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Jigsaw Junction High Schools Management Agreement

School Year: 2017-2018

Student Access:
Students will access school counselor by: Grade level.

School Counselor of the Day:

Jigsaw Junction High School will not be implementing Counselor of the Day.

Student Access:
Students will access the counselor by: Alpha Listing
A-E last name: Helena Zangari
F-K: Dana Lewkowitz
L-Q: Christopher Watson
R-Z: Steven Santos

Domain Responsibilities:
Academic Domain: Dana Lewkowitz
Career Domain: Christopher Watson
Personal/social Domain: Helena Zangari, Steven Santos
Rationale for decision: With a background in teaching and counseling, Dana can bring a very
dynamic perspective to students and teachers utilizing her expertise. Christopher is a member of
various organizations which keep him regularly updated on career and college readiness tools
and programs with the highest success rates. Helena and Steven are highly trained in
responsive services, and maintain the skill sets to help students build on their interpersonal skills
while enhancing and promoting personal safety.

School Counselor Availability:

Jigsaw Junctions school counseling department is open Monday- Friday for
student/parent/teacher access from 7:00am to 4:30pm.

The career center will be open Monday-Friday from 7:30am to 4:30pm every day.

Programs and services and available to students and parents include:

Guidance Newsletter
Parent information nights & classes: Back to School Night, Freshman Parent Night
Fall Student-led Conferences (Navigation 101)
Fall individual Senior Planning Conferences
Spring Student-led Conferences (Navigation 101)
College Planning Night
Financial Aid Night
Parent Support Groups
After-Hours Career Center Appointments
After-School Navigation 101 makeup tutoring sessions
Navigation 101 Navigator (monthly e-newsletter for students and parents)
Post- High School Planning Conferences
Parent/teacher Student Conferences
Skills Center Advisement/Support
Individual/Small Group Counseling
College Bound Scholarship signups

Programs and services presented and available to staff include:

Department liaisons
School Improvement Team Membership
AVID Support
New Teacher Orientation
Navigation 101 Program Coordination
Staff Development Workshops( i.e. anti-bullying, drug and alcohol awareness approaches, teen
suicide prevention, stress management)
Individual counseling-school related concerns

Compensation for Extra Work (Beyond Work Day):

The School Counselors will be compensated for extra work days by comp time, and extra duty
pay (Navigation 101).

Materials and Supplies:

Agreed upon by the principal and school counseling team a separate budget will be set and
accessible to school counseling program.

Professional Development:
Jigsaw Junction High Schools counseling team will participate in the annual ASCA conference.

Professional Collaboration:
Jigsaw Junctions school counseling team will meet weekly as a counseling department, meet
with the advisory council 2 times within a year, meet with administration monthly, meet with
subject area departments monthly, meet with school staff and faculty as needed, and to meet with
Navigation 101 Implementation Team every 3 months.

Resources: http://hamiltonareamiddleschool.weebly.com/management-

2003, ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling

Programs, American School Counselor Association.

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