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Chakra One
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine.
It represents your foundation and feeling of being grounded.
It is connected to the beliefs you were taught as a child, your identity,
and your values and is also related to emotional issues such as money and survival.
If the root chakra is blocked,
it is associated with lower-back pain, immune problems, depression, and even varicose veins

Chakra Two
The sacral chakra, also known as the womb chakra,
is centered in the pelvis, lower abdomen, and lower back.
It symbolizes creativity and sexuality and is also
the chakra of feeling and of your early childhood.
If this chakra is damaged, it's believed, it can result in
hip pain, fertility problems, arthritis, and illnesses in the prostate or ovaries

Chakra Three
The solar plexus chakra represents
confidence, self-esteem, and a feeling of being in control of your life.
Found between the belly button and rib cage,
the third chakra regulates the liver, gallbladder, stomach, and adrenal glands.
A weak third chakra is linked to ulcers, stomach issues, eating disorders, and liver problems
Chakra Four
This is the heart chakra, and its essence is love.
A healthy fourth chakra allows you to be compassionate and to forgive.
As the middle chakra of seven, it also navigates a balance between the body, mind, and spirit.
This chakra affects the heart, circulatory system, thymus gland, and lungs.
If it's blocked, it's believed to cause heart problems, asthma, allergies, and lung illnesses

Chakra Five
The fifth chakra,
which is located in the throat, determines the ability to communicate,
to say what you need to say.
It symbolizes self-expression and truth.
The throat chakra takes care of toxins in the lymph nodes, thyroid, esophagus, and mouth

Chakra Six
This is the famous Third Eye, also called the brow chakra.
The Third Eye represents intelligence, intuition, and the ability to see the big picture,
and it governs the brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, and nose.
If this chakra is weak, it's believed to be linked to neurological illness, headaches, and eye problems

Chakra Seven
The crown chakra symbolizes your spiritual side.
As the highest chakra, it allows you to connect spiritually, to be open to meditation and prayer.
It takes care of the muscles, bones, and skin.
If the seventh chakra isn't healthy, it can cause a sort of spiritual discomfort
The Ultimate Guide to Chakra Meditation:
How to Activate and Balance the 7 Chakras

The purpose of this article and my book, The Rapid Healing Technique, is to enlighten you. Enlightenment means to be in knowledge of. I

authored them to give you knowledge to transform your life, remove fears that are

blockages that keep you from knowing who you really are, a divine child of God, and what your purpose is in life. The Rapid Healing Technique as a

whole and the chakra meditation I present in this excerpt from the book is designed to give you your own power and to take your own responsibility

on your spiritual journey to Wholeness, Ascension or Oneness with God (the ALL).

The Rapid Healing Technique along with the chakra meditation outlined below is a new way to process and heal negative emotions, remove

blockages in the meridian system and clear and balance the human energetic system. This process can lead a person into a state of wholeness.

Wholeness is achieved through a process of self-remembrance, re-collection and re-union. A person comes back into direct experience with himself or

herself as a complete human being, referred by some as the Higher Self, Soul, Superconscious, Higher Mind, I AM, or Wholeness which

is the union of all selves. In this state the conscious and unconscious are one and the person is able to radiate energy fully from all his or her centers

of power and consciousness, which includes the 7 chakras. By clearing (removing/transforming) energy blockages and releasing energy trapped in

the subtle energy system, an individual feels, recovers and consciously re-experiences old parts of self again that were lost in the original separation

from God. In our journey through life many have stored up fear, pain, fear of pain, resentment, hurt and anger. The Rapid Healing Technique

transforms negative emotions into love.

An In-Depth Guide to The Properties
and Functions of the 7 Chakras
Just as there are 7 colors in the rainbow spectrum, 7 levels of

consciousness, 7 ages of man and 7 notes on the western scale,

there are 7 major chakras in the human body. There are five

chakras outside the body that assist us in connecting to the

universal field. The chakras are energy centers, transformers

and gates that connect the meridian lines and the three auras

surrounding the physical and subtle bodies. They are located

along the spine and up into the head and can be activated and

balanced with the chakra meditation outlined at the end of this


The 7 chakras in the human body sense the complete range of

frequencies entering a persons personal energy field. They

process and distribute energy entering the auras and meridians

transforming the frequencies into different sensations; namely,

emotion, thought and physical sensations. This is done in the

same way that the eye refracts light. Just as different

frequencies of light that enter the brain are interpreted by the brain as different colors, the 7 chakras, by refracting subtle energy, break it down into

impressions that radiate and impact on a person.

As transformers, the 7 chakras are organs of transmutation. They step the energy up or down as it enters from different energy sources into the subtle

energy system depending on which body (physical, mental or emotional) is in a deficit position. So you can say that the transformers (chakras)

balance the energy as it enters the subtle energy system. This is what occurs in spiritual healing. Excess energy from the emotional and mental bodies

is transmuted to the physical body for healing itself.

Transmutation moves in four directions: up, down, in and out. The 7th chakra in the human body is a gate that transmutes energy downward from

the spiritual planes, which are the highest frequencies that enter into a persons energy field. Energy from the physical body can be transmuted

upward for use in the higher bodies. Energy from surrounding energy fields can be transmuted as It passes through a persons aura and enters into a

particular chakra that is sensitive to its frequency. A person can project rays of energy outward from his or her chakra to another persons energy

field, transmuting it up or down depending of the vibration of the energy, often through specific types of chakra meditation.

Hiroshi Motoyama tells us, Thus the chakra is seen to be an intermediary for energy transfer and conversion between two neighboring dimensions

of being, as well as a center facilitating the energy conversion between a body and its corresponding mind.
the chakra meditation walks you through the process of balancing the entire chakric energy system.
The human energy system has twelve main chakras that all require balancing. We are mostly familiar with the 7 chakras in our body. For our

purposes I will list them accordingly.

The First: Muladhara
The first of the 7 chakras in the human body, called the root or base chakra, is located at the base of the spine in the area of the coccyx. It is the only

major chakra whose larger opening is to the rear. There is a smaller opening in front at the base of pubic bone. This chakra opens downward toward

the earth connecting us to our physical environment and the earth. When a person is grounded, energy from the earth enters the subtle energy

system and gives us the feeling of being connected to the planet, Mother Earth. The root chakra is feminine (yin) by nature and is polarized

negatively. It is the chakra that governs understanding of the physical dimension. It glows a fiery red color. Each chakra when open and clear through

chakra meditation and other practices has a gift from spirit. The gift from balancing the root chakra is spatial or unlimited intuition.

The root chakra is particularly important in the process of becoming whole because it is the seat of Kundalini (life force) and in the Taoist tradition,

the starting point for the three principal meridians. Because the 7 chakra system begins at the base with the first chakra and at the opposite end opens

at the seventh chakra, to maintain proper pressure within the system, the first chakra must be opened and balanced with the seventh chakra.

The Kundalini energy comes up naturally twice in a persons life; first at puberty and then at menopause for both men and women. At both of these

times there are hormonal changes occurring. At puberty it is bringing awareness of the vibration of our male and female chemistry. It brings a

heightened sexual awareness and creativity. Each chakra in our body maintains the health of a particular section of the physical body and can be

balanced with proper chakra meditations, among other things..

The first chakra in the human body controls the horizontal length from just below the buttocks to a point just above the sexual organs. There seems to

be some conflict among sources of the functions of each chakra in relationship to the organs of the human body. They are presented here, but not all

sources fully agree.

The first of the 7 chakras in the human body controls spinal column, excretion, digestion of food, vitality and sexual well-being (fertility), in men the

testes, prostrate gland, in women the ovaries, the bones, muscles and blood, the internal organs and the adrenal glands. The adrenal gland is
associated with fight or flight. It is the center of self survival and self-preservation, and proper chakra meditation enhances our capacity to have and

hold and our power to attract material abundance.

When functioning well a person is comfortably grounded in his/her body, feels well, has great vitality, has a sense of security, safety, presence and

confidence, is generous and giving and is affectionate with close acquaintances. If a person chronically experiences aches and pains and does not get

enough to eat, life in general is stressing. He or she is over impulsive, has fits of cruelty, has self centered lust and needs a balancing of the first chakra

in their body.

The following is an example of how an open or imbalanced first chakra can have an effect in a persons life. An external, impersonal unexpected

assessment bill is received.

The person in need of chakra meditation feels afflicted and very upset with the event. The person who is unblocked stays calm, and gets a windfall

check or a timely raise to take care of the unexpected expense, is grounded and connected and knows that everything is in divine order.

The Second: Swadhishthana

The second of the 7 chakras, or the sexual chakra, also known as the sacral center is located just above the genitals in the pubic area, three inches

below the navel. It regulates sexual energy, sexuality, sensuality and intimacy. It is the physical creative center. It controls the pelvic organs, the

urinary tract, the bladder, the hips, legs and feet and energizes the sexual organs. It radiates the color orange, is feminine in gender (yin) and is

polarized negatively. Its gift when open and clear is clairsentience (feeling). Through the second chakra meditation, a person experiences deep

feelings of childlike wonder and a magical sensual nature for the world and everything in it. The world is a magical place. Unfortunately, this

innocence and wonder is lost after puberty due to blockages in the second chakra because of taboos and restrictions relating to sexuality.

This chakra is the focus of a persons earliest and most fundamental emotions, the basic sense of acceptance or rejection, the sense of belonging to a

group or a family or being alone in the world, and the ease or difficulty a person has in connecting with God.

The Third: Manipura

The third of the 7 chakras in the human body, also known as the solar plexus, is located in the hollow area between the ribs, two to three inches above

the navel and is the seat of personality. It is also known as the solar plexus heart center. The solar plexus chakra has front and back entry points. The

back solar plexus chakra is located opposite the front solar plexus. It controls the horizontal section of the physical body located three to four and a

half inches above the navel. It is known as the center of our creative power. It is part of our perceptual feeling. Intuitiveness comes in the form of gut

reactions. The spiritual gift of this chakra meditation is sensitivity to vibrations from other people and places. It radiates the color yellow and is

masculine in gender (yang) and is polarized positively.

A balanced third chakra controls the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, diaphragm, large intestine, appendix, stomach, small intestine, blood, lymph and to

a certain degree other internal organs and other parts of the body. It is responsible for the assimilation of food. It acts as an emotional energy clearing

house center and a cooling and heating system of the body. The third chakra has control over the solar plexus ganglia. It is the formative center of

ones personal power. It plays an important part in a persons relationship to the world, to people, places, and things, their ability to belong and feel

connected to others, to have long-term intimate relationships, the love of family, home and country.

When balancing the third chakra, a person has plenty of physical stamina and resilience, plenty of self-control and self-respect, self-love, self-esteem

and self-worth.

There is value for self and others. In general, after third chakra meditation, a person has the ability to channel energy into doing whatever they want

and whenever they want. Self-worth allows a person to use his or her personal power in a sound healthy manner for the benefit of self and others.

He/she is able to move forward in life with ease and able to make major decisions confidently in business as well as other matters, always working

out a win-win situation with mutual respect, being very flexible in all matters and looking at all sides of an issue.

When the third chakra has energy blocks of fear, anger, pain or fear of pain, a person experiences indecisiveness, a sense of inadequacy, anxiety that

other people are out to take advantage of them. To compensate for this, people may become over competitive or become possessive in regard to

friends and lovers. These are all signs they are in need of a healthy third chakra meditation.
The Fourth: Anahata
The fourth of the 7 chakras in the human body, known as the heart chakra, is the gateway between the lower and higher chakras. In classic Yogic texts

it is known as the gateway to the soul. It is also known as the primary heart center. It is located in the center of the chest at the eighth cervical

vertebra of the spine near the xiphoid process, the piece of cartilage at the base of the breastbone. It controls the horizontal section of the physical

body about two fingers above the solar plexus extending to the collarbones. It radiates an emerald green in color; it is masculine in gender (yang) and

is polarized positively.

The heart chakra has two entry points, the front and the back. The front chakra controls the pumping of the heart, thymus gland and the circulatory

system. The thymus gland influences the immune system. The back chakra controls the lungs, the act of breathing and to a certain degree the heart.

The act of breathing comprises the respiration of air and the circulation of the life force, prana. There is an actual location behind the physical heart

where the breathing impulse originates. By stimulating or calming the heart chakra through meditation, the breathing rate can be slowed, quickened

or made regular.

Those suffering from asthma or emphysema may find this information helpful. The heart chakra is the center through which we feel love. It is the

center of compassion and connectedness to all things. The heart is the source of love, compassion and light, not only human love but Divine love,

which the New Testament describes as the rivers of living water. An open heart knows how to forgive self and others, is able to surrender and have

faith that what happens in any experience is for ones best good and accepts what is in many situations in life as well as with personal

relationships. The gift of the heart chakra meditation is increased empathy.

An open-heart center allows us to sense energy fields and atmospheres. With an open heart center a person can also project healing energy to another

person affecting them in a positive way. This is what chakra balancing is. Using the heart center and the third eye, the sixth chakra, the healer draws

energy (Prana) from the universe through the back chakra and mixes it with his or her personal energy and projects it through his or her front chakra

to another person. A good place to send this energy is through the back heart chakra. The back heart chakra distributes the energy throughout the

entire body, sending energy where it needs to go, balancing any deficits of energy.
Healing energy can also be projected to animals, plants and Mother Earth. There is another chakra, which I will call the thymus chakra; I will label it

4A. It is located above the heart chakra. The thymus chakra is connected to the thymus gland.

It regulates the immune system of the physical body. A balanced thymus chakra allows one to feel Universal or unconditional love, the feeling of

brotherhood to all humans, peacefulness and a connectedness to all of humanity. An open and clear thymus chakra gives us the gift of telepathy. If

the heart chakra is blocked, the function of the thymus chakra will be affected also weakening the immune system. The thymus chakra is pivotal in

warding off major diseases in the physical body, and reflects the openness or the closed off manner in which we meet the world. Imbalances are in

part addressed by the chakra meditation at the end of the article.

On an emotional level the thymus gland represents feeling attacked by life, They are out to get me. Aids, which is an immune deficiency problem,

represents feeling defenseless and hopeless, nobody cares, which is a symptom of a blocked first chakra, a strong belief in not being good enough,

which is a symptom of a blocked third chakra, sexual guilt, which are blocks in the second chakra, denial of the self, which is represented by blocks

in the fifth chakra. This example shows how imbalances in the 7 chakras in the human body come together and create dis-ease when you are in need

of strong chakra meditation.

The heart chakra is the gateway to the emotional body. It is the regulator of a persons emotional life. An open heart, balanced with the other 7

chakras in our body, is able to express joy, pain, fear and anger equally and completely. With an open heart a person appreciates life and experiences a

oneness with the entirety of life. He or she approaches other people with the attitude that were all equally fit for our individual purpose in life. A

person with an open heart has access to profound serenity no matter what is happening in the outside world.

The difference between an open heart chakra and a heart chakra in need of balancing is that with an open heart there is no reaction behind the

expression. The emotions have clarity and are clean, not dragging old baggage with them. They are expressed, released and gone. They are never

accusatory or blaming. The feelings are kept on the situation and how it made one feel, very much the way young children are that are natural and

undistorted. The gift of an open heart is empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand anothers experience because you have had a similar

experience or to project yourself into the other persons experience in order to understand.

Emotions cannot flow freely from a closed heart chakra; they come out distorted.
When a person is able to feel fully the emotions of joy, pain, fear and anger, this allows a person to feel compassion for self and others. Compassion is

the ability to understand or realize (to see with real-eyes) that what is happening to others or self that appears to be very negative is really a growth

experience. There are always lessons to be learned in all experiences. All experiences have value and there is good in everything. The sooner one is

aware of the lesson, the situation is able to transform quickly. There is no reality, only perception. When a lesson is learned, usually ones perception

is changed and transformed. One is able to look at things from a different perspective. When the heart chakra is balanced, energy flows from the

higher chakras to the emotional body via the heart. The heart chakra regulates the quality and interactions of joy, pain, fear and anger. In order for all

the emotions to flow freely and be released, the heart chakra must be in balance with the other 7 in the human body. If it is blocked in any way, the

emotions will be distorted and the chakra meditation undertaken immediately. The result of blockages in the heart chakra makes it difficult for a

person to stay balanced because energy cannot flow properly between the physical and subtle bodies. This causes a person to lose touch with the

physical body because sensations coming from the emotional body through the etheric double dont have access to the physical body. This causes

numbness in the physical body, numbness to feeling and awareness. Awareness brings attention to feeling and sensations in the physical body that

could not be felt before because of blockages. This is another way of saying that a person is numb to, or shut off from his or her feelings until

knowledge, insight or a crisis occurs. A crisis is a divine wake up call that brings awareness.

Making the cross over from the third chakra to the fourth chakra is a difficult one unless a person is consciously aware and diligently working toward

clearing energy blocks. Energy blocks in the heart chakra cause tension throughout the entire body. The tools of the rapid healing technique will

assist a person in clearing away the energy blocks and balancing the chakras. Signs youre in need of a heart chakra meditation are all heart and

circulatory ailments and lung ailments. The following are a few of the obvious: heart attacks, coronary thrombosis, asthma, emphysema, bronchitis,

pneumonia, asphyxiating attacks, hyperventilation, colds, coughs, influenza. As mentioned earlier, lung cancer would involve the first and fourth


The heart represents the center of love and security. Signs of fourth chakra imbalances are unworthiness, a judgmental know-it-all attitude, which is a

mask for insecurity, lack of confidence, attracting abuse both internal (self) and external (others), lack of generosity and lack of love. A heart chakra in

need of balancing is responsible for heart and circulatory ailments. Lack of generosity can cause heart attacks. Two kinds of behavior that cause
damage to the fourth chakra are denying yourself the treats of life as well as being stingy with others. Heart ailments represent an imbalance between

the first and fourth chakras. With the first chakra we draw in the bounty of the world.

Through the fourth of the 7 chakras we give it out or share it with others. If we habitually hoard this bounty, be it emotional, spiritual or material,

there is an inclination toward heart attack.

Therefore heart attack represents squeezing all of the joy out of the heart in favor of money, position or possessions.

Size of The Energy Centers

I would like to mention at this point about the size of the major chakras as they enter the body. Open and clear chakras are about three inches in

diameter. If any of the 7 Chakras in the human body are in need of balancing, they actually shrink in size.

The Fifth: Vishuddhi

The fifth of the 7 chakras in our body, known as the throat chakra, is centered in the hollow of the throat. Its location extends from the base of the
neck by the third cervical vertebra just below the medulla oblongata to a point in the throat by the Adamss apple. It relates to the ethereal as well as
with hearing and the principle of sound. It controls the horizontal section of the physical body from the midpoint of the nose to the collar bones. It
governs the ears, nose, mouth, jaw, vocal cords, bronchial apparatus, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands and metabolism. The throat chakra is
masculine in nature (yang) and is polarized positively. It radiates the color blue.
Yogic texts tell us that the fifth chakra represents the intellectual body, which means that once this chakra is balanced a person is able to separate the
functions of the mental body from that of the lower bodies, the physical, emotional, and etheric.
This chakra meditation then leads to achieving detachment as well as increasing the power of understanding. The function of the mental body in a
clear and balanced state perceives in purity, which means no gain or motive just pure divine love. Clarity is achieved along with a clear perception of
ones life purpose. Alice Bailey tells us, These centers vary in activity according to the evolutionary status of the individual. In some people certain
centers may be relatively quiescent. In average humanity the throat center is beginning to make itself felt with the head and heart centers still asleep.
The throat chakra is the center through which we communicate and express ourselves fully and creatively in our body, as well as formulate
judgments of others (positive or negative). It transmits the intent of a persons soul (emotional and mental bodies). It controls a form of energy
(Prana) that permits vocal expression as well as facial expressions, gestures and even the amount of personal space a person demands.
Therefore, this chakra is synonymous with personal integrity as well as identity. When Prana can flow through the spine past the throat chakra, a
person can stand firm in the face of opposition and say no when appropriate. This occurs because the throat chakra has a unique ability to transmute
other forms of human energy into unconditional joy and can be activated with regular chakra meditations.
To understand this, imagine the throat chakra is like a watershed. The heavier frequencies of energy, anger, pain and fear move through it from the
lower chakras in our bodies and are automatically transmuted into unconditional joy. All forms of energy from the lower chakras can be processed
and transmuted in this way no matter the quality or quantity of energy. The energy after being transmuted can be used to nourish the physical and
subtle bodies. Any surplus energy will radiate outward filling the environment with joy.
Any person whose throat chakra is balanced and has a charismatic glow will receive or resonate with this joy.
Awakening the throat chakra through meditation allows a person to transcend fear. When fear is transmuted, the Higher Self/Soul can emerge and a
person can express him or herself completely in all situations. This leads a person to understand what the Apostle Paul meant when he said, For
God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.
When the throat chakra is a healthy normal size and balanced well, a persons senses are sharp. A person thinks clearly, speaks accurately and
effectively and sincerity is obvious. What is said is what is meant and is well received. Phrasing and tone of voice is such that people are seldom put
off threatened or hurt by what is said.
A persons intention is not subverted in order to be polite, as well as no careless verbal injury is inflicted. The psychic power or gift that arises from
the fifth chakra meditation is clairaudience, the intuitive talent of hearing voices or music from the astral plane. Very talented musicians from present
day and from the classical period had open and functioning fifth chakras.
On the contrary, if the fifth chakra is imbalanced and shrunk in size, the signs are as follows: a person ignores what his or her senses are taking in; a
person feels mortified over what he or she just said or has trouble asserting him or herself verbally and articulating what is meant; there is a big
discrepancy between what a person says and what a person does; or a person indulges in rumor and innuendo. Another common sign of a need for
fifth chakra meditation is a person who is an authoritarian or rigid of opinion, stiff-necked and tight lipped in order to control the output of the
mouth, and a judgmental know-it-all attitude. As a person works on restoring balance, resilience and strength, he or she becomes more aware of
making critical judgments about self and others. It is well to remember that what a person perceives in others is a reflection of self. When a person
makes harsh judgments about another person, he or she is talking about the aspects of self that troubles him/her the most. In the psychology world
this is called a projection. As blockages are removed with the Rapid Healing Technique, it becomes easier to glimpse the spark of divinity in each
person and in each facet of nature.
In most cases where theres a need for the fifth chakra meditation, its because people are afraid to stand up and speak up for themselves. They are
afraid to speak their own truth. They do not trust the world with what they have to say and they do not trust themselves to go ahead and say it.
Sacrificing ones own true expression results in loss of identity and loss of self while trying to please others and this results in loss of trust in self and
life. Besides removing blocks to the fifth chakra, sound is a great aid in this chakra balancing. Humming, chanting in a circle, and singing out loud
are positive expressions of the primal scream. Getting feelings out therapeutically and voicing verbally what needs to be said is also helpful. When a
persons fifth chakra is open and clear the voice is clear and bell like, without insinuating overtones. It conveys an appealing richness; and if one is
musically inclined, its abilities are greatly enhanced.
Like the first and fourth chakras, the second and fifth chakras in our bodies are paired up more noticeably in women and children. Because of the
fear of rejection, a person may restrain from speaking freely. For some in an effort to win acceptance, one may be heedlessly verbose and given to wild
statements or greatly exaggerate the truth.
The fifth chakra channels directly to every sense except the sense of touch. One of its main purposes is to keep one involved in the sensory world.
Ones emotional life and sense of touch are nourished by the second and third chakras in our bodies. In general, numbness is a tri-level impairment
that requires the second, third and fifth chakra meditations.
When people fog their vision, shut off their hearing or develop speech problems, it is often because they are allowing a pattern of emotional
deadening or numbness to rise up from the sacral center through the solar plexus to the throat center. In men particularly, the third chakra pairs with
the fifth chakra in the human body. When a mans self-worth is deficient, he lacks the guts to speak his mind. Excesses of the third and fifth chakra
are symptoms of blockage. An example of third-fifth chakra excess is when a person charges into a room or throws his or her weight around
conversationally. Verbal battering is an extreme version of this.
Good functioning of the fifth chakra is crucial to the opening of the seventh, thus the fifth and seventh chakras pair up together in our bodies. This is
the first step on the path to clarity. It is the capacity to see through ones pretensions, ambitions, errors and miseries by means of regular self-
examination. Clarity brings one the advantage of common sense, even if gifted or not gifted intellectually in other ways. One does not waste time or
energy creating problems that are not necessary.
A need for the fifth chakra meditation is seen where one spins worry, which is the opposite of clarity. Worry stems from a deluded sense of
perceptions, fed by second chakra insecurity. Most worries are dissolved in the light of self-acceptance and self-knowledge.
This is also aided by the day-to-day discipline of working toward ones goals. If you find yourself worrying about someone else, look at what aspect
of yourself that might be at the root of the anxiety.The throat represents the avenue of expression and the channel of creativity.
Problems in the throat represent the inability to speak up for ones self. Conflicts in the throat chakra are saying one thing and doing another.
Ailments that are signs of a need for the throat chakra meditation are: bronchitis, tonsillitis, nose problems, sinus problems, laryngitis, sore throat, a
lump in the throat, and hearing problems. Tension and contraction can manifest in the physical body in the neck, jaw, throat and shoulders (trapezes
muscles and the rhomboids).
The Sixth: Ajna
The sixth of the 7 chakras in the human body is commonly known as the third eye or face chakra. In Sanskrit it is Ajna, which means the command
center or Jnana Netra, which means the eye of wisdom. It is located between the eyebrows. Its opening at the back is just above the atlas vertebrae, the
top most vertebra in the neck. It is feminine in nature (yin), is negatively polarized and radiates the color indigo, a deep red-blue. In a developed
personality it borders on violet. The organ it controls is the pituitary gland, which represents the control center. It also controls the endocrine glands
and the left eye, the eye of personality. It governs the lower brain and nervous system. As a command center it controls the other chakras in the
human body and hence is an important point to pay special attention to during chakra meditations. It controls all incoming and outgoing thoughts
and visions. The energy from within may be used in any way a person wishes or desires. The choice of thoughts is what determines external
manifestation. Through the third eye one can orchestrate ones God-given energy from within. This chakra represents the way a person presents him
or herself to the world. The face and the expression on it are like a painting of ones emotions at any given timestresses, worries, fear, anger or joy.
When open and functioning, a person is allowed to resonate with his/her inner vision, imagination and idealism. Within the symbolic representation
of the third eye command center is the syllable Ohm, which is representative of the beginning and end of all things. It is from this center that a
person achieves balance between Yin (feminine nature) and Yang (masculine nature) and harmonizes the forces within him/herself.
As this command center becomes awakened through chakra meditation, the consciousness and unconsciousness merge and whatever gulf there was
before is permanently abolished, reunion becomes complete and a person experiences him or herself in the fullness as the Higher Self or Soul, the
union of selves. A person at this stage of development remembers and experiences him or herself at every stage of his or her life from infancy
through to the present time. He or she remembers all individuals that combined to make up his/her experiences, including those two most important
individuals, mother and father. Because the memory is complete, he or she can go beyond the point of terror, beyond the moment he or she first
experienced separation from the universal field, the loss of innocence to a time when there was only union and unconditional love. In this way a
person becomes his or her own mother and father.
The command center functions as the central point where different flows of energy (Prana) meet and are distributed. Three main meridians run
through the third eye and all the main chakras in our body. This chakra has control over the physical sense of seeing and the mystical sense of seeing,
seeing into the higher planes. All the spiritual gifts are joined together: inspiration, intuitive seeing (knowing); clairsentience (feeling); sensitivity to
vibrations of people and places (empathic); clairvoyance, (seeing); clairaudience (communicating telepathically); and healing through mental
Also through the power of the mind one can create new realities for ones self on the physical plane without delay. This is done by conscious will and
imagination. The command center is the seat of creativity, and when active and open, the seat of Divine Intelligence. It is the main channel for all the
creative arts. It also acts in combination with other chakras in our bodies to turn concepts into worldly reality. The fifth and sixth chakras combined
allow a person to hear original melodies and songs. When a person dances with an open sixth chakra, he or she becomes the dancecreativity in
physical motion. It controls all higher mental activities including intuitive thought, rational thought and memory. Intuitive thought includes all
forms of paranormal activity.
A need for sixth chakra meditation manifests as an ultra-rational attitude or in combination with a restricted first and third chakra a diminished and
negative self-image.
Spiritual exhibitionism and hallucinations are symptoms of imbalance. Excess is personified by the God-playing guru, or by the kind of person who
is both physically sapping and intensely overbearing. A belief in lack, an attachment to outcome, jealousy of others and what they have and the need
to control everything are all symptoms that you need sixth chakra balancing. Opening of the sixth chakra is fogged up and impaired by use of
alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
Physical ailments include cancer, allergy, asthma, eye problems, and diseases related to the endocrine glands. These include pineal gland, pituitary
gland, thymus gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, testes in men and ovaries in women. It is interesting to note that cancer, allergy and
asthma are also paired with the first chakra (root). Asthma is also connected to the fourth chakra. The thyroid is paired with the fifth chakra, the
pancreas is paired with the third chakra, the testes and ovaries with the second chakra and the pineal with the seventh chakra (see corresponding
chakras of the ailments mentioned above.) Balance between the first and 7th chakras in the human body, which can be achieved through regular
chakra meditation in large part, is key in that it acts as a pressure system for the whole system.
The Seventh: Sahasrara
The 7th chakra in the human body, known as the crown chakra, is also known as the head heart center. It is located at the top of the head. Some texts

locate it above the crown in order to differentiate it from the rest of the chakras in our bodies. Yogic texts describe it as a thousand-petaled lotus. It

controls the upper brain and the right eye. There is a chakra located in the center of the forehead, called the forehead chakra. I am calling it chakra

7 A. It controls the nervous system and pineal gland. You might think of the seventh chakra being the pilot and the forehead chakra being the co-

pilot. They assist each other in their functions. For the sake of simplicity as I describe the different functions of the seventh chakra, I will be referring

to both chakras.

The 7th chakra is the highest frequency of all the bodys chakras. It is feminine in nature (yin), polarized negatively and radiates the color violet,

which oscillates faster than any other color. It is the center for final divine integration. It is the instrument that is a persons direct communication

with divine light. The sixth chakra in our body brings one into wholeness. Although a person has transcended fear, identified him or herself as the

Higher Self, experienced unconditional joy (love), and knows him/herself in his or her multiplicity, the development is not complete. There is still

duality. The seventh chakra in the human body opens to knowing that ones identity goes beyond the physical form. The final step is merging a

persons personal energy field with his or her soul in the universal field, the soul plane, and at the fourth initiation the merging with the I AM

Presence which is part of the ALL. For this to take place the three heart centers must be awakenedthe head heart center, the primary heart center

and the solar plexus heart center. This awakening takes place when the three heart centers blend with the soul. This takes place when the thousand-

petaled lotus blossoms and the Kundalini arrives and fully awakens through the seventh chakra meditation. When these three heart centers are

working together, one can express a wise expanded love called soul love.

The experience of soul love is where you feel connected to the greater whole of which you are always a part. It is a state of being a part of the oneness

where you are loved and you are love, where you are accepted and you accept. Soul love is a consistent steady radiation of the Universal Presence of
Love that is the very essence of the Universe. Besides feeling a oneness and a connectedness, one comprehends the variety and complexity of all

things. One is in wakeful contact with each plane of existence and has the integrity and courage to examine each plane of his/her existence.

Ones visionary insight is strong and incisive and allows complete understanding of the maps of the universe, such as cosmology and astrology.

Ones personality is strong and gentle, able to manage earthly elements and to flow with forces beyond the earth.

This is done with ample kindness for humanity. Meanwhile one is able to maintain a detached perspective on ones self and ones many little ways.

The awakening of the 7th chakra through meditation unites the feminine principle with the masculine principle. The union once formed lasts forever.

By achieving this state a person goes beyond sequential time and finds himself centered in the unchanging eternal present. Other words for this state

are called Ascension, Self-realization or Cosmic Consciousness. When the seventh chakra meditation is fully activated, it can reverse itself and

then it radiates like a central sun streaming energy and forming above the head of the individual a veritable crown of pure light and divine energy.

Keith Sherwood, in his book Chakra Therapy, states:

When the seventh chakra is awakened a person experiences reunion with the All and everything contained in the All. There is no
return from this state. There is no death when this state is achieved. There is nothing but emptiness and in emptiness one finds
himself in the All, the universal field of energy and consciousness.
Emptiness means to be empty of fear and all negative emotions, thoughts and judgments, to truly Be In Love. In order to achieve this final stage of

chakra meditation, all the major chakras must be open, balanced and clear. The Rapid Healing Technique, if used with the intent to accomplish

this, is a wonderful tool that develops as the student does. What starts out as a simple healing tool evolves into a spiritual healing tool that allows one

to become his or her own healer as well as a healer of others. The 7 chakras in the human body are opened gradually and balancing occurs as one

goes through the process. As a person works with the Rapid Healing Technique, fears melt away; one feels lighter and laughs more. Things that were

bothersome are no longer a bother. You accept and love yourself and others unconditionally. Your mind is clear and creative, your imagination keen.

Your strength and vitality are excellent.

When a person starts living his or her life from seventh-chakra awareness after regular chakra meditation practice, one enters into the realm of

unconditional love or soul love. This love permeates within ones self and with other human beings as well as your relationship with God and any

spiritual helpers you may be aware of. Unconditional love or soul love is the greatest power in the universe. As one awakens the three heart centers,
this love clears out and transforms any residue of negativity that may be left, enabling spiritual growth to be accelerated even more. As this love

grows stronger within a person, he or she finds it very difficult to live unaware or with diminished capacity toward self or other people. It doesnt

mean that you will not experience anger or any other strong emotions. It means that you are able to use anger appropriately and constructively as a

tool for self-defense or for awakening another persons higher self.

Energy Centers Outside the Body

There are five chakras outside the body, which can also be accessed with special types of chakra meditation. For description purposes they will be

numbered eight through twelve. The eighth chakra hovers approximately 12 inches above the head. The ninth chakra is approximately three feet from

the top of the head.

When the evolutions of the nine helixes in the DNA are formed this chakra will move out into the atmosphere of Earth to become an Earth chakra

connecting into the grid-work as a link. The tenth, eleventh and twelfth chakras are much farther out. The tenth chakra once it is in line and plugged

in, will be in your solar system. The eleventh chakra will move out into your galactic system and the twelfth will be anchored somewhere in the


As one is going through the process of clearing, a very interesting process occurs gradually. Before we left the Garden of Eden, we were very

powerful, magnificent beings. By eating the fruit of good and evil we entered into duality or opposites, happy/ sad, good/bad, day/night, hot/cold,

etc. In that experience we forgot our magnificence and our power. As a human our biology changed from a twelve strand helix in our DNA to a two

strand helix of DNA. As we progress spiritually and remove the blocks of fear, anger, resentment, pain, fear of pain, jealousy, etc., we are gradually
reconnecting these strands, as they were not lost only disconnected; as we evolve, these strands will connect in sets of three. For instance, the first set

of three would be chakras 1-2-3, the second set 4-5-6, the third set 7-8-9 and the fourth set 10-11-12.

Good balance of the chakras through meditation is key to vibrant health. A good rule of thumb is to note where you may have symptoms. By looking

at figure 4 you can readily see which chakras require balancing. This is not exactly accurate, as the adrenal glands are located in the solar plexus area

of the emotional body, third chakra, and are affected by the root or first chakra located in the physical body; but in most cases it is helpful. Most

people have patterns of behavior and expression or non-expression that they are aware of and working on and through. By reviewing these patterns

of action and reaction that get a person into trouble, one becomes aware of the body and any aches or pains or areas that feel painful or cold or

insensitive to touch. Thus by observing any reoccurring ailments and the parts affected, one can deduce which of the 7 chakras in the human body

need attention.

A closed 7th chakra in your body leads to a fear of dying and a fear of living. The delusion expresses itself that if you really enjoy life, youre bound to

lose it. So you cling to the closed-box attitude that life is suffering and then youre dead. In some cultures, both men and women wear head

covering. These coverings tend to restrict seventh-chakra activity and curtail personal unfolding. To live a limited life is the most severe form of

delusion and inner dishonesty. There are many ancient cultures, religions and belief systems that deny and restrict spiritual freedom and growth,

especially when it comes to women and their place in the culture and family traditions.

The forehead chakra controls the nervous system and the pineal gland.

If you are in need of a 7 chakra meditation, it can result in the following physical ailments: epilepsy, paralysis, palsy, Bells palsy, Parkinsons disease,

multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy. The crown chakra controls the brain, pineal gland and the right eye. Ailments of the 7th chakra are

dementia, Alzheimers disease, senility, stroke, eye problems and diseases related to the pineal gland and psychological illness such as depression

and different forms of mental illness.

How to Practice The Chakra Balancing and Activating Meditation

Because breathing and oxygenation is so vital to the energy system, chakra meditations are very important in the process of Wholeness.

Root Chakra

Step 1. In all meditations find a comfortable position with back straight. Close your eyes and begin deep belly breathing. If you are a beginner in

deep breathing, a good way to know that you are doing it correctly is to lie down and breathe in through your nose. Notice that as you inhale the

belly fills first and the chest follows. The neat thing about lying down is that you cannot do it incorrectly. When you get the feel for it and have some

practice, you may sit up if you prefer.

Breathe deeply through you nose without separation between inhalation and exhalation; feel yourself relaxing. Do this for about five minutes and

become aware of your body as you breathe. An easy way to do this is to focus on your breath as it goes in and out. Allow your breathing to become

deeper and more rhythmic. With each breath you are relaxing more and more.

Step 2. Now put your attention on your first chakra in your body at the base of your spine.
Imagine you are breathing in and out through your first chakra in the human body. The air goes all the way down to the base of the spine on the

inhalation and all the way up through the nose on the exhalation with no separation between breaths. On each exhalation, visualize or sense the

energy in the first chakra growing stronger through the chakra meditation. Visualize the chakra as a fiery red ball growing brighter and stronger on

each exhalation. Let your consciousness move down into the ball of energy. Become the ball of energy and feel yourself being drawn downward into

the earth.

Step 3. As this happens pay attention to how you feel physically, emotionally and mentally. Be aware of what you experience. It is different for
everyone. Some people have experienced imagery with the earth or the cycles of the earth, birth and death, or a partnership and belonging associated

with Mother Earth and nature. By meditating on this chakra you will get in touch with different aspects of your earth-like nature and connection and

your interdependent relationship with the earth.

Do this part for about ten minutes or until you are satisfied. When you are ready to return to the room, say Every time I reach this relaxed state I

learn to use my mind more creatively and become more aware of energy blocks that have kept me a prisoner so that I may heal myself. Release the

ball of energy and the imagery and count from one to five feeling refreshed, relaxed and peaceful as you return to the room and open your eyes.

Second Chakra Sexual Center

Step 1. If you are only doing one chakra, follow step one under the first chakra meditation heading, otherwise continue unabated from the


Step 2. Now put your attention on your second chakra in your body at the base of your spine.
Imagine you are breathing in and out through your second chakra in the human body. The air goes all the way down to your sexual organs on the

inhalation and all the way up through the nose on the exhalation with no separation between breaths. On each exhalation, visualize or sense the

energy in the second chakra growing stronger. Visualize the chakra as an orange ball growing brighter and stronger on each exhalation. Let your

consciousness move down into the ball of energy. Become the ball of energy and feel yourself beginning to radiate outward from that center through

your body and then into the outer environment. Feel the sense of magic and wonder that radiates from the second chakra through meditation.
Step 3. As this happens pay attention to how you feel physically, emotionally and mentally. Be aware of what you experience. It is different for
everyone. Some people may feel spontaneous bursts of energy running up and down their spine or through their body. They are normal; enjoy them.

Some people may feel them as a warm current of energy or vibrations running through their body. These sensations represent an increased flow of

energy in the body. Pay attention to the changes you experience. Just observe; do not try to influence them. By meditating on this chakra you will get

in touch with different aspects of your sexuality as well as the creative process.

Do this part for about ten minutes or until you are satisfied. When you are ready to return to the room, say Every time I reach this relaxed state, I

learn to use my mind more creatively and become more aware of energy blocks that have kept me a prisoner so that I may heal myself. Release the

ball of energy and the imagery and count from one to five feeling refreshed, relaxed and peaceful as you return to the room and open your eyes.

Third Chakra Solar Plexus

This chakra allows you to transcend the conscious mind and me concerns and experience selflessness that allows a deep connection with other


Step 1. If you are only doing one chakra, follow step one under the first chakra meditation heading, otherwise continue unabated from the


Step 2. Now put your attention on the third chakra in the human body. Imagine you are breathing in and out through your third chakra. The air
goes down to your third chakra on the inhalation and all the way up through the nose on the exhalation with no separation between breaths. On each

exhalation visualize or sense the energy in the third chakra growing stronger. During third chakra meditation, visualize a golden yellow ball growing

brighter and stronger on each exhalation. Let your consciousness move down into the ball of energy. Become the ball of energy and feel yourself

begin to radiate outward from that center through your body and then into the outer environment. You will begin to feel as if you are beginning to


Step 3. As this happens pay attention to how you feel physically, emotionally and mentally. Be aware of what you experience. It is different for
everyone. You may feel yourself become watery and fluid as your consciousness radiates from this center, and you may feel a profound empathy. This
empathy, a product of trust and contentment, will permit you to feel compassion for the pain and suffering of others as well as for yourself. Surrender

to these feelings and let them flow through you.

Do this part for about ten minutes or until you are satisfied. When you are ready to return to the room, say Every time I reach this relaxed state I

learn to use of my mind more creatively and become more aware of energy blocks that have kept me a prisoner so that I may heal myself. Release

the ball of energy and the imagery and count from one to five feeling more refreshed, relaxed and peaceful than before as you return to the room and

open your eyes.

Fourth Chakra Heart

Step 1. If you are only doing one chakra, follow step one under the first chakra meditation heading, otherwise continue unabated from the


Step 2. Now put your attention on your heart chakra. Imagine you are breathing in and out through your fourth chakra in your body. The air
goes down to your heart chakra on the inhalation and all the way up through the nose on the exhalation with no separation between breaths. On each

exhalation, visualize or sense the energy in the fourth chakra growing stronger. During fourth chakra meditation, visualize an emerald green ball of

light growing brighter and stronger on each exhalation. Let your consciousness move down into the ball of energy. Become the ball of energy and feel

yourself begin to radiate outward from that center through your body and then into the outer environment.

Step 3. Feel the transcendent love, which radiates through the heart and into the rest of the 7 chakras, and pay attention to how you feel
physically, emotionally and mentally. The more you are centered in the heart, the more you will feel the mystic heart of Christ in you, your Christ

consciousness. As the rivers of living water radiate through your heart, your entire body will pulsate with energy from the top of your head to the
bottoms of your feet. Searing currents of energy will shoot everywhere. You will experience warmth that pulsates from your heart and fills your

entire body. By surrendering to the energy radiating through your heart, you will experience compassion and unconditional love for yourself as well

as everyone else. You may also experience the condition, which Jesus describes as the peace that passes all understanding.

Do this part for about ten minutes or until you are satisfied. When you are ready to return to the room, say Every time I reach this relaxed state I

learn to use my mind more creatively and become more aware of energy blocks that have kept me a prisoner so that I may heal myself. Release the

ball of energy and the imagery and count from one to five feeling more refreshed, relaxed and peaceful than before as you return to the room and

open your eyes.

Fifth Chakra Throat

Step 1. If you are only doing one chakra, follow step one under the first chakra meditation heading, otherwise continue unabated from the


Step 2. Now put your attention on your throat chakra meditation. Imagine you are breathing in and out through your throat chakra. The air goes
in and out your throat with no separation between breaths. On each exhalation, visualize or sense the energy in the throat chakra growing stronger.

During this chakra meditation, visualize a glimmering blue ball of light growing brighter and stronger on each exhalation. Let your consciousness

move down into the ball of energy. Become the ball of energy and feel yourself begin to radiate outward from that center through your body and then

into the outer environment.

Step 3. Feel your character as fearless, noble and full of courage. Experience the integrity of choosing yourself at every moment. Feel your inner
affirmation that says yes to life at every moment. Being centered in your throat allows you to feel more triumphant. Your life will be victorious at

every moment without diminishing anyone else. You may choose to say the affirmation, At last I am free, over and over to yourself.

As you experience this victory, you may feel streams of energy shooting up your spine. As they pass the throat they become currents of unconditional

joy. You will be fulfilling your purpose in life by accepting this victory.
Do this part for about ten minutes or until you are satisfied. When you are ready to return to the room, say Every time I reach this relaxed state I

learn to use my mind more creatively and become more aware of energy blocks that have kept me a prisoner so that I may heal myself. Release the

ball of energy and the imagery and count from one to five feeling more refreshed, relaxed and peaceful than before as you return to the room and

open your eyes.184

Sixth Chakra Third Eye

Step 1. If you are only doing one chakra, follow step one under the first chakra meditation heading, otherwise continue unabated from the


Step 2. Now put your attention on the sixth of the 7 chakras in the human body. Imagine you are breathing in and out through your third eye.
The air goes in and out with no separation between breaths. On each exhalation, visualize or sense the energy in the third eye growing stronger.

During this chakra meditation, visualize an indigo ball of light growing brighter and stronger on each exhalation. Let your consciousness move up

into the ball of energy. Become the ball of energy and feel yourself begin to radiate outward from that center through your body and then into the

outer environment.

Step 3. Feel yourself as the union of selves. Feel your mind radiate simultaneously in all directions and sense filling the room with your
consciousness. Pay attention to how you feel physically, emotionally and mentally. The more you are centered in your third eye the more complete
will be your union of the consciousness and the unconsciousness. This condition will produce an electrical current running through your

physical body and your entire head will glow with this center, the third eye.

Do this part for about ten minutes or until you are satisfied. When you are ready to return to the room, say Every time I reach this relaxed state I

learn to use my mind more creatively and become more aware of energy blocks that have kept me a prisoner so that I may heal myself. Release the

ball of energy and the imagery and count from one to five feeling more refreshed, relaxed and peaceful than before as you return to the room and

open your eyes.

Important note: However you experience each chakra meditation is right for you for where you are now. As you heal and clear your energetic system,

your meditations will change also. Remember not to judge yourself. Accept and allow yourself to grow at your own pace. Give the gift of the fourth

chakra in your body, unconditional love and compassion, to yourself.

Seventh Chakra Crown

No meditation is possible with the crown chakra because a person does not exist as a separate being; therefore, the ALL at every moment is

meditating through him/her.

By doing the meditations on each of the 7 chakras, you will activate awareness of emotional blocks and feelings. These will come in different ways

for different people, depending on the spiritual gifts that you may already have developed. Removing and clearing energy blocks enhances your

spiritual gifts by either making you stronger or opening you to new awareness and abilities you were not aware of before. Just remember that

whatever occurs, it is perfect for you.

The following is a list of the psychic gifts of the 7 chakras. The root or first chakras gift is unlimited intuition, gut feelings. The sexual or second

chakras gift is clairsentience, which is clear feeling, the sensing of ideas, energies, love, etc., through the feeling nature, including smelling of

heavenly fragrances. The gift of the third chakra meditation, the solar plexus, is sensitivity to vibrations from other people and places. The gift of the

fourth or heart chakra is the ability to be empathetic with people because you have journeyed down the path that you now see others working

through. The gift of the thymus is telepathy, the ability to speak or communicate to another through the mind.
The gift of the fifth or throat chakra meditation is clairaudience, which is clear hearing, hearing through the inner ear words and ideas from the

higher vibrational levels, music or sounds of the spiritual universe. The gift of the third eye or sixth chakra is clairvoyance, which is clear seeing,

seeing into the higher levels of vibration forms which cannot be seen with the physical eyes, such as visions, auras, energies, and higher beings. The

gift of the crown or 7th chakra in the human body is Comic Consciousness, Ascension and the I AM. The purpose of this chapter has been to lay a

foundation upon which to build your spiritual development. Everyone will be at a different place to start. You cannot begin any journey until you

start, and to start you need a roadmap in order to assist you in where you are going. Understanding the bodies comprising your energy field, the

chakras in our bodies, their functioning or lack of functioning and the diseases that occur by continuing to ignore or repress our feelings in the

human energetic system is a good start. The Rapid Healing Technique is a road map to transform your life and lead you to Wholeness or Ascension, if

that is your intention and you are willing to keep yourself focused on your journey. You can make your intention for clearing fears and negative

emotions and take it as far as you feel is your souls contract for this lifetime.

Everything is a choice. Always follow your inner voice and guidance.

This is a spiritual journey no matter ones religion. We are all on a spiritual path of some kind or we would not be on this planet. The tools for

transformation and ascension are presented for your discernment and to use for your souls best interest.

This piece on the chakra balancing and meditation is excerpted with permission fromThe
Rapid Healing Technique: The Tools for Transformation by Jerriann J. Taber, Ph.D.

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