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NAME: Colleen Mistler DATE TAUGHT: Week of January 18 SCHOOL: Munger Hill Elementary

TIME: 9:30-10:40am CLASS SIZE: 26 students GRADE LEVEL: 5

FACILITIES: gymnasium LESSON #: 1 / 5 PROFICIENCY LEVEL: control/ utilization


Music and speaker

20 hot spots
10 cones for boundaries

LESSON FOCUS: Flexibility

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
1.) Psychomotor: Demonstrate 5 different stretches with correct form during the circle activity when observed by the teacher
(National # S3.E2.5, MACF 2.2)
2.) Cognitive: Correctly identify one muscle that is stretched throughout the lesson when asked by teacher during the closure (
(National #S3.E3.5, MACF 2.4)
3.) Affective: Identifies one benefits of exercising with a group when asked to talk to peers at the end of the lesson
(National # S5.E4.5, MACF 2.7)

Teacher Performance Objectives:during the lesson the teacher will:

1. Provide feedback to five students, using their name correctly
2. Mention at least one component of health related fitness during every activity.


SHAPE America, 2014, National Standards and Grade Level Outcomes. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).
Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework, 1999


Introduction: Teachers will introduce themselves, and handout

name tags to the students
Stop and Go Signals 3,2,1, Freeze! Ready Go!
Boundaries and Safety the students should stay within the
1-5 boundaries for the entire lesson, and need to be aware of
min personal space.
Student Behavior Expectations
Announce to the students water bottle policy- students should
keep their water bottles close to our boundaries, to avoid wasting

Activity 1: Pre-Test
5-15 Allow the students to spread out across the gym, and complete
min the cognitive test of prior knowledge before beginning the unit

Lesson Focus Todays focus is flexibility and warm-up

- Skill Cues
o Loose muscles
o relax
o Breathe consistently
o Close eyes
- Teacher demo of different stretches

Activity 2 Warm-up
min This warm up will consist of components of health related
fitness. Students will perform
1 lap running
1 lap skipping
10 yards high knees
10 yards butt kicks
10 Leg swings- vertical and horizontal against wall
10 yards of lunges
10 push-ups
10 sit ups
Static stretches- stretching upper and lower

Activity 3 Circle Activity

Inner Circle and Outer Circle
min Have the students move in a circle to the music and stop on a hot
spot when the music stops. Students will rotate to have a
different student in front of them. The teacher will name the body
part and the students will pick a stretch with their partner to
perform together.

Transition to meeting place

35-40 Closure: review the different types of components of health

min related fitness.. Debrief the show and tell activity and ask the
students questions about mirror stretching

Ask the students...

What was your favorite muscle to stretch?
What is one components of health related fitness?
How can you stretch at home?
What is one muscle you stretched today?

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