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A Modern Chant Setting for The Great Vigil of Easter

Roger & Barbara Bond


Re - joice, all peo - ples, Sing, choirs of an - gels! Cel - e - brate!

Choir &
Cel - e - brate, all cre - a - tion, the sac - red mys - ter - ies with great joy
Re - joice, O Earth, in shin - ing splen - dour,

Radiant in the bright - ness of Christ's passionate love for us.

Christ is vic - tor - ious! Glo - ry fills you! Dark - ness van - ish - es for ev - er!

Let this place re - sound with joy, echoing the might - y song of all God's peo - ple!


Re - joice, all peo - ples, Sing, choirs of an - gels! Cel - e - brate!

Choir &

Cel - e - brate, all cre - a - tion, the sac - red mys - ter - ies with great joy!
With hearts and minds and voi - ces we praise the un - seen God,

the Ancient One who holds all things in bal - ance; We praise the redeem - ing Christ,

the visible symbol of God's for -giv - ing love and com - pass - ion for each hu - man being.

We praise the sancti - fy - ing Spir - it,

who works in us, and through us, en - circling all cre - a - tion.

Copyright Roger & Barbara Bond, 1998, 2004



Re - joice, all peo - ples, Sing, choirs of an - gels! Cel - e - brate!

Choir &

Cel - e - brate, all cre - a - tion, the sac - red mys - ter - ies with great joy!
Voice 1
This is the night when God freed the peo - ple of Israel from their slav' - ry,

and led them dry - shod through the sea.

Voice 2
This is our passover feast, when Christ the true Lamb, gave him - self for us!

Voice 3
This is the night when Christians ev - ery - where, freed from all guilt,

freed from the despair of broken lives and bro - ken spirits, are giv - en new life and new hope.

Voice 4
This is the night when Jesus Christ broke the chains of death and rose tri - um - phant from the grave!


Re - joice, all peo - ples, Sing, choirs of an - gels! Cel - e - brate!

Choir &


Cel - e - brate, all cre - a - tion, the sac - red mys - ter - ies with great joy!
Creator, how wonderful your care for us. How boundless your mer - ci - ful love!

You gave away your Son, who sacrificed all, to show your love to a world with - out hope.

The pow'r of thisho - ly night tri -umphsover the pow'rs of in-jus - tice, cruel - ty, greedand death.


Re - joice, all peo - ples, Sing, choirs of an - gels! Cel - e - brate!

Choir & Cel - e - brate, all cre - a - tion, the sac - red mys - ter - ies with great joy!


Therefore, all-present Creator, in the joy of this night,

ac - cept this Ea - ster can - dle. May it always dispel the dark - ness of this night!

May the passionate fire of Christ's love burn for e - ver in our hearts, and in all cre - a - tion.


Re - joice, all peo - ples, Sing, choirs of an - gels! Cel - e - brate!

Choir & Cel - e - brate, all cre - a - tion, the sac - red mys - ter - ies with great joy!


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