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1. Download the zip file from GitHub (there's a button for it on the right).

Extract it with whatever

program you're using for zip files.
2. Open the newly-extracted ckb-master folder in your file browser. Right-click and select "Open in
3. In order to install the dependencies for the program, type "sudo apt-get install qt5-default libudev-
dev gcc g++ build-essential" and hit enter. You'll need to type your password and confirm the
4. Once they're finished installing, type "./qmake-auto && make" or qmake && make and hit
enter. This will compile the programs. It may take a while and you'll see some warnings, but it should
eventually end with some "Leaving directory" lines and you should see a new "bin" folder in the ckb-
master directory.
5. Type "sudo bin/ckb-daemon" to launch the driver. The program will log some output to the
terminal and you should eventually see "Device ready at /dev/input/ckb1".
6. Open the "bin" directory in your file browser and double-click on "ckb" to launch the GUI.

For now, you have to leave the terminal window open in order to keep ckb-daemon running. When
you reboot your computer you'll need to open the ckb-master directory in a terminal and re-run
"sudo bin/ckb-daemon" in order to start it again. I'll get some files/scripts set up to allow it to run
automatically in a future version.
Sooo I forgot Ubuntu has really weird package names and the appropriate version of glibc is actually
provided by "build-essential". Sorry, that was my bad. You probably have it installed already.

If "./qmake-auto && make" doesn't work, try "qmake && make instead. See if that does anything.

Can you post the output of the following two terminal commands for me?z
cat /proc/cmdline
lsusb -vd 1b1c: | grep bcdDevice
Well everything looks fine there. Ok, one last idea. Try replacing the usbhid quirks with this:
If that still doesn't work, try this:

Note it now reads 0x408

The poll rate switch controls how quickly the keyboard sends data to the computer. All the way on
the left is BIOS mode, which puts the keyboard in compatibility mode for older BIOSes but disables
some of the advanced functions. The next one over is 8ms, then 4ms, then 2ms, and finally 1ms. I
don't think it should make a difference in this case, but since it only takes a few seconds to check I'd
recommend trying that before adding the ignore command.

What I'd recommend is starting ckb-daemon the same as before, then when it fails to connect, slide
the switch over one position. Repeat until you've tested all of them. After that try changing the
cmdline option and then do it again.
If you have problems connecting the device to your system (device doesn't respond, ckb-daemon
doesn't recognize or can't connect it) and/or you experience long boot times when using the
keyboard, try adding the following to your kernel's cmdline:

K95 RGB: usbhid.quirks=0x1B1C:0x1B11:0x20000408

For instructions on adding cmdline parameters in Ubuntu, see

If you have multiple devices, combine them with commas, starting after the =. For instance, for K70
RGB + M65 RGB:

If it still doesn't work, try replacing 0x20000408 with 0x4. Note that this will cause the kernel
driver to ignore the device(s) completely, so you need to ensure ckb-daemon is running at boot or
else you'll have no input. This will not work if you are using full-disk encryption.
If you're using Unity and the tray icon doesn't appear correctly, run sudo apt-get install
libappindicator-dev. Then reinstall ckb.

Permanently Add a Kernel Boot Parameter

1. Log in to the system and start a terminal window (Applications->Accessories->Terminal).
2. In the terminal window at the $ prompt, enter the command:
sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
Enter your password when prompted by [sudo].
If the file /etc/default/grub appears to be empty or does not exist, see the instructions
for earlier releases above).
3. In the editor window, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the line beginning with
"GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT" then edit that line, adding your parameter(s) to the
text inside the double-quotes after the words "quiet splash". (Be sure to add a SPACE
after "splash" before adding your new parameter.) Click the Save button, then close the
editor window.

4. In the terminal window at the $ prompt, enter the command: sudo update-grub

5. Restart the system.

Note: The parameter(s) you've added to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line are
persistent, and will be in effect for every subsequent boot session (unless you remove them by
repeating the procedure above).
When stopping the driver manually, the keyboard sometimes stops working completely. You can
reconnect it by moving the poll rate switch.

To install a new version of ckb, or to reinstall the same version, first delete the ckb-master directory
and the zip file from your previous download. Then download the source code again and re-run
quickinstall. The script will automatically replace the previous installation. You may need to
reboot afterward.

First, stop the ckb-daemon service and remove the service file.
If you have systemd (Ubuntu versions starting with 15.04):
sudo systemctl stop ckb-daemon
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/ckb-daemon.service

If you have Upstart (Ubuntu versions earlier than 15.04):

sudo service ckb-daemon stop
sudo rm -f /etc/init/ckb-daemon.conf

If you're not sure, re-run the quickinstall script and proceed to the service installation.
The script will say System service: Upstart detected or System service:
systemd detected

Afterward, remove the applications and related files:

sudo rm -f /usr/bin/ckb /usr/bin/ckb-daemon
sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/ckb-animations

#### Reinstalling:

To install a new version of ckb, or to reinstall the same version, first delete the ckb-master directory
and the zip file from your previous download. Then download the source code again and re-run
`quickinstall`. The script will automatically replace the previous installation. You may need to reboot

#### Uninstalling:

First, stop the ckb-daemon service and remove the service file.
* If you have systemd (Ubuntu versions starting with 15.04):
sudo systemctl stop ckb-daemon
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/ckb-daemon.service
* If you have Upstart (Ubuntu versions earlier than 15.04):
sudo service ckb-daemon stop
sudo rm -f /etc/init/ckb-daemon.conf
* If you're not sure, re-run the `quickinstall` script and proceed to the service installation. The script
will say `System service: Upstart detected` or `System service: systemd detected`

Afterward, remove the applications and related files:

sudo rm -f /usr/bin/ckb /usr/bin/ckb-daemon /usr/share/applications/ckb.desktop
sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/ckb-animations

OS X Installation

#### Binary download:

The latest OS X binary can be downloaded here: https://github.com/ccMSC/ckb/releases/latest

Click on `ckb.pkg` under the Downloads section. This is an automated installer which will set up the
driver for you. After it's finished, open ckb.app (it will be installed to your Applications directory) to
get started.

#### Building from source:

Install the latest version of Xcode from the App Store. Open Xcode, accept the license agreement,
and wait for it to install any additional components (if necessary). When you see the "Welcome to
Xcode" screen, the setup is finished and you can close the app. Then install Qt5 from here:
The easiest way to build the driver is with the `quickinstall` script, which is present in the ckb-master
folder. Double-click on `quickinstall` and it will compile the app for you, then ask if you'd like to
install it system-wide. If the build fails for any reason, or if you'd like to compile manually, see

#### Reinstalling (binary):

Download the latest `ckb.pkg`, run the installer, and reboot. The newly-installed driver will replace
the old one.

#### Reinstalling (source):

Remove the existing ckb-master directory and zip file. Re-download the source code and run the
`quickinstall` script again. The script will automatically replace the previous installation. You may
need to reboot afterward.

#### Uninstalling:

Drag `ckb.app` into the trash. If the system service file isn't cleaned up automatically, you can find it
and remove it here: `/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.ckb.daemon.plist`.

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