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VA Standards of Learning: 7th Grade Life Science

LS. 2 The student will investigate and understand that all living things are composed of cells. Key
concepts include
a) Cell structure and organelles
c) Development of cell theory

Science Raft: Cell Organelles

Directions: Complete and turn in this form with your RAFT assignment
1. Task Choice:

2. Why did you choose this task versus the other options?

3. The portion of this assignment I am most proud of is _____________


4. Evaluate your work on your copy of the self-evaluation tool, circling

the rating your believe applies (5 = expert; 1= novice). Then explain
why you gave yourself those scores.

RAFT Self-Evaluation Tool

Criteria Rating Comments

Accuracy: How correct is
your information? Does it 5 4 3 2 1
accurately reflect the
follow required content?
Support: How thoroughly
and soundly do you 5 4 3 2 1
support your work with
resources, including the
following requirements?
Perspective: Do you stay
in role? How effective are 5 4 3 2 1
you at performing your
role and convincing the
Focus: Do you stick to the
assigned format? Do you 5 4 3 2 1
fully satisfy the chosen
topic with numerous
details and examples?
Product Quality: Is your
work of high quality, free 5 4 3 2 1
from mechanical errors,
and ready for publication
or sharing with others?

RAFT Planning Template

Learning Goals This RAFT is an Evaluation
Assessment Criteria: see
Understanding Goals:
This RAFT is differentiated for
Students will understand the structure of student
a cell organelle o interest
Students will understand that the
structure of a cell organelle is directly When and how this RAFT will be
related the function carried out by that used:
organelle This RAFT will be assigned at the end of
the unit on parts of the cell. Students
Knowledge Goal: would have already been Summatively
Students will know that cells are the assessed on all of the different cell
smallest unit of living things that can organelles and been responsible for
perform the processes necessary for life knowing information about each
individual organelle. It is now time to
Skill Goals: apply what they understand on a more
detailed level. Students may need to do
Students will be able to correlate the additional research to complete the
structures of a cell organelle with its RAFT. This is an opportunity to build on
functions what they already know and understand
Students will be able to distinguish about cell organelles.
among cell organelles

Role Audience Format Topic

Another cell Your function in the
Mitochondria Essay
organelle. cell.
Your condition or
Nucleus The teacher. Letter function under
Why you are the
A student in Public Service
Cell wall more important
science class. Announcement
cell organelle.
What would
Golgi Apparatus DNA Comic happen if you left
your cell and why?
Task Cards
1. Mitochondria
You will assume the role of a cell organelle, the mitochondria. You
will write an essay to another cell organelle of your choice. Your
essay must be 1-2 pages in length (double spaced, 1 inch margins,
12 point font). The essay must include what you are made of and
look like, what your function is within the cell, and how your
structure helps you carry out your function. You also must explain
how the mitochondria is important to the overall life of a cell and
what might happen if you were not a part of the cell. Also included in
the essay is how you are different than the other cell organelles;
contrast yourself to the audience and one other cell organelle.
2. Nucleus
You will assume the role of a cell organelle, the nucleus. You will
write a letter to the classroom teacher about how you handle stress.
Your letter must be at least a page in length (double spaced, 1 inch
margins, 12 point font or handwritten). The letter must include what
you are made of and look like, what your function is within the cell,
and how your structure helps you carry out your function. You also
must explain how the nucleus is important to the overall life of a
cell. Since you are very stressed with all of your duties you must
explain to the teacher how you handle stress by explaining what are
stressors and how you function under stress; you must include at
least two scenarios.
3. Cell Wall
You will assume the role of a cell organelle, the cell wall. You are the
most important organelle in the cell. You know it, now you just have
to convince everyone else! Create a public service announcement to
show the class, either recorded or acted out in class. The
announcement must be no longer than two minutes. It must include
what you are made of and look like, what your function is within the
cell, and how your structure helps you carry out your function. You
must also explain why you are the most important organelle within
the cell by comparing and contrasting yourself to two other cell
4. Golgi Apparatus
You will assume the role of a cell organelle, the golgi apparatus. You
will write a comic strip to DNA since you are very important in the
process of duplicating DNA. Your comic strip must have at least ten
boxes and include accurate illustrations (hand drawn or printed off).
The comic must include what you are made of and look like, what
your function is within the cell, and how your structure helps you
carry out your function. You also must explain how the golgi
apparatus is important to the overall life of a cell and what might
happen if you were not a part of the cell. You must include how the
golgi apparatus can influence the process of duplicating DNA, both
good and bad.


Category Expert Developing Needs

Understandings Your final product Your final product Your final product
showcases a logical, demonstrates a does not reflect or
thoughtful, and surface level demonstrate an
complete understanding of the understanding of the
understanding of the cell organelles cell organelles
cell organelles structure and structure and
structure and function. function.
Content and Your final product Your final product Your final product
Accuracy includes all of the includes some but does not address
following correct not all of the correct two or more
information about information about characteristics of the
the cell organelle the cell organelle or cell organelle or
you selected: 1-2 incorrect facts. includes two or more
o Its function factual errors.
o Its structure
o How the
organelle is
important for
life processes
o How the cell
organelle is
different from
other cell
Required Elements The final product The final product The final product
covers everything does not meet one does not meet two
required: of the following or more of the
o The requirements: following
information o Supported requirements:
you present is information o Supported
supported o Minimum information
with sources requirements o Minimum
from the text, for length and requirements
notes, or other format of for length and
resources response are format of
o Minimum met response are
requirements o Professional met
for length and quality writing o Professional
format of and quality writing
response are presentation and
met o All sources presentation
o Professional properly cited o All sources
quality writing properly cited
o All sources
properly cited


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