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Toddler Songs

List Compiled by Jane Cobb

For SDLA 2008
Resources at: www.blacksheepress.com

Soon you will be sleeping

Big Blue Boat
Softly lullaby
I love to row in my big blue boat, Till when you awaken you will be a
My big blue boat, my big blue boat, butterfly.
I love to row in my big blue boat,
Out on the deep blue sea.
My big blue boat has two red sails, I have a dog and his name is Rags,
Two red sails, two red sails, He eats to much that his belly sags,
My big blue boat has two red sails, His ears flip flop and his tail wig wags,
Out on the deep blue sea. And when he walks be goes, zig zag.
He goes flip flop, wiggle waggle, zig zag,
So come for a ride in my big blue boat, He goes flip flop, wiggle waggle, zig zag,
My big blue boat, my big blue boat,
He goes flip flop, wiggle waggle, zig zag,
So come for a ride in my big blue boat,
I love Rags, and he loves me.
Out on the deep blue sea.
My dog Rags, he likes to play,
Come ALook A See He rolls around in the mud all day,
Come alook asee, I whistle (pause) but he wont obey,
Heres my mama. He always runs the other way.
Come alook asee, He goes flip flop . . .
Heres my papa.
Come alook a see,
My brother tall, Up Down, Turn Around
Sister, baby, Up down, turn around,
I love them all! Touch the sky and touch the ground,
Wiggle shoulders, wiggle nose,
Wiggle fingers, say hello.
Clap Your Hands, Little Sally
(Tune: The Baby Record by Bob McGrath Up down, turn around,
and Katharine Smithrim) Touch the sky and touch the ground,
Jiggle tummy, blink your eyes,
Clap your hands, little Sally, Blow a kiss and say goodbye.
Clap your hands, little Sally Brown,
Clap your hands, little Sally,
Clap em, Sally Brown. Bed Is Too Small
(Tune: Whatll I Do with the Baby-o by
Turn around, little Sally. . . Jane Cobb)
Bend your knees, little Sally. . .
Touch your toes, little Sally. . . Bed is too small for my tired head,
Give me a hilltop with trees,
Tuck a cloud up under my chin,
Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar Lord, blow the moon out . . . please.
Fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar
Crawling on the ground. Rock me to sleep in a cradle of leaves,
Fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar Sing me a lullaby of dreaming,
Never makes a sound. Tuck a cloud up under my chin,
Shhh. Lord, blow the moon out . . . please.

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