral manifestations, as well as meticulous mapping of these processes onto
specific brain circuits, while taking into account functional changes in activity that may arise in structurally intact
areas subsequent to damage in distant portions of the relevant networks.

Keywords: spatial neglect; attention; lesion mapping; parietal cortex; network; connectivity

the exact nature of the functions subserved by these

circuits and their link with specific neglect symp-
Hemispatial neglect is a frequent and fascinating, toms. This review will provide a selective overview
but still poorly understood, neuropsychological dis- of current approaches and challenges to defining the
order. Although it has hitherto defied a comprehen- functional neuroanatomy of spatial neglect, with a
sive theoretical account, research on neglect in the particular focus on parietal lobe functions, which
past three decades has yielded a vast and rich body have classically been associated with this disorder.1,2
of knowledge concerning various domains of per- Hemispatial neglect is frequently observed after
ception, attention, and spatial cognition. Moreover, unilateral hemispheric brain damage in humans,
this research has laid a fertile ground for integrating most often due to stroke.3,4 It is clinically defined
clinical neuropsychology with basic neuroscience by as a failure to perceive, report, and orient to sen-
linking particular behavioral phenomena and high- sory stimuli on the side of space opposite the brain
level mental functions, such as awareness and atten- lesion. Most often, such lesions affect the right hemi-
tion, with specific neuronal properties measured at sphere and neglect concerns the left space. For ex-
the single-cell level. More recent progress in neu- ample, patients with this syndrome may not see peo-
roimaging techniques in humans, and parallel neu- ple or objects located on their left side, fail to hear
rophysiology approaches in nonhuman primates, voices or sounds coming from that side, miss words
has further encouraged a meticulous mapping of the on the left half of a page or even the left half of
neural circuits whose damage may lead to neglect. words when reading, or eat only from the right side
However, many questions remain open concerning of their plate (Fig. 1). These symptoms cannot be
doi: 10.1111/nyas.12161
50 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1296 (2013) 5074 
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Vuilleumier Spatial neglect and the parietal lobe

Figure 1. Examples of tests used to assess spatial neglect. (A) Line bisection requires marking the midpoint of lines of various
lengths, presented one or many at a time. Neglect patients typically deviate rightward away from the true midpoint, especially when
the line is long. They may also omit lines on the left side of the page. (B) Cancellation requires searching and marking a target
among distractors, for example, letters or shapes like the bells illustrated here. Neglect patients typically fail to explore and detect
targets on the left side of the display. (C) The Ota cancellation task requires encircling all rings without a gap and crossing out
all those with a gap (on the circles left or right side). This may reveal misses of targets on the left side of the sheet (space-based
or egocentric neglect) as well as misses of targets with a left gap (object-based or allocentric neglect). Object-based neglect is also
observed in other tasks, for example, when patients omit (or transform) only the left part of compound words (e.g., house instead of
doghouse). (D) Copy of line drawing of a multi-item scene. This task may also reveal both omissions in the left space and omissions
of the left side of items, as illustrated here by the performance of two distinct patients (top vs. bottom sample). Drawings also often
show an apparent compression of space with items clumped together on the right side, but underuse of the left side of the sheet.
(E) Perceptual extinction is elicited by comparing the detection of two stimuli presented simultaneously on either side of space,
relative to the detection of the same stimuli presented alone. Patients without hemianopia (or sensory loss) often fail to perceive
the contralesional (left) stimulus in bilateral but not unilateral stimulation. Such extinction can be observed in different sensory

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C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 51
Spatial neglect and the parietal lobe Vuilleumier

explained by elementary losses such as visual field some degree of progressive spontaneous recovery in
cuts (hemianopia), deafness, or paralysisalthough the months following the acute brain insult, even
the latter deficits can influence or exacerbate some though some symptoms may persist for many years.
manifestations of neglect. Neglect for contralesional Understanding neural dysfunctions that underlie
space may affect all sensory modalities (e.g., vision, neglect symptoms and their recovery is therefore
audition, touch) to various degrees, but may also an important step to envision more efficient inter-
arise in mental imagery (e.g., when describing fa- ventions and improve rehabilitation approaches.
miliar places from memory as seen from a given In recent years, neuroscience research on neglect
standpoint5 ), in estimation of magnitude along a has begun to yield several new mechanistic insights
mental number line,6,7 and even in mental represen- that will hopefully open new opportunities for ther-
tation of time (e.g., when attributing events to past apeutic interventions. Although there is no unified
or future along a time line8 ). Neglect may also be ob- theoretical framework to explain neglect, and con-
served in motor behavior in the absence of any exter- troversies still exist concerning its exact neural un-
nal stimuli: for example, when searching for a poten- derpinnings (as will be discussed below), there is
tial target in complete darkness or blindfolded,9,10 now general agreement that a core deficit of neglect
patients move their eyes or hands into the ipsile- involves brain mechanisms controlling the orienta-
sional (right) half of space but fail to explore the tion of attention in space.14,15 A profound impair-
contralesional (left) side. Patients may neglect parts ment in directing attention to the contralesional
of their own body and fail to use their contrale- side of space, objects, or ones own body might ac-
sional arm or leg, even though it is not paralyzed. count for the striking loss in perception and ac-
Perceptual extinction is another frequent symptom tion toward that side, as well as the modulation
whereby a stimulus in contralesional space (in any of such deficits by various procedures enhancing
sensory modality) is not detected when presented si- attention toward that side. In the healthy brain,
multaneously with another stimulus in ipsilesional attention encompasses a number of distinct pro-
space (in the same or different modality), while an cesses that play critical roles in selecting sensory
identical contralesional stimulus is detected when information and motor plans for conscious aware-
presented alone.11,12 Strikingly, neglect patients typ- ness and goal-oriented behavior.16,17 Abundant re-
ically do not realize that they miss information or search has shown that normal people may also fail
ignore one portion of space, suggesting that anosog- to perceive and respond to stimuli when attention
nosia for neglect is an intrinsic feature of the dis- is not directed to them, just like neglect patients
order which can dissociate from other forms of ignore information in their contralesional space.16
anosognosia.13 Because these patients have no direct Neuroscience work has substantially broadened our
experience of their abnormal spatial biases, they fail knowledge of these attentional mechanisms and be-
to spontaneously compensate for such impairment gun to dissect their anatomical and physiological
(even when they can verbally report having been components. This research has contributed to a bet-
told about it by, for example, doctors or therapists). ter understanding of neglect symptoms and their
Not only does spatial neglect entail puzzling specific neural substrates,3,17,18 while neuropsycho-
deficits in patients and raise fascinating questions logical studies of neglect have enriched and moti-
on the neural bases of consciousness and space rep- vated research on normal attentional mechanisms,
resentation, but it also has important clinical im- using neuroimaging in humans15 and neurophysio-
plications for the management of brain-damaged logical methods in nonhuman primates.19
patients and their rehabilitation. First, the presence However, attentional accounts alone are not suf-
of neglect predicts worse recovery of concomitant ficient to explain all neglect manifestations, particu-
neurological deficits (e.g., paralysis), reduced inde- larly dissociations between different sectors of space
pendence in everyday life, and hence heavier bur- (e.g., near vs. far,20 front vs. back21 ) or the exis-
den for caregivers and relatives. Second, therapies tence of nonspatial/nonlateralized deficits.22 Much
are still limited and lead to partial improvements, therefore remains to be determined about the ex-
often restricted to the training situation without act nature of the attentional deficits underlying ne-
generalizing to everyday life. Fortunately, the sever- glect and its diverse symptoms, their functional
ity of neglect and associated symptoms tend to show relationship to various representations of space in

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the brain, as well as the specific role of different brain even though the overall severity of deficits tends to
regions or circuits in each of these processes. In- correlate between different tests across patients, per-
creasing evidence indicates that spatial neglect may haps simply due to lesion extent.25 Moreover, dis-
involve a combination of impairments in different sociations between different types of neglect symp-
component processes, and that behavioral deficits toms are frequent and have often been taken to make
emerge as a result of dysfunction within large-scale important theoretical inferences on the architecture
brain networks whose activity is disrupted beyond of particular cognitive systems (e.g., related to spa-
local areas of structural damage. Yet, these func- tial representations or attention).
tional components and the corresponding networks These clinical observations have led to a number
are still largely unresolved. The present review pro- of dichotomies in the characterization of different
vides a selective overview of current knowledge and manifestations of spatial neglect. For example, dis-
highlights some outstanding questions. It is argued sociations were observed between perceived versus
that describing neglect symptoms in terms of more imagined space, perceptual versus motor space, ego-
specific cognitive processes and relating them to pre- centric (trunk-, head-, or eye-centered) versus allo-
cise neurophysiological substrates constitute an im- centric space (scene- or object-based), personal ver-
portant challenge for future neglect research. This sus peri- and extra-personal space (including near
is essential to better characterize the behavioral im- vs. far), and global versus local space.18 This diver-
pairment of individual patients and design appro- sity suggests that different symptoms or tests might
priate remediation strategies. This is also crucial reflect at least partly distinct cognitive processes,
to foster translation from animal research, where which can be affected to varying degrees in differ-
a complete model of spatial neglect has not been ent patients. Yet the nature of these processes and
successfully developed and more selective manipu- their neural substrates still remain far from being
lations of brain function can be tested. elucidated. It is also possible, in principle, that a
This selective overview will specifically focus single core neglect deficit might produce different
on the functional neuroanatomy of putative com- effects on different spatial domains, due to particu-
ponents of neglect and recent work mapping its larities or additional dysfunctions in some of these
anatomy in the parietal lobe and interconnected domains.
brain regions. A particular emphasis will be placed In keeping with the diversity of behavioral man-
on data highlighting the role of distributed brain ifestations, neuropsychological studies have also
networks and functional interactions across distant highlighted a diversity of brain lesions causing ne-
regions. These data illustrate the limitations of a glect symptoms, particularly of the inferior pari-
strict localizationist approach of neuropsycholog- etal lobe,26,27 but also lateral prefrontal areas,28,29
ical deficits and underscore the value of combining posterior thalamus (pulvinar),30,31 basal ganglia
functional neurophysiological measures with more (putamen and caudate),28,31 and even the superior
classic structural analyses of brain injury. lateral32 and medial temporal lobe.33,34 Other stud-
ies have emphasized subcortical damage in paraven-
Clinical and anatomical variability of
tricular white matter.35,36 This anatomical variabil-
spatial neglect
ity has long led to the view that neglect may reflect
The clinical presentation of neglect is heterogeneous damage to a distributed network implicated in at-
and variable across patients. Accordingly, in neu- tention and space awareness, within which different
ropsychology practice, the presence of neglect is nodes may play partly distinct roles.14 For exam-
typically assessed using several different tests rather ple, on the basis of insightful analysis of anatom-
than with a single measure. Standardized batter- ical connectivity as well as clinical dissociations,37
ies have been designed to probe neglect symptoms Mesulam proposed a predominant role for parietal
across a range of behaviors and tasks and are rou- areas in perceptual components of spatial attention
tinely used for diagnosis (e.g., BIT23 or GEREN;24 and a role for prefrontal areas in motor exploratory
Fig. 1), often providing a global score of neglect components.14
severity based on the sum of deficits across several This heterogeneity in both the clinical and
tests. However, it is common that the degree of ne- anatomical presentation of neglect makes it hard
glect differs between tests within the same patient, to map spatial awareness onto specific neural

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Spatial neglect and the parietal lobe Vuilleumier

networks in the brain, and is likely to cause some that these divergences might be partly overcome by
of the discrepancies between studies attempting to an approach focusing on the neural mechanisms of
determine the neural substrates of spatial neglect more specific components of neglect, characterized
in unselected groups of patients (e.g., see Refs. 27, in terms of more basic cognitive processes rather
32, 34, and 36). Such discrepancies might be ag- than broad clinical categories only. Further, it is also
gravated by several factors. First, different investi- increasingly considered that the neural substrates
gators use different tests to establish the presence for such components should be characterized at the
of neglect, including, for example, line bisection27 level of functional networks of interconnected re-
or not,32 or excluding hemianopia32 or not.27 Fur- gions, rather than in relation to particular regions of
ther, different studies use different kinds of line bi- interest. Nevertheless, besides a well-established re-
section or cancellation tasks, and/or apply differ- lation to attentional processes,15,17 the exact cogni-
ent cutoff scores for diagnosing neglect, potentially tive constituents underlying various neglect symp-
selecting patients with different patterns of brain toms still remain poorly specified, hence limiting the
damage. Second, in most studies, neglect diagnosis efficacy of anatomical lesion mapping endeavors.
is based on a composite score, typically retaining
Attention and functional segregation in
patients with deficits on at least two tests among
superior parietal cortex
a battery of several tests. This selection procedure
could lead to pooling patients with different deficits One of the best known cognitive functions associ-
and different patterns of brain lesion in the same ated with neglect and parietal lobe function is spatial
group (e.g., some patients being impaired on tests attention, for which abundant research exists at both
A and B, others on tests C and D), hence unre- the behavioral and neurobiological levels. However,
liable anatomical overlap. Third, traditional lesion attention itself is not a unitary process. For instance,
mapping methods based on regional overlap or le- a classic dichotomy has been established between
sion frequency may not be appropriate to delineate exogenous versus endogenous mechanisms of at-
the substrates of functions subtended by multiple tention orienting in space.41 Exogenous orienting
equipotent sites or relying on long-range connec- occurs when attention is drawn to one location or
tions within distributed networks.38 For instance, stimulus due to its sudden appearance or intrinsic
similar motor paralysis can occur after damage at saliency, through automatic/reflexive mechanisms.
various points along the cortico-spinal tract. Like- Endogenous orienting corresponds to more volun-
wise, if similar neglect symptoms arise after anterior tary/controlled processes that orient attention on
or posterior brain lesions, the most frequent over- the basis of task goals or instructions. Behavioral
lap could potentially be found in an intermediate neuropsychology studies have suggested that exoge-
but irrelevant location damaged in both popula- nous orienting of spatial attention toward the con-
tions, simply due to the variable extent of vascu- tralesional side might be most consistently impaired
lar territories affected by stroke. The latter problem in patients with spatial neglect, whereas endoge-
may be avoided by more recent lesion mapping nous orienting might be relatively spared and does
approaches based on a correlation of behavioral not correlate with main neglect symptoms.42,43 Fur-
deficits with a voxel-by-voxel analysis of brain tissue thermore, both behavioral and electrophysiological
damage (as used for image contrast change in func- evidence suggests that exogenous (more than en-
tional neuroimaging), which allow one to examine dogenous) attention is particularly critical to mod-
lesionsymptom relationships at a more graded and ulate the access of sensory information to conscious
distributed whole-brain level.34,39,40 awareness.44
Thus, past research on the neural mechanisms of This distinction in attention has therefore also
neglect is somewhat characterized by a striking para- been applied to dissect neglect anatomy. In line with
dox. On the one hand, a rich collection of behavioral classic lesion studies showing a predominant im-
dissociations has been carefully documented and pact of inferior parietal damage on contralesional
studied; while on the other hand, a quest for a critical exogenous orienting,42 recent work with functional
neuroanatomical substrate with unique impact on magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) points to a
spatial awareness has relentlessly been pursued and key role of the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) in
debated. However, it is now increasingly recognized the detection of unexpected but relevant events,

54 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1296 (2013) 5074 

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Vuilleumier Spatial neglect and the parietal lobe

Figure 2. Fronto-parietal networks controlling spatial attention. (A) Parietal and frontal areas involved in spatial attention are
linked by three distinct white-matter tracts in the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF). (B) Their projection sites in both the
parietal and frontal cortex correspond to the division into a dorsal attention network (DAN) typically associated with endogenous
and spatial components of orienting, and a ventral attention network (VAN) associated with more reflexive, stimulus-driven, and
nonspatial components. The SLF II might contribute to integrate activity between the VAN and the DAN by connecting inferior
parietal with superior frontal areas. (C) Depiction of SLF in relation to another major white tract connecting posterior with anterior
brain regions: inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF; unpublished data). A and B
adapted, with permission, from Ref. 159.

including orienting and disengaging from current impair contralesional exogenous orienting but also
focus of attention in exogenous attention condi- induce subsequent dysfunction in the dorsal system
tions. By contrast, more superior regions in the and hence additional endogenous orienting biases
intraparietal sulcus (IPS) have been linked with toward the ipsilesional side, leading to full-blown
voluntary shifting and/or maintaining attention to spatial neglect.15 Moreover, damage to the TPJ re-
relevant locations or objects.45 This anatomical dis- liably correlates with the presence of extinction on
tinction has therefore led to an influential model of bilateral visual stimulation,46,47 consistent with the
spatial attention (Fig. 2) comprising both a dorsal notion that this phenomenon may reflect exogenous
fronto-parietal network linking the IPS with supe- capture by ipsilesional distractors and impaired re-
rior frontal cortex (frontal eye fields, FEF), and a orienting to the contralesional side.42
ventral network linking the TPJ with the inferior However, recent work suggests that this
frontal gyrus (operculum/insula). According to this functionalanatomical dichotomy in attention
model, damage to the ventral system would not only between dorsal and ventral attention areas

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Spatial neglect and the parietal lobe Vuilleumier

Figure 3. Multiple areas within the human parietal cortex. Both the superior parietal lobe (SPL) and inferior parietal lobe (IPL)
or temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) can be divided in different cortical regions on the basis of their cytoarchitectonic characteristics
and functional response profile during attention or other cognitive tasks. In particular, the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) contain
distinct subareas, showing either increased activation during bilateral relative to unilateral visual stimulation when attention is
directed to the contralateral side (middle segment), or decreased activation during bilateral relative to unilateral visual stimulation
when attention is directed to another stimulus at fixation (posterior segment near the transverse occipital sulcus, TOS). In the
TPJ, the supramarginal gyrus (SMG) is activated during spatial reorienting and other task-resetting conditions but unaffected by
completion between the two hemifields, whereas activity in the angular gyrus (AG) is not only modulated by attentional reorienting
and spatial working memory tasks, but also decreased by bilateral relative to unilateral contralateral stimulation. Other areas in
the TPJ include the parietal operculum (POp) and the posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG), which are involved in vestibular
information processing.

(Fig. 2) may not be as simple as it was initially sphere without other signs of neglect.50 In keep-
thought. Dysfunction in the IPS induced by tran- ing with these neuropsychological findings, fMRI in
scranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) may also pro- healthy participants show selective activation in the
duce deficits in exogenous attention,48 and lesions IPS (particularly in its middle horizontal segment;
in the IPS correlate with extinction-like deficits for see Fig. 3) when attending to a contralateral visual
contralesional visual stimuli when these are pre- stimulus in the presence of ipsilateral distractors,
sented with a simultaneous ipsilesional distractor relative to the same stimulus presented alone.49 No
(particularly in symmetrical position).49,50 The lat- such increase in the IPS is seen for bilateral versus
ter extinction-like deficits were found in a visual unilateral visual stimulation when these are irrele-
discrimination task, rather than detection, while at- vant and attention is maintained at fixation.53 The
tention was endogenously directed to the contrale- middle IPS might therefore play an important role in
sional side in the presence of a competing stimulus controlling selective attention to contralateral loca-
on the ipsilesional side. This may not necessarily re- tions in the presence of competing inputs, perhaps
flect the same loss in awareness as observed for clin- by contributing to the computation of a saliency
ical extinction, where attention must be directed to map,54 which may integrate both topdown goal-
two targets simultaneously.11,51 Moreover, whereas driven mechanisms and bottomup sensory signals.
patients with contralesional extinction and neglect Damage to this region may thus be an important
most often have right-hemisphere lesions,52 compe- component of attentional deficit in neglect and con-
tition costs in the discrimination of contralesional tribute to perceptual extinction in some patients.
stimuli during bilateral stimulation can occur after On the other hand, a more posterior region
focal lesion restricted to the IPS in either hemi- of the IPS (near the transverse parieto-occipital

56 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1296 (2013) 5074 

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Vuilleumier Spatial neglect and the parietal lobe

Figure 4. Dissociable effects of bilateral visual competition in superior and inferior parietal cortex in healthy volunteers. (A) Visual
stimulation paradigm with either unilateral right, unilateral left, bilateral, or no stimulation in the peripheral visual field, while
attention is maintained on central targets at fixation to perform either a demanding (high load) or easy (low load) discrimination
task. (B) Bilateral areas in the posterior IPS show decreased response to bilateral versus unilateral peripheral stimulation, with
stronger suppression during higher attentional demands at fixation. Symmetrical effects occur in the right (plotted in bar graphs)
and left posterior IPS. (C) Bilateral areas in the IPL (overlapping with angular gyrus) also show decreased response to bilateral
versus unilateral peripheral stimulation but irrespective of attentional demands at fixation. In addition, only the right IPL responds
to unilateral ipsilateral stimulation (right panel), whereas the left IPL responds to contralateral stimulation only (right panel).
Adapted, with permission, from Ref. 55.

sulcus, TPOS; see Fig. 3) has been found to ex- inputs, rather than active filtering or disengaging
hibit a suppressive effect (rather than enhancement) from distractors, unlike the competition enhance-
due to competition between the two visual hemi- ment seen in the middle IPS when attended stimuli
fields when peripheral stimuli are task irrelevant.55 are presented with distractors. The posterior IPS
In healthy subjects, this more posterior region shows might thus mediate a capacity-limited representa-
reduced fMRI activation to bilateral relative to uni- tion of salient visual locations based on bottom
lateral peripheral stimulation, but this suppressive up inputs, rather than behavioral goals. Note that,
effect arises only when attentional demands at fix- by contrast, sensory competition across the two vi-
ation are high (difficult detection task), presum- sual hemifields does not seem to modulate stimulus-
ably reflecting a reduction in the representation of driven responses of earlier retinotopic visual areas
surrounding visual space when attention is focused in striate and extrastriate occipital cortex.55 Such
(Fig. 4A and B). This competition effect indicates competition in low-level visual areas may, how-
suppressive interactions between bilateral sensory ever, occur when peripheral stimuli are attended,56

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Spatial neglect and the parietal lobe Vuilleumier

suggesting that the latter effects result from changes involves other areas. Increased knowledge on the
in topdown attentional factors rather than in a functional parceling of superior parietal cortex will
purely sensory-driven manner. certainly enhance our understanding of deficits in
Taken together, these findings converge with attention, spatial competition, and sensorymotor
other results indicating that several subregions exist transformations that potentially contribute to spa-
in and around the IPS, each with a distinct func- tial neglect.
tional profile of activity during attentional tasks.53,57
Functional segregation in the inferior
Moreover, in addition to the above, a more supe-
parietal cortex
rior and medial parietal region appears critically in-
volved in attention shifts across different domains, Like damage to the IPS, lesions in the inferior pari-
including spatial shifts between locations, stimuli, or etal lobe (IPL) can also produce behavioral deficits
tasks,58 while it is not influenced by sensory compe- in processing a contralesional target that is simulta-
tition between concurrent stimuli. Other more ante- neously presented with ipsilesional distractors,42,50
rior regions in and around the IPS are also involved as exemplified by the common presence of percep-
in coding spatial locations for eye and limb move- tual extinction in these patients.46,62 However, this
ments, integrating not only visual inputs but also impairment may have a different cause than the
other sensory modalities.57 Accordingly, in nonhu- competition effects caused by IPS lesions. Indeed,
man primates, many different subareas have been fMRI data in healthy participants suggest that activ-
identified in posterior parietal cortex along the IPS, ity in the TPJ for contralateral visual stimuli is not
implicated in attention control and sensorimotor modified by the presence of contralateral stimuli
transformation across different sensory and motor per se.53,63 Rather, the TPJ activates whenever atten-
domains (such as lateral (LIP) and ventral (VIP) tion is (exogenously or endogenously) drawn to one
areas of the IPS). It is likely that large brain lesions side and must be reoriented toward task-relevant
(as typically observed after stroke) will affect more information in the opposite side (invalid vs. valid
than one of these parietal areas, and hence the clini- attention),15 even in the absence of a competing
cal manifestations of neglect will likely result from a stimulus.49,64 Interestingly, these reorienting effects
combination of deficits in different kinds of parietal appear more strongly associated with the right than
computations. Furthermore, variations in the extent left TPJ,65 in contrast to attentional effects observed
of damage will destroy or disconnect different subre- in superior parietal areas that are most often sym-
gions in different patients, and thus presumably lead metrical in both hemispheres.
to corresponding variations in performance across However, here again, the TPJ is likely to be frac-
different clinical tasks. For example, one might spec- tionated into several distinct functional subareas
ulate that a loss of contralesional visual informa- (Fig. 3). More anterior regions in the right supra-
tion in the posterior IPS/TPOS, in the presence of marginal gyrus are selectively recruited by reorient-
intact inputs from the ipsilesional field, may con- ing attention to unattended or unexpected targets,
tribute to the apparent compression of space or line with no effects of sensory competition between mul-
length typically observed in neglect patients,59 with- tiple stimuli.53 The same regions are also activated
out disrupting the ability to voluntarily direct at- in other nonspatial conditions involving breaches
tention to the contralesional extremity of such lines in expectations and adaptive changes in current
(and even extend them toward the neglected side60 ) task contingencies.66 It has therefore been suggested
when more anterior or inferior regions in parietal that these regions may function as a circuit breaker
cortex are preserved. In contrast, a combination of that interrupts and resets ongoing activity in brain
damage extending from the posterior to middle or networks to respond to novel and unexpected in-
anterior IPS might cause additional deficits in cod- formation. In contrast, a more posterior area in
ing for contralesional locations (and hence orient the right angular gyrus (Fig. 3) shows a combi-
attention there) when attention is captured by con- nation of effects due to attention reorienting and
current information on the ipsilesional side (e.g., stimulus competition,53 but with responses signif-
in multi-item scenes). Conversely, sparing of the icantly reduced by the presence of bilateral relative
IPS may account for intact endogenous orienting of to unilateral stimuli when these are unattended and
attention in neglect patients43,61 when their lesion presented with a central target.55 These responses

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in the IPL are also asymmetrical between the two streams, processing information about object loca-
visual hemifields: the left parietal cortex activates tion and identity, respectively, which would be con-
to unilateral right distractors, whereas the right IPL sistent with neuropsychological accounts proposing
activates to either left or right unilateral distractors, a key role for the IPL in binding both streams.71 A
more than to bilateral stimuli in both hemispheres deficit in token formation and event individuation
(Fig. 4A and C). This asymmetry in contralateral might contribute to the phenomenon of contrale-
responses accords with the longstanding view that sional perceptual extinction typically seen in pa-
the right parietal lobe may represent both sides of tients with IPL damage, possibly due to disruption
space, while the left represents only the contralateral in such dorsalventral integration.51,72 This phe-
right side.14,26,67 In such patients, the intact left IPL nomenon might be exacerbated when combined
may still allow (or favor) responses to right stimuli; with an extension of the TPJ lesions to supra-
whereas in left parietal patients, intact regions in the marginal cortex, causing additional impairment in
right hemisphere can monitor stimuli from either reorienting or resetting mechanisms after capture of
left or right hemifield. attention by ipsilesional distractors (i.e., impaired
Nonetheless, the mechanisms for a suppression attentional disengagement).15,42,43 Deficient token
of IPL response to bilateral peripheral distractors formation may explain the exacerbation of percep-
(compared to unilateral distractors) remain un- tual extinction or neglect symptoms when bilateral
clear. Other findings also indicate greater responses stimuli are perceptually similar11,51 and appear si-
in right IPL to a single target presented alone as multaneously in time at symmetrical locations.72,73
compared to multiple targets or a single target pre- These effects can extend beyond vision to other sen-
sented with distractors.63 Speculatively, the pattern sory modalities, as suggested by auditory and tactile
of effects in the angular gyrus might reflect a com- extinction,74 consistent with a supramodal or cross-
plex role of these cortical areas for the individuation modal function of the angular gyrus.75,76 Even with-
of behaviorally relevant or salient objects, perhaps out a concomitant impairment in reorienting, defi-
contributing to the formation of token represen- cient tokenization processes after IPL damage might
tations that bind together different spatiotemporal also account for nonspatial disturbances commonly
attributes into a unique and distinctive event. No observed in these patients, with or without clinical
such individuation may occur when bilateral and neglect. For instance, neglect patients show abnor-
symmetric stimuli are presented simultaneously at mal temporal dynamics of attention, with difficul-
unattended locations, as they may appear as part of ties in distinguishing between two targets appearing
the background rather than outstanding elements in in rapid succession at a central location,77 judging
a scene. Token representations are conceptualized as the relative onset and offset of visual events,78,79
a temporary episodic registration of the current in- and integrating discontinuous stimuli in a coher-
stantiation of a particular object or event, in terms ent percept of apparent motion.80 Interestingly, the
of what was where and when, allowing the mainte- latter deficits are not spatially lateralized but ob-
nance of perceptual unity and continuity of objects served in both hemifields, even though they might
when they move or change in the scene, but also exacerbate contralesional spatial biases when com-
linking different images of the same object across bined with other lateralized (e.g., reorienting) im-
body or eye movements.68,69 Capacity limitation in pairments. Interestingly, deficits in temporal dis-
token representation is thought to explain percep- crimination abilities for two concurrent targets were
tion failures in situations where similar sensory in- found to correlate with damage in right angular
formation must be bound to different items in ei- gyrus, unlike spatial biases in the same temporal
ther space or time, such as repetition blindness.70 order judgment tasks that correlate with more an-
Thus, when two instances of a particular object terior damage in the TPJ (supramarginal gyrus), in
are seen in rapid succession or close proximity, the addition to other differences in white matter and
brain often forms only a single token and people cerebellum.79
perceive only one of the two objects. In vision, Similar or nearby regions in right angular gyrus
the formation of token representation might re- might subserve other cognitive functions crucial for
quire the integration of inputs from both the dorsal attention and spatial cognition, including working
(occipito-parietal) and ventral (occipito-temporal) memory maintenance and updating. Accordingly,

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nonlateralized deficits in spatial working memory perception of straight-ahead orientation and trunk
are commonly observed in neglect patients and midline position.91,92
may contribute to their behavioral deficits in var- Even if it remains nonexhaustive, this overview
ious tasks, particularly search (cancellation) tasks indicates that not only the superior parietal cortex
in which patients often tend to recursively explore around the IPS, but also the inferior parietal lobe
the same location and revisit previously marked and the TPJ contain a number of distinct subre-
targets.81 Such deficits in spatial short-term mem- gions that make different contributions to attention
ory after IPL lesion have been observed in both and spatial cognition. While conjoint damage to this
sides of space81,82 but may predominate on the con- collection of cortical regions and their connections
tralesional side.83 Thus, in a visual search task, ne- is likely to account for many typical aspects of ne-
glect patients showed no difference in target detec- glect, variations in the exact impact of lesion across
tion latencies when targets changed locations within patients may help explain some dissociations in clin-
the left hemifield during search, relative to when ical presentation, although the precise understand-
they remained at the same locations, while loca- ing and mapping of these different functions within
tion changes within the right hemifield disrupted parietal cortex still remain far from resolved. Fur-
performance, suggesting a lack of stable represen- thermore, parietal areas do not function in isolation
tation for explored location in contralesional but but are connected to several prefrontal and subcor-
not ipsilesional space.83 Such impairment in spatial tical areas to form distributed networks whose co-
memory might partly be secondary to impaired spa- ordinated functioning can also be impaired by focal
tial remapping processes that allow maintaining and damage in parietal cortex, as further discussed in
updating the representation of a stimulus location subsequent sections.
when its perceived position (e.g., on retina) is mod-
Behavioral dissociations and
ified by changes in body (e.g., eye) position.84,85 For
neuroanatomy of neglect components
example, a visual location (even in the intact right
hemifield) may vanish from memory when neglect Even though deficits in spatial attention and damage
patients make a single saccade to a more rightward to its neural substrates in parietal cortex constitute a
location, whereas locations in either hemifield can major component of the neglect syndrome, it is clear
be remembered across similar time delays without that purely attentional disturbances (even those af-
intervening movement.84 This pattern has been in- fecting exogenous mechanisms43 ) are not sufficient
terpreted as an inability of spatial memory to main- to account for all neglect phenomena. For exam-
tain or transfer contralesional visual information in ple, neglect of contralesional space during manual
gaze-centered coordinates. Moreover, spatial mem- or ocular exploration in complete darkness9 cannot
ory deficits correlate with neglect severity and lesion be explained by a capture of exogenous attention
extension in IPL and subcortical white matter.81,82,84 by ipsilesional stimuli (at least in a straightforward
Nonlateralized deficits in sustained attention and manner). Likewise, dissociations affecting a selec-
alertness have also been linked with IPL lesions and tive domain (such as far vs. near space, front vs.
neglect.86,87 back space, extrapersonal vs. personal space, and
Finally, other areas in the TPJ may correspond to locations within vs. between objects) all imply addi-
cortical projections sites for the vestibular system, tional brain systems supporting stimulus awareness
integrating information critical for the coding of in a more elaborate format than just based on asym-
body position in space, with a well-established right- metry in the control of exogenous attention orient-
hemisphere dominance.88 Recent evidence from ing. These behavioral observations have been taken
brain imaging in healthy participants suggests that to indicate the role of higher order representations of
several subareas in the TPJ may process vestibular space, which might integrate sensory (multimodal)
inputs, including the parietal operculum in partic- inputs with motor planning for different effectors
ular (Fig. 3), but also the posterior insula and su- (e.g., eyes, limbs) or different action sectors, such as
perior temporal gyrus.89,90 Damage to these regions reaching or avoiding (near space), and looking or
might therefore also contribute to some of the well- walking (far space).20,21,57,93
known anomalies in spatial representations in ne- Several studies have investigated the neu-
glect patients, including deviation in the subjective roanatomical substrates underlying some of these

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Vuilleumier Spatial neglect and the parietal lobe

differences in the spatial distribution of neglect Other dissociations between extrapersonal

deficits. A frequent approach is to compare lesions (space-centered) and personal (body-centered) ne-
in patients with and without deficits in particu- glect have been investigated using voxelwise lesion
lar clinical tests. For example, neglect on line bi- mapping.106,107 In one study,106 each spatial domain
section has been reported to be more common was assessed using a battery of different tasks (in-
after posterior (parietal) damage, whereas neglect cluding cancellation and reading, but not line bi-
on cancellation tasks is more severe after ante- section, for extrapersonal space), and impairment
rior (frontal) or subcortical lesions.94,95 Likewise, was diagnosed when patients performed below a
omissions of targets in left space during cancella- given cut-off score on at least two tasks in the same
tion tasks (space-based or egocentric neglect) have domain. Personal neglect was found to correlate
been linked with damage (or hypoperfusion) in in- with lesions in the postcentral somatosensory cor-
ferior parietal lobe, whereas omissions of the left- tex, adjacent white matter, and inferior parietal lob-
sided features of targets irrespective of their loca- ule. This pattern differed from extrapersonal neglect
tion in space during cancellation (stimulus-based whose severity correlated with lesions mainly affect-
or allocentric neglect) were associated with dys- ing the inferior frontal cortex and superior tempo-
function in lateral and inferior temporal lobe.96,97 ral regions, partly overlapping with areas previously
The latter findings were interpreted in terms of dis- associated with exogenous attention and vestibular
tinct neural systems for controlling attention be- processing.
tween and within objects in the dorsal-parietal and Motivated by the heterogeneity of anatomical
ventral-temporal visual stream, respectively. How- findings and symptoms examined across past stud-
ever, other lesion studies used different clinical tests ies, a few meta-analyses were recently performed
to define neglect in egocentric (viewer-centered) using an activation likelihood estimation (ALE)
or allocentric (either stimulus- or scene-centered) procedure originally developed for functional neu-
coordinates and found different neuroanatomical roimaging studies. By combining results from more
correlates,98,99 or instead implicated partly overlap- than 20 lesion mapping studies published in the
ping brain regions.62,99,100 In keeping with this, func- past decade, these meta-analyses have generally con-
tional neuroimaging work in healthy volunteers also firmed the notion that different manifestations of
suggests a differential recruitment of fronto-parietal spatial neglect can be linked to both distinct and
versus occipito-temporal regions in egocentric ver- common neural substrates.47,108 The most consis-
sus allocentric spatial tasks, as well as shared pro- tent findings were found for extinction (in the
cessing in posterior parietal cortex.101103 A similar TPJ), line bisection (in posterior parietal cortex),
distinction between a dorsal action-related stream and to a lesser degree, cancellation tasks (in pre-
and a ventral perception-related stream of visual frontal more often than parietal cortex), whereas
processing has been made to account for dissociable other neglect symptoms (such as allocentric or
forms of neglect in near and far space,20,103,104 but no personal neglect) showed greater dispersion across
systematic lesion study has been performed in a large brain sites (Fig. 5). In addition, all studies converged
patient group yet. Taken together, these anatomical to show a critical involvement of hemispheric white-
data converge with the idea that different represen- matter structures, whose damage is not only fre-
tations of visual space might be distinguished in quent but often shared between different neglect
terms of their use for action or perception, even deficits, particularly for the superior longitudinal
though the exact computations and neural systems fasciculus (SLF), inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus
supporting these representations, and their inter- (IFOF), and thalamic radiations (see also below and
action with attention and awareness, still need to Fig. 2C). Such meta-analyses are extremely useful
be more precisely determined. Moreover, egocen- and promising, as they provide a data-driven sta-
tric neglect deficits can be further subdivided with tistical tool to assess consistency across studies. Yet,
respect to different reference frames centered on the they remain limited due to the fact that the clinical
eye, head, trunk, or even limb,105 suggesting distinct tests and diagnostic criteria may vary substantially
contributions of representations controlling and/or between studies, even when considering a specific
monitoring the position or movement of specific task (e.g., cancellation) or a specific spatial domain
body parts. (e.g., allocentric). While this variability might help

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Figure 5. Meta-analysis of 20 lesion-mapping studies of neglect symptoms. The likelihood of lesion peaks is illustrated on an
inflated brain template for six different neglect measures, including (A) line bisection (purple spheres); (B) cancellation tasks (red
spheres); (C) global scores from a combination of tasks (green spheres); (D) allocentric object-centered tests (blue spheres); (E)
personal body-centered tests (black spheres); and (F) perceptual extinction on double stimulation (orange spheres). Adapted, with
permission, from Ref. 47.

to highlight common processes implicated in a given spatial abilities rely on more than one unitary cog-
neglect component, differences in sensitivity or ad- nitive function. For example, allocentric judgment
ditional demand characteristics across clinical tests tasks may involve object shape recognition, sym-
might blur the role of more specific processes. Dif- metry detection, and disengagement from compet-
ferences in the delay since lesion onset and the inter- ing information, each underpinned by distinct neu-
val between radiological and behavioral assessment ral substrates (just like perceptual extinction may
may further complicate the comparison between reflect both spatial and temporal deficits in atten-
studies.40,109 tion subserved by different areas in parietal cortex).
A more general limitation of many studies at- Furthermore, neglect symptoms are most often
tempting to delineate lesions associated with differ- measured with a single test, adapted from clinical
ent types of neglect symptoms is that these symp- practice. However, these clinical tests have been de-
toms are defined according to broad and clinically veloped to be sensitive to the presence of deficits,
defined dichotomies (e.g., personal vs. extraper- rather than specific symptoms, and hence tend to
sonal or egocentric vs. allocentric space), rather tap into different abilities.
than more specific cognitive processes. However, One approach to identifying specific functional
it is plausible (and even likely) that some of these components (or building blocks) contributing to

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Figure 6. Lesion mapping of neglect factors. Factorial analysis of performance across various tests identified three separate
functional components that accounted for neglect in different domains and were associated with different lesion sites. Factor 1
correlated with the lesion in posterior parietal cortex (and to a lesser degree in superior frontal cortex) and predicted neglect in line
bisection, text reading, and drawing. Factor 2 correlated with the lesion in inferior frontal cortex (and to a lesser degree in parietal
cortex) and predicted neglect in cancellation tasks and drawing. Factor 3 correlated with the lesion in the temporal lobe (with a
peak in the deep medial region and extension toward the inferior later cortex) and predicted neglect in single-word reading and
object-based tasks (allocentric neglect). Adapted, with permission, from Ref. 34.

one or many neglect symptoms has been to ap- tors, which altogether explained only between 50%
ply factorial analyses or clustering statistics on the and 85% of the variance in tests across the different
performance of patients across a large range of dif- studies. Hence, other factors must explain the resid-
ferent tasks.24,34,110,111 This approach exploits con- ual variance. Nevertheless, these data demonstrate
comitant variations among a collection of corre- that different neglect deficits may implicate at least
lated variables to reduce these variables to a lower partly distinct cognitive processes, while the same
number of potentially underlying, but unobserved, cognitive process may contribute to different deficits
factors. For example, it is possible that variations in different tasks. For example, in one study,34 ne-
of neglect severity across a battery of clinical tests glect on drawing from copy was found to be pre-
might reflect deficits in, say, two distinct cognitive dicted by a combination of deficits in two different
factors (e.g., exogenous and endogenous attention), components (search and deploy).
each associated with a particular neural system (e.g., Furthermore, this data-driven approach may also
ventral and dorsal parieto-frontal networks). Using allow delineating the neuroanatomical substrates
a range of standard tests in large groups of brain- associated with higher level factors explaining be-
damaged patients (n = 40200), factorial analysis havior across different tasks (with or without clini-
studies have indeed pointed to the role of at least two cally overt neglect), rather than mapping the cor-
or three separate factors explaining neglect behav- relates of neglect in a single test that may be
ior across different kinds of tests. These factors ap- underpinned by multiple cognitive processes. For
pear remarkably consistent across studies,24,34,110,111 example, in the study mentioned above,34 the ex-
and cluster along the following dimensions: (1) ex- ploratory search factor was predominantly associ-
ploratory functions involving overt motor behav- ated with damage to the inferior and posterior mid-
ior and distractor interference (search component), dle prefrontal gyri; whereas the perceptual deploy
particularly associated with performance on can- factor was associated with damage to both inferior
cellation tasks, drawing, and writing; (2) percep- and superior parietal lobe, and to a lesser degree,
tual functions recruited for encoding, maintaining, to posterior frontal areas (Fig. 6). These data ac-
and/or shifting across multiple locations in space cord with recent meta-analyses suggesting differ-
(deploy component), and associated with perfor- ential contribution of frontal and parietal lesions
mance on line bisection, text reading, and figure- to cancellation and line bisection tasks, respectively
ground segregation; (3) allocentric representations (see Refs. 47 and 108), but also show that simi-
(object-based component) associated with perfor- lar cognitive processes may be implicated in other
mance on single-word reading and omissions of behavioral manifestations. Frontal lobe damage
contralesional features within objects. Of course, may contribute to greater distractor interference29
neglect is likely to involve more than these three fac- and perseveration112 during cancellation tasks. In

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addition, the same study34 revealed that a third spheric tracts in right brain-damaged patients with
object-based factor correlated with damage to neglect relative to those without, in particular in the
both medial (parahippocampal) and lateral (infe- SLF (Fig. 2A) and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus
rior sulcus) temporal lobe areas, again converg- (IFOF; Fig. 2C), reciprocally connecting posterior
ing with other findings from studies on allocen- and anterior brain regions. In addition, the thala-
tric neglect.9698 Interestingly, Verdon et al.34 found mic radiations projecting to fronto-parietal cortex
that patients with more severe and pervasive ne- are also frequently involved. These white-matter le-
glect, involving more than one of the three factors sions appear to be shared across a range of different
identified above, had more common extension of deficits (e.g., egocentric or allocentric neglect) and
their lesion to subcortical regions in paraventric- are more frequent when patients show neglect across
ular white matter,34 suggesting that disconnection many different tests,34,99,108 suggesting that subcor-
of white-matter tracts might influence multiple do- tical disconnections may influence several cognitive
mains of spatial cognition simultaneously (see also subcomponents simultaneously and thus produce a
below). common pattern of deficits across different spatial
Additional research is needed to refine these fac- domains.
tors and understand the exact cognitive processes Moreover, precise white-matter tract-based
underlying them. Even though the heterogeneity of statistics in patient groups, as well as single-case
neglect symptoms might be compatible with the ex- dissection analysis, suggest that specific portions of
istence of a core syndrome, with optional satellite the SLF might differentially be implicated.36,117 SLF
deficits in other domains,113 the nature of this core has been proposed to be segregated into three dis-
disorder still remain unclear beyond purely descrip- tinct bundles: SLF1 connects superior parietal cor-
tive clinical features. Moreover, this core syndrome tex with more superior frontal areas (overlapping
itself might encompass a combination of more ele- with the dorsal endogenous attention network),
mentary deficits that do not lead to clinical neglect whereas SLF3 connects the inferior parietal cortex
when damaged in isolation. To better dissect and de- with more inferior frontal areas (overlapping with
fine the specific cognitive components contributing the ventral exogenous attention network), and SLF2
to neglect behavior, and to understand their role in connects inferior parietal with superior frontal re-
different deficits, future research should use a large gions (possibly implicated in cross-talks between
variety of tests tapping onto distinct domains and networks; see Fig. 2). Damage to SLF2 (or nearby
large group of patients, both with and without a superior occipito-frontal fibers, SOF) appears as the
clinical diagnosis of neglect. best predictor among white-matter tracts for the
presence and/or severity of spatial neglect, regard-
Distributed networks and connections
less of test.116,117 Nevertheless, voxelwise regression
In keeping with the view that spatial awareness and analysis suggests that line bisection deficits tend to
its disturbances in neglect result from a combination correlate more with lesions in superior paraventric-
of interactive processes, recent research has high- ular and deep parietal lobe white matter, whereas
lighted the role of distributed brain networks in the visual cancellation deficits correlate with more ante-
control of attention,14,15 as well as the widespread rior lesions under the precentral and middle frontal
impact of damage to subcortical connections in ne- gyri, near the FEF,117 in agreement with previous
glect patients.34,36,114,115 It has long been known that lesion data suggesting distinct roles for frontal and
damage to deep white-matter regions may lead to parietal cortical areas in neglect symptoms.34,94,95
long-lasting and severe forms of neglect, but it is In addition, transient neglect on line bisection can
only during the past few years that advances in also be induced by electrical stimulation of white-
neuroimaging techniques (such as diffusion tensor matter fibers in the depth of the inferior parietal
imaging, DTI) have fostered more systematic in- lobe, corresponding to SLF2 or SOF.118 These find-
vestigations concerning the precise anatomical con- ings are consistent with diffusion tensor imaging
nectivity of brain networks implicated in neglect. work in healthy volunteers supporting a crucial in-
Converging evidence from several lesion mapping volvement of these fronto-parietal tracts in normal
studies34,114,116,117 and meta-analyses47,108 points to visuospatial attention. Indeed, some portions of SLF
a greater frequency of lesions along intrahemi- show strong hemispheric asymmetry, with a right

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preponderance that is the most pronounced for simultaneous interruption of both inter- and in-
SLF3.119 In addition, the degree of asymmetry in trahemispheric communication might result from
SLF2 volume between right and left hemispheres deep brain lesions extending to both paraventric-
in individual participants correlates with asymme- ular and paracallosal fibers. This may interrupt or
tries in their performance on visual attention tasks, weaken the access of contralesional sensory infor-
including the magnitude of right-side pseudo ne- mation to attentional networks in the right hemi-
glect on line bisection and a left hemifield advan- sphere, while at the same time disrupting fronto-
tage in the Posner cueing paradigm. parietal interactions that control attention orienting
Taken together, these data suggest that disrupted in space and the selection of behaviorally relevant
communication between frontal and parietal areas events for conscious awareness.
may play a major role in the occurrence of ne- In sum, recent connectivity approaches to ne-
glect, perhaps due to abnormal integration of dorsal glect anatomy support the view that parietal and
and ventral attention systems within and between frontal areas dynamically interact within large-scale
hemispheres.15,115 Even though it remains debated networks whose activity is crucial to subserve spa-
whether the white-matter lesions alone can lead to tial attention and awareness.14,15,114 One may specu-
persistent neglect after stroke and whether cortical late that reciprocal fronto-parietal communication
damage is more critical,116 the extension of lesions might implement winner-take-all threshold mech-
to specific white-matter tracts clearly appear to con- anisms that allow the modulation and selection
tribute to the severity of neglect and to the range of of high-order spatial representations (e.g., saliency
clinical manifestations, perhaps by impacting mul- maps) and/or sensory event representations (e.g.,
tiple functional systems simultaneously. tokens) computed in posterior parietal areas.123125
It is also possible that particular symptoms may Interruption of white-matter fibers in SLF (and pos-
involve distinct white-matter tracts. For example, a sibly other tracts) might contribute to the abnormal
single-case study suggested that additional damage spatial biases arising in the selection of these repre-
to interhemispheric fibers in the posterior corpus sentations for conscious awareness.12 Furthermore,
callosum (splenium) might be responsible for rep- besides fronto-parietal and callosal disconnections,
resentational neglect in mental imagery.120 Interest- subcortical brain lesions may disrupt other white-
ingly, abnormal white matter in posterior corpus matter fibers that are also likely to play an important
callosum has been found to predict the severity of role in space representation and attention. These in-
neglect on clinical tests (BIT) in stroke patients,121 clude connections between parietal cortex and early
as well as the degree of spatial biases in temporal visual areas (or other sensory areas),126 as well as
order judgments.79 This differs from other studies connections with subcortical nuclei, such as the pul-
reporting no association between callosal lesion and vinar, or with superior colliculus, both of which
neglect,116,117 but the latter studies used different have direct interactions with parietal cortex.127 For
tests to diagnose neglect (mainly cancellation and example, a functional imbalance within subcorti-
line bisection). Of note, the total BIT score shown to cal circuits is suggested by the classic Sprague effect
correlate with anomalies in posterior corpus callo- in cats, whereby an apparent contralesional neglect
sum included representational drawing tests as well (i.e., blindness or deafness) after unilateral parieto-
as behavioral measures from everyday life,121 but occipital lesion can be nullified by additional de-
unfortunately this study did not examine correla- struction or deactivation of the superior colliculus
tions for specific subtests. A role for callosal dam- on the other side128 an effect suggesting that im-
age would be consistent with one of the rare lesion paired spatial orienting may be primarily caused by
models of neglect in monkey,122 in which neglect losses of descending signals on structurally intact
was observed when combining optic tract section collicular circuits (see also Ref. 129). Future studies
with commissurotomy, or after deep leucotomy dis- using advanced diffusion imaging in patients and
connecting the parietal cortex from both ipsilateral animal models should help clarify the functional
and contralateral visual inputs, but not after other role of these different cortical-subcortical path-
lesions including parietal cortical ablation alone or ways in spatial cognition and their role in neglect
combined with frontal eyefield ablation. Likewise, disorders.

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Distant functional effects of focal lesions was altered during the acute stage after stroke only,
and then fully recovered in parallel to full-blown ne-
Disconnection between areas, either due to white-
glect symptoms.133 These data have therefore been
matter lesions or destruction of one cortical or
interpreted as evidence that widespread dysfunction
subcortical gray-matter structure, can produce a
in the ventral fronto-parietal attention network may
dysfunction in structurally intact portions of the
cause left spatial neglect by inducing secondary dis-
corresponding brain network, by interrupting or
turbances in the structurally intact dorsal attention
distorting the flow of communication between dis-
network. However, increased activity in left pari-
tant regions. Such dysfunction may correspond to
etal cortex does not always correlate with contrale-
the phenomenon of diaschisis, a transient suppres-
sional deficits but might also reflect compensatory
sion of neuronal activity and cerebral blood flow
processes.134 Neglect deficits in the acute stage after
in anatomically preserved circuits following dam-
subcortical or inferior parietal lesions are also asso-
age in a separate but functionally related neuronal
ciated with more diffuse and bilateral hypo-activity
region, which is often observed in the acute stage
in areas of the dorsal attention network, including
after stroke and tends to progressively recede dur-
the IPS and FEF.135,136 Conversely, focal damage in
ing subsequent recovery. Diaschisis in cortical areas
the IPS can produce spatial biases in selective visual
has sometimes been proposed to account for neglect
attention without concomitant changes in activity
symptoms arising after subcortical lesions in white
for intact areas in the TPJ or frontal lobe.50
matter or deep gray nuclei, and can be assessed with
Distant functional effects of parietal lesions also
perfusion imaging measures.130 Diaschisis in dis-
arise in intact sensory regions during specific task
tinct cortical territories may also account for differ-
demands. For instance, fMRI in patients with right
ences in the clinical manifestations of neglect (e.g.,
parietal damage shows a reduced activation to left
egocentric or allocentric deficits).97
visual stimuli in intact retinotopic visual cortex of
Distant dysfunction following focal damage can
the damaged hemisphere (Fig. 7), but only when
also influence the functional dynamics of well-
attention is actively engaged by a demanding task at
defined networks during particular task demands
fixation (detection of prespecified targets), whereas
as well as during resting state conditions.115,131,132
retinotopic responses are normal and symmet-
In particular, functional MRI in stroke patients
ric under passive visual stimulation (with fixation
has shown that acute damage in the right TPJ is
maintained at screen center without a concurrent
associated with reduced activity in intact regions
detection task).137 This reduction in retinotopic ar-
of the ipsilateral IPS, which might in turn cause
eas also correlates with reduced ability of patients to
an interhemispheric imbalance with a relative in-
report left-sided stimuli during the central attention
crease of activity in the opposite left IPS, possibly
task. These data suggest that although visual inputs
accounting for the typical rightward spatial biases
are preserved for both hemifields, a functional im-
in attention orienting in neglect patients.131 More-
balance between hemispheres with reduced percep-
over, such interhemispheric asymmetry in the IPS
tual processing in the damaged side occurs as soon
was reported to correlate with spatial asymmetry in
as attention resources are allocated to competing in-
attention performance on the Posner orienting task,
formation (even when the latter is presented at a cen-
and to abate with neglect recovery in more chronic
tral location in space). Furthermore, such attention-
stages. In addition, disrupted functional connectiv-
dependent reduction in stimulus-evoked responses
ity between right inferior parietal and frontal ar-
appeared to be progressively exacerbated from ear-
eas was also found to predict left neglect severity,
lier to later retinotopic areas along the visual stream
and these functional changes in connectivity were
(i.e., with small effects in V1 but much larger effects
more frequent in patients with damage to SLF,115 in
in V4, where visual responses to contralateral stim-
keeping with the view that the latter white-matter
uli were actually abolished during higher attention
tract may play a crucial role in coordinating fronto-
demand at fixation). Reduced activity in intact right
parietal areas (see above). However, these anomalies
occipital cortex is also observed during attentional
in the functional connectivity of the TPJ persisted af-
tasks in right brain-damaged patients with left ne-
ter recovery in the chronic stage, whereas intra- and
glect relative to those without.134 Similar decreases
interhemispheric functional connectivity of the IPS

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Figure 7. Attention-dependent changes in visual cortex activity after right posterior parietal damage. Responses to visual stimula-
tion in the contralesional left (LVF) and ipsilesional right (RVF) hemifields were compared either (A, B) during a passive condition
while fixation was maintained at screen center without any task, or (C) during an active attentional task requiring the detection
of infrequent red target at fixation. In two patients (JC, upper row; AH, lower row) with damage restricted to the right posterior
parietal lobe, visual responses in structurally intact right occipital cortex were preserved during the passive condition, but markedly
reduced during the central attention tasks. Retinotopic mapping analysis showed that this suppression arose in all visual areas but
with increasing effects from V1 to V4. No differential effect was observed in these retinotopic areas for bilateral versus unilateral
visual stimulation. Adapted, with permission, from Ref. 137.

in occipital activity may even occur at baseline, with- tactile detection on the right hand and contralateral
out any visual stimuli in peripheral hemifields, but activation of left somatosensory cortex were reduced
arising when a central fixation cross is presented in a right parietal patient with neglect when his in-
during catch trials while the patient is expecting a tact right hand was placed in the left (contralesional)
possible target on one or the other side.138 These egocentric space.139 These modulations of sensory
findings demonstrate that structurally intact visual cortical areas accord with modulations of visual and
areas fail to activate normally after parietal lesion, tactile extinction by posture reported in previous
presumably due to the loss of topdown or reentrant behavioral studies.105,140 The presence of visual and
modulatory signals, but the exact source of these sig- tactile extinction after stroke has also been found
nals remains unresolved. One possible source might to correlate with changes in resting perfusion val-
arise in superior parietal regions computing saliency ues in occipital and inferior parietal cortical areas,
maps of space that can then be used to bias sensory respectively.141
processing in lower visual areas through direct or These findings indicate that disturbances in spa-
indirect feedback connections. tial attention and spatial representation due to focal
A modulation of intact sensory areas in neglect parietal damage may have a profound impact on the
patients has also been observed during manipula- functioning of structurally intact sensory areas at
tions of egocentric spatial coordinates while sensory lower stages of perceptual processing. Furthermore,
stimulation was actually kept constant. Thus, con- these changes have direct consequences for percep-
tralateral occipital activation and visual detection tual awareness and thus provide a proximate neural
performance for left visual stimuli were found to substrate for at least some of the clinical manifes-
be reduced in a right parietal patient when his gaze tations associated with neglect. These phenomena
was directed straight ahead or leftward, but restored blur a strict functional distinction between primary
when gaze was directed rightward such that stimuli sensory losses (e.g., hemianopia after occipital dam-
in the left retinal hemifield now fell in right ego- age) and secondary attention-dependent or space-
centric space (unpublished observations). Likewise, related suppression of sensory processing (e.g.,

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Spatial neglect and the parietal lobe Vuilleumier

Figure 8. False positive in anatomical lesion mapping. Lesion maps show a voxelwise contrast between structural brain damage in
patients with hemianopia and those without hemianopia, as clinically assessed by confrontation and noted in neurological clinical
records (n = 30 unselected patients with a focal right hemisphere ischemic stroke). Lesion peaks (blue to cyan) can be observed
in occipital and ventral temporal areas, as expected, but also in posterior parietal areas, suggesting that damage in the latter may
induce pseudo-hemianopia due to attentional disturbances rather than true visual field cut (unpublished data).

extinction after parietal damage). On the one hand, somatosensory147,148 areas despite a lack of stimulus
this further highlights the role of distributed and awareness on extinction events. Critically, awareness
interactive networks in subserving spatial aware- of the same sensory events (relative to extinction)
ness. On the other hand, this also calls for caution correlated with enhanced activation at higher stages
when interpreting the results of anatomical le- along sensory pathways coupled with concomitant
sion mapping studies in neglect patients, since fo- activation of intact parietal and frontal areas in the
cal lesion in a given cortical or subcortical site intact left hemisphere145147 (see also Ref. 134). Neu-
may cause symptoms through distant influences on roimaging studies of perceptual awareness in healthy
another distant, but connected site. A striking il- people have reported a similar pattern of isolated
lustration is provided by voxelwise lesion-symptom activation in sensory areas during unconscious pro-
mapping (VLSM) analysis of visual field deficits cessing, but more widespread recruitment of fronto-
(hemianopia) as assessed by confrontation tests dur- parietal areas during conscious processing.149 Thus,
ing clinical examination, which may reveal lesions findings in neglect patients converge with other data
in the occipital lobe (as expected) but also in pari- to support the notion that awareness is dependent
etal cortex (see Fig. 8). The latter false-positive re- on distributed neural mechanisms in fronto-parietal
sult suggests that visual dysfunction caused by pari- networks that allow the broadcasting of stimulus in-
etal damage might occasionally result in a pseudo- formation in large-scale brain networks associated
hemianopia that is mistakenly diagnosed as true with attention, working memory, and goal-directed
hemianopia.105,142,143 More precise anatomical and behavior.12,14
DTI analysis might be necessary to verify that such More generally, these findings demonstrate that
findings are not caused by interruption of optic ra- neglect and related disorders (such as extinction)
diations in the depth of the parietal lobe, although do not reflect the destruction of a single module
this seems unlikely given the frequent subsequent specialized for spatial awareness, and that their neu-
recovery of pseudo-hemianopia and its modulation ral substrates extend beyond the site of structural
by postural changes.105 Moreover, similar functional brain damage. Instead, several aspects of neglect
effects might explain that (apparent) sensorimotor may arise from a complex interplay between de-
disorders are more frequently reported after right fective processes due to the lesion and abnormal
than left hemisphere lesions.144 residual activity in anatomically preserved regions,
However, impaired awareness in extinction (and as observed for the IPS during spatial orienting131
other neglect-related phenomena) cannot exclu- or early visual cortex during extinction.137 Simi-
sively be accounted for by attenuated neuronal re- lar functional changes leading to imbalanced activ-
sponses in sensory pathways. Several fMRI stud- ity between or within hemispheres might under-
ies of extinction on double stimulation in parietal lie other neglect components, such as egocentric
patients have compared brain responses to iden- spatial biases, deviation of subjective body mid-
tical contralesional stimuli when these are con- line, and common postural anomalies.113,150 How-
sciously perceived or extinguished (relative to an ab- ever, the exact nature of the modulatory or inter-
sence of stimulation), and these studies consistently active signals exerted between areas is still poorly
found preserved activation in early visual145,146 or understood.

68 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1296 (2013) 5074 

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Vuilleumier Spatial neglect and the parietal lobe

Conclusions underlying both distinct and partly overlapping

forms of amnesia. To be comprehensive, however, a
Significant progress has been made in the past
componential model of neglect should go beyond
decade regarding the cognitive and neuroanatom-
dichotomous categories of symptoms (e.g., ego-
ical systems involved in spatial neglect, but many
centric vs. allocentric, endogenous vs. exogenous,
questions and challenges remain. There is now
local vs. global), but identify independent cogni-
growing consensus that neglect cannot be consid-
tive processes that can account for behavior across
ered as a monolithic disorder with a unique neu-
different tasks and correspond to specific neural sys-
ral substrate in the parietal lobe (or elsewhere in
tems. Converging data from factorial analyses and
the brain). Rather, it is probably best understood as
anatomical studies suggest that these basic compo-
a clinical syndrome consisting of different compo-
nent processes are likely to include spatial biases
nents, which may constitute some core features, but
in attention due to impaired resistance to exoge-
also variable manifestations depending on the site
nous interference and stimulus competition, distor-
and extent of brain damage.18,113
tions in egocentric representations, deficits in spatial
However, the suspected core features are still too
remapping, as well as nonlateralized losses in work-
often purely descriptive (e.g., referring to general
ing memory or temporal event resolution, among
contralesional spatial deficits in behavior), and need
to be better defined in terms of underlying cog-
A functional fractionation of the neglect syn-
nitive processes. Different researchers tend to em-
drome into component processes also dovetails
phasize different impairments as the characteristic
with the progress made in delineating the complex
signature of spatial neglect, such as deviations in
anatomical parceling of the human parietal lobe and
egocentric coordinates, distortions in internal rep-
its interconnections with other brain areas. Stud-
resentations of space, or asymmetries in the control
ies in humans and monkeys demonstrate that the
of attention, among others. Moreover, these puta-
parietal cortex is constituted of many distinct sub-
tive core symptoms also occur in isolation without
regions with different functions contributing to at-
qualifying for full-blown neglect, including, for ex-
tention and space representation,53,57 such that pari-
ample, spatial biases in egocentric straight-ahead,151
etal lesions in humans will inevitably affect several
exogenous attention orienting,42 or bilateral stimu-
of these regions and hence cause a combination of
lus competition.50 This suggests that the definition
different component deficits even when damage is
of a core syndrome of neglect itself is likely to incor-
relatively focal and restricted to the parietal lobe,
porate a combination of elementary deficits, impli-
as succinctly reviewed above. For instance, damage
cating distinct cognitive and neural systems, whose
to neuronal populations in the mid-IPS might im-
impairment will not lead to typical neglect when
pair the ability to maintain representation of salient
present singly. In fact, this view echoes previous ac-
or task-relevant locations in contralesional space,49
counts proposing that neglect might result from the
while extension to more posterior IPS might abolish
co-occurrence of two deficits (e.g., contralesional
the representation of unattended visual locations on
spatial biases in attention combined with concomi-
the contralesional side in the presence of competing
tant local biases152 or with nonlateralized deficits
inputs,55 and damage to superior IPS may addition-
in working memory153 ), although the latter com-
ally disrupt the ability to voluntarily shift attention
ponents are probably insufficient to explain other
to previously unattended information,45,58 such that
neglect features.
a combination of these deficits due to a single lesion
An important challenge for future research is
could potentially account for a defective represen-
therefore to develop a coherent component pro-
tation of line length during bisection tasks and im-
cess model of spatial neglect, to identify the basic
paired computing of newline returns during text
ingredients of the core syndrome, if any, and clar-
reading, hence a common factor shared by these
ify whether clinically distinct entities may exist or
different tasks in posterior parietal regions.34 Con-
not (e.g., extinction vs. neglect). Similar componen-
versely, extension of damage to anterior parietal ar-
tial approaches have already provided useful theo-
eas or sensorimotor regions may disrupt space rep-
retical frameworks in other neuropsychological do-
resentations in relation to different body-centered
mains, for instance in relation to memory processes
or action-based coordinates,57,154 and hence

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Spatial neglect and the parietal lobe Vuilleumier

contribute to modulation by body or limb scale networks. However, time is ripe to address this
position,105 or to deficits in spatial remapping dur- challenge and make new progress by exploiting the
ing body or eye movements;84 whereas damage to methodological advances and complementarities of
inferior parietal and superior temporal regions may current neuroimaging techniques, in both patients
lead to anomalies in cortical vestibular processes and healthy volunteers, in combination with a care-
and egocentric deviations.88,90,92 Further extension ful analysis of neglect components and underlying
to distinct subregions in inferior parietal cortex cognitive processes. Precise lesion mapping studies
will add to clinical manifestations, for instance, should be integrated with structural connectivity
contributing to perceptual extinction through a analysis and functional measures assessing distant
combination of deficits in reorienting or resetting consequences of focal brain destruction and/or dis-
mechanisms,42,66 alertness,86,87 and spatiotemporal connection, as well as high resolution imaging stud-
tokenization of sensory events,72,78 each dependent ies of cortical responses in well-defined conditions.
on distinct subregions in IPL.53 This functional Although not covered in this review, electroen-
parceling of the parietal lobe clearly argues against a cephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalogra-
single module whose damage would be responsible phy (MEG) recordings can also provide valuable
for parietal neglect. information on intact versus altered dynamics of
Furthermore, besides a mixture of deficits due to neural processing within spared networks after fo-
damage in parietal lobe, neglect symptoms will be cal brain damage,146,155158 but are too rarely used
further nuanced when lesions extend to other corti- in patients with neglect or extinction. Such electro-
cal areas (e.g., leading to greater distractor interfer- physiological measures would be particularly use-
ence during search after frontal lesion, object-based ful to interpret functional changes observed in dis-
deficits after temporal lesion) or to subcortical nu- tant areas137 or distributed networks115 after parietal
clei (e.g., pulvinar, basal ganglia) and white-matter damage, and to determine whether such changes re-
tracts (inter- or intrahemispheric). Moreover, be- flect early, late, or feedback/reentrant stages in stim-
yond structural damage to specific brain regions, ulus processing,158 or even baseline changes arising
functional changes may occur in anatomically in- before stimulus-evoked responses.138
tact regions, and these will also directly bear on Ultimately, better defining the intricate neural
perceptual and behavioral symptoms (such as re- architecture implicated in neglect will not only
duced sensory responses of retinotopic visual cor- provide fascinating knowledge on brain processes
tex to contralesional stimuli when attention is en- mediating our representation of space, selective at-
gaged at fixation137 or following reduced activation tention, and conscious awareness, but it is also cru-
of the IPS after IPL damage131 ). Altogether, these cial to better understanding the handicapping disor-
data show that a strict lesion localization approach is ders observed in brain-damaged patients and offer
insufficient to fully account for complex neuropsy- appropriate therapeutic interventions correspond-
chological deficits, such as spatial neglect, and that ing to individual deficits.
understanding the latter requires a comprehensive
model of brain function in terms of dynamically in-
teractive networks wherein damage in one area can
cause changes in one or many other interconnected
areas. This work was partly supported by Grants from the
Even without being exhaustive, the current re- Swiss National Science Foundation (No. 114014)
view highlights that understanding the functional and the Geneva Academic Society (Foremane fund).
neuroanatomy of neglect is a tremendously com- This paper is dedicated to the memory of Jon Driver
plex endeavor and undoubtedly remains a major with whom many stimulating discussions about ne-
challenge for neuroscience, despite many exciting glect were initiated and still continue today in the
new insights on spatial cognition, attention, and authors work. Special thanks go to Arnaud Saj, Vin-
parietal lobe function. Future work will need to cent Verdon, and Roland Vocat, who contributed to
dissect with ever increasing precision the respec- some of the work reviewed here and made help-
tive contributions and interactions of many differ- ful comments; and to Marteen Vaessen for creating
ent neuronal populations within and between large- Figure 2C.

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