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Learning Centers Lesson Plan

Names: Taylor Fournier

Grade Level: 2nd grade

Group Size: 16 students (8 groups with 2 students in each group)

Date: 03/23/17

Subject/Lesson Topic: Math/ Telling time to the hour and half hour


The learner will tell time to the hour and half hour.


1.MD.B.3 Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.

Contextual Factors:

MSA- West
Students ages 7-8
Disabilities such as hearing impairments and visual impairments.
Race and ethnicity

Teacher Materials/Resources:

White boards
Roll, Say, Keep game board

Analog time cards
Digital time cards

Dry erase analog clock template

Student Materials/Resources:

Students will use the materials provided by the teacher.

Technology Integration:

Smart board

Family/Community Connection or Extension:

Parents of the students will be asked to ask questions about telling time to the nearest

hour and half hour

o Throughout the day, parents can ask questions like, What time is it right now? If

it is 4:00 right now, what time will it be in 30 minutes?

Parents can also play this game at home with their kids.

I will draw different times on analog clocks and display them on the smart board. The

students will use their white boards to write the times digitally.

Lesson Procedure and Activities:


To begin, I will do the pre-assessment activity where I will display an analog clock and

have the students write the digital time on their white boards.
Next, I will introduce the game.
o Today we are going to play a game called Roll, Say, Keep. I am going to divide

you into groups of two.


Each group will get one game board and a set of analog time cards. Place an analog time

card upside down on each square.

The first player will roll the die and turn over the card on that number. If the player gets

the number right they get to keep the card and place a new card on the board in its place.

If they get it wrong, then it is the next persons turn.

The person with the most cards at the end wins.


To close the lesson, I will ask student to give me examples of an hour and half hour.


The teacher will constantly monitor each student, accommodating anyone who needs

Each group will consist of a higher student and a lower student.
Formative Assessment/Evaluation:

I will randomly give each student a time on the half hour and have them use their dry

erase clock templates to draw the time they were given and write the time digitally.

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