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Central Presbyterian Church

Minutes of the Stated Session Meeting

Monday, August 20, 2001

Present: The Rev. D. Mark Baridon, Pastor, Moderator for this meeting; The Rev. Ann J. Deibert,
Associate Pastor; Elder Eileene J. MacFalls, Clerk; Elders: Kathie Barger, Gladys Boykin, Sharon
Clements, Katie Cobb, Priscilla Freeman, Laurie Griffith, Melanie Hardison, Craig Johnson, Ron
Johnson, Don Lueckert, Vince Patton, Susan Scott, Jeff Sodowsky, Susan Stanford, and David Wheeler.

Absent: None

A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by the Rev. Mark Baridon serving as Moderator
at 7:05 p.m. in the Community Room. Elder Gladys Boykin opened the meeting by reading prayer
requests for today from the Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study (a volume she learned to value when
her name was listed there for the first time many years ago when she served the church in Kenya), and
offering a prayer.

1. Election of Clerk of Session: The Moderator nominated Elder Eileene J. MacFalls to serve as Clerk of
Session for the coming year with voice and without vote. The nomination was seconded and passed.

2. Clerks Report:
A. Minutes: The previously distributed minutes of the Stated Session Meeting on June 18, 2001 were
B. Correspondence:
1. Elder MacFalls reported that she received a letter from Floyd W. Davis of Dundee, Michigan
asking that his name be removed from the rolls of Central Presbyterian Church. It was moved
that Floyd W. Daviss name be removed from the membership roll. The motion was seconded
and discussed. The motion was approved.
2. She reported that the invitation to the session and congregation from the Presbyterian
Community Center to attend their Open House on Sunday afternoon, July 29, appeared as a
bulletin insert on July 29.
3. She summarized the letter about the recent action of the General Assembly regarding
ordination standards received from the Covenant Network of Presbyterians.
4. She reported that she received a thank you letter from the Committee on Local Arrangements
for the participation of members of Central on committees and as volunteers and for the use of
our building for the massed choir rehearsal during the recent meeting of the General Assembly
of the PC(USA) in Louisville.
5. She reported that she referred a letter from the Gift Administration Office, Mission Funding
and Development, PC(USA), about Directed Mission Support, to the pastors and co-chairs of
the Mission Committee for their information.
6. She reported that she received the Covenant Networks August Newsletter giving registration
details for their annual conference to be held in Pasadena, November 1-3, 2001.
7. She reported that Mid-Kentucky Presbyterys Committee on Ministry has written indicating
that COMs liaison to Central this year is Ernestine Lucas.

C. Additional Information
1. Composition of Session (attached to these minutes)
2. Elder Carrie Klinge will take our Session Minutes Book and Church Register to the pre-
presbytery meeting of the Church Administration Committee on September 15 for their annual
review by the presbytery.
3. Sacrament of the Lords Supper was observed during worship on Sundays, July 1 and
August 5, 2001 in the sanctuary.
4. Ordination and installation of elders was held on Sunday, August 12, 2001 during worship in
the sanctuary. (Ordained & installed: Elders Priscilla Freeman, Laurie Griffith, Melanie
Hardison, Susan Scott, David Wheeler; installed: Elders Sharon Clements, Katie Cobb, Susan
5. For one year, the clerk will mail copies of approved session minutes to elders who have rotated
off session (Elders Joe Edmiston, Carrie Klinge, Sara Lisherness, Ted Mitchell & Gordon Vogt).
6. The clerk is to highlight session actions for each issue of The Central Idea.

3. Financial Report: Elder Craig Johnson reviewed the year-to-date, actual-to-budget financial statements
through July 31, 2001, and presented a summary of significant financial data for the church.

4. Membership Report: 177 members; 5 affiliate members; 23 clergy friends = 205 total
-1 Floyd W. Davis removed from the membership roll = 204 total

5. Worship Attendance Report: June average = 144; July average = 135; August (3 Sundays) = 182

6. Pastors Help Fund Expenditures: This is a special checking account to be used at the pastors
discretion to meet emergency needs. Pastors report the expenses to the session monthly. The annual
budgeted amount of $1,000. usually has not been fully expended; when needs exceed this amount, the
fund is replenished. Members sometimes contribute to the fund and recipients sometimes repay funds
given to them. This month a contribution of $270. was received for the fund. A member is using the
fund to transmit monies monthly to William Gregory. Expenditures the past two months were: Pastor
Baridon - $218. plus food items ($150 for a special need; balance for food); Pastor Deibert - $966.
($130. bus fare; $400. housing; $250. Peace Education to feed young mural painters). The session
discussed notifying the congregation of opportunities to contribute to this fund; Elder Craig Johnson
was asked to review the policy of the PC(USA) regarding Pastors Discretionary Funds and report back
to the session before an announcement is made. The tax deductibility of gifts to individuals made
through the church is at issue.

7. Election of Treasurer: The Moderator nominated Elder Craig Johnson to serve as treasurer for one year.
The nomination was seconded and passed.

8. Committee Assignments
A. Chairs and Co-chairs of Committees for the coming year were named:
Christian Education Elders Vince Patton and Laurie Griffith
Church Growth Elder Ron Johnson
Congregational Life Elder Susan Scott
Mission Elders Jeff Sodowsky and Gladys Boykin
More Light Elder Melanie Hardison
Peace and Justice Elder Sharon Clements, session liaison;
(Elder Roby Meadows and Linda Meadows are co-chairs)
Personnel Elder Susan Stanford
Property Elders David Wheeler and Kathie Barger
Stewardship Elder Priscilla Freeman
Worship Elders Don Lueckert and Katie Cobb
B. The Moderator nominated Elder Susan Stanford, chair, and Elder Halsey Sandford (Class of 2004)
to serve on the Personnel Committee. The nominations were seconded and passed.

C. The Moderator nominated Elder Gladys Boykin, chair, and Elder Gordon Vogt to serve on the
Congregational Nominating Committee. The nominations were seconded and passed.

9. Pastors Reports
A. Pastor Mark Baridon
1. Pastor Baridon reported that Central will probably have two seminary interns from Louisville
Presbyterian Theological Seminary this year. One will be fully funded by a Lilly Foundation
Grant; the dean at LPTS selected Central to work with that student. The other will be funded one-
third by LPTS. One student may be used to relate Central to campus ministry at Uof L. He will
supervise both students. He and Elder Joe Edmiston will interview students for both positions.
2. He said the Urban Life Task Force is pleased that NAMI will conduct their Family to Family
Program at Central beginning in September. He moved that the session approve the Stamp Out
the Stigma of Mental Illness Walk to be held September 29. The motion was seconded and passed.
3. He led a discussion of the Tax Rebate Resolution of the 213th General Assembly urging each
session to challenge its members to give 10% of their tax rebate for mission initiatives of their
church in their community, in their presbytery and synod, or through the General Assembly
Council. It was moved that the session endorse the Tax Rebate Resolution and encourage people
at Central to tithe or give 100% of their rebate checks to a charitable cause that will make a
difference, that is globally-focused or economic justice-focused, or to spend it in a socially
responsible manner. Persons who want suggestions of projects to support may contact the pastors
or members of the Mission Committee. This action will be publicized through bulletin inserts and
a Minute for Mission. The motion was seconded and passed.
4. He noted that Meet Mark events have provided opportunities for him and church members to
get to know one another better.
5. He is recruiting a task force of people from Central to meet with the principal and others from
Engelhard School to plan Centrals involvement with the school.
6. He reported that funding of a student by the PC(USA) to work with Central and UofL Campus
Ministry will not occur this year. If a seminary student is not employed to work in campus
ministry at UofL, he will take the lead and make contacts for us.
7. Service to the church: LPTS Anniversary Committee
8. Service to the neighborhood: Participation on a St. James Art Fair Committee (October)
9. Continuing Education: November Ecumenical Stewardship event in Marco
Island, Florida; February Alban Institute event, Raising the Roof, in Tampa, Florida.

B. Associate Pastor Ann Deibert

1. Pastor Deibert said that as moderator of the local Religious Leaders for Fairness group, she was
invited to be on the board of the Religious Organizing Project of Kentucky, the statewide
Religious Leaders for Fairness-type organization. They are networking with lay and clergy
leaders across Kentucky who are interested in inclusive congregations and anti-discrimination
2. She noted that she has convened a small group of pastors in the presbytery to read and discuss the
book GodViews by Jack Haberer. The Revs. Paul Detterman, pastor of Calvin PC, Jane Larsen-
Wigger, pastor of Crescent Hill PC, Jud Hendrix, pastor of Covenant Community PC, and Vic
Priebe will participate. They hope to gain skills in hearing each others differing views as we look
toward the vote on Amendment A in our presbytery early next year.
3. She asked committees to record minutes and distribute them to all elders, committee members
and staff.

4. She reflected on her concern that she spends too much time on administration and expressed the
desire to spend more of her time in reading, teaching, pastoral care tasks that seem more in
keeping with a pastors basic call to ministry.
5. She shared portions of letters from Cynthia Woolever and the Rev. Morgan Roberts. Ms.
Woolevers seatmate on a recent flight was a visitor to Louisville who had noted and appreciated
Centrals sign: Celebrate the Wildly Inclusive Love of God on Sundays at 11 a.m. The Rev.
Roberts shared portions of a recent sermon in which he described Central as a church with an
inclusive spirit where all are welcome, where there is a simple dress code, a rainbow of diversity,
and every Sunday is like Easter Sunday.
6. Continuing Education/Service to the Church: She will be out of town Aug. 31 Sept. 9, to be
counted as follows: August 31 September 6 and September 9 are study leave; Sept. 7-8 are
service to the church for the meeting of the Urban Ministry Resource Team.
7. Service to the Church: Elder/Deacon and New Member Training Materials Design Team October
28-31 in New Mexico; coordinating the Young Urban Pastors Gathering in Las Vegas, November 5-8.

10. Examination of Elders Katie Cobb and Susan Stanford: Elders Cobb and Stanford shared portions of
their faith journeys and what it means to be an elder at Central at this time in their lives.

11. Instruction of new elders, focused on the questions for ordination, The Book of Confessions, and the
Book of Order, has been and is being provided in three sessions led by the pastors.

12. The date for the session weekend gathering (Friday 6:30-9 p.m.; Saturday 9-3) is January 11-12, 2002.

13. The Moderator called attention to the motion tabled at the June 18 meeting: that the session affirm
Affirmation 2001. The motion was seconded and discussed. Both pastors and some elders noted they
had already signed Affirmation 2001 as individuals and feel it is a good statement that calls us back to
the foundations of the denomination. It was also noted that one of the authors of this affirmation is
the Rev. David Bos who worships at Central. When asked does signing Affirmation 2001 mean that
Central excludes conservative Presbyterians, it was suggested that Central is open to persons with
other views while continuing to affirm who we are and where we stand. The motion passed. A copy of
the document is attached to these minutes.

14. Renewal of annual contract with Mr. Alonzo Johnson: It was moved that the annual contract with Mr.
Alonzo Johnson to include 4 Sundays off each year, preparation of liturgy for 52 Sundays, leading a
study group on racism, preaching this fall and leading the prayers of the people occasionally, be
renewed. The motion was seconded and discussed. Elders expressed concern that his participation is
very limited and an interest in having Mr. Johnson participate more actively in the life of Central. It
was noted that Central is one of several part-time jobs including child-care for his daughter and
directing PNEUMA that he is engaged in. The pastors, who appoint and supervise him, asked the
elders to express their support for his gifts directly, to maximize opportunities we have with him, to
invite him and his family to our homes, to encourage his ministry.

15. Committee Reports

A. Property: Elder David Wheeler reported that our attorney has gotten an extension for us to respond
to problems with the carriage house cited by the City of Louisville, that recent flood damage will
be paid for by our insurance and that he is consulting with MSD about installing a backfill valve/s
to prevent future flooding.

B. Stewardship: Elder Priscilla Freeman reported that stewardship at Central will be expanded to
include stewardship of time and talents as well as financial resources and that it will be promoted
year-round instead of once a year.
C. Peace and Justice: Elder Sharon Clements moved that the session endorse the Peace Education
Run/Walk on September 15 and the AIDS Walk on September 30. The motion was seconded and
D. Mission: Elder Jeff Sodowsky moved that the session endorse the Presbyterian Coffee/Tea Project
to be launched at Central on October 7, World Communion Sunday. The motion was seconded,
discussed and passed. Elder Sodowsky moved that the session approve receipt of all four
PC(USA) special offerings (Peacemaking, Christmas Joy, One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost).
The motion was seconded and passed.

16. Elder Vince Patton reported on the July presbytery meeting, noting that it was his first meeting and he
found it to be a rewarding experience. He was impressed with the presbytery. It was moved, seconded
and passed that Central send a welcome basket to presbytery staff when the presbytery offices move to
Christ Church Cathedral at the end of August.

17. The Moderator noted the need for three commissioners to attend the September 15 presbytery meeting
at Beechmont Presbyterian Church at 10 a.m. Since the hour was late and no one volunteered, he will
recruit elders to attend.

18. Building Use:

Date Time Event Room Needed Contact

August 31/ Bobbie Smith/ Bobbie Smith
September 1 5 p.m. Bill Bryant
Wedding (active at
Resurrection UMC;
their building too
September 13/ 7 p.m. Vicki Kidwell/ Sanctuary Vicki Kidwell
September 15 2 p.m. William Gregory Community Room
Wedding Kitchen
Sundays 5 10 p.m. Voices of Sanctuary Guy Younce
September 20 7 p.m. FOR/ Community Room Jean Edwards
September 28 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Sons of the American Community Room Craig Johnson
November 23 6 p.m. Rebecca and Anthony
Cotton Wedding
A motion was made and seconded to approve the building use schedule. The motion was approved.

19. Elder Laurie Griffith asked that the session docket for its September meeting the desirability of
reestablishing a Finance Committee.

20. Adjournment: The Moderator adjourned the meeting with prayer at 10:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eileene J. MacFalls
Clerk of Session

Approved 9/17/01

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