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Unit 1 Assignment Sheet

For this unit you will be describing and evaluating yourself as a writer. This course encourages
self reflection and writing transfer. To complete this task, you will develop an autoethnography
about your own writing style, methods, successes, and failures. In addition, you might consider
discussing what type of writer you envision yourself becoming in the professional world based
off your reflection. To complete this task, there must be a balance of personal narrative and
academic scholarship. You will use the readings from this unit and be encouraged to find outside
sources that will help develop your own understanding of yourself as a writer and promote
academic progression.
Envision your audience to be a group of academic peers.
Suggested Page-Length 4-5 double spaced pages, utilizing correct MLA standards.
Genre Autoethnography
Suggested Readings See unit breakdown
Autoethnography Guidelines:
Balance narrative and academic sources
Have a clear thesis/direction/purpose
Present ideas in a clear manner
Demonstrate knowledge of structure, grammar, and MLA rules.
Unit 2 Assignment Sheet
Part 1: For this assignment, you will first identify and/or imagine a potential discourse
community (such as an employer you may want to work for in the future). For this part of the
assignment you will analyze what makes it a discourse community using the standards from the
units reading list. This assignment will encourage you to understand how different discourse
communities function and learn how to understand new discourse communities in the future.
Part 2: Now that you have identified a discourse community, you are tasked with developing an
application packet. This part of the assignment asks you to use your understanding of the
discourse community and its goals to develop a resume/cv and a cover letter/statement of
purpose as if you are actually applying for the job.
Suggested Page-Length Part 1--4-5 double spaced pages, utilizing correct MLA standards.
Part 2determined by the need of the discourse community.
Genre Part 1Essay
Part 2Determined by the needs of the discourse community
Suggested Readings See unit breakdown
Unit 2 Guidelines:
Part 1:
Show an understanding of discourse community and its conventions
Balance personal observations of the discourse community with secondary readings
Develop a clear thesis
Demonstrate clear organization and transitions
Be free of stigmatizing grammatical errors
Adhere to MLA standards
Part 2
Show an understanding of the discourse community
Demonstrate an understanding of genre knowledge
Be professional in tone
Be free of stigmatizing grammatical errors
Adhere to discourse community standards
Unit 3 Assignment Sheet
Part 1: For this assignment, you are now part of the discourse community (job) to which you
applied for. In class, I will hand out a scenario that you will not only respond to, but you will
also have to determine what medium is the most appropriate form for that specific type of
conversation. You will be tasked with filling in the blanks of the conversation as the prompt will
be vague enough to fit any discourse community since your peers all have different perspectives.
This must be completed as an in-class assignment.
Part 2: After part 1, you will take a week to write a rhetorical analysis of your decisions. Your job
will be to convince your peers and myself that the choices you made (from content to form) were
appropriate and effective.
Suggested Page-Length Part 1depends on the medium you choose, utilizing correct MLA
Part 23-page analysis, utilizing correct MLA standards.
Genre Part 1Business Response
Part 2Rhetorical Analysis
Suggested Readings See unit breakdown
Unit 3 Guidelines:
Part 1:
Show an understanding of discourse community and its conventions
Balance personal observations of the discourse community with secondary readings
Clearly respond to the prompt
Demonstrate a professional demeanor
Be free of stigmatizing grammatical errors
Adhere to MLA standards
Part 2
Show an understanding of rhetoric
Demonstrate an understanding of genre knowledge
Metacognitive reflection
Be free of stigmatizing grammatical errors
Unit 4 Assignment Sheet
Research the types of genres that your future profession might use for specific situationspick
two of them. In a five to six page research essay, analyze each genre and how they differ. Make
sure to identify each of the genres purposes and how the conventions might differ depending on
any given situation. This assignment will require you to do extensive research on your desired
profession. Make sure that you identify resources that will help you identify the appropriate
genres for this assignment
Suggested Page-Length 5-6 double spaced pages.
Genre Research/Analysis Essay
Suggested Readings See unit breakdown
Unit 4 Guidelines:
Research the genres within a discourse community
Take clear notes of each genre
Develop and show an understanding of the rhetorical choices
Make connections between the primary artifacts and the secondary readings from this
Provide a clear thesis
Clear and effective paragraphs
Be free of stigmatizing grammatical errors
Adhere to discourse community standards
Unit 5 Assignment Sheet
For this final project you will be tasked with developing your own employment package and
reflecting on the decisions made based off your desired job. To do this effectively you must have
one document that allows you to reflect on your decisions on discourse community, rhetorical
situations, and genre. In each of these documents you will annotate the decisions you made.
These can be revisions of previous assignments in this class, but they must be revised. Lastly,
you will write a five page autoethnography reflecting on your portfolio as a whole. You may
consider revisiting the first autoethnography from unit one and reflecting upon how your identity
as a writer has changed.
Suggested Page-Length At least three artifacts and a ten page autoethnography.
Genre Employment Package--Autoethnography
Suggested Readings See unit breakdown
Unit 4 Guidelines:
Show an understanding of your growth through the semester as both an academic but also
as a professional
Understand the choices you have made in the artifacts and how you will use them in the
Develop and show an understanding of the rhetorical choices
Make connections between the primary artifacts and the secondary readings from this
Provide a clear thesis
Metacognitive reflection
Clear and effective paragraphs
Be free of stigmatizing grammatical errors
Adhere to discourse community standards

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