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Judges 7

. Then Jerubbaal, who [is]
uishkm irbol eua gdoun ukl - eom ashr athu Gideon, and all the people
andhe-is-crising-early Jerub-Baal he Gideon andall-of thepeople who withhim that [were] with him, rose
up early, and pitched beside


  the well of Harod: so that
the host of the Midianites
uichnu ol - oin~chrd umchne mdin eie - lu mtzphun
were on the north side of
andthey-are-encamping on Spring-of~Harod andcamp-of Midian he-wasbc tohim fromnorth
them, by the hill of Moreh,
in the valley.

mgboth emure bomq :
fromhill-of theMoreh inthevale

And the LORD said unto
uiamr ieue al - gdoun rb eom ashr athk mththi ath - Gideon, The people that
andhe-is-saying Yahweh to Gideon many thepeople who withyou fromto-give-ofme [are] with thee [are] too
many for me to give the
Midianites into their hands,
lest Israel vaunt themselves
mdin bidm phn - ithphar oli ishral lamr idi
against me, saying, Mine
Midian inhand-ofthem lest he-shall-beautify-himself onme Israel toto-say-of hand-ofme
own hand hath saved me.

eushioe li :
she-csaved tome


Now therefore go to,
uothe qra na bazni eom lamr mi - ira uchrd proclaim in the ears of the
andnow call-you ! please ! inears-of thepeople toto-say-of any ? fearing andtrembling people, saying, Whosoever
[is] fearful and afraid, let

him return and depart early

from mount Gilead. And
ishb uitzphr mer eglod uishb mn -
there returned of the people
he-shall-return andhe-shall-scurry frommountain-of theGilead andhe-is-returning from
twenty and two thousand;
and there remained ten

: thousand.
eom oshrim ushnim alph uoshrth alphim nsharu : s
thepeople twenty andtwo thousand andten-of thousands they-nremained


And the LORD said unto
uiamr ieue al - gdoun oud eom rb eurd authm al - Gideon, The people [are]
andhe-is-saying Yahweh to Gideon still thepeople many ctake-down-you ! them to yet [too] many; bring them
down unto the water, and I
3 will try them for thee there:
and it shall be, [that] of
emim uatzrphnu lk shm ueie ashr amr alik ze
whom I say unto thee, This
thewaters andI-shall-refinehim foryou there andhe-becomes whom I-shall-say toyou this-one
shall go with thee, the same
shall go with thee; and of
* * * *
3 whomsoever I say unto thee,
ilk athk eua ilk athk ukl ashr - amr alik ze la - This shall not go with thee,
he-shall-go withyou he he-shall-go withyou andall whom I-shall-say toyou this-one not the same shall not go.
* * * :
ilk omk eua la ilk :
he-shall-go withyou he not he-shall-go


So he brought down the
uiurd ath - eom al - emim s uiamr ieue al - gdoun people unto the water: and
andhe-is-ctaking-down thepeople to thewaters andhe-is-saying Yahweh to Gideon the LORD said unto
Gideon, Every one that
4   4 lappeth of the water with
his tongue, as a dog lappeth,
kl ashr - ilq blshunu mn - emim kashr ilq eklb
him shalt thou set by
all who he-is-lapping intongue-ofhim from thewaters aswhich he-is-lapping thedog
himself; likewise every one
that boweth down upon his
 knees to drink.
thtzig authu lbd ukl ashr - ikro ol - brkiu
you-shall-cput him toaside andall who he-is-bowing-down on knees-ofhim

lshthuth :

And the number of them
uiei msphr emlqqim bidm al - phiem shlsh that lapped, [putting] their
andhe-is-becoming number-of theones-mlapping inhand-ofthem to mouth-ofthem three-of hand to their mouth, were
three hundred men: but all

 the rest of the people bowed
down upon their knees to
mauth aish ukl ithr eom krou ol - brkiem lshthuth
drink water.
hundreds man andall-of rest-of thepeople they-bowed-down on knees-ofthem toto-drink-of

mim : s

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Judges 7

And the LORD said unto
uiamr ieue al - gdoun bshlsh mauth eaish emlqqim Gideon, By the three
andhe-is-saying Yahweh to Gideon inthree-of hundreds theman theones-mlapping hundred men that lapped
will I save you, and deliver

3 the Midianites into thine
hand: and let all the [other]
aushio athkm unththi ath - mdin bidk ukl - eom
people go every man unto
I-shall-csave you(p) andI-give Midian inhand-ofyou andall-of thepeople
his place.

ilku aish lmqmu :
they-shall-go man toplaceri-ofhim


So the people took
uiqchu ath - tzde eom bidm uath shuphrthiem uath victuals in their hand, and
andthey-are-taking provision thepeople inhand-ofthem and trumpets-ofthem and their trumpets: and he sent
all [the rest of] Israel every

 man unto his tent, and
retained those three hundred
kl - aish ishral shlch aish laeliu ubshlsh - mauth eaish
men: and the host of Midian
all-of man-of Israel he-msent-away man totents-ofhim andinthree-of hundreds theman
was beneath him in the

echziq umchne mdin eie lu mthchth bomq : p
he-cheld-fast andcamp-of Midian he-wasbc tohim fromunder inthevale


. And it came to pass the
uiei blile eeua uiamr aliu ieue qum rd same night, that the LORD
andhe-wasbc inthenight thehe andhe-is-saying tohim Yahweh arise-you ! go-down-you ! said unto him, Arise, get
thee down unto the host; for

3 : I have delivered it into thine

bmchne ki nththiu bidk :
inthecamp that I-gavehim inhand-ofyou

7:10 3
But if thou fear to go
uam - ira athe lrdth rd athe uphre nork al - down, go thou with Phurah
andif one-fearing you toto-descend-of go-down-you ! you andPurah lad-ofyou to thy servant down to the

emchne :


And thou shalt hear what
ushmoth me - idbru uachr thchzqne idik they say; and afterward
andyou-hear what ? they-are-mspeaking andafterward they-shall-be-steadfast hands-ofyou shall thine hands be
strengthened to go down

 unto the host. Then went he
down with Phurah his
uirdth bmchne uird eua uphre noru al - qtze
servant unto the outside of
andyou-go-down inthecamp andhe-is-descending he andPurah lad-ofhim to outmost-part-of
the armed men that [were]
in the host.

echmshim ashr bmchne :
theones-being-fiftied who inthecamp


And the Midianites and
umdin uomlq ukl - bni - qdm nphlim bomq karbe the Amalekites and all the
andMidian andAmalek andall-of sons-of east ones-having-fallen inthevale asthelocust children of the east lay
along in the valley like

 grasshoppers for multitude;
and their camels [were]
lrb ulgmliem ain msphr kchul shol - shphth eim
without number, as the sand
tothemultitude andtocamels-ofthem there-is-no number asthesand whichon shore-of thesea
by the sea side for

lrb :

And when Gideon was
uiba gdoun uene - aish msphr lroeu chlum come, behold, [there was] a
andhe-is-coming Gideon andbehold ! man mrelating toassociate-ofhim dream man that told a dream unto
his fellow, and said,

  Behold, I dreamed a dream,

and, lo, a cake of barley
uiamr ene chlum chlmthi uene tzlul tzlil
bread tumbled into the host
andhe-is-saying behold ! dream I-dreamed andbehold ! one-roasted-of one-roasted-of
of Midian, and came unto a
tent, and smote it that it fell,

and overturned it, that the
lchm shorim mthephk bmchne mdin uiba od - eael tent lay along.
bread-of barleys turning-himself incamp-of Midian andhe-is-coming unto thetent

uikeu uiphl uiephkeu lmole unphl
andhe-is-csmitinghim andhe-is-falling andhe-is-overturninghim toupward andhe-falls

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Judges 7

eael :


And his fellow answered
uion roeu uiamr ain zath blthi am - and said, This [is] nothing
andhe-is-answering associate-ofhim andhe-is-saying there-is-no this except only else save the sword of
Gideon the son of Joash, a
 man of Israel: [for] into his
hand hath God delivered
chrb gdoun bn - iuash aish ishral nthn ealeim bidu ath - mdin
Midian, and all the host.
sword-of Gideon son-of Joash man-of Israel he-gave theElohim inhand-ofhim Midian

uath - kl - emchne : p
and all-of thecamp

And it was [so], when
uiei kshmo gdoun ath - msphr echlum uath - shbru Gideon heard the telling of
andhe-is-becoming asto-hear-of Gideon tale-of thedream and explication-ofhim the dream, and the
interpretation thereof, that

he worshipped, and
returned into the host of
uishthchu uishb al - mchne ishral uiamr qumu
Israel, and said, Arise; for
andhe-is-sworshiping andhe-is-returning to camp-of Israel andhe-is-saying arise-you(p) !
the LORD hath delivered
into your hand the host of

: Midian.
ki - nthn ieue bidkm ath - mchne mdin :
that he-gave Yahweh inhand-ofyou(p) camp-of Midian

4  4
. And he divided the
uichtz ath - shlsh - mauth eaish shlshe rashim uithn shuphruth three hundred men [into]
andhe-is-dividing three-of hundreds theman three heads andhe-is-giving trumpets three companies, and he put
a trumpet in every man's
* : hand, with empty pitchers,
and lamps within the
bid - klm ukdim rqim ulphdim bthuk ekdim :
inhand-of all-ofthem andjars empty-ones andtorches inmidst-of thejars


And he said unto them,
uiamr aliem mmni thrau ukn thoshu uene anki Look on me, and do
andhe-is-saying tothem fromme you(p)-shall-see andso you(p)-shall-do andbehold ! I likewise: and, behold, when
I come to the outside of the

: camp, it shall be [that], as I
do, so shall ye do.
ba bqtze emchne ueie kashr - aoshe kn thoshun :
coming inoutmost-part-of thecamp andhe-becomes aswhich I-shall-do so you(p)-shall-do


When I blow with a
uthqothi bshuphr anki ukl - ashr athi uthqothm bshuphruth trumpet, I and all that [are]
andI-blow inthetrumpet I andall-of who withme andyou(p)-blow inthetrumpets with me, then blow ye the
trumpets also on every side

: of all the camp, and say,
[The sword] of the LORD,
gm - athm sbibuth kl - emchne uamrthm lieue ulgdoun : p
and of Gideon.
moreover you(p) round-about all-of thecamp andyou(p)-say forYahweh andforGideon


So Gideon, and the
uiba gdoun umae - aish ashr - athu bqtze emchne hundred men that [were]
andhe-is-coming Gideon andhundred man who withhim inoutmost-part-of thecamp with him, came unto the
outside of the camp in the
beginning of the middle
watch; and they had but
rash eashmrth ethikune ak eqm eqimu ath - eshmrim
newly set the watch: and
beginning-of thevigil themiddle yea to-cset-up they-performed theones-guarding
they blew the trumpets, and
brake the pitchers that
   : [were] in their hands.
uithqou bshuphruth unphutz ekdim ashr bidm :
andthey-are-blowing inthetrumpets andto-shatter thejars which inhand-ofthem

7:20 4
And the three companies
uithqou shlshth erashim bshuphruth uishbru ekdim blew the trumpets, and
andthey-are-blowing three-of theheads inthetrumpets andthey-are-breaking thejars brake the pitchers, and held
the lamps in their left hands,

and the trumpets in their
right hands to blow
uichziqu bid - shmaulm blphdim ubid - iminm
[withal]: and they cried, The
andthey-are-cholding-fast inhand-of left-ofthem inthetorches andinhand-of right-ofthem
sword of the LORD, and of

eshuphruth lthquo uiqrau chrb lieue ulgdoun :
thetrumpets toto-blow-of andthey-are-calling sword forYahweh andforGideon


And they stood every
uiomdu aish thchthiu sbib lmchne uirtz kl - man in his place round
andthey-are-standing man underhim round-about tothecamp andhe-is-running all-of about the camp: and all the

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Judges 7 - Judges 8
host ran, and cried, and

: fled.
emchne uiriou uinisu uinusu :
thecamp andthey-are-cshouting andthey-are-ctaking-to-flight andthey-are-fleeing

7:22 4   
And the three hundred
uithqou shlsh - mauth eshuphruth uishm ieue ath chrb blew the trumpets, and the
andthey-are-blowing three-of hundreds thetrumpets andhe-is-placing Yahweh sword-of LORD set every man's
sword against his fellow,

even throughout all the host:
and the host fled to
aish broeu ubkl - emchne uins emchne od -
Bethshittah in Zererath,
man inassociate-ofhim andinall-of thecamp andhe-is-fleeing thecamp as-far-as
[and] to the border of
Abelmeholah, unto
~ ~  : Tabbath.
bith~eshte tzrrthe od shphth - abl~mchule ol - tbth :
Beth~the-Shittah Zererahward as-far-as ridge-of Abel~Meholah on Tabbath


. And the men of Israel
uitzoq aish - ishral mnphthli umn - ashr umn - kl - gathered themselves
andhe-is-being-summoned man-of Israel fromNaphtali andfrom Asher andfrom all-of together out of Naphtali,
and out of Asher, and out of
: all Manasseh, and pursued
after the Midianites.
mnshe uirdphu achri mdin :
Manasseh andthey-are-pursuing after Midian


And Gideon sent
umlakim shlch gdoun bkl - er aphrim lamr rdu messengers throughout all
andmessengers he-sent Gideon inall-of mountain-of Ephraim toto-say-of come-down-you(p) ! mount Ephraim, saying,
Come down against the
~ Midianites, and take before
them the waters unto
lqrath mdin ulkdu lem ath - emim od bith~bre uath -
Bethbarah and Jordan. Then
toto-meet-of Midian andseize-you(p) ! tothem thewaters as-far-as Beth~Barah and
all the men of Ephraim
gathered themselves
together, and took the
eirdn uitzoq kl - aish aphrim uilkdu ath - emim waters unto Bethbarah and
theJordan andhe-is-being-summoned all-of man-of Ephraim andthey-are-seizing thewaters Jordan.
~ :
od bith~bre uath - eirdn :
as-far-as Beth~Barah and theJordan


And they took two
uilkdu shni - shri mdin ath - orb uath - zab uiergu princes of the Midianites,
andthey-are-seizing two-of chiefs-of Midian Oreb and Zeeb andthey-are-killing Oreb and Zeeb; and they
slew Oreb upon the rock

Oreb, and Zeeb they slew at
the winepress of Zeeb, and
ath - ourb btzur - ourb uath - zab ergu biqb-zab uirdphu
pursued Midian, and
Oreb inrock-of Oreb and Zeeb they-killed inWinevat-of-Zeeb andthey-are-pursuing
brought the heads of Oreb
and Zeeb to Gideon on the
 : other side Jordan.
al - mdin urash - orb uzab ebiau al - gdoun mobr lirdn :
to Midian andhead-of Oreb andZeeb they-cbrought to Gideon fromacross totheJordan

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