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Bell Work 8/16/16

Start of the Year Survey

Hello! This is your first bell work assignment. While Westview doesnt have bells, bell work is the
opening activity you should be doing upon entering and settling into the class. You will have
some sort of Bell Work every day.

Before you fill this out please know how excited I am to meet you! We are going to have a great
semester and I am sure you have questions for me; these are some questions I have for you..

What is your name? If you go by something other than your legal name put that as well.

What grade are you in?

Do you have any siblings? How old?

Are you involved in any activities afterschool? If so what?

What do you like to do in your spare time?

What is your favorite band/musical artist?

What is your favorite book or movie?

Have you taken Chemistry 1-2 before?

I learn best when my teacher______________________________________________________


As a student I have the hardest time when my teacher__________________________________


The best way to encourage me as a student is_________________________________________


What is one thing you would really like to know about me (Ms. Skelton)? Be original because I
will eventually answer these questions throughout the semester (and to eliminate the question
of age, yes I am 101 years old and feeling great)!

Thank you!

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