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Day 7 - Tuesday 14th, March 2017

Classroom Climate

School culture and context

Observe the classroom climate and answer the questions below:

1. Is the classroom climate purposeful and task orientated? Give an example.

Yes, when the classroom starts the teacher tray to give the student good information for example

the asking student about the weather its not in the lesson, but they will have more information.

Also she guides the student how to set in the classroom and respect the teachers.

2. Is the classroom climate relaxed, warm and supportive? Give an example.

Yes, because the teacher does the control with the student, they know the roles of the

classroom, when the teacher starts everyone set and but her hand down.

3. Does the classroom climate have a sense of order? Give an example

Yes, because then they come to the classroom they stand queue.

4. What sort of relationship did the teacher have with the students? For example, was there
mutual respect and rapport, did the teacher act as a good example, did she use humor?
Yes, she acts same time like Joker to laughter, and she respects them and lessons when they
speak to her.

5. Describe the classroom appearance in terms of the layout. What did you like not like about
it and why? What would you change or not change and why?
I don't like because it's not organized and so small for 25 students. Also, they dangers
things in the floor like electricity child may touch this thing.

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