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know everything
are always learning

know how is done

show how is done

give orders
give directions

give answers
give advice

demand respect
earn respect

talk first
listen first

take credit
give credit

use I- You
use we

creates followers
creates leaders

task driven, within strict boundaries, vision

driven, change oriented,

efficiency sought
enthusiasm sought

carrot & stick motivation through-

creating-relationships motivation

DIRECTIVE: Needs to have various and rich life experience behind him and be able
to make fast decisions in situations and with people in a given moment (this is a
situational advantage he must exercise at any given time & conditions) in order to
go to the next step of whatever is going on. This makes them suitable for making
changes on a bigger scale, person to establish new and better order after
destructing the previous old and obsolete one. Sharp, always fair, precise and
constantly moving forward, his motto is there is only one truth.

FACILITATIVE: Needs to have various experience with people behind him and be able
to perceive the level (or condition) of a persons physical and mental capacities (this
is also an advantage he must exercise at any given time & conditions) in order to be
able to match a persons characteristics with the given situational context. This
makes them suitable for working in developing environments, where time is needed
in order something to start on his own, etc. Soft, always honest, tolerant and
constantly giving support, his motto is together we are stronger.

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