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Reception Class Newsletter Summer Term 1

Dear Parents Hope you enjoyed your break and the Easter
Bunny visited! I cant believe its our last term lets make it
a good one.

Our topics will include: Ways to help your child:

Personal, Social and

Emotional Development. Encourage your child to come into
Settling back into school. school on their own/hang up
Re-establishing rules and their coat/bag..

Responding in an appropriate
manner to visitors. Talk about acceptable/non-
acceptable behaviour.

Caring for plants and animals Talk about how we care

for/nurture living things.
Grow a plant/seed at home.

Developing greater concentration

and skills to work/play
Communication and language/ Share stories/books with your
Literacy. child talk about author/front
Listening with increased coverin context.
attention to stories/poems/
visitors. Encourage your child to use a
variety of cues when reading
Responding to visitors with their picture/context/sounding out
pets. unknown words

Using a variety of puppets,

propsto create/tell their own
stories. Encourage your child to write in real-
life situations and to use basic
Continued guided sessions in
punctuation. Write super sentences.
Have a go at writing familiar words and
Continued development of sounding out and writing c.v.c. words
independent writing and use of cat/cat/bed/cot Write words that
punctuation. you can sound out use Fred Fingers
Writing simple words correctly and write some tricky words too!
and sounding out and writing
c.v.c. words.
Using Set 2 sounds in reading and
Numbers and counting activities. Practice counting in 2s/5s and 10s
Patterns drawn from different Look at patterns in the environment/at
cultures. home.

Recording numerals.
Work on doubles. Record numerals at home correct
Counting back. formation.
Money to 1.00. Look for doubles i.e. when playing
Count on and back at home.
Let your child use money.
Talk about the different coins.
Ordinal numbers. Look for situations when ordinal
position occurs i.e. when queuing.

Understanding the World.

Talk about differences.
Sorting plants and animals.
Name the variety of plants and
Looking at the variety to be
found in living things.
What makes a good pet?
Pets, farm and zoo animals.
Visit a farm.
What is a farm?
Talk about groups that you/your
The farmers day.
child belong to.
Belonging to a
group/class/religious tradition.
Days of the week making a
Discuss what your child does in a
simple time line.
typical week reinforce
Months of the year.
Continued work using the
Talk about specific months i.e.
keyboard type our name/use a
when their birthday is
word bank/form simple
Let your child explore the
sentences/captions on computer.
keyboard at home if you have a
Using a variety of materials to
design and make a farm.
Build and construct at home
refine ideas and models.

Expressive arts and design.

Collaging materials
gluing/arranging/sorting. Explore and experiment at home. Let your
child paint, draw, collagepictures/models
Tearing and cutting paper.
of animals.
Using a variety of media, skills Sing action rhymes/explore how sounds
and techniques to make animals. can be made using everyday items.
Physical development. Go to the park and travel in a
Travelling in different directions. variety of ways.

Throwing and catching. Play outside and practice

Working with a partner. throwing and catching together.

Moving creatively to music/other Have a dance at home!


Dont Forget!
Our P.E. days are Tuesday/Thursday and Friday.

Reading Packs need to be in school every day. Books are changed

twice a week. Try to read little and often at home.

Home Activities Books are sent home on a Monday and collected in

on the following Monday.

Library day is Wednesday (we rely on a volunteer).

Lets keep working together to support your child.

Thank you.

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