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Daily Lesson Plan/Learning Guide for Day 7

Course, Unit Theme and Grade: 7th Grade Science - Heredity

NGSS: MS-LS3-1 (LS3-B)
Standard and Objective:
NGSS: MS-LS3-2 (LS3-A)
Understanding the past allows us to predict our future.
Understanding(s) for the day:
We are much more alike than it may seem.
How does studying past genetic lines lead to changes throughout generations?
Essential Question(s) for the day:
Are we defined by our genetics?
Student's will be able to relate to their own lives by considering the types of traits
within their families and pets. They will be able to better identify where certain traits
How do you anticipate activities, materials of theirs came from that they cannot directly see in their parents. Logical-
etc. connect to students prior knowledge? mathematical intelligences will be used as well as intrapersonal intelligence in
(academic, interests, learning styles, reflection on their own traits.
motivation, Funds of Knowledge)

Daily Assessments: Incredibles Blood Typing Activity

(formative and/or summative)

Common Traits among family members.

Learning Activities: (10 minutes) Class opener - Questions to review types of inheritance.
(Include description and time frame for each Questions: (1) What are the six different blood genotypes and what
activity) phenotypes result from these? (2) Explain how the color of a palomino
horse shows that the coat color of horses may be inherited by incomplete
dominance. (3) Why might traits determined by non-mendilian types of
inheritance be difficult to study?

(20 minutes) Hand Span graphing activity.

(20 minutes) Review blood types (show blood type video skipped day before). Time
to work on and complete the incredibles blood typing worksheet. Review as a class
and take time for questions.

(10 minutes) Notes on mutations and disorders. Introduction of chromosomal, recessive, and
sex-linked disorders (down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, color-blindness). Talk about Why it is
useful to know how to track this through a family.

(10 minutes) Inside/Outside discussion circle. Questions: (1) Explain the process that
could cause a chromosomal genetic disorder. (2) What would the genotypes of parents
need to be in order to have a child with a recessive genetic disorder? Why would this
be important to know? (3) If a disorder is linked to an X chromosome, which gender
is more likely to express the disorder and why?

HW: Find common traits among a group (does not have to be genetic to adjust for
adopted students)
During the last 10 minutes of class while students work on their vocabulary maps,
there will be time for individual students to meet with the teacher for tutoring.
Accommodations made for struggling and
accelerated learners:
(grouping patterns, content literacy
strategies, etc.)

Textbook: Life's Structure and Function (Glencoe Science, 2008)

Video Describing Blood Types: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttjn1jVACk8

Materials Needed: Incredibles Blood Type Activity

How has the prior day's assessment shaped I had originally planned to do a hand span graphing activity for students to determine
your instruction. that this trait is incomplete dominance. However, after running out of time the
previous day on the blood typing activity, I will be completeing that today instead.
Also, on the exit ticket, students understood the difference between co-dominance and
incomplete dominance well and it would be more beneficial to go over the blood type
activity (mulitiple alleles) further rather than spend more time on dominance factors.

In my original outline for this lesson, I had included a discussion circle about
mutations and chromosome disorders, this was cut due to shortened class time for
school mass.

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