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Bana Kabalan

ED 5998
April 20th, 2017
Throughout my volunteering experience with GO-GIRL, I have learned the importance of
developing a strong, growth mindset.The growth mindset is crucial to manifest when
overcoming any obstacle that may be faced in ones path to allow one to constantly blossom.
Challenges are constantly faced by women working in STEM fields, and this was made clear to
me through a personal interview with Bridget Baker. Dr. Baker is my Writing Intensive Ecology
professor as well as a clinical veterinarian at Wayne State University since last September. Dr.
Baker exudes the growth mindset in a compassionate manner, and has inspired me significantly
throughout the semester with her constant positivity and wisdom.
I chose to interview Dr. Baker because she has intimate experience as an ecologist,
which is specifically my career goal. Throughout the interview, Dr. Baker gave me both career
and personal advice in regards to hurdling challenges that are faced when being an ecologist,
as well as a woman in a STEM career. She is an extremely educated person, as she has
obtained her Masters, her Veterinarian degree, and has been involved in five years of private
and academic veterinary experience. She has also been extremely involved in fisheries and
wildlife conservation with condors, manatees, sea otters, and multiple species of fish. Dr. Baker
shaped her growth mindset through the influence of people in her life who are positive, creative,
and grounded. She is inspired by people who keep the big picture in the back of their minds
when executing their goals. Dr. Baker emphasized on the beliefs of sustainability and
compassion for all living things as a major impact on her mindset. These characteristics are all
essential to sustaining a growth mindset that constantly resonates from Dr. Baker, and has
inspired me throughout her course. When discussing issues with pollution in the environment,
climate change, and endangered species, Dr. Baker remains positive and encourages her
students to work hard everyday to overcome these obstacles and make a difference in the
world. The text Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck constantly
reiterates that motivating others and creating a positive universal consciousness begins with a
growth mindset through influencing oneself and others on a daily basis (220). Dr. Baker also
made it evident that the growth mindset is vital to not become discouraged as an ecologist
under a political regime that severely cuts funding on environmental restoration legislations.
The growth mindset is also extremely important when being a woman in a STEM-career,
which Dr. Baker emphasized in her interview. She discussed uncomfortable obstacles, where
she was the only female scientist in a remote area of Alaska and faced heavy sexual
harassment. She also faced difficulties with being constantly questioned on her authority and
her intelligence in the subject matter. Dr. Baker overcame these situations through open
communication and patience. To achieve her goals as a female manager within the U.S.
Fisheries and Wildlife department, she restated her ideas over a prolonged period of time before
actually making actions to enforce them. She stated that this was extremely influential, as it
allowed her colleagues to have time to absorb the advancements that she wanted to make
before taking the actions to execute them. She also remained a good listener and addressed all
of the concerns of her colleagues through being attentive and supportive. The strategies that Dr.
Baker utilizes to overcome challenges is extremely influenced by her growth mindset. Dweck
also states in her text that open communication and addressing the concerns of others will allow
for better resolutions (242). This fact was reiterated by Dr. Baker in our interview, where she
focused on open-mindedness to allow for acceptance and understanding. As a woman in a
STEM field, Dr. Baker manages to tackle challenges faced by being incredibly empathetic and
caring through her growth mindset.
The growth mindset is an essential characteristic for people to have in order to inspire
positive changes in the world. My interview with Dr. Baker influenced me severely through her
encouraging and enthusiastic mindset. Through my experience with GO-GIRL and obtaining the
wisdom of outstanding women in STEM field careers, I feel as if I have blossomed as a young
scholar, and want to continue spreading the growth mindset to other people. Through my
everyday actions, I have the ability to encourage myself and others to follow a path of constant
growth and positivity. I feel extremely blessed to have learned valuable skills from my girls in my
GO-GIRL team and wish to continue inspiring young girls towards their dreams in the future. I
will constantly use all of the skills that I have learned from my experience as a mentor through
GO-GIRL as well as what I learned from my role model, Dr. Baker!

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