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Solutions to End Cyberbullying Among Young Students

Alejandra Cinco

The University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1301

March 10, 2017


Society needs to be aware of what is happening in his surroundings but most importantly

in the internet. The internet is causing a big problem called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is

developed in a series of messages hurting other people, so it is important that society contribute

to the problem. In this report, the audience will understand more in deep of what is the

significant of cyberbullying, the victim and the perpetrator. Also, it will provide strategies to stop

the conflict; for example, joining a group where students can talk about their issues, how parents

can limit the hours of technology devices, etc. After comprehend how the victim or the

perpetrator feels, the report gives more information about how parents and administrators can

help teens to solve the problem making them appreciate what they have in their life. Creating all

of these it is also important to teach teenagers how to reach for help when a situation is arriving,

so society can help students with any problem. It is important that society especially parents and

administrators have empathy because if they do not help other people they will risk a human life.

It is better to think twice about avoiding a problem on the internet and help people that need our

help. Reading this report will give the audience a better understanding of solutions to stop


Keywords: Cyberbullying, Victim, Perpetrator



The question is, how are we going to stop cyberbullying if the victim does not feel

support by others? Why society is not helping with this type of situation? An interesting fact said

that, Over 81% of young people think bullying online is easy to get away than bullying in

person. (Godin, 2010.) However, they are different experiences narrative by people that were

dealing with cyberbullying and ended with a suicide tragedy. It is time that society promotes

solutions to end cyberbullying, it can be difficult because in this time people use computers and

cellphones for everything. Many people feel that without technology people will be lost forever,

and in some way, it is true. To solve the problem with the name cyberbullying is important that

parents, friends, and administrators stand up and reach for the bullies and try to give them

solutions to defend themselves. First of all, to help teenagers, society needs to clarify what the

term cyberbullying means. According to the article, Dealing with Cyberbullying, the author said

that, Cyberbullying occurs when a teen uses the Internet, emails, text messages, instant

messaging, social media websites, online forums, chat rooms, or other digital technology to

harass, threaten, or humiliate another teen. (Adams, 2015.) This demonstrate how people are

dealing with humiliation by people that maybe they did not know. Also, it is important to look up

for both sides of the story because not only is the victim dealing with difficult issues, also the

perpetrator has complications that are making him or her doing this to people. The community

needs to make an effort and think twice on how they are going to help students especially young

students. To make this happen this report will cover how the victim and perpetrator are feeling to

communicate parents and administrators how they need to deal with the conflict of cyberbullying

in school and home, providing strategies that they must need to do.

Who is the victim? Who is the perpetrator?

The perpetrators or bullies are the

ones who bother the victim. The

question is why? Why they do it?

Illustrated by the image in the left is

an example of how a girl is pointed

out by a hand in this case the

preparator making her feel miserable

of who she is as a person. For

instance, many research concluded that perpetrator sometimes attend to have problems in school,

poor grades, bad attendance, they get in fights or they have issues with their parents. In the

article, For Every Bully There is a Victim, the author conveyed that, Approximately 40% of

school bullies are convicted of three or more crimes by the age of 24. (Lawrence and Adams,

2006.) This quotation represents how bullies usually experience bad behavior with their parents

because they feel anxious, insecure with themselves that their first reaction is to transmitted to

another person in this case the victim. To help with this problem is important that parents be

aware of what their kids are doing in school, social media and in the same home. If parents do

not contribute with their kids how they going to ask to be good students if they do not try to give

them a good education. Parents assume that teenagers get in trouble because they want to

demonstrate something, but parents need to help them with an advice or maybe a punishment

rather than an award. On the other hand, victims usually experiences feelings of insecurity,

weakness, low self-esteem, and depression. Victims sometimes are a target of bullies because

they look smart, quiet, innocents and without experience to deal with problems or fights. In this

case, society need to teach students how to speak up and select right choices because they are

students that assume that insulting is a solution to defend themselves. However, parents and

administrators are the ones who need to help the victim to solve the problem.

What parents and administrator can do to stop cyberbullying

First, parents need to educate their children the significance of cyberbullying and the

consequences of doing it. After the students comprehend the meaning of cyberbullying and what

are the consequences of doing and receiving, it is when parents need to know strategies to look

up for their kids. For instead, parents need to management time of using computers and

cellphones. This is essential because kids will spend less time on social media and using more

time doing assignments, projects or doing something that will benefit their future.

Another example parents can do is to have communication with their kids because

without speaking how parents will know if their kids maybe are doing or experience

cyberbullying. A study found out that, Only 16 percent of the students surveyed regularly talked

with their parents about what they do online. (Beale and Hall, 2007.) This study is an idea of

how parents are an example of love and support because teens need to feel comfortable with their

parents to start trusting and talking about what is happening in school, online and with their

friends. Also, parents need to be aware of what teens are learning in school. It is necessary that

parents inform of what classes and programs their kids are involved because school is like teens

second home.

For this reason, the administrator need to know strategies to deal with cyberbullying and

put a limit to students with the use of computers. Furthermore, administrators, professors and

any representative working in school need to identify some strategies to help students dealing

with cyberbullying in school. For example, professors must inform students how to use internet

without cause harm to others. A favorable idea is to do presentation with facts and real stories to

aware teens that cyberbullying is

not a game and because of this

type of situations teens suicide.

Also, counselors create programs

where students can talk with other

people relative to their experience.

This communities help students to

speak up, control their emotions to have high self-esteem, and try to help the other person in this

case the perpetrator. A demonstration of this community groups is represented in the image at the

top of the page where a small group speak up their problem with a counselor making teenagers

feel better and have communication with other students. When students start to feel motivated,

they open their minds and start to ignore messages, post, chat rooms, etc. Similarly, The National

Boards Association demonstrated that, Most schools districts have policies in place to protect

students from online dangers and to educate and inform students. (Miller, Thompson and Franz,

2009.) Getting this type of community groups and in some schools districts have policies to

support cyberbullying is the best idea to end this problem. Lastly, another strategy that

administrator can do to end cyberbullying is to inform professor that the use of internet and also

that social media websites are prohibit in school. This is a method to control the classroom

environment and at the beginning of the class always remember that this is prohibit and always

explain why.

What the victims can do to protect themselves?


In the article, Strategies to Prevent and Heal the Mental Anguish Caused by

Cyberbullying, the author mentioned that, Students are asked to identify their actual behavior

when exposed to acts of cyberbullying and to brainstorm ways to stop such harmful behaviors.

(Castillo, 2008.) In some way, it is important that parents and representative in school help the

victim, but like the quote said students need to identify their actual behavior and all together stop

cyberbullying. The question is how the victim can contribute with ending cyberbullying? In the

first place, it is essential that teens reach for help it does not matter where, but it can be in school,

with their parents, friends or someone that can really help them. When teens speak up about what

is happening in their life they are also give an opportunity to the perpetrator to receive help.

Also, having communication with a person that study the field of counselor make students feel

better because they will assume that person has experiences dealing with problems like

cyberbullying. Parents are another example where teenagers can speak up because their parents

will not criticize what is happening in their life on the contrary, paremts will support students and

try to help them.

Lastly, joining an academic group will make students forget the problem and try to avoid

cyberbullying. Some consequences are depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, insecure and in

some cases, make a suicide tragedy. Studies find out that many students increase their self-

esteem when they enjoy a sport, a dance team, competitions or something they like to do the

most because this will make students feel confident and avoid cyberbullying that later on will

damage students. For example, if a student is all day thinking about the harms word the

perpetrator say to him or her it will cause depression making him or her that everything said is

true. It is better to join a group and try to get benefits to it rather than assume the bullies are



Society is the primarily help we need to stop cyberbullying, but if the same society look

what is happening in their surrounded and they do not do anything to help, they do not have the

right to discuss the issue too. It is essential that all the communities get together and fight for

things that matter like the life of someone, and think twice about what is happening online. Every

human need to have empathy because reflecting themselves in somebody else shoes is the right

thing to do. They will feel that receive help from others is the best, so it is time that parents,

schools and communities stand up and fight for something that matters like a human life. To do

this we need to assume and support both side, the victim and the perpetrator. When society

comprehends the consequences of cyberbullying and how people are dying because of low self-

esteem, people realize cyberbullying is not a joke. General speaking, it is time to stop violence;

for instance, the solution to stop this tragedy is really simple and it is that all together try to speak

up and contribute to the problem.


Adams, C. (2015, January 9). Dealing with Cyberbullying. Retrieved from:


Beale, A., & Hall, K. (2007). Cyberbullying: What School Administrators (And Parents) Can Do.

The Clearing House, 81(1), 8-12. Retrieved from


Froeschle, J., Mayorga, M., Castillo, Y., & Hargrave, T. (2008). Strategies to Prevent and Heal

the Mental Anguish Caused by Cyberbullying. Middle School Journal, 39(4), 30-35.

Retrieved from http://0-www.jstor.org.lib.utep.edu/stable/23048097

Godin, S. (2010). 11 Facts About Cyberbullying. Retrieved from:


Miller, N., Thompson, N., & Franz, D. (2009). Proactive Strategies to Safeguard Young

Adolescents in the Cyberage. Middle School Journal, 41(1), 28-34. Retrieved from


Lawrence, G., & Adams, F. (2006). For Every Bully There is a Victim. American Secondary

Education, 35(1), 66-71. Retrieved from http://0-


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