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Muzzy 1

Ryan Muzzy

TEL 311


Classroom Layout

This is the basic classroom layout that I plan on implementing in my future classroom. I

plan on using this layout at the beginning of the school year. Students will sit alphabetically at

first, then I will have a seating chart for the rest of the year that I change every 6 weeks. I will

change it every 6 weeks, because that is about how long I expect Units to last/take. The door will

be next to the Tack board at the front of the room. The tack board by the door will be used to post

classroom rules, schedules, upcoming events, and other announcements. The table next to the
Muzzy 2

tack board will be used to sign in and sign out to use the bathroom and to sign in when students

come in late, these will be two different sheets. Storage behind the teacher desk will have

classroom supplies that students will need to ask for to use, examples are construction paper,

tape, glue sticks, scissors, etc. There will be a projector in front of the whiteboard that I was

unable to include in the layout. The student desks are in close rows, so that students could easily

work with a partner or in small groups. There will be storage space below the counter for books,

small whiteboards, and markers to be stored. The counter top will have a basket for each class

where students turn in their work and a separate basket for late work. The tack board in the back

will have a calendar on it that tells students when exams are scheduled, and when projects and

essays are due for each class. I plan on also changing up the classroom layout depending on what

activities are going to be done. On exam days, the desks will be in rows, and on group work days

I will arrange the desks in groups of 4 or 5. But my basic classroom layout will be the one

illustrated above.

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