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La semana del veinticuatro de abril (week of 4-24)

Plans may change a little day to day. If there is a major change or

an assignment change, I will post it on my website.



Remember to practice Spanish at home at least 15

minutes a night, whether or not you have homework.

This is a reminder that as stated in my syllabus, I do

not give credit for late work. Homework not turned in
at the beginning of class when it is due, will receive
49%. However, homework that was turned in on time
(and complete) may be redone for a better grade.
Tarea means homework. Examencito means

lunes (Monday)

Yo puedo escuchar en espaol. Y puedo

usar ser y estar, incluyendo presente
Qudate con la tarea (p.55 Act 14)
Ill pick random soon and youll have to
tell the class your answer to the question I
Abre el libro a pgina cincuenta y
cuatro, y haz Actividad trece con su
Vamos a
-elegir al azar para respuestas de la tarea
-escuchar p. 55 Act 14
-Mirar video de ser vs. estar Ch2 (you may
want to watch the one from the red book
Chapter 6 too) (2:52) y tomar notas
-hablar de las reglas para ser y estar <-You
may want to write these down to remember
or write lots of examples also make sure you
can do the quizlet perfectly
-practicar, incluyendo presente progresivo
y comida
Tarea: Blue book p. 62 Act 23, they can
have more than one correct answer, so
they can put up to 2 letters for each AND
write the reason the sentence uses ser or
assignments from this quarter,
including what we do this week before
the test, and the present progressive
quizlet with animations.

martes (Tuesday)

Yo puedo escuchar en espaol. Y puedo

usar ser y estar, incluyendo presente
Entrega la tarea (p.62 Act 23)
Write these sentences using the correct
form of ser or estar. See pages 62 and 24
if you need help.
1. I am nice.
2. He is in the shower.
3. They are sick.
4. Today is Tuesday.
5. The game is going to be at the
6. We are writing in Spanish.

Vamos a
-elegir al azar para 1-6, y repasar por qu
usamos ser o estar para cada una
-Mirar video de presente progresivo y ir +
a + infinitivos Ch1 (stop at 3:10 as were not
focusing on DOPs today) y tomar notas (5:44,
just 1 and 2)
-hablar de las reglas para ser y estar
-hacer los impares odds de la tarea para
ejemplos. Cada una necesita dos
oraciones, presente progresivo y ir + a +

Tarea: p. 25 Act 28, evens, 2 sentences

for each and go through present
progressive quizlet with animations. Go
through the flashcards set and notice that
verbs like leer, dormir, and servir have
spelling changes.
You should be studying for Fridays Quiz
see the study guide.

And ir + a + infinitive will be on your final

exam, just so you know.

mircoles (Wednesday)
Yo puedo repasar usando ser y estar,
incluyendo presente progresivo para la
prueba el viernes.
Qudate la tarea (p. 25 Act 28, evens)
Find a partner and one person signs onto
quizletlive.com at the front of the room
while the other partner brings me both of
your work for credit.
Write these sentences using the correct
form of ser or estar. You should know how
to do these as you should be studying
1. I am eating cake.
2. He is big.
3. They are watering the plants.
4. The carpet is yellow.
5. The table is by the wall.
6. We are at my house.

Vamos a
-arreglar la tarea y 1-6
-jugar Quizletlive (try the big one, but we
might need the 12 term one)
Tarea: You should continue to study for
Fridays Quiz, but you should be ready now if
youve been studyingsee the STUDY

jueves (Thursday)
No tienes la clase de espaol porque ests en el
estadio de los tigres. ESTUDIA PARA EL

viernes (Friday)
Yo puedo tomar mi examencito de
ser y estar.
-Put up your privacy folder/s and put up the
folders for your neighbors if they need them.
-take out a pencil and be ready for your test
with your folders set up.
-Quiz rules:
No peeking. No talking.
Raise your hand for questions.
When you are done, put your test
face down under your folder(s) and
raise your hand. I will come and get
it from you.
If you appear to be cheating at all,
you will receive a 0 just as it states
on my syllabus.
Remember no talking or moving
while anyone still has their test.
Vamos a -Hacer el examencito
-hacer la tarea if we have time well the
video of saber and conocer from page 52
Chapter 2
Tarea: Puzzles, riddles and jokes:
On page 30 and 31, there are a bunch
of adivinanzas (puzzle, riddles),
acertijos (riddles) and chistes (jokes)
You need to translate and answer
At least 2 adivinanzas
At least 2 acertijos
And translate and explain at least 2

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