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Flt91 edlU<ln

Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosivity of

atmospheres - Classification

Corrosian aa ml"'JX el fl/llltges - corrostvue (1<:$ alrrtospl,res -


ISO 9223:1992(f)

COJlYliRbt by the In(<'I'1I,Uon,1!lr!1,ni"'tioD rOT Ston!lonli",Uon

s JO" 01 16:35:56 2003
ISO 9223:1992(E)


180 (tho Intornallonnl Org:ml7.atlon ror standarotzaton) is 3 wortowice

fedArlltlor or natioaal standards badics (ISO -nornbor bodtos). file 'NO' k
01preparlng InlernaUonal Standard~ s normally carried out throuph ISO
technical committees. Each rnamhor body inlorostud 111a subiect ror
which a IAt;hnlcal ccmrmttee nas been establlshed has tho rigllt lo he>
represented on thal committae. InlcrO'.ltlor." 1 orqan lzallons, ",,,,,ern-
mental and non-qovernmental, 11l1I;,lsoIIwllh ISO, also take part in Ihe
work, ISO ccuaborates ctosety wilh the Internatonal EI0ctrotcchniCill
cornmlsslon (lEC) Oh aU mallers 01 otectrotccnntcat slalldardizalon.
Draft lnternational Slandatds aooptr.d hy II,PoIcr.hnicIlI commlttees are
clrculatod lo tho momber bades Ior voting. Publication as an Inler-
national Standard raquiros approval by al least 7r,% of Ihe men-b~r
bonies ca.tlng a vote.

Slandard ISO 9223 was prerared by Ier.hnir.,,1 Com",iII~.,
ISO/Te 156, Cormsioll of metrus and ollQys.

Annex A lorms an Integral nart of Ihis InlernRllonal Slandard. Anncx B

18I'or Inlormalion only.

@ rso 19112
AII rlgh~s re-servQd. No porl 01 lJ...., ;_1\AJIk;,Uunf,~;.:ybe f epllJ,,I'.I...ed Qr vllll(~(.Ilnnry tor-n
or by 31'1y mean", elec::tfon'c or- nwtCh.nk:uI, \nc1.Jdirytl g'I<;\~\!,,;upylr'lr:It'I'Itl ,,' CI'O'lt,(I, \vllhnu(
p9mlaiu'1 tn wrlung Irom U\O pvllUsf'ter'.
InternaHonal Organlze:lton for Standard"aJUon
Ca." 1"0$11110 se. CIt.12S1 ~"O ~. SWtl7f1lrl~,.,c1
Prrnted In Swltzerhll'H'I


C.Jl'IIiRbtby the [n('MI,U.n,1 !lr!1,ni"'ti.D r.T Ston!lonli",U.n

S.L JO" 01 16:36:02 2003
ISO 9223:1992(E)


Mctals. alloys and InlflAlllc contings may sulfer atmosphertc corrosion

whlft1 thelr surranos are wetled, The nature nnd rate or the attack will
dcpond upen Ihe propertles 01surface-formec eledmlytes, particularly
",1tI) rf>gard lo lho lovel and type 01 gascous and partictrlae poUutants
in the atrnosphere ami lo Ih" duralion 01 their action on lhe melallic
OI~ on lhe corrosivity ot the atmesphore are essential ror tIle devel-
opmer- aad spccicallon 01 optimizer corroslon reslstanee for manu-
factured producs. '

Ihere are two ways of (lf\lerm1nll1JIhe corrosivtty clegory of a glven

loc;lion accordtna lo lhls IrelE>rnatonlllStandard (sea fiureO,1)_
Tha corrosivity caleqorles 0"" dofinod by the corroston elfecls en stan-
dard specnnens ~" ~"odlied in ISO 9226,Thp.corroslvlly cateqcres mav
b<l Il,sessod In lerms 01 the most .iglllllcant arnospheric fRClo," I""u-
cncing the corroslon or l)1oltJI~and afloys Le, lime or w<1lnossand pot-
lulon level.

Thp.corrosl'llly cale~o,'YIs a lecillllCAI churactarlstlc which provldcs R

hnsis ror the selecon (Ir 'Ti"lnrlnJ~~hd nrotectlve.mcceures In almos-
pnertc envlronmnnln nuhjoct lo the de IIlIll1ld' 01 Ihe ~peclnc al>pIlC81100.
~ar(j"ul.,ly wllIJ ro;ordto servce IIfR,
Thls Irrlernaliollal Stan(larcl oocs nollake into r.on~lilAI'Alln" Ihe deslgn
and rn"r1~ of operaton 01 the produet whlch CM nnu.neo 11.eorroston
roslstance . ir"",""RO efccts are hlghly ~t>p.c,"cDnd cannot be gener-


C.JlYIiRbIby the fnt<'MI.ti.n,1 !lr!1,ni"'ti.D r.T Stondonli",ti.n

S.l JO" 01 16:36:032003
ISO 9223:1992(E)

(lu.\fkCltl4 1 otm05perl, cOlTo.lvlh

eso 97.231


e.'lro.mento\ d .. "llol1llcn In 1.,... of ,..... f.ll'll'l!dtlt:DHall tlnsed on e e-resten "(lte

DI ".In ..,d poll""on mI!OB\rCII"I,,"t ond !'>tand ar-d l1IC!tct.llpIKlmltr1i

.... ..

Ctlrrostv1ty ('dtegorlll

GtJdtng YOlue. o, (ortoalon ra'~tor I!oeh ca.tQgfY'Y I
,., !llltk """ot. I
lISO922~1 I
I ,I
OQterml1'tQtton er corroslon
Moos"rom.nl'" poUullon 1'0'0 ot 9tQ~ddrd spetlml!ns
(IS09nSl (ISO 92261

Flgllre 0.1 - Classlflcatlon of atmosphcrle corroslvlly


COIlVliRbt by the Inl<'l1l,Uon,1!lr!1,ni"'tioD rOT Stondonli",Uon

Sol JO" 01 16:36:03 2003

Corros ion of metals and alloys - Corrosivity of atmospheres

- Classification

1 Scope rllcatGd betow. Members of lEC snd ISO 11\9iol31n

regislors of cunenlly valid Inlernationai Slandardft.

1.1 lhis tnternational stancaro species lile key ISO 6044:1989, corroeton ot mr.I.11.<Ilnrl aflays . Vo-
Iactors in the atrnospheric corrosion of metals and cabuiary.
auovs. lhese are the time of welness {d. pollution
by "ulfur dioxire (502) (1') "nel air-borne salinity ISO 9'-24:1992, Co/'ros;o" of meie! altd "lIoy~
(~~1.Currosvily f,;(J1e!:folies(C), which are d~(inod on C(}tto,lvify 01 etmosphercs oo- G,liding values for ale
Ihe basis or Ihese three ractors. are used ror Ihe corrosivttv calegorlp.f:.
classication 01 atmospharas.
ISO 0225:19112.Corrosion ot metals Bltd alloys -
Cnrro.,;vity ot almosp{el'p's - Meas(I/,emenl ot pot-
1.2 Thp. cl~s~ifiCli()fl givcn in Ihls Inlernational IU(/Qn.
Slaodard "al! 1>" ... cd dil'cctly lo evnluato IhA
corrostvuy ol atmospheres fnr melals and altoys ISO flnn:1Iln. Corrosion al meta/s 811d alloy:; -
unrar known condlcns of time or wetnoss. pcllullon Corro.!v/ly o( oimospbores -- Detel'l1liflSlioll ot cor-
by suuur elioxldA (SO,) Md/or "ir"mnn Mllnlly. /'()iI/O/) r(l/" Q( s(llftdard spucimems lor tn el(a/ujifiOIl
o{ corro.Qlvlly. .
1hl5 Internatlonal Slandard does not Ch,lraclfl"171!
Ihe corroslvtty 01 spacfflc servlce atmoscheres, e.lJ.
ntmosphoros in Iho chemical or melallurlcal 1,,-
rtustrles. Tl,e potlutlon and lime of we:ness charac- 3 Dellnlllons
t~rl7.~lIolI ()f thn~n nnvirnnmnnt~ l':~,,"(,)t be
~eneralizell. For 1M purposes or Ihls tntornatona stancerd, the
101loVling dennlllon~ apply.
Tho classilied pouutton and corrosivily ~",Ienorie~
can ha directtv used for technical and econornlcal
analysos of corroslon damaqe aud for a atio"al 3.1 corroslvltv" 01 Ihe alrnosphere: Tlle ~billlyof
chotee of protoction measures. 1110atrnosphorc lo cause corrosjon in 11 Iven cor-
roson system (e.q. atmospheric corroaion ora glven
A'II1P" A numrnnrlz cs ,~C tcchnical content of tnis rnolal or ;;,lIoy).
lnternattonat Slan,I,II'd In ao caslly read formo
3.2 time 01 wetness: The pctiod rllttlng .v.rhich a.
rnotalllc nurfaco is eovered by sdsorpllve and/or
2 Normative references Ilqulel rums 01olccuotyte thal are capable 01C"IlIslno
annosphcrlc corrnson.
Tite rouownq standards co"l~in provnaons which,
hrouqh rnference in this texto constute provislon. 3.2,1 calculated time 01 wetness: Tlle limo of
of Ihis Inletn"tional Standard. Al the time el publl- welness estlrnalod from' Il'Ie tamperature-humldHy
calion, lite ediliOllS indleale" wcrc va lid. Al! stal1- complex (see 5.2).
danls are ~ubjocl to revision. and parties lo
agreeIJ'"nls bastld on this lotemallonal Standa,d 3.2.2 experimental time 01 w~IAess: The lime o/
Are cncoul'aged lo IPvestig3te the pos..~ibi1jlyDr op- welness in'elicatAcI rJjrer.tly Iy various mea"urtn!(
plying the mo~1 rec.;,,1 coJllIol1soIlhe slondards in- AYAlelll" ($e~ 5.3).

1) SQO ISORO~~:tg89
. vbcioll$o 2.18. . .. :

COJlYliRbI by tho Int<'l'1l,Uon,1!lr!1,ni"'tioD rOT Stondonli",Uon

S.L JO" 01 16:36:03 2003
ISO 9223:1992(E}

3,3 pollllllon eatogory: A numbered rank based 011 the calculatod 11"", of wetness (T) 01 corroding sur-
<1u~"tlt~tlve measuremenls 01 specific chemically lae", ('e" note 1).
aeUve substances, corrosivo gaGO' or nunpondod
partlcles in tha air (boIh natural anr Ihe resuit of S,3 Tha eXfle"ltnonl~1time 01wetness can be de-
humen activity) th~1 ~I'P. dlflerenl Irom Ihe normal termtned ditectly by varlous moaouring $Y$lem3
componente of Ihe air, (see note 2).
3,4 type 01 atmolph.r.: Characlerization 01 Ihe ~I
mosphere on uie b&~ls 01 approprlate ctasstcauon 5,4 Th() ro091hnportanl tactor wilhln a particular
crlterla other Ihan corrosivity (Industrial. martne, cBlegory 01 time er wolnM~ IR thl> pouuucn level
etc.) or 01 ccmptomentary opcratlonal l~cl<"A caused by sulphur din,,!do n" Alrhol1lo "Allnlty.
[chemlcal, etc.).
5.5 The ponuuon lovel shall be rneasured in BC
3,8 f.emperalure-humtdlty complex: Tilo comblned cordance with the specicntions ol ISO 9l25.
efleel 01 temporaturo and relativa hUlllldlly on tne
corrosvty 01the atmosphere.
5.6 other kinds 01 polution can also cxert an eect
[oxides of nitrogen, (NO,) Hnd Industria; dust 1"
3.6 cal~gory 01 locallon: Conventionally deflnod
Iypleal exposure conditions 01 a componenl or populated and lnetustrtal zones] or the specic op-
erallonal ano lechnologiCR.1 pollution o( mlcrocll-
structuro, e.o. in the open air, under sh;lter. in a
mates [chloride. (CI.). hy~ruge" sulde, (H"sJ,
closer space etc.
orqanic acds and delcelng ~g()"ts). Those Iypes 01
I'0llullon havo not beco U<"o 00 elesslflcallon c1'1
4 Symbols and abbrevlaUons
Accordlng lo ths Intern;;tion~1 Slnnd .. rr, 1"", <llhp.,
Time 01 wetnes6 kll,d. 01 pouunon should be consldered ,.. se-
r.omPRnyllll ones [for exarnple: oxides 01 nltrogen
p Pollutlon cat;gory wilh sunur compounrs (NO,) in urban atmospheres] or specinc oparattonat
bas~rlon sultur dlo.ide (802) levels ones (1m example: vapours 01 adds Ir. opr.:'~tloM'
s F'oltutlon cateqorv based on airborno salinlty mlcrocl imates].
contamlnatlon NOTFS
e AlmoRrl1Arlc corroAlvlty category t Tho Un\o o' wetllflte:.ol'l~ullllftd by lhl~ ,noUtOd doc.s
nOI nQr.Q9IUUUy correspend ..,/1lh 11\" AotUAI tian@ or 01(
11 Alr lemperature P09U'" In wotnosa, bOCBUle welne 15 h,lIuenced by. ",,'
tyF'""n( fUAIAI, th .. "hAPQ, rno", and o..entallon 01 Ihe o""
h/a Hcurs per year [eet. th6\ qUAntlly of oorro,ion producto lhe n3\Ul'4Itn(
pollut~nlson th~ surraceand r\lhC'rr I~t(u'$. n\eGO con
reo" CorrO$lon ralo for tlte lirsl year or atmospherl" $lcJ$r;'lln"s may inCfea&e or decrea"e 11\4\aClua111nu:lnf
exposure vu;~tnASS. Uo\vovor. Ihis criterio" Is us",,~lIy !iOur"cl~"Uy~('...
(:lIr~IA f()r lhe) charactorl2aHon 01 a\frtOSfHler~~. Th" (,,1-
'av Avera~e oorroslon ralo lor Ihe fir~t 10 years of CV::U\C6of the timA of wAlnQ;s dCrG~SOs with lhe dcgrp.('t
8tmospherlc exposure ur '!;',crtcring,
'1111 8teady stale corros ion rale darived from long 2 Tho Indicalcd lime ""Y del'end "pon Ihe lype 01 :".
term atmospherlc a)(J>OSurc strument al1d lh~ S4?n$oru~p.-r\'.Tilo Urn(!f> of \I,'elness indi-
c~tcd by various sy~lema are nQ\ dlte.c11yl':Of)lparablo anO
Aro convertibleOI"Y within a limired ext~"\ o( t~l"'Iper".
5 CharaclerizaUon o'!he etmosphere In lure-h\lmictity r.h~f;}ctorst;cs.

reletlon to Its eorroslvlty

6 Clesslflcatlon of time 01welness
5,1 For Ihe purpc)ses 01 Ihis Intemational Sli'lndlrd,
Ihe koy corros ion factots 01 lhe almosphcr<> Jor 6.1 Tlle lime of wetness (accordlng to 5.2 and 53)
motols and alloy are tlme 01 wetness, and aulfur dF.'l"'nd. IIpon lhe macroclimalic ZOI1Cand the cato
dloxlde (802) and chlorlde pollution lovel~. ogory 01 the lor.alion.

6,2 Tho wotllng of ~urfaces is c8U1led by mRny 6.2 The classificallon 01 IImR uf w9ln"9s ror 3t
lactol'5, lor &xample, dew, ralnloll, matling snow ancl lII<Jspheres is givon in labio 1. The classtned values
a hlgh humldlly leve!. The length 01 Ume whcfl lhe are based on tho long \orm cltaracterislics 01
relativo humldlly le grealer tllan 80 % 01 a 10m macrocllmallc ZOnEl8 lor typ"",,1 condlUons O( the 10-
J)erature (6) orester than OC Is usad 10 esUmalc cAllon caregorlos,

COJlYliRbl by tho Int<'l'1l,Uon,1!lr!1,ni"'tioD rOT Slondonli",Uon

S.L JO" 01 16:36:03 2003
ISO 9223':1992(E)

6.3 The c31r.vlatcd limes 01 wcmcss anu soleded 6.4 FOI IIIII~S 01 wclness TI. alll10111 no eonden-
dimalOIOQlcal c:hataderjslics 01 1M macrocllrnalc sation lB exper.totl. For T Ihe probAblllly of IIrrUld
70nes 01 Ihe Earlh ate shown in annex B ...s gen"t;)1 lormlng 011 Ihe metalllc sin'f(1CQ la low. Timos ". to
Q\lidellnos. '6 Inulvdc porlods 01 c:orden~allon and preclpltatlon,

T"bl.. 1 - Classfcallon 01 limo 01 welnoa.

Intem.1 mlcr""Jlmnln ... !tI! clhnallc control

rnremllf mlcrac:lm.to. wilhout dlmalc conlrol &."",,1 rOl'
inten'lt'l1 non-Rlrr.nndllloned spaees in d:vnp nU""",tflt.
Ouldoor atmospher in dry, eotrr nllnlalea 3Ild par! ot temper-
.10nlhnates: properlv vcnlilated~"~d~In temporolo clim"T6S
Ouhfuur rf'moepherEls in all (;lIln~l'f"';(~X;e-ptfur 'he dry aod oold
cttrnotes): ventllntnrJ ShAds in humld conclHioM: unvenUlaled
.hed. in torn[>l'raleoltmates

P~~lu( damp eUmates; unvcntatedsheds In hUlllid oonc:itlOO5
----_ ".

I TI.e U11I. o( ..clno .. 01 .a give~ I"""roly depends en thA t"mfle'~\ur,,hUIT1idity complex pI lhe upe<>ai, atmosohere
and lho CQtOQOfy er t~ loc."Jtion <100is oxpro'lp.d ir.. hour s per vecr or a. part of fo1:jl"0l't""p' Iflno (in porrcent~g@).

2 The Vl\lvoll 01 time of Wt4tfl~, In percentage are rou~dad and infol'rnatlve only.

3 Thn oen"t'r~l1t;e colurnn decs nol t,v.lut1e aH \he ~ossibiJiliC'lsc1u~to the degree 01 shcltol'ing.

4 Sh&U~reusortnces tn maf'hl9 ~ln~"I~"f'I.s whoro chlOf'idQC At cfft,-,ofllle:d m"y OXpl'i9nC eUbstantioUy illC(OafOod
rnes', duo to the pr'~'I~uf hY'S)f'oocopk: snHs and IIt'1(luld be cln,.lned in Iho ~~tt!gory t.
tlmeQ or .......

S In indoor bnosphp.r~~wfll'O\l\ d'mane con'rnl, II~ lime ur we'nol~ C".Rtnoorht$ 1, lo t" en)) onnur wt't'-n IOUrces of
w/ator VlpoUf Af'~ pr~lL

'-B FcW"Ih.. lInw of \llOtM ..a :, atuf 1,. th. f\robabUity (,r '':CJI''rnlllltm
" "'Aher 10r du,;'y .-urrlleei.
, ---1

CoP'lril!~t by th. Int""", ..,1 !lrtoni.,ti ror Slondonfi.,

SiotJo. G1 la~:IXI <Oo:J
ISO 9223:1992(E)

7 Clasalfication of polluUoncalegories 7.2 The cla ificst1on of pollu,;"n by sulfur dloxlde

(SO,l rar sta~dard ouldoor 8t'ooRpheres is givon in
7.1 Atmospllerlc pollution 13 dlvlded fOfO tWQ cat- table 2.
ellorlee: pol1utlon by sufrur dfmdde (SO~ And by airo
borne sellnlly. TI>&68fWO types or poutlon aro
representallva for rural. urban, IlIdu8lrl~1 and mar-
Ino atmoschares.

Table 2 - Classltl<:lI(Jono, polilltlon by sulphur~ontlllnlng suustanees represented by (SOu

Olpolldon rata 01 SO, Conoenlratton or SO,
mo/(m'-d) "!I/m'
- ... . -- o.
r. .;;10
10 < P, .. 35
12 < P, .; 40
35< P"" SO 40 -c /', .;; gO P,

_ ..
80 < p." 200
90 < 1', .;; 2:50
.._ .. ... ..

I lA.tho<l. '" d,,'r.nnlnotlon 01 s.uUurdioJddo ISO,} are """"ifiQd in ISO 9225.

2 T"o .,I'ur dlo>dcl.. (90.) value. dolermlned by th<o <lApo.m." ("d) Md votumetre (Pe) rn..lhod ro oquival.. >t Ior 1It~
purpose of c:::lasslffcaUon.me re.laUCU\Ah'pbclwacn me.a5t1rer"~'IIt; uAin9 both nlethods coVI(t h4\ ~pprojmdtely ex-
pressed a8: p. = 0.8 Po'
3 Fur '''0 purpo&". 01thi. In,ernatlcmal S'.ndard. tho sulfur dloMld.(SO,) deposition ro'" 3"~ ~.n"M"
... lion aro cal-
culated frum IJVlllll"luOUS
nmalurements durlng et IEtil5' oue year nnd are e~JlreAGda:i tho a,,"u:'I1nvor-ngfl!.Th& r~lI~ult
of 8ho~' term m&lGurOmOn1c may dlf1er COM&i-d8r;t\,5y frunl Ion" tenn overogftl'. S\Jc;hrasults. ore Of'IlyV$M Inr guldAnCQ.

4 AnVool'oCftn... llon '" ... Ifur dioxide (SOr) wUnln c~I"(l()ry p. l. oonoldered lo be 'ho bacllqroond concentr.l<ln .'>C!
l. In~nlfi""" 'mm lhe potnl 01 vfo-.. 01e .,...,,>lv.
S POllutlcn hy IUlIIJr "olClde (SO""w1lhlnCJI'ng<>ry p. . ,,,,,.I,!,,,oo,,xlrnrn,, .nd 1.lypk:.' of upotntk",., ln""odlmele.
beyond the $(lope 01 tlls Inlomallonal Statldllrd.

8 '" ehod-typc Qtrnosphe/o, ~nd, eapoctalty, in indoor atmc.H1f'lhf'lrQR.

th(l concentratcn n' II'H:tr)(')llulnnll:; la reduc:,ed in
Inv$r&opropl),II011to 'he deg'," 01 ehGllcrlng.
ISO 9223:1992(E)

Tabla 3 - Class!flcatlon of pollutlon by .trborne sallnltv nlpresented.:...,:b.:..y_:c...:hI...:o...:r_:lde..:....-.

Oepollte ",ne of chlcrido

~/(m' d)
S ..3 s,
3-:S<60 S,
SO '" S.; 300 s,
300 < S .. 1 500 S,.


1 TIle c!... ilicatlon Dr oi,borne .alinity ar.rording lo Ihl. Inlernatlona' SIandard Is basad nn I'IE!wel cand'e melhod
specied in ISO 9225.

2 lhe 'e",II. obl"ned by lhe application 01 varinu& 'neU""I. 101"Ihe delermination 01 tho oa1l (;OI,t""I 111U,e almos-
phe<o aro 001 ...... y. dlrl'dly comparable .00 c:onve<1iblc.

3 For U>epurpo$U 01 Ihi. Inlcm.tiara' Standard, 1Mohlnrld.. rleposllion rate is oxpr"."" as an ........., "\IOI'agO. The
r"!lult& 01 shor1-lorm moawromsnt& are wwy ..,,..i~f' :'1nd rtepcnd vCly slronglv upon W9aIIher- etecte.

4 Any chlorido dcpo"',1on rol9 lII"hln <:alegory S, le loken as Iho backgrnU'ld coneentratton and Is inoignlflc<.I1I1IrOll!
tho poin-t ot viftW er C'Oftove arlack.
5 Extreme pOlhrUon bv chfode whicl1 h. lYf.lk:;;1of m~rine spll'oh nnd sproy, " bOydf'd IhFt eoope or this Intem"'IICWI~

6 The ~Ir~orne.. lInlty l Iro"!1ly c1efl'Ml(lenl011lhe varl~ble. InnUoncll11lln9transport Inlandul sens.lt. oUClh
. .
"ir.clion. wlnd volor.lty. loo"llnpng"'I*'Y. dl.I.nce 01(he o'no,uro AltO 'rom Ih... "' ... Ir. .

7.3 The classltlcaUol1 of pnUuUon by chlorides

(en relers to oulduur lllmo.pnftl'llS whlch are pol-
Tablo 4 -- C~tegor'es or corro_Mly 01 Ih.
tutou by airborne satlntly In marine cnvironmens
Tito cl slfocellon Is flven In lable 3.
r- 8_kn
C.tegory Corrosl.Hy

--- VelY 10lIl
C2 Low
8 Calegorie, 01 oorrostvlty 01 fhe C:! M~dlum
almosphere <.:4- HIRh
Tho corrosi'Ji!y 01 th~ atrnospnere l. divicf ..d into live es . VQ1Y lIyh
call1!J{)rie. (.ce labio 4). -r

COJlYM~M by thc Intl'nl.lto 1ilr1!.nicti r.r S"ndonfic

S.l -dO O~ JU:.l6:o:l<!Oo:l
ISO 9223:1992(E)

9 Claa'Blfkatlon of corroslvlty baBed on mtnlurn] are iven in I~hle 5 IOl e3ch 01 the
. cOl1'Ollon rete measurements of standard
corrosvily calegories. The values canoot be .,K-
Irapolaled Ior Ihe ptet1ic1ion el lonlllerm corrosion
speclmenl behavlour. G"idiny corroslon valuM anrl 9dl1ll"""I
Inlo,mlltiOn are qlven in ISO 922~.
Numerlcal values oIlhe flrSI year eorrcstcn ratea for
$tenderd me191& (C<I,bon .,,, e1, ztnc.. copper, atu-

Table 5 - CorrOlllon 'lites (~ton:) lor Ihe flra! yq.r 01 e.po.ure lor Ih&dllf.... n!_~~~r?~~vllyC8tego,lell
Corroolcn I.to~ (r",,) 01 melale
,,~.---- , ..,.._- -_ ...

Vnltl C.lban .sreel Zinc Copp.r

o/(m"a) '~"1O "Motl ~ 0,7 'corr ~ o.9 H8jIIIgibte
.mi. rf;l!lt'l ~ 1.3 "(011 l( O. ( Tcon ~ O. I
C2 i "J(m.) 10<,_., 200 0.7 < rCOft 1Iii 5 0,9 < 'con <.5 r..... ,,0,6
,,,,,,a 1.3 o:: '(O(f' ~ 25 O.' -< 'e.,' <: 0.7 O.I<'o:Kr~ 0.6
.- ....'~
oJ(I11"1') '21 < r<Off <: J\OO 5 <,.co" < 15 5 < "con S;; 12 0.8 <r"," .;;2
_ ..... 2S -< rcr :e::; 50
0,7 < """u <i 2.1
" ... _ .. 0.6 < 'CDrr :;; 1,3
9J(m' .) 15<,,,,,,; 30 < '00" !",:; 1.5 2 < re.-, ..; 6
G4 I "",JO
400 < rCI)f' ~ 6.50
60 < T(_,., .;; 80 2.1 <. '", ... 4.2
1,:1 r1)Off :;; 2.8
- ... .. ' .... . ..
9/(m"') 850 < ,_ .s; 1 500 30 < re," " 00 25 <: '1lCJ~'.;; 50 S ...
,,; "(fIII .; 10
~l11la 80 < Te." < 200 4,2 < rO#lu .; A,4 2,8 -c 'non ~ 5,8
- .._. " " -

f Tho cl... lllcaUonoI1ta,lon l. bHed en !he melhodJ of dotcrminollon DI''Otru'''''' ,.Ie , 01 S1Mdord 1!>"'lln.e". (nn'
pl.ta or hellx) for !he "".lu:>Ilon of CX>rTOSivity ('~ftfSO ene)

2 ne cor,o,loo ral"; "~pr" .. ed in g.afllS per ."u.ro ",el,e yo.. (II/(mt.~)]have been recale...Jh~tMin mkromeucs
per ya., (~ml.)nnd roundAd.
S Th" 1'11,,1.,101..... "h aclonzed In ISO922>a.

4 Aluminium experlences localizad corrosion bUI Ih~ ~a'ro.lon ratos shown In Iha t.bln werc talcvli't~ atl!unl~rnl
oorroeten. Mn~lmum pi! depth 1. a beller fndio.lo. 01 po'entl~1 d.mogo, bul Ihi. char aetert lit) O::ln"ot bo cvnluuted afie'
the nrO! yeAr01 exposvr .

5 Corro.lonraies_ding Ihe pper IInllts In categnry e 5 represonl envirorvncnts be yo"d Ihe "COIla er thi. tnter-
nalional Standard.

COI'V'!h1 by t.h< In,,",.U ... 1 OrronlzotiOl ro, SL>ndonlizoti

Sol Jan 04 18::16:032003
ISO 9223:1992(E)

10 Classlflcatlon of corroslvlty based on 10.2 Cortosivily categories cotrespondlnq lo Ihe

classified lime 01 wetnsss and pollution calegorfes
envlronmental data
are glvon In labio R.

10.1 The polluUon callilgolies and lime 01wetness 10.3 In the case of Ihe limo 01 wetness calegory
calmgorios aro UGodfor lho dafgrlnllRtion o, the t,. Ihe corroslvlly calegory 19 always 1. Axcepl in
oorroslvlly c81egory [or Individual mela l. highly pouuted ndoor atmcapheres.

Tftble 8 - E"flmAI~d corrnJllvllV categnrfes 01the Atmosphero

UnoUoyodearbon st 1
" .. .. .....~" ..... _-

S, S, s.S,

_ .. -_ ... .__ .. ... " . .. ,'.- --
, ,
S, S.-S,
_.- .
... .__ SOS1
S, SD-SI ~
PO-f'1 1 i o," 2 :)or4 20r3 30r4 ~ 9 ~ 5 30r4 S 5
0. ..... o _ _
- -
P, I 1 lor2 12 '''3 30r4 :-Ior4 :lnr'" 40rS 4 4 S ..,or5 S 5
__ o

..... - ._-- - --_. -

P, i0r2 10r 2 2 2 3 4 1 oIorS 5 S 5 5 5 5 5
-_ ..... --- . .. -- .- ..
Zlno and COI) pe r

S, $, s.S. ~, S, S1)S, s,
__ o

S, S,
- _
50-S1 Stl'S, S, S, SrRI
- _.._._ ..... S.
__ o
PO,P, 1 1 1 'or2 3 3 3 30r4 3 ~ 5 3 o.r" 5 5
_ .... .. ...... _._ .. ---
P, 1 1 101'2 ,,,, Z 7 3 3 :.IQT4 4 30r4 4 5 40rS 5 5
1--- ".. .. ...... ,-_ .. , .H. .' "OkO

P, 1 10r:l 2 2 3 3grA 3 :1('Ir'" 4 4Qr6 S 5 5 5 5

- . .. -- ,L,_._ ....
.. . ..... ,,-
.. .. .... . .._--
" , -,-.." ..
A.oS, S, S, i s.-S, s, S, So9, S, a. S, s, s.-S, So s,
t-__ .- ._---

_ __ o

POP, 1
" 2 , I 2or3 . .- 3
30'4 ~ S 3nf-t G S S
1---- -- '0_-
P, 1
.. ...-
201'3 1, 1... 2 3' 4
'" 4 'or~
-- _
_ .. ..... . ......
4 5
-- ----
!lor.S 5 5

P, 1 ? or a
~J 3or4 4 ~ ~or.t 40rS 5 4or5
5 5 5 5

NOTE - Corroslvily is expressed as !ha numeri".' psrt 01 the eorrcslvlty calegoey code (for examplc: 1 i".le.dorC 1).
,-o' ___
..__ ... _ ..

COJlYliRbt by the Int<'l1l.tion,1!lr!1,ni"'tioD rOT Stondonli",tion

S.L JO" 01 16:36:03 2003
ISO 9223:1992(E)

Annex A

DerivafIon of corroslvlly of almospheres for various me1als according lo th;s

Internatlonal Standard

COJlYliRbt by the Int<'l'1l,Uon,1!lr!1,ni"'tioD rOT Ston!lonli.,Uon

S.L JO" 01 16:36:03 2003
ISO 9~3:1992(E)

Table A.1 - Derlvalton 01corroslvlty 01atmospheres for carbon 5.. ,,,1

eS oos , ,. .r > OO\i
oo.:: .. 1

.;; 00&:>S>09 vt
1----'-'-'--'--'-1--- --,1- - -.
<h Og>s> e
Jr s :>,;\'
-_ -- '0' -... ---- - ---1---1---1
005 ,
'" :> s
"' ".0i)I;
., .., '.

~ V
~ J?
o.' -
M 5'"

_. 'ea N
fIJ wt ,. S' > 00 ~
.2:>1---' I---------+---~----I---_ ~
c.! 00 09>~> e
:~ ~

~ C'oI 8

; i
1-------11 i
~i q ~
a ..
~fii 1 .;; s OOt:'>
09 -



~ ~

....5 ~~.
.- .

~ s: o:: ~
7l e ~
'50 ~ g :3~
'g e ~
\f ~. ott \f

8ec: 9'-. QV
...~.. ",v
B ~ ~ ~ bz

C.Jl'IIiRbtby the In('MI,ti.n,1 !lr!1,ni"'ti.D r.T Stondonli",ti.n

S.L JO" 01 16:36:03 2003
ISO 9223:1992(1:;)

TIII>I<tA.2 - Oertvetlon 01cor,oslvlty 01almosphe'8s fo, zinc

., ....
--r-- .--
a'? _, ~.\'>004l
'" '"
.,; tM; :> ~. > 011 '" '" oh

< 09>.\'> t ..e o

.A. ~:-.s '" ..

b '"

,li so > oor. .n on

009 , " '"
nof. > ,\'~ 09 .. .. ",
,;; OO!'.\:'- e ,., ..
~ "'(;
..,o ... ~
---- s:> ~.
-~_.,.. ._-_... ._----- ""
.;; 00!1 , ') s 004l
__ o
---- ._ .. - ::-
.. I

(')5'" e
oot>.\'>o& !") ~ ...
_ID... i
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" - '

- ..
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e- I
~ ~~~ __~ _L ~~1.
. "l
lL. : Q(\I o ~

lo!!.Ia l!lvy ..
,,~.... -.
o ..'Iv a e

<IIl. "V
~ O
O :-------------+-----------------~~
1 5t b ....
v: ~
~ tv\fll
e V'~~~

~ ~
.~ O':' i:'
..:' W
V f O~

!~ l1
~~u ...
....... V v.., U ~

- - - . - ... _._- - ---

&: e . lit :>

-t"t.., ..
ti 9
.., 'n

!. .:
~ ~ V .:

~ s


Copyri~Mby thc Int,,",.lio 1Ilrt.nieti r., SLlndonfie

S.l -dO O~ JU:.l6:o:l<!Oo:l
ISO 9~23:1992{E)

Tabla A.3 - Oarfvallon 01 corroslvlly 01amosnheres for copper

~~-----~--~-----~-~"""""" ..
V) '"

tE 001:> s >00 lO 'o


I-------=.::....::...-j-........ ..'...
ti? 009 ~ > .,. > OOE:
--- .. . _.~+--I---.j---I
Ji OOt !'lo 5' .,. 00
1---=:.::....::...:....::+--+---+_.- .....;
...a "'''

OCK ">S>ooe
I--_::':'-_ "" 5"1
_.. ......-- ._- '1' ..
....__ -1~'
OO"S>:J9 C"J (") ts;'<: u

09;" s> e

- ..
_-~----I ~---_._ .._.. e !J S.. ..-.....
1/14 ~

~ e
a----l---------1 ............ _--- ~


COJl'lliRbtby the Intrrn,Uon,1 !lr!1,ni"'tioD ro. Ston!lonli",Uon

S.L JO" 01 16:36:03 2003
ISO 9223:1 992(E)

Table Ao4 - Derlvatlon 01 corroslvlty 01atmospheres lor alumlnJum

'--' M
- r> OOt
'" -~--_.............
OOin:> 01)
'" .
......... "".,._ '"
~ -;;;!1.1 r OO~ l:> s > 011 '" '" o o '"
~Iifi! ,;.-

15 '"

- _ .. S 0-
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'" _o "

'"; oS ,; ces oor. ~ " (; In ....
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Copyliebtby the Jnt"""tio.,1 ilrJ!.nl.. Uo. ro, ~1.ndordil.tlo.

S. L Jun Ol J 8:36:03 201Y.1
Annex B
(i nformative)

Calculated time of wetness and selected climatologlcal characteristics of the

macroclimatlc zones 01the Earth

Mean vaJU et fhe annual cncttll&1n" v~lu$.1l C.lco'ated thne 01 1

_.-".' o. _., wetnf!fUI

Hrgh t
Type al npan-alr
cllm.te') Lo\Y Hrgh tomporautro
RH :.> 80 % and
o,O > O C)
Catogory tlone 01
tenlparatUflll temperaturP.'
RH" 95 %
C 'C C hla
Extremftly r.()ld -65 +32 ,20 010100 t'1 ee- '2
. ... ___ o
- .._ . ..
Cold 50 +32 +20 150 lo 2500 f, or ~
...... .. . _. _.- ._........ __ o
Cold 'emper"lp. -33 '134 +23
2500 to 4 200
W~rmtomperatc -20
. .. ..
+35 -l- 25
. . . ..
W~rm dry -20 +40 +27
Milrl .....
-errn dty -5 +40 1~7 10101600 1.t or '1
Exlremely warm dry +3 + 55 + 28
_. __ , .....
r--'" .. . ._--- ., -- _' ,__., .
Warm damp +5 +~O -1- 31
4200 ID(1 000 ~O( ...
W.Jrln damp, tt\lUlhl~ l 13 + 3~ + 33
1) See lEC 7212!:1902, C/~$..IfIt:",ion01~Mjronmenl.1 candll/oM - Ps,!?': El1vlronmont./ conditlon. "pp""illll In
lIaltlro - r"mper.'ure ."d humldlry.


C.JlYIiRbtby the [n('MI,U.n,1 !lr!1,ni"'Ii.D r.T Ston!lonli",U.n

S.L JO" 01 16:36:032003
ISO 9223:1992(E)

uoc 620.193.2:669
O.,orl"tor.: ftlOlblt.. Mlayl, .lmoslJharOlJ, Wt'OSIOI', Ollfl(.jcpl,&rle COttOlifon, w.tAr, 1tulrhU~d)O.ldde. s..""I~ty, cktcstnGfttto",

PrlC6I),')SOd 01\ ';1 t'-fQl)tI


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