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Ancient Science of Life, Vol No. XIII Nos.

1 & 2, July-October 1993, Pages 102 - 110




Department of Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal and Department of

Kayachikitsa, I.M.S. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India.

Received: 10 July, 1992 Accepted: 24 August, 1993

ABSTRACT: In this era of Antibiotics decline in infectious diseases is seen but degenerative
diseases have established themselves all over world, among which Atherosclerosis and Ischemic
Heart Diseases are considered as greatest killer. In view of the increasing morbidity and
mortality by these diseases and in absence of safety and adequate efficacy of modern drugs, it
has become a timely necessity to understand disease process properly and to explore traditional
indigenous system of medicine. So that drugs stated useful in ancient literature for these
diseases can be used for I.H.D. Vatika Hrcchula described in Ayurveda simulates with Ischemic
Heart Diseases.


Identity of Hrd Roga was established from While it seems that according to
the vedic period (2400 B.C), reference predominance of signs and symptoms
regarding the treatment of heart diseases diseases which have chief complains of
were available in Atharva Veda but signs, oedema with the complaints pertaining to
symptoms and pathogenesis were heart are described under Vatik Sotha, and
completely missing. In Atharva Veda word those having dyspnea in association to
HIRA is used for Sira (Veins) and complaints pertaining to heart under Swasa
Hrdayagata Yaksma is described. Roga. Similarly the diseases/syndromes
marked by severe pain appear to have been
In Ayurvedic samhitas and Puranas (1000 described under Hrcchula. More extensive
BC to 500 AD) observations have been description of Hrda Roga is present in
recorded regarding the concept, Caraka Samhita.
manifestations and management of Hrdaya
Roga. While the Medieval period a As the name indicate Hrda Roga is the
simplification of the knowledge already disease of Hrdaya which is considered to be
rendered in the classical age is found. An heart in this context. This Hrdaya is placed
account of general features, signs and in the thoracic cavity. Left to it are Pliha
symptoms of five types of heart diseases and Fuffusa and right to it are Yakrta and
(Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Sannipataja and Kloma2, it beats3. It is a Matrija organ and
Krmija), definition of heart diseases, Rakta and Kapha contributes to its
aetiology, pathogenesis and management formation4.
have been described in Carak Samhita,
Susruta Samhita and Astanga Hrdaya. Ruja This Hrdaya is the special seat of Sadhaka
samanyatva is present in all these diseases1. Pitta, Avalambaka Kapha and Vyana Vayu.

Pages 102 - 110

Concept of Sadhaka Pitta appears to be Mandagni, due to Mandagni, Pacana of
psychophysiological as it enables to achieve Rasa not takes place so Sama Rasa
ones Manoratha like Dharma, Artha, Kama generates. This vitiated Rasa when mixes
and Moksa, by dispelling the Kapha and with Vayu it causes Ruja (Pain) and when it
Tamas of Hrdaya and thus enables Hrdaya mixes with Pitta and Kapha it causes
to perceive things clearly. This may be Srotorodha thus obstruction of Prana Vayu
cytochrome C, a type of haemoprotein and Hrda Badha (Ischemia). Regarding
which takes part in tissue respiration. A pathogenesis only few sentences are on
reduction of this substance in heart may lead record in the available Ayurvedic literature
to anoxia and in consequence the weakening and two types of pathogenesis of Cardiac
and deterioration of this organ. Avalambaka diseases is found. One deals with
Kapha seems to be the protein content of derangement of Rasa thus causing
intracellular and extracellular fluid system disturbance in the nutrition of Hrdaya and
of the body, which attributed to support then manifestation of different types of pain
Hrdaya when it mixed with Anna Rosa. in the precordial region. Second type
Vyan Vayu have similarlity with hydrostatic describes any organic change in the cordiac
pressure produced by contraction of heart, structure with the formation of nodules,
with the force of Vyan Vayu Rasa circulates distortion of normal structure, formation of a
to entire body (Rasasamvahanodyatah). space with accumulation of fluids (Kleda).
This all causes growth of organisms in this
Adiposity and diabetes are two important area and thus severe pain and complications
risk factors of Ischemic Heart Diseases. in the cardiac function11. While referring to
Adiposity or Medo Roga may be Sahaja or 5 types of heart diseases Vataja Hrda
it may be cause by over nutrition, by Roga have vitiated or aggrevated
excessive sleep, sedentary habits, and due to involvement of Vata dosa, Pittaja Hrda
other psychosocial factors. A large number Roga have Samanya Laksana of Hrda Roga
of diseases have been classificed in and Visesa Laksana are gastric symptoms.
Ayurveda to be caused by over nutrition In Kaphaja Hrda Roga pain seems to be dull
(Santarpana janya). Ayurveda has in nature with subacute symptoms,
emphasized the conversion of excessive Sannipataja Hrda Roga shows severity in
sweet Amarasa in to Meda Dhatu due to its pain and stated as difficult to cure, while in
Snetha property6 and these substances also Krimija Hrda Roga acute pain in various
induced to Prameha7. Regarding other intensities which may threaten the life of
Nidana blood may be vitiated by taking patients has been described and this disease
excessive Viruddha, Snigdha, Guru, food stated as Sighrakari, so it seems acute
and by day sleep, which may give rise to painful cardiace disease. Hrcchula as
Agnimandya8. In Susruta Samhita described by Susruta12 states to a condition
description of Rakta Skandana by Hima of sever cardiac pain with sever dyspnoea.
(cold) Ahar and Vihara is available9. This For the management of Hrcchula Susruta is
disorder of blood may lead in complications of opinion to manage it similar to Hrda
like Murcha and Sanyasa10. Other Nidana Roga. This states Hrcchula of a type of
of this disease appears to be similar which Hrdu Roga. In view of severity of pain
vitiates dosas. Hrcchula seems to be Ischemic Heart
Regarding Samprapti of disease violation of
principles of diet and other Nidana causes

Pages 102 - 110


In Hrcchula pain seems to be severe in nature which causes dysponea also.


Features of Hrcchula.

Ayurvedic Term English Term

Hrdisthah Sula Pain in the chest
Ucchavasa Avarodha Dysponea


Clinical manifestations of heart disease have been described in to two parts. Firstly, the common
clinical features have been innumerated which are likely to be present in all types of heart
diseases. Secondly the distinguishing features of different types of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja,
Sannipataja and Krmija have been dealt with. Majority of the features are constitutional
symptoms. A list of these signs and symptoms is given below with their modern equivalence.
From their study it seems that the symptoms encountered today in relation to heart disease are
already included in Ayurvedic classic13,14,15,16.

TABLE NO.2 Samanya Laksana (Common Features) of Hrda Roga.

Ayurvedic Term English Term Ayurvedic Term English Term

Ruja Pain Murcha Syncope

Swasa Dysponea Hikka Hiccough

Kasa Cough Kaphotklesa Nausea

Asyavairasya Bad Taste Jwara Fever

Trsna Thirst Pramoha Stupor

Vaivarnya Change in colour - -

Pages 102 - 110


In Vatika HRDA Roga pain has been described as the main feature. The character of pain also
mentioned herewith full description. Relation of pain with food has been also observed. In
Vatika Hrda Roga dyspnoea, palpitation and tachycardia are usually observed.

Clinical Features of Vatika Hrda Roga

Ayurvedic Term English Term Ayurvedic Term English Term

Cardiac Symptoms: General Symptoms:

Ayamyate Drawing pain Vepathu Tremors

Tudyate Crushing pain Jirne Ayartha Vedana Pain after digestion

Nirmathyate Piercing Pain Susyate Feeling of dryness

Diryyate Cracking Pain

Sphotyate Pricking Pain

Patyate Pain like cutting by saw Mental Symptoms:

Sulyate Atyartha Severe piercing pain -Pramoha Stupor

Bhidyate Stabbing pain -Akasmata Dinata Sudden sense of

Sunyate Feeling of emptiness

Swasa Rodha Dysponea -Soka Grief

Darah Tachycardia/Murmur(?) -Bhaya Fear

Dravah Palpitation -Sabdasahisnuta Intolerance of sound

Vesthanam Cardiac cramps -Alpa Nidra Insomnia

Stambha Partial heart block(?)

Uttama Rujam Severe pain

Pages 102 - 110


In addition to Samanya Rupa of Hrdroga, in this type heart burn, bitter taste in mouth,
eructations with bitter and sour taste, exhaustion, thirst, unconsciousness, giddiness and
perspiration occurs. We could understand this as a type of Hrda Roga in which pain precipitated
following Gastric Symptoms.

Clinical Features of Paittika Hrda Roga

Ayurvedic Term English Term Ayurvedic Term English Term

Cardiac Symptoms:

Hrdadaha Heart burn -Soso Mukhasya Dryness of mouth

Hrdayo Klamah Sense of heaviness of -Amla Pittasya Sour taste

-Chardanam Vomiting

Klamah Exhaustion -Sweda Perspiration

Mental Symptoms: -Jvara Fever

Murcha Fainting -Osa Burning sensation

Bhrama Giddiness -Cosa Sucking pain

Tamodayana Darkness of vision -Daha Burning pain

Moha Stupor -Dhumayana Fumy eructations

General Symptoms:

-Samtrasa Pain -Amlakah Acidic eructations

-Tikta Vaktra Bitter taste

-Tikta Amla Bitter sour

Udgara eructations

Pages 102 - 110


In this type symptoms are bradycardia, stiffness and heaviness of the heart, drowsiness, and
anorexia and a feeling of loaded with stones. Although presence of pain is necessary in this type
of disease also as Ruja is the Samanya Laksana or Hrda Roga but in this type pain seems to be
dull in nature with subacute symptoms.

Clinical Features of Slaismika Hrda Roga

Ayurvedic Term English Term Ayurvedic Term English Term

Cardiac Symptoms: General Symptoms:

Hrdaya Suptata Numbness in Cardiac region Kasa Cough

Hrdaya Stimitata Stiffness Kaphapraseka Excessive Solivation

Hrdaya Bharikata Heaviness in cardiac region Aruchi Anorexia

Asmavrta Hrdaya As stone is kept over heart Agnimardava Indigestion

Jvara Fever

Hrdaya Stabdhata Partial heart block Mental Symptoms:

Tandra Torpor

Stabdha Fixicity

Nidra Sleepiness

Alasya Lassitude


Sannipatika type of heart disease stated as very painful and difficult to cure as it is caused by
combination of all three dosas. It have clinical features of all three types of Hrda Roga.


Caraka mentions, acute pain (Uttama Rujan) as one of the main symptoms of Vatika Hrda Roga
in general way. But acute type of pain of different intensities which may threaten the life of
patients has been described in relation to Krimija Hrda Roga. The nature of pain mentioned in
the above reference of Caraka Samhita seems to be of quite intense degree. The technical terms

Pages 102 - 110

used for this are Suchibhiriva toda and Sastra Cheda. The nature of pain has been described as
Maha rujam, and this disease stated as Sighrakari.

Clinical Features of Krmija Hrda Roga

Ayurvedic Term English Term Ayurvedic Term English Term

Cardiac Symptoms: Mental Symptoms:

Sucibhirivatoda Pain like piercing by needles Tama Darkness of vision

Chidyamanam As heart cut by weapon General Symptoms:

Yatha Sasthairjatam
Stivana Salivation

Utklesa A sense of vomiting

Maharujam Severe pain
Hrllasa Nausea
Sula Pain
Aruchi Anorexia
Krakaccheniva Pain like cutting by saw
Kandu Itching

Syava Netrata Blackish colouration

of eye

There are slight variations in the description PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT IN

of signs and symptoms found in various HRDA ROGA AS STIPULATED IN
Samhitas. From the above tabulation it is AYURVEDIC CLASSICS:
clear that in Ayurvedic texts clinical
manifestations of heart diseases have been 1. For the health of heart factors that makes
described presenting pain as the major unhappy to the Mana should be left.
manifestation and in classics a description of Those dietary habits and living
different varieties of pain in Hrda Roga was conditions which are good for heart,
presented. Hrda Roga is considered as a good for Oja and good for heart, good
disease of Madhyama Marga due to Ama for Oja and good for Srotas, should be
dosa. used and person should live peacefully
with making effort of knowledge18.
1. Sodhana is indicated before Samana
Klama, Avasada, Bhrama, Sosa and in Cikitsa and Langhana in Sodhana
Krmija Hrda Roga complications are similar should be done by Pacana19.
to those due to Slaismaja Krmi17.
2. Among Sadupakrama Ruksana is
indicated for the diseases of Marma

Pages 102 - 110

which is good for Tridosa should be
3. Dhamani Praticaya (Atherosclerosis) used25.
stated as Kaphaja Vikara so Kaphaghna
Cikitsa should be done for this. - In Krmija Hrda Roga first Snehana
and Brnhana dravya should be used
4. In Hrda Sula treatment is indicated then Virecana is indicated26.
according to the stage, i.e Pain just after
ingestion, Pain during digestion, and SINGLE DRUGS INDICATED FOR
pain after digestion accordingly21. HRCCHULA : Puskara Mula, Mrga Srnga

5. Treatment of Hrda Roga indicated SINGLE DRUGS INDICATED FOR HRDA

according to Dosa and pathology. ROGA :

- In Vataja Hrda Roga Vamana is 1. Arjuna It is well known Hrdya drug.

indicated after Snehana22.
Supposed to be cardiotonic in action.
- In Pittaja Hrda Roga Vamana is 2. Rasona Specially effective in
indicated after giving Pittanasaka
atherosclerotic heart disease.
drugs. Vamana then followed by
medicated Ghrta or Pittanasaka 3. Guggulu Effective in Atherosclerotic
heart disease.
- In Kaphaja Hrda Roga Vamana is 4. Karvira Very potent cardiotonic drug.
indicated after Kaphaghna drugs.
Action like digitalis. Used in heart
Then Vatanasaka drugs and diets are
indicated24. failure.
5. Vana Palandu Resembles with Karvira
- In Tridosaja Hrda Roga first
Langhana is indicated then the diet in activity.


1. Caraka Samhita Sutra Sthana 26/78. 8. Caraka Samhita Sutra Sthana

2. Susruta Samhita Sarira Sthana 4/30.
9. Susruta Samhita Sutra Sthana 14/40.
3. Caraka Samhita Sarira Sthana 4/15.
10. Caraka Samhita Sutra Sthana 24/27.
4. Susruta Samhita Sarira Sthana 3/31.
11. Caraka Samhita Suta Sthana 17/30-
5. Susruta Samhita Nidana Sthana 1/16. 39.

6. Susruta Samhita Sutra Sthana 15/38. 12. Susruta Samhita Uttara Tantra
7. Caraka Samhita Sutra Sthana 23/5.
13. Astanga Samgraha Nidana 5.

Pages 102 - 110

14. Caraka Samhita Sutra Sthana 17/30-
21. Caraka Samhita Cikitsa Sthana
15. Astanga Samgraha Sutra Sthana 26/101 - 102.
22. Susruta Samhita Uttar Tantra 43/11.
16. Caraka Samhita Suthra Sthana 26/77.
23. Susruta Samhita Uttar Tantra 43/15.
17. Madhava Nidana 29/7.
24. Susruta Samhita Uttar Tantra 14/17.
18. Caraka Samhita Sutra Sthana 30/13.
25. Caraka Samhita Cikitsa Sthana
19. Caraka Samhita Sutra Sthana 22/21. 26/100.

20. Caraka Samhita Sutra Sthana 22/30. 26. Susruta Uttar Tantra 43/20.

Pages 102 - 110

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