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Serum Calcium Increases the Incidence of Arrhythmias

During Acetate Hemodialysis

Masato Nishimura, MD, Tadashi Nakanishi, MD, Akiyasu Yasui, MD,
Yasuhiro Tsuji, MD, Hiroshi Kunishige, MD, Masami Hirabayashi, MD,
Hakuo Takahashi, MD, and Manabu Yoshimura, MD

We investigated the occurrence of arrhythmias during maintenance acetate hemodialysis (HD) using a 24-hour
continuous electrocardiogram recording system. Three of 22 patients showed augmented increases in both ventricular
premature beats and supraventricular premature beats during HD. When we changed the dialysate from one with a
Ca 2 + concentration of 1.75 mmol/L (3.5 mEq/L), to one with a Ca 2 + concentration of 1.25 mmol/L (2.5 mEq/L), the
elevation of serum ca 2+ concentration during HD was abolished and the increases in both ventricular premature beats
and supraventricular premature beats were significantly decreased. The elevation of serum Ca 2+ concentration during
HD might induce either extracellular or intracellular increase in Ca 2 + concentration in the heart and elicit either reentry-
or triggered-activity types of arrhythmias during HD. The present results indicate that the dialysate with a lower Ca 2 +
concentration is advisable to use in patients with underlying cardiac diseases.
1992 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.

INDEX WORDS: Hemodialysis; acetate-buffer; ventricular premature beats; supraventricular premature beats; serum
electrolytes; calcium.

A RRHYTHMIAS are one of the major car-

diovascular complications during mainte-
nance hemodialysis (HD), because their occur-
of these patients were as follows: chronic glomerulonephritis
(II patients), toxic nephropathy by streptomycin sulfate
(three), gouty kidney (two), toxemia of pregnancy (two), di-
abetic nephropathy (two), and polycystic kidney (two). No
rence might result in severe cardiovascular severe abnormalities were found on physical examinations,
conditions and sudden death. When acetate is which included chest x-ray, standard electrocardiogram (ECG),
used as a buffer, the appearance of arrhythmias and two-dimensional echocardiogram. However, hyperten-
sion, left ventricular hypertrophy, and mild cardiomegaly were
will worsen the cardiac and systemic conditions,
noted in 7, 12, and 7 patients, respectively. These three ab-
because acetate buffer may cause a decrease in normalities are common complications in HD patients.
blood pressure during HD.l There are some re-
ports of the occurrence of life-threatening and Protocol
complex arrhythmias during HD.2-7 These reports A continuous 24-hour ambulatory ECG (Holter-ECG) was
attributed the main causes of arrhythmias to the monitored by a portable two-channel electrocardiorecorder
changes in serum electrolytes, as well as hemo- (Marquette 8500, Marquette Electronics, Milwaukee, WI) on
dynamics. Because abrupt and various changes the day of HD, and ECG tapes were analyzed by Marquette
8000(T. Serum concentrations of Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+, phos-
in both hemodynamic and humoral factors are phorus, magnesium, urea nitrogen, creatinine, uric acid, and
expected during HD, these changes may affect plasma concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine
cardiovascular regulatory systems and increase were measured before HD, during HD at I, 2, 3, and 4, hours,
the incidence of arrhythmias. and I hour after HD.
One of the main causes of arrhythmias is a As a high-Ca2+ dialysate, we used Kindaly-3 (Na+ 132, K+
2.0 mmol/L [mEqjL), Ca2+ 1.75 mmoljL [3.5 mEqjL), Mg2+
disturbance of peripheral autonomic nervous ac- 0.75 mmol/L [1.5 mEqjL], Cl- 104 mmol/L [mEqjL),
tivities. 8 However, autonomic nervous functions CH)COO- 35 mmol/L [mEqjL), glucose 11.1 mmoljL [201
in HD patients are reported to be lower than in
healthy persons. 9 Therefore, the changes in hu- From the Department ofClinical Laboratory and Medicine.
moral factors, as well as hemodynamic factors, Kyoto Pref ectural University o f Medicine. Kyoto. Japan; the
might be a direct pathogenesis in arrhythmias Department of Renal Failure. and the Third Department of
Internal Medicine. Matsushita M em orial Hospital. Moriguchi
during HD. The aim of the present study was to City, Osaka, Japan; and the Department of Internal Medicine.
assess the effects of the changes in humoral fac- Nagitsuji Hospital. Kyoto. Japan.
tors, including serum electrolytes, on the occur- Address reprint requests to Masato Nishimura. MD. De-
rence of arrhythmias during HD. partment of Clinical Laboratory and M edicine. Kyoto Prefec-
tural University of Medicine. 465 Kajii-cho. Kawaramachi-
SUBJECTS AND METHODS Hirokoji. Kamikyo-Ku. Kyoto 602, Japan.
Twenty-two patients on HD were selected (13 men, nine 1992 by the National Kidney Foundation. Inc.
women; aged 53 16 years) (Table I). Basal renal diseases 0272-6386/ 92/1902-0007$3.00/ 0

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol XIX. No 2 (February), 1992: pp 149-155 149

Table 1. Characteristics of 22 Patients Subjected to This Study

Patient Renal Period BP CTR Ht
No. Age/Sex Disease (mo) (mmHg) ECG (%) (%)

1 57/M CGN 128 122/70 LVH 58 27.2

2 281M CGN 44 150/100 LVH 46 26.6
3 52/M CGN 32 172/98 LVH 46 20.6
4 44/F CGN 11 106/60 WNL 52 21.9
5 63/M GK 20 140/80 RV pacing 48 26.9
6 78/F TN 78 180170 LVH 58 21.9
7 26/F CGN 26 144/104 LVH 60 18.2
8 36/F TP 36 170/100 LVH 35 19.7
9 51/M TN 95 130174 Dextrocardia 60 29.5
10 44/M TN 156 120170 WNL 44 28.8
11 62/F ON 110 160/60 LVH 55 21.0
12 59/M CGN 99 144/74 WNL 48 37.1
13 54/M PK 15 88/60 LVH 51 18.4
14 43/M CGN 115 140/90 LVH 62 34.7
15 59/M ON 1 170/80 LVH 58 25.1
16 44/F TP 15 112/70 WNL 52 19.7
17 46/M GK 102 112/70 LVH 44 20.4
18 831M CGN 9 104/70 WNL 55 19.3
19 60/M CGN 9 112/60 WNL 42 20.2
20 86/F CGN 82 180/60 LVH 59 18.1
21 50/F PK 18 136/80 WNL 46 20.0
22 31/F CGN 19 142/80 WNL 48 21.8

Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; CTR, cardiothoracic ratio; Ht, hematocrit; CGN, chronic glomerulonephritis; GK, gouty
kidney; TN, toxic nephropathy; TP, toxemia of pregnancy; ON, diabetic nephropathy; PK, polycystic kidney; LVH, left ventricular
hypertrophy; WNL, within normal limits; RV pacing, right ventricular pacing.

mg/dL] , 287 mmol/L, Fuso Pharmaceutical Industry, Ltd, tachycardia in two patients (9.1 %, no. 13, and
Osaka, Japan). As a low-Ca2+ dialysate, we used Kindaly-2 14). In these three patients (no. 13, 14, and 20),
(Na+ 134, K+ 2.0 mmol/L [mEq/L], Ca2+ 1.25 mmol/L [2.5
mEq/L], Mg2+ 0.75 mmol/L [1.5 mEq/L], Cl- 104 mmol/L
the increases in both VPB and SVPB during HD
[mEq/L], CH 3COO- 33 mmol/L [mEq/L], glucose Il.l were reproducible in three Holter ECG record-
mmol/L [201 mg/dL], 285 mmol/L). ings. We observed transient atrial fibrillation in
two patients (9.1 %), sinus arrhythmia in one pa-
Statistical Analysis tient (4.5%), and PQ prolongation over 0.2 sec-
Ail values are expressed as the mean SD. One-way analysis onds in two patients (9.1%) during HD.
of variance was used to evaluate the changes in humoral factors
during HD. Duncan's mUltiple range test was applied to de-
Background Factors
termine the differences from the values before HD. The dif-
ference between the two groups was evaluated using Student's We investigated the difference in background
t test. The criterion for statistical significance was P < 0.05.
factors between the three patients who had in-
RESULTS creases in both VPB and SVPB during HD (ar-
rhythmia group) and the other 19 patients (non-
Incidence ofArrhythmias During HD arrhythmia group). As shown in Table 2, the
Of 22 patients in this study, the occurrence of patients in the arrhythmia group were older on
ventricular premature beats (VPB) was increased average, had been well treated on HD for a longer
in three patients (13.6%, no. 13, 14, and 20 of time, had a larger cardiothoracic ratio (CTR), and
Table 1). These three patients showed further in- had a higher incidence of left ventricular hyper-
creases in supraventricular premature beats trophy in ECG than patients in the nonarrhyth-
(SVPB). Ventricular tachycardia was seen in one mia group. However, the differences in back-
patient (4.5%, no. 13) and supraventricular ground factors were not statistically significant

Table 2. Differences in Clinical Parameters Between Arrhythmia and Nonarrhythmia Groups

Arrhythmia Group Nonarrhythmia Group
(n = 3) (n = 19) PValue

Male/Female 2/1 11/8

Age (yr) 61 22 51 15 NS
HO periods (mo) 71 51 48 47 NS
Mean SP (mm Hg) 92 20 98 15 NS
LVH 3 (100%) 9 (47%)
Ischemic changes 1 (33%) 2 (11%)
CTR(%) 57 5.7 50 6.9 NS
% FS in LV 41 9.4 40 8.2 NS
Hematocrit (%) 24 9.5 24 4.8 NS
T Chol (mmol/L) 4.1 1.22 4.5 1.07 NS
PTH-C (ng/mL) 3.1 2.52 5.7 4.41 NS
Calcitonin (pg/mL) 204 113.4 225 83.1 NS
Digitalization 0(0%) 2 (10.5%)

NOTE. Values are expressed as the mean SO. NS, P ~ 0.05.

Abbreviations: SP, blood pressure; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; CTR, cardiothoracic ratio; % FS in LV, percent of
fractional shortening in left ventricle using (two)-dimensional ultrasonic echocardiography; T Chol, serum concentration of
total cholesterol; PTH-C, plasma concentration of C-terminal of parathyroid hormone; calcitonin, plasma concentration of

between the arrhythmia and nonarrhythmia When one patient (no. 14, arrhythmia group)
groups. In addition, there were no significant dif- had been orally administered verapamil (a Ca2 +
ferences in blood pressure, percent of fractional channel blocker), the occurrences of VPB and
shortening in the left ventricle using two-dimen- SVPB were reduced by 97% and 75%, respec-
sional ultrasonic echocardiography, hematocrit, tively, despite using high-Ca2 + dialysate. On the
and serum total cholesterol levels between the contrary, no increases in VPB, SVPB, or other
two groups. Both groups had high plasma levels arrhythmias were noted in 10 patients of the
of C-terminal of parathyroid hormone and cal- nonarrhythmia group who had performed HD
citonin (Table 2). The increases in plasma para- using low-Ca2 + dialysate.
thyroid hormone and calcitonin suggest the ex-
istence of secondary hyperparathyroidism. In Changes in Other Humoral Factors During HD
addition, none of the three patients of the ar- Using Either High-C+ or Low-Ca2 + Dialysate
rhythmia group had ever taken digitalis-glycoside Serum concentrations of both Na+ and cr did
before or during the study. not change throughout HD using either high-Ca2+
dialysate (Na+, 141 3.0 mmol/L before HD
Effects of Serum Ca 2 + on the Occurrence and 142 1.6 mmol/L after HD [n = 12]; Cl-,
ofArrhythmias 103 3.2 mmol/L before HD and 101 2.9
Serum concentration of Ca2+ was increased mmol/L after HD [n = 12]) or low-Ca2+ dialysate
during HD using the high-Ca2 + dialysate, Kin- (Na+, 141 2.9 mmol/L before HD and 140
daly-3. When we changed the dialysate to the low- 1.4 mmol/L after HD [n = 8]; Cl-, 104 4.9
Ca2 + dialysate, Kindaly-2, the increase in serum mmol/L before HD and 101 2.3 mmol/L after
Ca2+ concentration disappeared (Fig 1), and the HD [n = 8]). Serum K+ concentration was nor-
increased occurrences of VPB and SVPB were malized within 3 hours after beginning HD, and
also inhibited during HD in three patients of the there were no differences in the pattern of the
arrhythmia group. Figure 2 shows the degree of decrease in serum K+ between HD using high-
reduction in the occurrences of VPB and SVPB Ca2+ dialysate (5.0 0.8 mmol/L before HD, 3.4
in the arrhythmia group. Figure 3 shows individ- 0.7 mmol/L at 3 hours of RD, and 3.4 0.6
ual recording charts of the changes in the occur- mmol/L after HD, P < 0.01 compared with the
rence of VPB. value before HD, n = 12) and HD using low-

_ _ Klndaly3 concentration was unchanged throughout HO
C .. -0 Klndaly-2
using either dialysate (high-Ca2 +, 1.26 0.238
:8 3.2
** mmol/L [3.1 0.6 mg/dL] before HO and 1.19
!! 3.0
C 0.149 mmol/L [2.9 0.4 mg/dL] after HO [n
2.8 = 12]; low-Ca2+, 1.26 0.130 mmol/L [3.1 0.3
+U E
g 2.6 mg/dL] before HO and 1.17 0.105 mmol/L
U [2.8 2.4 mg/dL] after HO [n = 8]) .
.-.. .l:.-.J-..-..l-..~-. . .l No significant changes in plasma epinephrine
2.2 concentration were observed during HO using
either high-Ca2+ dialysate (180 122.8 pmol/L
before HD 1 2 3 4 after HD [33 22.5 pg/mL] before HO and 136 120.6
Time (hour) pmol/L [25 22.1 pg/mL] after HO, n = 11) or
low-Ca2+ dialysate (82 82.9 pmol/L [15 15.2
Fig 1. Changes in serum Ca 2 + concentration (mmol/ pg/mL] before HO and 202 225 pmol/L [37
L) before maintenance hemodialysis (HD), during HD at
1, 2, 3, and 4 hours, and after HD using either Kindaly- 41.2 pg/mL] after HO, n = 8). However, there
3 (high-Ca2 + dialysate, n = 12) or Kindaly-2 (low-Ca 2+
dialysate, n = 8). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with
the values before HD. tP < 0.05, ttP < 0.01 compared
with the values in low-Ca2 + dialysate. V PBs during HD SVPBs during HD
beats beats

2 2350 5000
Ca + dialysate (5.2 0.4 mmol/L before HO, 3.4
0.3 mmol/L ad hours of HO, and 3.2 0.2 2250 4000
mmol/L after HO, P < 0.01 compared with the 2200
value before HO, n = 8). Serum concentrations
2150 3000
of phosphorus, urea nitrogen, creatinine, and uric 2100
acid were decreased gradually through HO using
either high-Ca2 + dialysate (phosphorus, 2.98
0.865 mmol/L [9.2 2.7 mg/dL] before HO 100 1000
and 1.13 0.264 mmol/L [3.5 0.8 mg/dL] 50
after HO, P < 0.01 [n = 12]; urea nitrogen, 25.9 0 0
4.82 mmol/L [73 14 mg/dL] before HO and Kindoly-3 Kindaly-2
"I. change % change
9.5 3.40 mmol/L [27 6 mg/dL] after HO, P 100 100
< 0.01 [n = 12]; creatinine, 1.2 0.59 mmol/L 90 90
[13.6 6.7 mg/dL] before HO and 0.5 0.17 80 80
mmol/L [5.7 1.9 mg/dL] after HO, P < 0.01 70 70
[n = 12]; uric acid, 453 109.0 ~mol/L [7.6 60 60
1.8 mg/dL] before HO and 161 51.3 ~mol/ 50 50
L [2.7 0.9 mg/dL] after HO, P < 0.01 [n = 12]) 40 40
or low-Ca2+ dialysate (phosphorus, 2.30 0.672 30 30"1
mmol/L [7.1 2.1 mg/dL] before HO and 0.92 20 20 J
0.154 mmol/L [2.8 0.5 mg/dL] after HO, P 10 10
< 0.01 [n = 8]; urea nitrogen, 31.9 5.32 mmol/ 0 0
L [89 15 mg/dL] before HO and 10.5 2.90
mmol/L [29 8 mg/dL] after HO, P < 0.01 [n Fig 2. Degree of reduction in the occurrence of ven-
= 8]; creatinine, 1.3 0.25 mmol/L [14.7 2.8 tricular premature beats (VPBs) and supraventricular
premature beats (SVPBs) in the arrhythmia group when
mg/dL] before HO and 0.5 0.11 mmol/L [5.7 the dialysate was changed from Kindaly-3 (high-Ca2 +
1.2 mgjdL] after HO, P < 0.01 [n = 8]; uric dialysate) to Kindaly-2 (low-Ca2 + dialysate). The upper
acid, 562 88.7 ~mol/L [9.4 1.5 mgjdL] before two panels show the number of occurrence of either
VPBs or SVPBs during maintenance hemodialysis (HD).
HO and 172 45.3 ~mol/L [2.9 0.8 mg/dL] and the lower panels show the percent reduction rates
after HO, P < 0.01 [n = 8]). Serum magnesium of either VPBs or SVPBs during HD.

(HF).7 Because less changes in humoral factors

were expected in both ECUM and HF than in
HBs/hr VPBs / hr
usual HD, we considered that one of the main
'000 causes of arrhythmias during HD might be the
abrupt changes in humoral factors during HD.7
' 000 In 1980, Morrison et al reported that frequent
and complex arrhythmias had been observed
during HD in nine of 23 HD patients, and sug-
gested that either administration of digitalis-gly-
Sep. 18
coside or hypokalemia might have been one of
T . S. ~M (Kindaly-ll
the causes of arrhythmias. 2 In addition, Weber
et al reported that hypokalemia would be a main
cause ofVPB during HD.4 On the contrary, Ky-
riakidis et al suggested that incomplete clearance
B:!~ VPBs/hr of serum K+ would lead to the occurrence of
,, ' VPB. 5 In the present study, the change in serum
,, K + concentration apparently had no correlation
6000 with the occurrence of arrhythmias, because there
'000 was no difference in the change in serum K+ con-
centration during HD between the arrhythmia
and nonarrhythmia groups and between HD us-

"~"':;::.: : .:m==:::::::=';="'}i.'m
:'.====,!.: ":'H :::-....Im.==~::Jll0 OOp.m
;-::--m----:.:-c""" . ing high-Ca2 + dialysate in which arrhythmias
were augmented and HD using low-Ca2 + dialy-
Oct. 15 : OCI . 14
sate in which augmented arrhythmias were in-
B T . S 54M (Kindaly-2)
Fig 3. Changes in heart beats (HBs) and ventricular Only the alteration in serum Ca2+ concentra-
premature beats (VPBs) in the patient who had the in-
crease in VPBs during maintenance hemodialysis (HD). tion during HD was different between HDs using
The upper lines show heart beats in each hour (MBs/h) either high-Ca2+ or 10w-Ca2+ dialysate among the
and lower lines the number of occurrences of VPBs in humoral factors we investigated. Serum Ca2 +
each hour (VPBs/h). BP refers to systolic blood pressure
(mm Hg). (A) High-Ca2 + dialysate, Kindaly-3, was used; concentration was increased in accordance with
(B) low-Ca 2 + dialysate, Kindaly-2, was used. When a di- the progression ofHD using high-Ca2+ dialysate,
alysate was changed from Kindaly-3 to Kindaly-2, the but it was not changed when low-Ca 2+ dialysate
increase in VPBs during HD was significantly inhibited.
was used. In addition, the administration of a
Ca2 + channel blocker inhibited the increase in
was a gradual decrease in plasma norepinephrine both VPB and SVPB during HD in one patient.
concentration in HD using a low-Ca 2 + dialysate These results indicate that the increase in serum
(3.2 1.24 nmol/L [546 209.3 pg/mL] before Ca2 + concentration is an important cause of ar-
HD and 2.1 0.49 pmol/L [363 84.1 pg/mL] rhythmias during HD.
after HD, P < 0.05, n = 8). No change in plasma Increased concentration of serum Ca2 + results
norepinephrine was seen in the patients treated in increased extracellular Ca2 + concentration in
with a high-Ca2+ dialysate (2.3 0.89 pmol/L the heart. This would inhibit a fast Na+ current
[381 158.3 pg/mL] before HD and 2.0 0.91 in the cardiac plasma membrane,1O and elicit an
pmol/L [343 153.7 pg/mL] after HD, n = It). impaired conduction of electrical excitement in
the heart. An impaired conduction of electrical
DISCUSSION excitement would probably induce the reentry-
We reported in a previous study that the oc- type of arrhythmias. In addition, the increase in
currence of VPB was increased during and after extracellular ea2+ concentration could result in
HD in maintenance HD patients, but VPB was the increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration,
not increased by either the extracorponeal ultra- which could induce (1) an increase in intercellular
filtration method (ECUM) or hemofiltration electrical resistance,11 (2) an increase in K+ per-

meability in the plasma membrane, 12 and (3) de- concentration was decreased gradually during
layed depolarization. 13 Both (1) and (2) may cause HD using low-Ca2 + dialysate, but it was not
reentry-type arrhythmias, and (3) may elicit trig- changed during HD using high-Ca2 + dialysate.
gered-activity type arrhythmias in the heart. Plasma norepinephrine concentration is a poten-
High serum concentration of Ca2+ (2.75 tial arrhythmogenic factor, but it does not seem
mmol/L [5.5 mEq/L]) was recorded after HD in that plasma norepinephrine is a key factor for
one patient whose VPB lasted after HD, as well the mechanism of arrhythmias in HD, because
as during HD. On the contrary, the ranges of there was no change in plasma norepinephrine
serum Ca2+ concentration after HD were 2.4 to concentration during HD using high-Ca2+ dialy-
2.55 mmol/L [4.8 to 5.1 mEq/L] in the other two sate in which the increases in both VPB and
patients whose arrhythmias were increased only SVPB were observed.
during HD. These results suggest that the clear- The present study suggests that serum Ca2+
ance of Ca2 + from serum may be an important concentration is one of the most important
factor in the pathogenesis of postdialysis arrhyth- arrhythmogenic factors in HD. The use of a dia-
mias. lysate with high-Ca2+ concentration increases
There are some reports in which either ad- serum Ca2 + concentration and may induce life-
ministration of digitalis-glycoside or hypokalemia threatening and fatal arrhythmias during HD,
is described as one of the main causes of arrhyth- especially when the patient has severe cardiovas-
mias during HD.2.4 In the present study, both cular complications. In addition, the use of high-
hypokalemia and administration of digitalis-gly- Ca2+ dialysate may increase the risk of hypercal-
coside had no relation to the occurrence of cemia and ectopic calcification, which are serious
arrhythmias during HD. However, both digitalis- complications of end-stage renal disease patients
glycoside and hypokalemia are considered to in- who are taking either calcium acetate or calcium
crease intracellular Ca2+ concentration by inhib- carbonate as the major phosphate binders. 15.16
iting Na+-K+ pump activity of the membrane. Therefore, the use of low-Ca2 + dialysate may be
The inhibition of Na+-K+ pump activity would a better way not only to decrease arrhythmias
lead to the increase in intracellular Na+ concen- during HD, but also to prevent hypercalcemia
tration, and the increase in intracellular Na+ and ectopic calcification in HD patients. 17 In
concentration would inhibit Na+-Ca2+ exchange, conclusion, it might be one of the treatments that
which must induce the increase in intracellular should be tried either to change the dialysate to
Ca2+ concentration. 14 Therefore, the increase in a 10w-Ca2+ one (1.25 mmol/L) or to administer
intracellular Ca2+ concentration is considered as a Ca2+ channel blocker when the patients have
one of the important pathogeneses in either hy- severe arrhythmias such as frequent SVPB, VPB,
pokalemia- or digitalis-glycoside-induced ar- or ventricular tachycardia during HD.
No difference could be seen in serum levels of ACKNOWLEDGMENT
urea nitrogen, creatinine, uric acid, and plasma The authors would like to express our gratitude to Dr
epinephrine between HDs using either high-Ca2+ Christine H . Block of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation for
or low-Ca2 + dialysate. Plasma norepinephrine editorial assistance.

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