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James Wilder Irvine

March 23, 2017

UWRT 1102-016

Image of Discourse Community Reflection

My presentation on my community of Plaza Midwood contained images of many

of the places of business, as well as community meeting areas. Several of the places I

included in my presentation have closed down due to rising property values. I included

many music venues because of Plaza Midwoods role in local music. The greatest amount

of support toward the local music and arts community comes from Plaza Midwood. The

rising property values have already closed many of the commercial and underground

venues in Charlotte. As a musician and member of the local music community this

terrifies me because the exposure of local music is dwindling, especially with younger

kids who are under the ages of 18 and 21. Without the younger generation coming in the

music community will eventually be pushed out.

The class seemed to be interested in my perspective of the community that I grew

up in and what has happened in recent years. I was able to discuss how the rate of violent

crimes has increased due to the extreme polarity of members in the community. My

presentation spawned questions from individuals who have not experienced this

economic trend the way I have. They seemed genuinely interested because they had not

been exposed to the levels developers will steep to buy the land. My presentation also

spawned an interesting conversation with another student who grew up around the area as

well. We were able to discuss the way the neighborhood used to be as well as sharing

some stories from our younger days in the neighborhood.

I feel like my presentation opened up many of my peers views in the ethical grey

area know as urban revitalization. My presentation as tied into another students who

discussed how the larger corporations that moved in affected his town. He discussed how

many of the locally owned places couldnt hold up against they large corporations prices.

This is a perfect example of how gentrification affects communities. His experiences

were economic while what Plaza Midwood is undergoing is on more of a socioeconomic

level. The presention was a fun experience since this is a problem that has directed

affected my social life as well as my career in music. This is an issue I hold very dear and

am excited to inquire into what we as a community can do to use urban revitalization to

benefit all members of the community.

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