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Purin Puppy

Simply Soft Yarn Yellow, Chocolate
Some brown embroidery yarn for nose
3.5mm / E Crochet Hook, Polyester Fiberfilling,
Tapestry Needle, Scissor, Stitch Marker,
One pair of 5mm or 6mm eyes,
(picture using 5mm glued, but you could use
6mm screw eyes for safety if you are giving to kids)

CH Chain, ST Stitch
SL Slip Stitch, FO Finish Off
SC Single Crochet Stitch
DEC Decrease by making 1 sc over two stitches
INC Increase by making 2 sc over next 1 stitch
MR Magic Ring (or chain 6 and slip stich to first chain to form a ring)
*** If you do not know how to do all stitches, color changing, please visit youtube.com for free tutorials ***


Puppy Head/Body: (do not slip stitch, this is continues rounds)

(1) MR 5 using Single Crochet = total 5 st

(2) Do *INC* 5 times = total 10 sts
(3) Do *1sc, INC* 5 times = total 15 sts
(4) Do *1sc, 1sc, INC* 5 times = total 20 sts
(5) Do *1sc, 1sc, 1sc, INC* 5 times = total 25 sts
(6) Do *1sc, 1sc, 1sc, 1sc, INC* 5 times = total 30 sts
(7) ~ (11) Make 1 sc in each stitch = total 30 sts (for 5 rows)
If you are using screw eyes 6mm, you could do so now between round 6/7
(12) Do *1sc* 14 times, INC, *1sc* 14 times, INC = total 32 sts
(13) ~ (15) Make 1 sc in each stitch = total 32 sts
(16) Do *1sc* 14 times, DEC, *1sc* 14 times, DEC = total 30 sts
(17) Do *1sc, 1sc, 1sc, DEC* 6 times = total 24 sts
(18) Do *1sc, 1sc, DEC* 6 times = total 18 sts
(19) Do *1sc, DEC* 6 times = total 12 sts
(20) Do *DEC* 6 times = total 6 sts
F/O and hide tail inside the head.
Embroidery the nose/mouth using Brown/Chocolate embroidery yarn/string.
If you dont have embroidery yarn, just part your #4 yarn as shown in picture.

EAR: (make 2)

(1) MR 6 using Single Crochet = total 6sts

(2) Do *INC* 6 times = total 12 sts
(3) Make 1 sc for each stitch = 12 sts
(4) Make 1 sc for each stitch = 12 sts
(5) Do *1sc, 1sc, 1sc, 1sc, DEC* 2 times = total 10 sts
(6) Make 1 sc for each stitch = total 10 sts
(7) Do * 1sc, 1sc, 1sc, DEC* 2 times = total 8 sts

Now stuff some then press flat the last round then make 3 sc through both layers then finish off, use the
remaining yarn to sew the ear onto side of head.
HANDS: (make 2)

(1) MR 4 using Single Crochet = total 4 sts

(2) Do *1sc, INC* 2 times = 6 sts
(3) Make 1 sc for each stitch = 6 sts
(4) Do not stuff, press flat the last round and make 3 sc through both layers then finish off, use the
remaining yarn to sew both hands in front of body.

FEET: (make 2)

(1) MR 6 usin Single Crochet = total 6 sts

(2) Do *1sc, INC* 3 times = total 9 sts
(3) Make 1 sc for each stitch = 9 sts
(4) Make 1 sc for each stitch = 9 sts (lightly stuff or not^^)
(5) Do *1sc, DEC* 3 times = total 6 sts then finish off, then use the remaining yarn to sew on.


Chain 4, turn, make 3 slip stitches then finish off, use remaining yarn to sew.

HAT: using chocolate/brown color yarn

(1) MR 6 using Single Crochet = total 6 sts

(2) Do *INC* 6 times = 12 sts
(3) Do *1sc, INC* 6 times = 18 sts then finish off, then use the remaining yarn to sew.

Top of Hat:
chain 3, turn, make 2 slip stitch then f/o and attach to top of hat.

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