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March 11, 2016


Hemoglobin 13.0 12 15 mg/dL Normal
Hematocrit 40.8 30 40 vol% Normal
WBC Count 5,900 5,000 10,000/cumm Normal
Differential Count
Neutrophil 70 40 50% High
Lymphocyte 30 35 45% Low
Platelet Count 282,000 150,000 450,000/L Normal

Nursing Responsibilities:

1. Emphasized the importance of strict adherence to treatment regimen especially regarding the diet of the patient.

2. Encourage to increase vitamin C intake and eat vitamin C-rich foods such as papaya, oranges and broccoli.

3. Encourage to increase folic acid intake such as eating green leafy vegetables.

4. Encourage and demonstrate doing simple exercises such as flexion and extension of extremities for good blood circulation.

5. Monitor vital signs regularly.

6. Emphasize importance of blood transfusion to increase hemoglobin level if prescribed by the physician

7. Emphasize importance of proper personal hygiene and proper handwashing.

March 11, 2016


Sodium (Na) 142.0 135 145 mmol/L Normal
Potassium (K) 3.99 3.5 5.50 mmol/L Normal
Creatinine (STAT) 0.95 0.3 1.3 mg/dl Normal
BUN (STAT) 20.1 7.0 18.0 mg/dl Normal
RBS 110 mg/Dl Normal

Nursing Responsibilities:

1. Encourage to eat low-salt (if there is no edema or hypertension), low-protein and high-vitamin foods.

2. Encourage adequate rest and sleep.

3. Emphasized importance of controlling blood pressure into normal state.

4. Encourage to increase oral fluid intake.

5. Monitor vital signs regularly.

6. Encourage to limit the intake of high-purine foods because it can produce more urea nitrogen.

7. Encourage to eat more fruits that can help protect kidney function. Fruits rich in vitamins especially vitamin C are able to help protect kidney function.

8. Encourage to consume more base-forming food. Some vegetables can help alkalize urine and reduce the side effects of high blood urea nitrogen such as radish,

carrots and potatoes.

9. Emphasized the importance of not drinking alcohol instead drinking enough water, 2000-3000ml of water daily helps discharge more waste productions including

urea nitrogen from the body.

March 13, 2016


ALBUMIN 39 35-50 g/L Normal
HDL 57.6 0-35 mg/dL High
CHOLESTEROL 208 0-200 mg/dL High
TRIGLYCERIDES 46 0-150 mg/dL Normal
LDL 140.8 130-159 mg/dL Normal
TOTAL PROTEIN 60.8 60-83 g/L Normal

Nursing Responsibilities:

1. Ask about any other medications being taken to the relative (including over-the-counter, vitamins, or herbal remedies). These can cause interactions with other


2. Encourage the relative to ask the doctor or healthcare provider regarding the diet of the patient.

3. Emphasize the importance of totally avoidance of alcohol intake, as alcohol can cause symptoms of hypoalbuminemia to worsen (especially with liver disease).

4. Emphasize importance of following all healthcare providers recommendations for follow up blood work and laboratory tests to monitor hypoalbuminemia.

5. Instruct to report if experiencing symptoms or side effects of therapy, especially if severe, be sure to discuss them with the health care team. They can prescribe

medications and/or offer other suggestions that are effective in managing such problems.

6. Emphasized the importance of strict adherence to treatment regimen conducive to wellness and recovery.

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